Dems: Thanks Ted Cruz And Mike Lee For The Extra Help Advancing Nominees


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.

Dems: Thanks Ted Cruz And Mike Lee For The Extra Help Advancing Nominees

While Republican senators were fuming at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) for holding up a $1.1 trillion spending bill aimed at preventing a government shutdown, Democrats saw a silver lining: the move by Cruz and Lee gave Democrats an opening to move a number of President Barack Obama's nominees for federal judgeships and the executive branch.

What happened was that when Cruz and Lee scuttled a deal between Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that would have allowed lawmakers to leave Washington D.C. for the weekend and come back Monday they gave Democrats a chance to advance Obama's presidential appointees by having to stay in D.C. to deal with the spending bill.

The extra time over the weekend gave Reid the opportunity to, through the Senate's executive session, file cloture on the nominations and move them sooner than they would have under the deal Reid and McConnell had planned on and that Cruz and Lee blocked. Under the original deal Reid would have had to schedule votes on the nominees later in the upcoming week, when Democrats may not have wanted to stick around to vote.

So your all kinds of shit ass stupid happy we get to spend another trillion borrowed dollars and we get another idiot in office to fuck over our freedoms as a bonus!

So win, win for you eh?
So your all kinds of shit ass stupid happy we get to spend another trillion borrowed dollars and we get another idiot in office to fuck over our freedoms as a bonus!

So win, win for you eh?

What would be wrong with investing that trillion dollars in science, r&d and infrastructure??? I see your point in some of the action of this president, but do you really want America to be china's bitch?
So your all kinds of shit ass stupid happy we get to spend another trillion borrowed dollars and we get another idiot in office to fuck over our freedoms as a bonus!

So win, win for you eh?

What would be wrong with investing that trillion dollars in science, r&d and infrastructure??? I see your point in some of the action of this president, but do you really want America to be china's bitch?
Nobody can financially be on solid footing when the money you want to invest is borrowed and comes with interest due. We could invest in such things, but we need money to actually invest in them. We aren't investing in these fields because we are actually borrowing money in order to pay for the social programs that are out stripping our ability to pay for them.

How do we invest in the future when we need to borrow money in order to pay for the past?
So your all kinds of shit ass stupid happy we get to spend another trillion borrowed dollars and we get another idiot in office to fuck over our freedoms as a bonus!

So win, win for you eh?

that's the problem with these partisan hack liberal/dems. And there are too many of them that is burying ours, our children, grandchildren and great grand children's asses
Thanks Ted for standing up for our Constitution!!:rock:

Ted Cruz’s BOLD Move To Derail Obama’s Amnesty After Boehner LIED


According to reports, they did so based upon lies from Speaker John Boehner. In the wake of the shady vote, Ted Cruz has launched a constitutional challenge to sections of the bill that if allowed to proceed, would force the Senate to vote on whether or not Obama actually has the authority to grant amnesty through executive fiat.

Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R–Ind.) claims that Boehner made a last-minute deal with him to secure a procedural vote that would bring the Cromnibus bill to the floor for a vote. The procedural vote passed by a thin margin, which ultimately led to its passage later in the day.

The problem, according to Stutzman, is that Boehner had promised him and other Republicans that the $1.1 trillion spending bill would be replaced by a short-term continuing resolution with a much smaller price tag that would easily get support from conservatives. However, that didn’t happen.

“I was very surprised and even more disappointed to see the cromnibus back on the floor,” Stutzman said in a statement. “The American people deserve better.”

“I supported the rule because I was informed by leadership that the cromnibus was dead and a short-term CR would take its place,” Stutzman said.
Stutzman further explained that the bill didn’t directly address Obama’s dangerous and illegal executive action on immigration and didn’t include many of the solutions that would have easily passed come January when the Republicans take over both houses of Congress.

Boehner’s shady move caught the attention of Ted Cruz, who formally challenged the constitutionality of the bill and launched a process that could ultimately force the Senate to vote on whether or not it violates the Constitution because it doesn’t stop Obama from implementing his executive decree.

On Friday evening, Cruz took a swipe at the president and compared his executive overreach to that of a monarch.

“The president has justified this illegal amnesty by saying he told Congress what he wanted, and Congress refused to give it to him,” Cruz said. “Well, Mr. President, the relationship in our constitutional republic between the president and the Congress is not the relationship between a parent and a child.”

