Dems: Republicans must replace Obamacare if they want to repeal it

Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
they dont have to repeal it. they just have to make it work like the democrats said it would work.
Remember how it was going to be cheaper? it was going to save billions of dollars? it would be self sustaining?
If those promises by the democrats are true, then there is no need to put fees on other insurance options to help cover it, there is no need to raise taxes on anything to help cover it, and there is no need to ask for money from congress to cover it. Basically, let it stay but just dont make it mandatory, they can make insurance mandatory, but it does not matter if you use the ACA or any other means to insure. and no funding from the taxpayer to support it.
Who knows, it might become a business model for those companies that have been in the health insurance industry for years.
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

So what. The single most critical "calculus" pertaining to Obamacare is this:

Let X = the number of people who had healthcare insurance before O-care
X + 20,000,000 = The number of people how have healthcare now that O-care has been implemented.​

Every politician knows it and not one of them, other perhaps than Trump, is willing to ignore it.
Where in your equation does it take into account those people that had health care prior to the ACA, that are now unable to afford the health care because they do not qualify for the subsidies.
Just that....sunset clause since people have signed up for this yr

Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

Young people under 26 who can't be covered on their parents policy
What about it...they have a yr to find something else......I paid my own health insurance at that age
Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

So what. The single most critical "calculus" pertaining to Obamacare is this:

Let X = the number of people who had healthcare insurance before O-care
X + 20,000,000 = The number of people how have healthcare now that O-care has been implemented.​

Every politician knows it and not one of them, other perhaps than Trump, is willing to ignore it.
Where in your equation does it take into account those people that had health care prior to the ACA, that are now unable to afford the health care because they do not qualify for the subsidies.
Or are paying out the ass for something called brother pays over 2 grand a month.....on an 80/20 policy........
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

So what. The single most critical "calculus" pertaining to Obamacare is this:

Let X = the number of people who had healthcare insurance before O-care
X + 20,000,000 = The number of people how have healthcare now that O-care has been implemented.​

Every politician knows it and not one of them, other perhaps than Trump, is willing to ignore it.
Where in your equation does it take into account those people that had health care prior to the ACA, that are now unable to afford the health care because they do not qualify for the subsidies.
Or are paying out the ass for something called brother pays over 2 grand a month.....on an 80/20 policy........
large family or is that price due to the ACA?
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

So what. The single most critical "calculus" pertaining to Obamacare is this:

Let X = the number of people who had healthcare insurance before O-care
X + 20,000,000 = The number of people how have healthcare now that O-care has been implemented.​

Every politician knows it and not one of them, other perhaps than Trump, is willing to ignore it.
Where in your equation does it take into account those people that had health care prior to the ACA, that are now unable to afford the health care because they do not qualify for the subsidies.
Or are paying out the ass for something called brother pays over 2 grand a month.....on an 80/20 policy........
large family or is that price due to the ACA?
Family of will be out of hs this yr...and yes that his aca lifesaving policy thank god where would he be without it
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

So what. The single most critical "calculus" pertaining to Obamacare is this:

Let X = the number of people who had healthcare insurance before O-care
X + 20,000,000 = The number of people how have healthcare now that O-care has been implemented.​

Every politician knows it and not one of them, other perhaps than Trump, is willing to ignore it.
Where in your equation does it take into account those people that had health care prior to the ACA, that are now unable to afford the health care because they do not qualify for the subsidies.
Or are paying out the ass for something called brother pays over 2 grand a month.....on an 80/20 policy........
large family or is that price due to the ACA?
Family of will be out of hs this yr...and yes that his aca lifesaving policy thank god where would he be without it
It seems high to me, on mine its me, my wife and one child, but Im under 800 a month for what I consider a premium policy, no out of pocket, $10.00 Dr Visits, no cost for specialists or the ER, I have never been charged for any hospital stay, the prescription plan I have gives me $7 prescriptions. I have coverage through United Health Care.
Really? Surely you didn't think anyone expected or intended that a repeal would be structured to be instantaneous upon Trump's signature. Well, maybe Trump thought that....I don't know...there's no real tellin' what he thinks.
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

Young people under 26 who can't be covered on their parents policy
What about it...they have a yr to find something else......I paid my own health insurance at that age
I got a job with health insurance at 21

Why don't employers do that anymore?
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
they dont have to repeal it. they just have to make it work like the democrats said it would work.
Remember how it was going to be cheaper? it was going to save billions of dollars? it would be self sustaining?
If those promises by the democrats are true, then there is no need to put fees on other insurance options to help cover it, there is no need to raise taxes on anything to help cover it, and there is no need to ask for money from congress to cover it. Basically, let it stay but just dont make it mandatory, they can make insurance mandatory, but it does not matter if you use the ACA or any other means to insure. and no funding from the taxpayer to support it.
Who knows, it might become a business model for those companies that have been in the health insurance industry for years.
Please explain in detail the economics of a system that the young and healthy did not have to pay into but where the insures were required to cover the sick and elderly? How would the auto insurance industry do if good drivers who never had accidents were not required to have insurance, but could quickly get a policy that would cover that accident when they have it. THINK for gods sake!!
Thats exactly what libs were fearmongering
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

Young people under 26 who can't be covered on their parents policy
What about it...they have a yr to find something else......I paid my own health insurance at that age
I got a job with health insurance at 21

Why don't employers do that anymore?

