Dems plan scorched earth policy

Cool. The American people will see who is serious about moving forward and who is playing politics. I see a super majority in the Senate as well as the House. More governors too.
Democrats reportedly plan scorched-earth approach to fighting Trump

I think it's time to look at the nuclear option this asinine position will lose them the senate.

They're just pissed because they lost. Bunch of babies don't want to accept the America rejected them as per the constitution.
We can only do whatever is constitutionally legal to do.

I think we should just vote no and let the GOP do whatever they want. When the people have had enough they'll come back.
Uncke Vlad will punish them severely in 2018, perhaps flip all 25 Senate seats including returning Schumer seat to the Republicans
awwww.... did you say that for the past 8 years? :cuckoo:

think skinned rightwingnuts

Trump's election victory was a Revolution....... At the Ballot Box.

If you prefer, there is always the other kind.
Democrats reportedly plan scorched-earth approach to fighting Trump

I think it's time to look at the nuclear option this asinine position will lose them the senate.

They're just pissed because they lost. Bunch of babies don't want to accept the America rejected them as per the constitution.

awwww.... did you say that for the past 8 years? :cuckoo:

think skinned rightwingnuts

Obama was the Dems "Last Hurrah". It is now for the Pubs to LOSE. I think you should consider becoming an Independent.

awwww.... did you say that for the past 8 years? :cuckoo:

think skinned rightwingnuts

Trump's election victory was a Revolution....... At the Ballot Box.

If you prefer, there is always the other kind.

Nah; pubbies have all the guns and the water and food supply chain. Cities won't last six months. "Scorched Earth" was very successful against both Napoleon and the Germans. And no; it isn't going to happen.

Shades of 2008 with the GOP and Obama. Turnabout is fair play.

The problem is, these people are supposed to be "running the country".

We'll keep seeing these wild swings in elections as long as both parties refuse to act like adults and cooperate.

A 'bandwagon' fallacy? tsk-tsk

We got accused of 'obstruction' by dimocrap scum for blocking the nominations of Federal Judges. A lot of them

Know why we were blocking them? Because they were vacancies held over from the Bush Administration that dimocrap scum had blocked for YEARS.

The American People elected a Republican House Majority in 2010 for a single reason -- To stop the ACA. Didn't work. Scott Brown, one of the few Republican Senators from the People's Republican of Taxachusetts was elected to stop the ACA. And that was a once in a lifetime event -- A Republican from there.

Are Republicans perfect? HELL no.

But they are NOTHING like dimocraps.
Democrats reportedly plan scorched-earth approach to fighting Trump

I think it's time to look at the nuclear option this asinine position will lose them the senate.

They're just pissed because they lost. Bunch of babies don't want to accept the America rejected them as per the constitution.
Democrats are a graver and more immediate threat than ISIS.
This was their choice.
They have become anti-White and anti-American.
They have become nothing but a bunch of American hating bigots.
Not much of a secret why they love terrorists and dictators. This is what they are. They just feel now is the time to remove the mask. Best way they know to fund-raise.
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Democrats reportedly plan scorched-earth approach to fighting Trump

I think it's time to look at the nuclear option this asinine position will lose them the senate.

They're just pissed because they lost. Bunch of babies don't want to accept the America rejected them as per the constitution.
They're a bunch of douche bags, so what did you expect? I don't know why Republicans continue to believe the Democrats are capable of behaving like decent rational adults. They have never demonstrated such a capacity.
Democrats are a graver and more immediate threat than ISIS.
This was their choice.
They have become anti-White and anti-American.
They have become nothing but a bunch of American hating bigots.
Not much of a secret why they love terrorists and dictators. This is what they are. They just feel now is the time to remove the mask.

In 2011, dimocrap scum as a party made the conscious decision to walk away from the Blue Collar White Working Man an Woman.

It's called 'demographics'

Births among Whites is down. Way down. The Minority population in this Country is growing by leaps and bounds........ Blacks, Hispanics, goatfuckers, Asians, Butt Rangers, Carpet Carpet Munchers, LGBT, etc, etc, etc.

You've read it and heard dozens of times, "Whites will be a minority by the year 20xx"

dimocraps are now, and have always been, racist scum.

For their first 150 years, they favored Whites over Blacks, since 1964 they'v favored Blacks over Whites but with a nod to the White Working Class, now they favor ANYBODY over Whites.

They're just front-running, racist scum. They switch sides for convenience sake. They have no morals, no principles, no moral code, no honor.... They stand for nothing, they believe in nothing -- Except power. For themselves.

They couldn't care less if they're running a City that is safe and clean and runs a surplus with good Fire and Police Forces or if they're running a pus-hole like Dee-Troit.

In fact, they have purposely run Cities and Entire STATES (see Kalifornication) into the ground just so they could guarantee themselves power over it.

In 1960, the last year a Republican was Mayor of Detroit, the City of Detroit had the HIGHEST PER CAPITA GDP OF ANY CITY ON THE PLANET EARTH.


dimocrap scum purposely ran that City into the ground so they rebuild it in their image.

It was one of LBJ's 'Target' (not the right word, I'll think of it and edit this) Cities.

But you know what? dimocrap scum DID rebuild Dee-Troit in their image. A perfect example of what they can do.

And spare me the lamentations about the Automobile Business dimocrap scum -- We make more cars in America now than we ever have -- Just not in Dee-Troit. Everywhere else.

dimocraps are scum. It's all you need to know

that simple
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I think it's time to look at the nuclear option this asinine position will lose them the senate.
... and the Republicans will end up deeply regretting it if they do, just like the Democrats are deeply regretting the "Reid Rule" now."You reap what you sow"
Yep, and they just don't learn. Hyper-partisans talk themselves into believing that every victory is an iron-clad mandate to go nuts. And as with Reid, they also somehow talk themselves into thinking they'll have control forever and can do whatever they want in the short term.

Democrats reportedly plan scorched-earth approach to fighting Trump

I think it's time to look at the nuclear option this asinine position will lose them the senate.

They're just pissed because they lost. Bunch of babies don't want to accept the America rejected them as per the constitution.
They're a bunch of douche bags, so what did you expect. I don't know why Republicans continue to believe the Democrats are capable of behaving like decent rational adults. They have never demonstrated such a capacity.

I don't think Trump is so afflicted.


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