Dems violated election law in Wisconsin


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Use of voting vans for absentee ballots. Dems won in Wi doing just this in 2022.

(The Center Square) – A state judge has sided with a registered Wisconsin voter, saying use of vans for in-person absentee voting in 2022 was not fair and violated election law.
“Wisconsin voters should know that their elections are secure, and that election administration does not favor one political party over another," Vebber said. "This decision does just that. WILL's policy and legal expertise allow us to hold government actors accountable to the rule of law at all levels.”

Use of voting vans for absentee ballots. Dems won in Wi doing just this in 2022.

(The Center Square) – A state judge has sided with a registered Wisconsin voter, saying use of vans for in-person absentee voting in 2022 was not fair and violated election law.
“Wisconsin voters should know that their elections are secure, and that election administration does not favor one political party over another," Vebber said. "This decision does just that. WILL's policy and legal expertise allow us to hold government actors accountable to the rule of law at all levels.”

That's a bit "hair on fire", don't you think. Elections are secure. Here is the meat and potatos of the ruling. I smell appeal. :)

"The decision from the bench said even though state law doesn't explicitly outlaw using a mobile voting van as did Racine in 2022, it doesn't mean it is permitted"
That's a bit "hair on fire", don't you think. Elections are secure. Here is the meat and potatos of the ruling. I smell appeal. :)

"The decision from the bench said even though state law doesn't explicitly outlaw using a mobile voting van as did Racine in 2022, it doesn't mean it is permitted"

If the vans went to only heavy Dem areas this was the correct ruling.
That's a bit "hair on fire", don't you think. Elections are secure. Here is the meat and potatos of the ruling.

Miss this part:

The judge wrote, “No defendant or intervener can point to any statute authorizing the use of mobile van absentee ballot sites; instead, the defendants argue no statute expressly prohibits them. The absence of an expressed prohibition however, does not mean mobile absentee ballot sites comport to procedures specified in the election laws. Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions mobile van absentee ballot sites or anything like them. Such an interpretation was and is contrary to law.”
Use of voting vans for absentee ballots. Dems won in Wi doing just this in 2022.

(The Center Square) – A state judge has sided with a registered Wisconsin voter, saying use of vans for in-person absentee voting in 2022 was not fair and violated election law.
“Wisconsin voters should know that their elections are secure, and that election administration does not favor one political party over another," Vebber said. "This decision does just that. WILL's policy and legal expertise allow us to hold government actors accountable to the rule of law at all levels.”

But but but but but but but but but, there was no fraud in the 2020 election.
Miss this part:

The judge wrote, “No defendant or intervener can point to any statute authorizing the use of mobile van absentee ballot sites; instead, the defendants argue no statute expressly prohibits them. The absence of an expressed prohibition however, does not mean mobile absentee ballot sites comport to procedures specified in the election laws. Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions mobile van absentee ballot sites or anything like them. Such an interpretation was and is contrary to law.”
Which is different from what I
Well, no statute expressly forbids it. Therefore, will be appealed. ^Shrug^.

The inference is that voting in Wisconsin is as a whole, corrupt and unsecure...which is matter what year they are referring to.
Miss this part:

The judge wrote, “No defendant or intervener can point to any statute authorizing the use of mobile van absentee ballot sites; instead, the defendants argue no statute expressly prohibits them. The absence of an expressed prohibition however, does not mean mobile absentee ballot sites comport to procedures specified in the election laws. Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions mobile van absentee ballot sites or anything like them. Such an interpretation was and is contrary to law.”
There is no law allowing me to pee on Tuesday evening, so i broke the law last night.
Use of voting vans for absentee ballots. Dems won in Wi doing just this in 2022.

(The Center Square) – A state judge has sided with a registered Wisconsin voter, saying use of vans for in-person absentee voting in 2022 was not fair and violated election law.
“Wisconsin voters should know that their elections are secure, and that election administration does not favor one political party over another," Vebber said. "This decision does just that. WILL's policy and legal expertise allow us to hold government actors accountable to the rule of law at all levels.”

This r4uling is pure BS. If it is not prohibited then it is not illegal. If the legislature doesn't like it then it can explicitly ban it.
Well, no statute expressly forbids it.
It isn't in the elections procedures rules.To make it 'legal', they would need to amend them.

Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions mobile van absentee ballot sites or anything like them. Such an interpretation was and is contrary to law.”
If it is not prohibited then it is not illegal.

Not in the elections procedures.

Such an interpretation was and is contrary to law.”

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