Dems: Republicans must replace Obamacare if they want to repeal it

Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.

That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.

I agree with you.

Pence said the Trump administration's efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act will "literally begin on day one." That's all well and good. Let's see when they end. LOL

I want to point out one thingTrump's website said about repealing Obamacare: "On Day One of the Trump administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare." That's an easy promise to keep. Odds are he doesn't need to ask.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

So, you want to kick the can on down the road until the NEXT presidential election? The GOP ALREADY made it an election issue for this cycle, but if they keep putting it off, they will lose badly next Congressional election because they didn't do what they said, or they will lost badly next election because they DID, and lots of people lost their healthcare.

But, Paul Ryan already said as much.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

So, you want to kick the can on down the road until the NEXT presidential election? The GOP ALREADY made it an election issue for this cycle, but if they keep putting it off, they will lose badly next Congressional election because they didn't do what they said, or they will lost badly next election because they DID, and lots of people lost their healthcare.

But, Paul Ryan already said as much.
Try reading......a} a replacement isnt needed simply because some got use to govt money.........b] if they want to try to replace it they have an entire yr...........c] having witnessed their first attempt at fixing things I have no confidence they know what the hell they are doing other than trying to play god
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr
See what I mean? All the liberals here (on both side of the aisle) are stuck in the rut of believing that only another government program can "replace" the failed government program of Obamacare.

The idea of freedom of choice, is completely foreign to them.

It is completely foreign to anyone that has looked at healthcare systems around the world and considered how they work.

Not a single decent one of them is unregulated wild west, and that is not because people don't like simplistic solutions conservatives idolize. It just doesn't work.
See what I mean? All the liberals here (on both side of the aisle) are stuck in the rut of believing that only another government program can "replace" the failed government program of Obamacare.

The idea of freedom of choice, is completely foreign to them.

It is completely foreign to anyone that has looked at healthcare systems around the world.

Not a single one of them is unregulated wild west, and that not the case because people don't like simple solutions.

If we take regulations away from big pharma, you can expect a lot more medicines to skyrocket in price. Think epi pens and that pill they ran up costs on and didn't care, at least until the government stepped in and asked WTF?
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.

That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.
GOP knows that voting for ANY healthcare plan is a death sentence with Republican voters

They will be TeaPartied to death if they propose anything near the scope of Obamacare

But kicking 30 million off their insurance will be hung on their necks come election time

Damned if they do ...damned if they don't
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.

That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.
GOP knows that voting for ANY healthcare plan is a death sentence with Republican voters

They will be TeaPartied to death if they propose anything near the scope of Obamacare

But kicking 30 million off their insurance will be hung on their necks come election time

Damned if they do ...damned if they don't

I agree strategically with most of your comments above. The bit about "DITD"...well, I'm not so sure because we already know the Trump people can be convinced to believe Earth revolves around the Moon. Let's face it, they nothing but a bunch of folks where one of them lies and the other swears to it.
They can repeal it but let it run out its life until Jan 1 survived without it before....all libs have is fear itself

What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.

That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.
GOP knows that voting for ANY healthcare plan is a death sentence with Republican voters

They will be TeaPartied to death if they propose anything near the scope of Obamacare

But kicking 30 million off their insurance will be hung on their necks come election time

Damned if they do ...damned if they don't

I agree strategically with most of your comments above. The bit about "DITD"...well, I'm not so sure because we already know the Trump people can be convinced to believe Earth revolves around the Moon. Let's face it, they nothing but a bunch of folks where one of them lies and the other swears to it.
I think that Trump voters are in the ....let em

The key is the working class who will find they can't afford what Republicans are offering
What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

Young people under 26 who can't be covered on their parents policy
That's been the mantra, coming from both Democrats and Republicans, for years now.

Yes, repeal and replace. Not holding my breath on the replacement part coming from the republicans. They just want to put the insurers back in charge of everything

But just having people saying that, is a major victory for the socialist Democrats. Now they've got nearly everybody insisting that only a Government plan could save the failed Government plan of Obamacare.

Medicare and Medicaid and government plans that actually work. Obamacare is not a plan. It is a set of regulations that was badly needed. It may be flawed but those regulations were needed. For it to work, the healthy as well as the sick must pay into it.

When was it decided that only a government plan could work?

