Dems take Impeachment off the table...

Impeachment wouldn't be a reality before 2018 so there is no point in campaigning on it now.

It was never an issue. Simply desperate Progressives who are suffering PTSD after the results came in November 2016. Instead of getting better it is getting worse as his successes keep piling up and they are now in shock.
Dems are SMART.........Why impeach the VERY same person who is working so damn hard to destroy the GOP???

The damage to the GOP that Trump is doing, NO Dem. could EVER have dreamed of accomplishing....

Thank you for the laugh
Impeachment wouldn't be a reality before 2018 so there is no point in campaigning on it now.

It was never an issue. Simply desperate Progressives who are suffering PTSD after the results came in November 2016. Instead of getting better it is getting worse as his successes keep piling up and they are now in shock.

Oh, something is piling up, that's for sure, there is just no reason for politicians to be campaigning on either side of impeachment. Some are playing to their base on both sides however those politicians more than likely come from safe districts/states.
Just remember not one Democrat voted for the tax breaks. That will screw you in November.

Not when democrat candidates simply repeat that its NOT a tax break for the middle class that is getting crumbs, but that this has been a tax SCAM for Trump and his cronies....PLUS, he had to borrow $1.5 TRILLION; a loan that he exempted the rich from paying and placing that loan squarely in the middle class future to pay back.

It all depends on how smart the electorate is.......You and your ilk are way beyond hope to ever abandon the Trump cult.......BUT both democrats and the 40% of independent voters may not have drunk the orange kool-aid as you have.
Keep saying that, but in reality of the middle class saves $1000 dollars a year. They will know that the democrats were against them keeping that money.
Keep saying that, but in reality of the middle class saves $1000 dollars a year. They will know that the democrats were against them keeping that money.

Yours, is a "simple conclusion" reached by a simple mind (like yours).....

The reality is this........That money that most Americans will be getting is a LOAN that the GOP imposed on them (sort of like the mandate that your ilk hates?) where the biggest amount goes to the 2% wealthy.......AND, that the loan will have to be paid back by the middle class and NOT by those who got the vast majority of the amount borrowed.
Keep saying that, but in reality of the middle class saves $1000 dollars a year. They will know that the democrats were against them keeping that money.

Yours, is a "simple conclusion" reached by a simple mind (like yours).....

The reality is this........That money that most Americans will be getting is a LOAN that the GOP imposed on them (sort of like the mandate that your ilk hates?) where the biggest amount goes to the 2% wealthy.......AND, that the loan will have to be paid back by the middle class and NOT by those who got the vast majority of the amount borrowed.
Yeah and I guess the 10 trillion dollar loan to the middle class doesn't count?
Yeah and I guess the 10 trillion dollar loan to the middle class doesn't count?

Oh, does.......A good chunk of those trillions went for unemployment insurance to laid off workers......

But, why don;t you be honest here and OPENLY state.....

"OBAMA, screwed me, and I am MORE than willing and looking forward to have TRUMP screw me again...."

See, that would at least be an honest statement, correct moron?.....LOL

The D's need to offer changes to the PPACA, and explain in detail on the Sunday shows how it will benefit the nation panoptically, they need to explain in detail how the tax bill is not reform, but a bill to lead us once again into the past, that is voodoo / trickle down, which never did what was promised, and will inflate the national debt.

Both are about The Economy, a winner, especially when the D's write bills and put them on the internet allowing citizens to see their words are their deeds.

It won't hurt if those victims of Trump&Co. support with cash to non profits to develop ads which expose the R's and Trump as swamp critters, given their own words and easy task.

It's time to fight back, against the special interests, i.e. Wall Street and the 1%ers, whose use of propaganda fools to many to vote against their own interests.
Yeah and I guess the 10 trillion dollar loan to the middle class doesn't count?

Oh, does.......A good chunk of those trillions went for unemployment insurance to laid off workers......

But, why don;t you be honest here and OPENLY state.....

"OBAMA, screwed me, and I am MORE than willing and looking forward to have TRUMP screw me again...."

See, that would at least be an honest statement, correct moron?.....LOL
Tax cuts doesn't screw anyone.
It's time to fight back, against the special interests, i.e. Wall Street and the 1%ers, whose use of propaganda fools to many to vote against their own interests.

Dems need to openly utilize the term "BRIBING" when addressing how the congressional GOPers feared that their donors would not open their coffers for them UNLESS they got the major portion of the money we're borrowing to finance this tax scam.....

Also, Dems need to remind people that the borrowed money is for the middle class to eventually pay back, since congress has EXEMPTED the well-to-do from ever contributing to the pay-back on the loan by making THEIR tax cuts PERMANENT.
Dems tell their nutjob members to hit the brakes on impeachment talk....

As always, the Dems just have to get busy with the "message" now of what they "stand for" for the 2018 elections so that once they win whatever they can on an empty bag of talk, they can then get back to their impeachment fantasy.
Yeah and I guess the 10 trillion dollar loan to the middle class doesn't count?

Oh, does.......A good chunk of those trillions went for unemployment insurance to laid off workers......

But, why don;t you be honest here and OPENLY state.....

"OBAMA, screwed me, and I am MORE than willing and looking forward to have TRUMP screw me again...."

See, that would at least be an honest statement, correct moron?.....LOL
Tax cuts doesn't screw anyone.

You are one of the fools I referenced above.

Dems tell their nutjob members to hit the brakes on impeachment talk....

Hit the Brakes: Nancy Pelosi Is Running Away From Trump Impeachment
4 out of 10 Americans favor impeachment. After Mueller’s final report that will shoot to 6-10 with the Dems strongly pushing for this criminal to be held accountable.

Impeachment shouldn't be dictated by what the polls say.

Correct, impeachment is the result of high crimes, such as malfeasance and obstruction of justice, and misdemeanors.

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