Dems still own Obamacare. Good for midterms

What freedom did people with pre-existing conditions have to get healthcare when they were getting dropped and denied? What were their options before the ACA that were taken away?
Why didn't the fuck ups In Washington make Obama care An "opt in"? Anyone can see Obama care/single payer only works for progressives it's not in the best interest of the rest of the country.
You can keep your cancer that is socialism to yourselves…
Before the ACA there was a "Market system" for the most part. The business model for insurance companies benefits when they are covering as many healthy people as possible and minimize the sick people they have to pay for. As a result people with pre-existing conditions were getting dropped, priced out, or denied coverage. Can we agree that was happening?

The ACA forced health insurers to cover people with PreCons, in doing so they were forced to add many more "sick" people to their programs which drove up costs. The only way to offset these costs is to add more healthy people to the program, which is why the mandate was put in place. In addition to the mandate the government also added subsidies to help people pay for the care. This system was successful in some areas and not in other areas. It had and still has many flaws that need to be improved.

Am I wasting my time explaining all this to you? Do you have an open mind at all to acknowledge the complexities of what is going on and have a rational discussion about it?
Trump in his campaign mentioned, the government could pay the additional premium to cover prexisting conditions. This is the only intelligent statement about healthcare I have ever heard from him.

In the individual market place, people that are healthy with little need of healthcare services are paying a huge premium to cover seriously ill people. I think it is much fairer for government to cover the cost than other policy holders because government is making the decision to force insurance companies to carry them. If we did this, the individual healthcare market premiums would fall dramatically. Likewise, if Congress decides to drop the individual mandate, then goverment should pick up the cost of these lost premiums.
So are you thinking of adding preexisting conditions to Medicaid? Or just subsidize insurance companies?

I dont understand how the gov can subsidize lost revenue from drop out of the mandate is lifted. How would that be measured and why would you want to spend tax payer dollars on that?
It might be hard. We could drop the mandate and see how many dropped out.

However, my main point is government should pay the cost of carrying people with prexisting conditions. Government is forcing insurance companies to carry people with prexisting conditions because we are concerned with the effect of being seriously ill without insurance on the individual, families, and society. So it seems to me that government should bear the cost of doing this, not other policy holders. The policy holders didn't decide people with prexisting should be covered. In fact, they didn't even make the decision to carry a policy. The government did. Since government made this decision for benefit all society then it's only fair that government pay the cost, not the other policy holders.

Who all pay the taxes that the Gov would use to cover them. Seriously, think.

Dems still own Obamacare

Republicans control both houses of congress and the whitehouse. They promised for 8 years that if they gained control they'd repeal the ACA. The president promised that he'd get it repealed. Now they're all running away from it like it's a bomb. They're not leaders; they're cowards. And they own it now.
Actually Ryan and Trump seem to be trying to throw McConnell under the bus
I don't see the failure as McConnnell's fault. Republicans need to reduce the deficit in order to get the kind of tax bill they want passed not to mention a trillion dollar infrastructure bill. To reduce the cost of Obamacare, they must make deep cuts in Medicaid by dumping the problem on the states without adequate funding. However, there are two many republicans Senators that would never support that. If they back off, then they will loose several Senators and the House.

I think there are only two options for republicans:

  • Destabilize the health insurance market with more claims of Obamacare failing and backing it up with administrative cuts aimed a collapsing the individual healthcare market. It wouldn't take much because insurers are leaving the market now over it's uncertain future. In others words, make the "Obamacare is falling" claim a self fulling prophesy. This would force congress to support a healthcare bill no matter what it said.
  • Get support from democrats. To me this seems unlikely as no one would believe republican claims of repealing Obamacare and it would not yield the cost savings republicans need to pass their tax cut and infrastructure spending bill.
Why didn't the fuck ups In Washington make Obama care An "opt in"? Anyone can see Obama care/single payer only works for progressives it's not in the best interest of the rest of the country.
You can keep your cancer that is socialism to yourselves…
Before the ACA there was a "Market system" for the most part. The business model for insurance companies benefits when they are covering as many healthy people as possible and minimize the sick people they have to pay for. As a result people with pre-existing conditions were getting dropped, priced out, or denied coverage. Can we agree that was happening?

The ACA forced health insurers to cover people with PreCons, in doing so they were forced to add many more "sick" people to their programs which drove up costs. The only way to offset these costs is to add more healthy people to the program, which is why the mandate was put in place. In addition to the mandate the government also added subsidies to help people pay for the care. This system was successful in some areas and not in other areas. It had and still has many flaws that need to be improved.

Am I wasting my time explaining all this to you? Do you have an open mind at all to acknowledge the complexities of what is going on and have a rational discussion about it?
Trump in his campaign mentioned, the government could pay the additional premium to cover prexisting conditions. This is the only intelligent statement about healthcare I have ever heard from him.

In the individual market place, people that are healthy with little need of healthcare services are paying a huge premium to cover seriously ill people. I think it is much fairer for government to cover the cost than other policy holders because government is making the decision to force insurance companies to carry them. If we did this, the individual healthcare market premiums would fall dramatically. Likewise, if Congress decides to drop the individual mandate, then goverment should pick up the cost of these lost premiums.
So are you thinking of adding preexisting conditions to Medicaid? Or just subsidize insurance companies?

I dont understand how the gov can subsidize lost revenue from drop out of the mandate is lifted. How would that be measured and why would you want to spend tax payer dollars on that?
It might be hard. We could drop the mandate and see how many dropped out.

However, my main point is government should pay the cost of carrying people with prexisting conditions. Government is forcing insurance companies to carry people with prexisting conditions because we are concerned with the effect of being seriously ill without insurance on the individual, families, and society. So it seems to me that government should bear the cost of doing this, not other policy holders. The policy holders didn't decide people with prexisting should be covered. In fact, they didn't even make the decision to carry a policy. The government did. Since government made this decision for benefit all society then it's only fair that government pay the cost, not the other policy holders.

Who all pay the taxes that the Gov would use to cover them. Seriously, think.

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Reduce the trillion dollar infrastructure bill by 200 billion.

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