The insurers “ decided it by being greedy bastards that can’t be trusted to put people before profits-BIG profits

Whatever happened to idea that a little freedom might be a good idea?

Freedom to do what- not have insurance until they’re sick? Do you wait until you have an auto accident to by auto insurance? If you could and did- just imagine what the rates would be

The Democrats seem very sure that letting people make their own decision about what medical insurance, and/or medical payment plans they would buy, was a terrible idea. And that letting insurance companies design a large variety of insurance plans for people to choose from, was a BAD thing. And every bit of legislation they rammed through, reduced that freedom, while kicking people off the medical plans they had previously selected, destroying the relationship with the doctor of their choice, increasing costs, and reducing choices.

People can and do make their own decisions but sometimes need to be saved from themselves. The insurers were foisting cheap and inadequate plans on them which that were scoffing up. They were happy as a pig in shit until they got sick and discovered that they could not get the care that they needed - or worse- got kicked off of the plan. There is a down side to the freedom that you keep blathering about

Democrats and RINOs need to think seriously about whether they want to replace the Democrats' plan for destroying our freedom, with a "different" Republican plan for destroying our freedom.

Please! Again, I ask, what is this freedom that you are bloviating about? Is anything that government does a violation of your freedom? Do you want the insurers and big pharma to have the FREEDOM TO FUCK WITH YOUR LIFE?

Here's a novel idea: Why not let insurance companies design all the plans they want, ranging from expensive Cadillac plans to inexpensive catastrophic-only plans, with everything in between, and market them to everybody they want no matter where they are. And then let people choose what they want, from any insurance company in the country.

Don’t they do that now?? But they must meet minimal standards and without regulation, they won’t because the insurers are greedy bastards

There could also be two major kinds:
(a) Insurance, that pays for needs incurred after the contract was signed, and
(b) Medical payment plans, which cover everything insurance does, PLUS pre-existing conditions.

Still needs to be regulated. Medical payment plans? Like tax free medical saving accounts? That would mean that people would actually have to be able to afford to put money away for medical care, and in the case of a catastrophic illness, it would likely not be enough

Each would be priced according to whatever it takes to avoid losses, of course. And then different people could choose the different plans they want.

Avoid losses???! Shit, They want to make as much as they can.

Freedom. What a novel concept. And clearly one that has never occurred to the desperate liberals fanatics, on both sides of the aisle.

Liberal fanatics??What the hell is fanatical about wanting everyone to have adequate health care? When you have a lot of sick and uninsured people, we all pay in the long run and in many ways. Try to be a little smart about this and stop bleating about the horrors of government and Obamacare like a broken record. Like the Republicans you have failed to present a comprehensive and coherent alternative to Obamacare

You seem to be living on some fantasy island where the insurers will offer great plans, tailored to individual needs at affordable prices and not screw anybody if only big bad government would just get out of the way and let the free market capitalists run thing their way. Geezzzzz dude! Wake the fuck up.
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Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.

That's the trouble dude.................they DON'T have anything to replace it with. When Paul Ryan was asked about repeal of the ACA, he said it would probably take 3 years at least to replace, but could also be an election issue in 4 years. Face it, the GOP doesn't have anything to replace it with, and they will continue to kick the can down the road (even though they have a Congressional majority and the WH), just like they have since it first got passed.
I still cant understand what the problem was with insurance before all of this commie care was wrongfully put into place. I have never had an issue having and keeping my family insured with the best coverage available. Its always been fairly easy, find the policy that fits your personal needs, purchase it and use it when needed.
Ive never been without, Ive never worried about being without and until this bullshit ACA was put in place Ive never worried about having coverage in the future. Now Im not so sure I will be able to afford health care if the ACA were to turn into what the democrats want it to be, or even single payer, that would break many middle class families fast.
What? What the hell is "repeal it but let it run out?"
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

So what. The single most critical "calculus" pertaining to Obamacare is this:

Let X = the number of people who had healthcare insurance before O-care
X + 20,000,000 = The number of people how have healthcare now that O-care has been implemented.​

Every politician knows it and not one of them, other perhaps than Trump, is willing to ignore it.
I still cant understand what the problem was with insurance before all of this commie care was wrongfully put into place.

Quite simply, there wasn't a problem with insurance, per se. The main problems were that there were too many people who either (1) had no access to healthcare insurance, or (2) had no access to healthcare insurance that would cover what ailed them.

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