Dems want NO investigation into illegal immigrant voter fraud...but want one for Russia?

That seems odd.
Simply not true....I am a Democrat and I (and others) have been asking for an investigation into trump's claim of 3-5 million illegal votes ever since he made the claim. This investigation must happen!

The snowflakes should commission voter fraud task force and verify that every ballot cast in America is legitimate.

"Low" incidents of fraud should be investigated just like "low" incidents of hate crimes should be.
I agree with you...and I've been saying we need a SERIOUS investigation ever since trump claimed that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast. And I'm a Liberal and a Democrat.
Notice how they stopped the recount in the Big Voter fraud states?

Very odd, huh?

Seems Dems don't care about actual documented voter fraud.

They want to investigate Russian voter fraud with zero evidence.

Hillary won the popular vote. Russia did not hack the election.

There have been plenty of actual cases of voter fraud for snowflakes to investigate...but they won't, because they don't give a shit about voter fraud if it helps them.
The documented cases are pretty few and far between, though. I heard a legislator on tv yesterday all fired up saying he's been prosecuting them at home and he has gotten SIX guilty convictions. That's what the Dems are pointing to.

and if guilty on either side, prosecute according to the law.

but the fact of the matter is the potential for abuse is huge. YUGE!!!! why is there such a reluctance to simply having to provide an ID to show you're allowed to vote?
It's expensive in some states. Here it is $15 for a certified birth certificate and $10 or $15 for a state photo ID. But in North Carolina, a poster told me it would be well over $100 to get those two documents. If the required documents and Voter ID card are under $30 total, I think it's not too much to ask. Over $100 and it would keep some people from voting because they haven't got that much extra money floating around. The other problem is the rare occasion when a birth certificate can't be obtained for some reason. There should be a work around for that. Affidavits from family members or others who can attest to the person's birth in the U.S. or something. Those cases are few and far between, though.
If citizenship was indicated on a drivers license, that would take care of at least half the voting public without requiring a separate card. In Maine, you have to show your birth certificate anyway, so it could list citizenship without breaking a sweat.
Just make it affordable and as convenient and no muss no fuss as possible in all states and I don't see it being a problem. Maybe I'm missing something.

my sisters home got broken into and their passports stolen and yes, it's been a huge hardship to get the birth certs again as well as now the passports so they can go to europe next week - so that i do understand.

given the election can take up to a year, then simply file for the process to get a voter id and i would agree - the system needs a LOT of work but i'd want to update / upgrade a lot of areas and the process itself. this could be addressed in an overhaul.
That seems odd.
Simply not true....I am a Democrat and I (and others) have been asking for an investigation into trump's claim of 3-5 million illegal votes ever since he made the claim. This investigation must happen!

The snowflakes should commission voter fraud task force and verify that every ballot cast in America is legitimate.

"Low" incidents of fraud should be investigated just like "low" incidents of hate crimes should be.
I agree with you...and I've been saying we need a SERIOUS investigation ever since trump claimed that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast. And I'm a Liberal and a Democrat.

It'll be the usual suspects. California and Illinois for sure are filthy as fuck with regards to many things, but especially voter fraud.
Notice how they stopped the recount in the Big Voter fraud states?

Very odd, huh?

Seems Dems don't care about actual documented voter fraud.

They want to investigate Russian voter fraud with zero evidence.

Hillary won the popular vote. Russia did not hack the election.

There have been plenty of actual cases of voter fraud for snowflakes to investigate...but they won't, because they don't give a shit about voter fraud if it helps them.
The documented cases are pretty few and far between, though. I heard a legislator on tv yesterday all fired up saying he's been prosecuting them at home and he has gotten SIX guilty convictions. That's what the Dems are pointing to.

and if guilty on either side, prosecute according to the law.

but the fact of the matter is the potential for abuse is huge. YUGE!!!! why is there such a reluctance to simply having to provide an ID to show you're allowed to vote?
It's expensive in some states. Here it is $15 for a certified birth certificate and $10 or $15 for a state photo ID. But in North Carolina, a poster told me it would be well over $100 to get those two documents. If the required documents and Voter ID card are under $30 total, I think it's not too much to ask. Over $100 and it would keep some people from voting because they haven't got that much extra money floating around. The other problem is the rare occasion when a birth certificate can't be obtained for some reason. There should be a work around for that. Affidavits from family members or others who can attest to the person's birth in the U.S. or something. Those cases are few and far between, though.
If citizenship was indicated on a drivers license, that would take care of at least half the voting public without requiring a separate card. In Maine, you have to show your birth certificate anyway, so it could list citizenship without breaking a sweat.
Just make it affordable and as convenient and no muss no fuss as possible in all states and I don't see it being a problem. Maybe I'm missing something.

my sisters home got broken into and their passports stolen and yes, it's been a huge hardship to get the birth certs again as well as now the passports so they can go to europe next week - so that i do understand.

given the election can take up to a year, then simply file for the process to get a voter id and i would agree - the system needs a LOT of work but i'd want to update / upgrade a lot of areas and the process itself. this could be addressed in an overhaul.

Some shit takes time, right?

Ask people who applied for tax-exempt status from the IRS under Lois Lerner how long these things can take.