They do.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
they dont have to repeal it. they just have to make it work like the democrats said it would work.
Remember how it was going to be cheaper? it was going to save billions of dollars? it would be self sustaining?
If those promises by the democrats are true, then there is no need to put fees on other insurance options to help cover it, there is no need to raise taxes on anything to help cover it, and there is no need to ask for money from congress to cover it. Basically, let it stay but just dont make it mandatory, they can make insurance mandatory, but it does not matter if you use the ACA or any other means to insure. and no funding from the taxpayer to support it.
Who knows, it might become a business model for those companies that have been in the health insurance industry for years.
Please explain in detail the economics of a system that the young and healthy did not have to pay into but where the insures were required to cover the sick and elderly? How would the auto insurance industry do if good drivers who never had accidents were not required to have insurance, but could quickly get a policy that would cover that accident when they have it. THINK for gods sake!!
I dont think we are on the same page.
the insurance industry should not have to cover anyone that does not pay. Its very simple. Medicare would have been paid for through paycheck deductions throughout someones career, so thats already there, coverage.
But lets look at the auto insurance industry, the more their exposure is, based on the value of your vehicle, the more you pay, you pay more if you have had tickets, or accidents, God forbid you had a DUI and have to pay for insurance. What would happen to the auto industry if they could not take into account a drivers history or value of the car, or even the number of claims in a specific area? (you do know they look at demographics to right?) Lets say that you make more money than I do but because you are responsible with your bills and putting away for your future, you drive a nice car, but average, lets say a Lexus, I on the other hand make much less than you, I am not known as being responsible and instead of saving for my future I use that money to pay for a new Corvette at 100k purchase price, I have had 5 speeding tickets and Im on my 2nd DUI. When our bills come in, you find out you are paying twice as much for the premium than I do and your deductable is 500 compared to my 150.
Would that seem fair to you?
There could also be two major kinds:
(a) Insurance, that pays for needs incurred after the contract was signed, and
(b) Medical payment plans, which cover everything insurance does, PLUS pre-existing conditions.

If you split up risk pools like that (b) becomes insanely expensive.
Excellent point.

But what makes it any less expensive if it's not split up like that?

I assume you would mean then, that every plan covers pre-existing conditions, and so is no longer an insurance plan but a medical-payment plan. Right?

So essentially you are taking away a major choice that many subscribers want: The choice of having either a (less expensive) insurance plan or a (more expensive) medical payment plan.

What did those subscribers do, to deserve having their choice taken away?
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

You don't know that so don't pretend that you do. There were many forces at work .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No...we are fearmongering

Republicans will take your insurance and leave you with nothing

We are right
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

Young people under 26 who can't be covered on their parents policy
What about it...they have a yr to find something else......I paid my own health insurance at that age
I got a job with health insurance at 21

Why don't employers do that anymore?

They do.
No they don't. Especially with new hires
Employers want out of the health insurance business. Time for government to fill the void......don't you agree?
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

Problem is that requiring coverage of pre- existing conditions and mandatory coverage are a package deal

Republicans are finding that out
Lot of people are saying please take it.....a lot are paying the fine because the product is so bad

Young people under 26 who can't be covered on their parents policy
What about it...they have a yr to find something else......I paid my own health insurance at that age
I got a job with health insurance at 21

Why don't employers do that anymore?

They do.
No they don't. Especially with new hires
Employers want out of the health insurance business. Time for government to fill the void......don't you agree?

I will take your word for it that they don't where you took a job, but there are employers who do. In the industries I know best, every firm I know of offers health care benefits - usually multiple options - to new hires be they graduate or undergraduate recruits or experienced hires. You don't even have to click the link to know that plenty of employers offer healthcare. There are some 250M+ workers in the U.S. About 20M of them obtain healthcare via the O-care exchanges. The overwhelming majority of the remainder of them obtain it via their employer. (See also: Trends in Employer-Sponsored Insurance Offer and Coverage Rates, 1999-2014)

As for whether employers want out of the healthcare business, well, that's a different and more complicated question to answer. I think it safe to say that no employer gets a kick out of administering a healthcare benefit. As for offering the benefit, far more than a handful of employers view their benefit portfolio as part of what attracts high grade talent to their organizations.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

You don't know that so don't pretend that you do. There were many forces at work .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you dont know that getting rid of it will be suicide for the republicans, do you.
maybe if you didnt pretend to know something in the first place, others wouldnt have to use the same tactics to disprove you.
The reality is that the ACA is not good for the majority of the country, it makes no sense for so many people to suddenly be priced out of the insurance market just to give free or low cost coverage to 20 million people that failed to show personal responsibility. And on top of that to force people that dont want it in the first place? How about we force people without cars to purchase auto insurance to help offset the cost of insurance to those that do have cars.
The ACA is communist bullshit that does not belong in a free society.
Oh, I can't wait for them to repeal O-care before the have something to put immediately in its place. In fact, politically speaking, I want Congress and Trump to do just that.
Political suicide! Do it!!
If you look at the beating that the dems just took, I think you might see that putting the ACA in place was political suicide for them. Without the ACA being forced on people, I think the dems would have controlled Congress, Senate and the oval office come January 21

Problem is that requiring coverage of pre- existing conditions and mandatory coverage are a package deal

Republicans are finding that out
That was known from the start. Its been two of the biggest problems with the ACA.
Maybe I should just drop all my coverage and just buy it when I get sick.

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