“The president does not get to demand of Congress, ‘here is the policy I want; either give me what I want, or I will decree it to be so and ignore the law,’ ” he said. “That is the president’s bargaining position.”

Cruz formally raised a point of order against the bill, which states that it violates the separation of powers provisions within the Constitution

Mad World NewsTed Cruz s BOLD Move To Derail Obama s Amnesty After Boehner LIED
Thanks Ted for standing up for our Constitution!!:rock:

Ted Cruz’s BOLD Move To Derail Obama’s Amnesty After Boehner LIED


According to reports, they did so based upon lies from Speaker John Boehner. In the wake of the shady vote, Ted Cruz has launched a constitutional challenge to sections of the bill that if allowed to proceed, would force the Senate to vote on whether or not Obama actually has the authority to grant amnesty through executive fiat.

Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R–Ind.) claims that Boehner made a last-minute deal with him to secure a procedural vote that would bring the Cromnibus bill to the floor for a vote. The procedural vote passed by a thin margin, which ultimately led to its passage later in the day.

The problem, according to Stutzman, is that Boehner had promised him and other Republicans that the $1.1 trillion spending bill would be replaced by a short-term continuing resolution with a much smaller price tag that would easily get support from conservatives. However, that didn’t happen.

“I was very surprised and even more disappointed to see the cromnibus back on the floor,” Stutzman said in a statement. “The American people deserve better.”

“I supported the rule because I was informed by leadership that the cromnibus was dead and a short-term CR would take its place,” Stutzman said.
Stutzman further explained that the bill didn’t directly address Obama’s dangerous and illegal executive action on immigration and didn’t include many of the solutions that would have easily passed come January when the Republicans take over both houses of Congress.

Boehner’s shady move caught the attention of Ted Cruz, who formally challenged the constitutionality of the bill and launched a process that could ultimately force the Senate to vote on whether or not it violates the Constitution because it doesn’t stop Obama from implementing his executive decree.

On Friday evening, Cruz took a swipe at the president and compared his executive overreach to that of a monarch.

“The president has justified this illegal amnesty by saying he told Congress what he wanted, and Congress refused to give it to him,” Cruz said. “Well, Mr. President, the relationship in our constitutional republic between the president and the Congress is not the relationship between a parent and a child.”

“The president does not get to demand of Congress, ‘here is the policy I want; either give me what I want, or I will decree it to be so and ignore the law,’ ” he said. “That is the president’s bargaining position.”

Cruz formally raised a point of order against the bill, which states that it violates the separation of powers provisions within the Constitution

Mad World NewsTed Cruz s BOLD Move To Derail Obama s Amnesty After Boehner LIED

EXACTLY!!! Cruz for President.... if it's a third party then so be it
“What happened was that when Cruz and Lee scuttled a dealbetween Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that would have allowed lawmakers to leave Washington D.C. for the weekend and come back Monday they gave Democrats a chance to advance Obama's presidential appointees by having to stay in D.C. to deal with the spending bill.”

Cruz is truly a clueless idiot.
“What happened was that when Cruz and Lee scuttled a dealbetween Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that would have allowed lawmakers to leave Washington D.C. for the weekend and come back Monday they gave Democrats a chance to advance Obama's presidential appointees by having to stay in D.C. to deal with the spending bill.”

Cruz is truly a clueless idiot.

Then the two of you must be related.
“What happened was that when Cruz and Lee scuttled a dealbetween Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that would have allowed lawmakers to leave Washington D.C. for the weekend and come back Monday they gave Democrats a chance to advance Obama's presidential appointees by having to stay in D.C. to deal with the spending bill.”

Cruz is truly a clueless idiot.
The Democrats have played that boob like a violin.

Every single thing he has done has blown up in his face, and helped the Democrats.
the republicans pass a 1.1 trillion $ bill, Ricky Ricardo wants to block it, and the Dems are partisan hacks?

and that is how stupid RW's really are
Most importantly we have to ask if this blunder kills his hopes for the White House.

IMHO: Not completely, but it is a serious strike against him and something he is going to have to work hard to overcome.

Why? Because an elected official who attempts a political maneuver without thinking through the potential unintended consequences is a scary choice for POTUS. What if he pulled something like this and opened the door for North Korea (instead of just Democrats) to stick it to us?

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