Dems: Republicans must replace Obamacare if they want to repeal it


Lets turn all our healthcare over to BIG INSURANCE and BIG PHARM

They know what is best for us

Yes, Let's go back to having policies declined/canceled and claims denied and endless fights with the big insurance companies. Doctors will have to go back to having a staff of a dozen people just to handle all the bullshit the insurance companies heap on them. And if you can't afford the policy, then fuck you, die on the street, nobody cares cuz we have to have our freedom
Can't wait to find out if we'll still have this absolutely fucking stupid seven-headed beast of a delivery/payment "system" (ha) when the GOP is done!
  1. Individual
  2. Group
  3. VA
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. Worker's Comp
  7. Indigent
Hey, who knows! Maybe we'll get to 10!

Or 12!

Or 15!


Wait, They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years and now then the spotlight is on they have nothing? Who's surprised by this?
PS. I'm not sure a mandate is necessary to cover pre existing conditions. We could just put people who come down with cancer or something that greatly increases their odds of getting it again on Medicaid. The money in revenues has to come from somewhere.

There are two more philosophical differences. Should we attempt to be the only first world economy to try and contain costs by trying to create some free, personal choice market. Have doctors and hospitals advertise their costs and rate of success?


Continue paying providers on a schedule of how much each service is worth?
Wait, They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years and now then the spotlight is on they have nothing? Who's surprised by this?
I think they have several competing and inconsistent ideas.

Not that I was ever an Obamacare fan.
Wait, They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years and now then the spotlight is on they have nothing? Who's surprised by this?

Exactly! WTF have they been doing all this time? They should have had a plan on the table a few years ago. But nothing! Just "repeal!" And their trained seal constituents clap their flappers.

Lets turn all our healthcare over to BIG INSURANCE and BIG PHARM

They know what is best for us

Yes, Let's go back to having policies declined/canceled and claims denied and endless fights with the big insurance companies. Doctors will have to go back to having a staff of a dozen people just to handle all the bullshit the insurance companies heap on them. And if you can't afford the policy, then fuck you, die on the street, nobody cares cuz we have to have our freedom
FYI... hospitals still have to do this amount of paperwork with Obamacare. And the turn around time is twice as slow.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

Problem is that requiring coverage of pre- existing conditions and mandatory coverage are a package deal

Republicans are finding that out
That was known from the start. Its been two of the biggest problems with the ACA.
Maybe I should just drop all my coverage and just buy it when I get sick.
Exactly......The reason you need mandatory coverage tied to pre-existing conditions

My heart condition or cancer returns.......I just rush down and sign up for insurance
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

Problem is that requiring coverage of pre- existing conditions and mandatory coverage are a package deal

Republicans are finding that out
That was known from the start. Its been two of the biggest problems with the ACA.
Maybe I should just drop all my coverage and just buy it when I get sick.
Exactly......The reason you need mandatory coverage tied to pre-existing conditions

My heart condition or cancer returns.......I just rush down and sign up for insurance
If you already know you are at risk because of a heart problem or past cancer, why would you not have insurance already?
Oh, that's right, If you wait, then everyone else can pay your bills instead of you.
And even then, the deal is much too expensive. Democrats found that out on Nov. 8.

Let’s see. It’s been about 24 hours since you started this thread with your drivel, which I tore apart and which you never responded to- and what do we have here? Yes more drivel. What evidence do you have that the electoral vote was lost due to Obamacare?

In fact, a deal that includes coverage of pre-existing conditions isn't insurance at all. It's a medical-payment plan. The two are almost exact opposites.

That does not make any sense!

And with medical costs in the thousands, or hundreds of thousands, a company that sells a policy that GUARANTEES they will have to pay out that much, has to sell it for a lot of money. They'll have to or they'll run out of money. And no amount of liberal snarling "They're greedy and heartless and I'm sure they can afford it" will change that fact.

Not if the young and healthy are required to buy insurance and there are government subsidies

The liberals are trying to sell such insanely expensive policies, and trying to disguise how much people will have to pay. But their disguises stopped working when people started getting the bill, and they got voted out of every majority in the country on Nov. 8.

