Dems: Republicans must replace Obamacare if they want to repeal it


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
That's been the mantra, coming from both Democrats and Republicans, for years now.

But just having people saying that, is a major victory for the socialist Democrats. Now they've got nearly everybody insisting that only a Government plan could save the failed Government plan of Obamacare.

When was it decided that only a government plan could work?

Whatever happened to idea that a little freedom might be a good idea?

The Democrats seem very sure that letting people make their own decision about what medical insurance, and/or medical payment plans they would buy, was a terrible idea. And that letting insurance companies design a large variety of insurance plans for people to choose from, was a BAD thing. And every bit of legislation they rammed through, reduced that freedom, while kicking people off the medical plans they had previously selected, destroying the relationship with the doctor of their choice, increasing costs, and reducing choices.

Democrats and RINOs need to think seriously about whether they want to replace the Democrats' plan for destroying our freedom, with a "different" Republican plan for destroying our freedom.

Here's a novel idea: Why not let insurance companies design all the plans they want, ranging from expensive Cadillac plans to inexpensive catastrophic-only plans, with everything in between, and market them to everybody they want no matter where they are. And then let people choose what they want, from any insurance company in the country.

There could also be two major kinds:
(a) Insurance, that pays for needs incurred after the contract was signed, and
(b) Medical payment plans, which cover everything insurance does, PLUS pre-existing conditions.

Each would be priced according to whatever it takes to avoid losses, of course. And then different people could choose the different plans they want.

Freedom. What a novel concept. And clearly one that has never occurred to the desperate liberals fanatics, on both sides of the aisle.

Lets turn all our healthcare over to BIG INSURANCE and BIG PHARM

They know what is best for us
If we outlawed all practice of medicine resourcefulls on the right would survive. Liberals would patiently perish in line outside shuttered clinics. Except for the few who died quickly in their riots.

Please, someone, is there a downside hidden somewhere in that?
Been there, done that.

Yeah, Obama won this battle.

There will be a government plan, and, no, the bad old days will remain in the past, Little-Flake.
Whatever happened to idea that a little freedom might be a good idea?

If by "little freedom" you what we had bore ACA, well lets see:

High uninsured rates.
High healthcare costs growth with mediocre healthcare outcomes
Crap insurance policies with pages and pages of fine print that didn't actually cover people when sht hit the fan.

Do we need to go on and on?
If we outlawed all practice of medicine resourcefulls on the right would survive. Liberals would patiently perish in line outside shuttered clinics. Except for the few who died quickly in their riots.

Please, someone, is there a downside hidden somewhere in that?

You got some serious fantasies there.
There could also be two major kinds:
(a) Insurance, that pays for needs incurred after the contract was signed, and
(b) Medical payment plans, which cover everything insurance does, PLUS pre-existing conditions.

If you split up risk pools like that (b) becomes insanely expensive.
Kellyanne Conway already said nobody is going to lose their healthcare. So one of the best parts of Obama's legacy will remain intact. I wonder how Trump will work that out?

Of course, Conway has been living in a totally warped, alternate reality for a year now and can't possibly know what's real or not anymore. So we have to take it with a grain of salt.
They were talking about this on the news this afternoon, and they were interviewing a couple of Trump supporters who were asked about what they thought about repeal and replacement of the ACA.

The couple that they were interviewing were older (50's), and they were asked about the ACA, and the couple said it was too expensive and needed to be repealed. When they were asked how they would fix it, they said that the people in addition to having the ACA, also needed to be allowed access to Medicare/Medicaid.

Too bad they don't understand that the reason that the ACA is more expensive than originally thought is because of the REFUSAL of Republican governors to allow the Medicaid expansion part of the ACA in their states.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Kellyanne Conway already said nobody is going to lose their healthcare. So one of the best parts of Obama's legacy will remain intact. I wonder how Trump will work that out?

Of course, Conway has been living in a totally warped, alternate reality for a year now and can't possibly know what's real or not anymore. So we have to take it with a grain of salt.

Repeal it and put those left uninsured into Medicaid with a monthly premium based on income.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.

That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.

Lets turn all our healthcare over to BIG INSURANCE and BIG PHARM

They know what is best for us
TRANSLATION: I have no reply to the OP, and cannot think of any arguments against it. So I'll recite a couple of buzzwords, tell a few lies, and hope that someone believes me somewhere.
Kellyanne Conway already said nobody is going to lose their healthcare. So one of the best parts of Obama's legacy will remain intact. I wonder how Trump will work that out?

Of course, Conway has been living in a totally warped, alternate reality for a year now and can't possibly know what's real or not anymore. So we have to take it with a grain of salt.

Repeal it and put those left uninsured into Medicaid with a monthly premium based on income.
That's not what Conway said. But those people speak in lies and poison so you might be right.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.
TRANSLATION: I can't think of any sensible reply to what the OP said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll simply ignore 3/4 of what he said, pretend the Republicans won't have anything to put in its place, and hope that someone believes me somewhere.
See what I mean? All the liberals here (on both side of the aisle) are stuck in the rut of believing that only another government program can "replace" the failed government program of Obamacare.

The idea of freedom of choice, is completely foreign to them.
Kellyanne Conway already said nobody is going to lose their healthcare. So one of the best parts of Obama's legacy will remain intact. I wonder how Trump will work that out?

Of course, Conway has been living in a totally warped, alternate reality for a year now and can't possibly know what's real or not anymore. So we have to take it with a grain of salt.

Repeal it and put those left uninsured into Medicaid with a monthly premium based on income.
Exactly! Single payer!! However, we can't allow the insurers to go back to being the (real ) death panels by refusing coverage to the sick, putting lifetimes and annual caps on benefits or cancelling policies when someone gets sick. These are actually popular provisions of the law that should not be repealed.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.
TRANSLATION: I can't think of any sensible reply to what the OP said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll simply ignore 3/4 of what he said, pretend the Republicans won't have anything to put in its place, and hope that someone believes me somewhere.

I was just telling you what Paul Ryan said. it for yourself at the link.............
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

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