Yes premiums are rising but you need to understand the reasons for that. Read much? I think not:

HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell cautioned that insurers are “continuing to adapt” to a market that looks very different from before “Obamacare,” one in which they are trying to compete for costumers “based on price and quality and not necessarily by “finding the healthiest customers.”

Premiums are also affected by efforts to undermine the health care law, she said in a statement Monday, including certain states’ decisions not to expand Medicaid and actions taken by a Republican-led Congress to block funding for the law.

Elections have consequences.
Yea you said that already

And trying to force people into hugely expensive policies that no one wants to pay for, has consequences too. Often seen during elections.

Here is another reading assignment for you:

Still, the financial help isn't enough for some. "Even with the subsidies, some people simply won't be able to manage to pay their health insurance premiums consistently with all the other costs facing them," said Janet Varon, executive director of the Northwest Health Law Advocates in Seattle which works on health access issues.

The authors of the ACA anticipated this problem. To address it, the law allows states to create a separate insurance program, called the Basic Health Program, for people who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid and too little to afford insurance on the state exchanges, even with federal aid. Under such a plan, the federal government will give the subsidies directly to the states, instead of to individuals and families. The states are supposed to pool the money and then use the financial leverage to push insurers to offer less expensive coverage.FINANCIAL LEVERAGE

I have not been able to determine how many states are taking advantage of this but I’m willing to bet that it’s the red states that most likely opted out!! Instead of continuing to bleat and blather about liberals, take some time to educate yourself!
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

Problem is that requiring coverage of pre- existing conditions and mandatory coverage are a package deal

Republicans are finding that out
That was known from the start. Its been two of the biggest problems with the ACA.
Maybe I should just drop all my coverage and just buy it when I get sick.
Exactly......The reason you need mandatory coverage tied to pre-existing conditions

My heart condition or cancer returns.......I just rush down and sign up for insurance
Actually isn't it more about we want all those young healthy people who don't have, and likely will not have, preexisting conditions paying into the insurance pool to provide enough revenue to let insurance companies cover the folks with pre-existing conditions at the same price as the rest of us?
Here is an idea for everyone who does not like the requirement that they get insurance before they get sick, ( ie those who do not take "personal responsibility"- a favorite catch phrase of Republicans) consider this option to avoid any penalties:

You can sign the following agreement......

"I agree that if I should become sick or have an accident, I will not go to the ER and seek treatment which is much more expensive than other forms of care for an illness at the expense of the taxpayers. I will either pay out of pocket or die quietly. "

"If I experience a catastrophic illness or accident that creates a financial crisis for me and my family, I will not file for bankruptcy in order to avoid paying my debts. I will not screw all of my creditors or the medical providers, but rather, live in poverty until every penny of what I owe is repaid"

Fair enough??
Political suicide! Do it!!

Problem is that requiring coverage of pre- existing conditions and mandatory coverage are a package deal

Republicans are finding that out

Exactly......The reason you need mandatory coverage tied to pre-existing conditions

My heart condition or cancer returns.......I just rush down and sign up for insurance
Actually isn't it more about we want all those young healthy people who don't have, and likely will not have, preexisting conditions paying into the insurance pool to provide enough revenue to let insurance companies cover the folks with pre-existing conditions at the same price as the rest of us?

At 50K feet, yes, that's exactly the model and objective. At lower levels of detail insurers' efforts to assign prices to coverage, define acceptable risk models -- business risk and policyholder risk, and so on gets into things like:
  • If a person gets Malady A, or Class Q of sickness/disease, what impact has that on their likelihood of getting other ailment(s) of one or another type and how much do we need to anticipate spending for their care?
  • If Person A has a family history of X, what does that predict, and at what probability, for their getting X or Y?
It's literally dizzying to look at the levels of detailed information that health insurance companies examine to make sure they make money. The information they use isn't secret, but nobody but them have invested the resources needed to make all that information actionable.
Wait, They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years and now then the spotlight is on they have nothing? Who's surprised by this?

Exactly! WTF have they been doing all this time? They should have had a plan on the table a few years ago. But nothing! Just "repeal!" And their trained seal constituents clap their flappers.

Well, Repeal and Replace sounds catchy and we know Republicans like style over substance.

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