Years. That's big government for you.

If it takes years to legally immigrate and vote, so be it. Snowflakes aren't concerned with timeframe for other aspects of government approvals. (KEYSTONE PIPELINE)
and if you need it QUICKLY - it can take several hundred $$$ to process it faster, trips to other cities or states where hubs are, and untold cost in doing it all.
Notice how they stopped the recount in the Big Voter fraud states?

Very odd, huh?

Seems Dems don't care about actual documented voter fraud.

They want to investigate Russian voter fraud with zero evidence.

Hillary won the popular vote. Russia did not hack the election.

There have been plenty of actual cases of voter fraud for snowflakes to investigate...but they won't, because they don't give a shit about voter fraud if it helps them.
I am a Democrat and I care very much.....that is why I have asked again and again for a SERIOUS investigation of voter fraud ever since trump mentioned 3-5 million illegal votes. I even sent e-mails to my Congressman and my 2 Senators about it.....and never heard back from any of them.
Yeah, I think I know what you're up to, Bodecea. LOL
I gave you some. See #11.
Here is another for you
NY voters file lawsuit over alleged election fraud
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

yea, cause the democrats would NEVER do such a thing, right?

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

How about some actual fraud cases?

A YouTube video of someone claiming to bust the voting process by using another name but never actually voting proves nothing .

States can investigate all they want . Why haven't these super red states exposed all this voter fraud ? Can u answer me that ?

Hey . I'd like to know what happen to that lady . And broken machines .

Those are lawsuits . Call me when you have some real proof / results. Since you are claiming million of fraudulent votes .
I gave you some. See #11.
Here is another for you
NY voters file lawsuit over alleged election fraud
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

yea, cause the democrats would NEVER do such a thing, right?

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

How about some actual fraud cases?

A YouTube video of someone claiming to bust the voting process by using another name but never actually voting proves nothing .

States can investigate all they want . Why haven't these super red states exposed all this voter fraud ? Can u answer me that ?

Hey . I'd like to know what happen to that lady . And broken machines .

Those are lawsuits . Call me when you have some real proof / results. Since you are claiming million of fraudulent votes .

sent you a youtube search of pages of DNC people on camera saying they're committing fraud left and right. no i've not followed them all up and no i'm not going to. it wouldn't matter as you'd just dismiss anything you don't approve of anyway.

but to say there's no proof? well that's on you and your choice to redefine "proof".
That seems odd.

LOL- well the FBI and CIA have already reported that there was actual Russian attempts to hack our election.

While no agency- not one- has said that there was any significant voter fraud- you do realize Trump making the unsubstantiated claim is not really the basis for an agency to find proof of what he heard from Steve Bannon- right?

But heck- as long as the investigation is done for real- rather than just a rubber stamp for Trump's ego- I am fine with an investigation- another example of Trump whining about the 'waste of government money'- and then promoting another 'waste of government money'
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
that's just it - regardless of anything provided, the textbook answer is "not enough" more or less.

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.
That seems odd.
Simply not true....I am a Democrat and I (and others) have been asking for an investigation into trump's claim of 3-5 million illegal votes ever since he made the claim. This investigation must happen!

The snowflakes should commission voter fraud task force and verify that every ballot cast in America is legitimate.

"Low" incidents of fraud should be investigated just like "low" incidents of hate crimes should be.

I am all for prosecuting anyone who casts an illegal vote.

Meanwhile this is just another attempt to find proof after the fact for some claim that Trump made.

There is absolutely no evidence to support Trump's claim that there were 3 million illegal votes cast- so Trump is creating a commission to try to find some evidence.

Is there voter fraud in America? Yes there is- an insignificant amount. It should be prosecuted. But we shouldn't have commissions created just to support Trump's wounded ego.
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

A Youtube video of someone saying something is not 'debating'- it is just a Youtube video of someone saying something.

Debate away- you make a claim- and support it with actual evidence- and no- Youtube is not evidence.
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

A Youtube video of someone saying something is not 'debating'- it is just a Youtube video of someone saying something.

Debate away- you make a claim- and support it with actual evidence- and no- Youtube is not evidence.

fair enough.
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
that's just it - regardless of anything provided, the textbook answer is "not enough" more or less.

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

Well when you claim millions , and produce 6. That's proof of nothing .
Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
that's just it - regardless of anything provided, the textbook answer is "not enough" more or less.

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

Well when you claim millions , and produce 6. That's proof of nothing .
tell you what - why don't you show me where *i* said millions.

i'll be over there. >>>>>>>>>>

Oh brother . The only voter fraud I see the courts ruling against the GOP and their voter suppression tactics .

i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
that's just it - regardless of anything provided, the textbook answer is "not enough" more or less.

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

Well when you claim millions , and produce 6. That's proof of nothing .
tell you what - why don't you show me where *i* said millions.

i'll be over there. >>>>>>>>>>


And that is what you call 'debating'
Hmmm because there's actual proof of Russian interference.

If u want to check voter fraud go ahead . Start with Trumps claims (aka lies) that buses of illegal voters went from Mass to New Hampshire to vote .

States can investigate any voting issues they want . They control the voting . Funny how you still don't have a big illegal voting story come out, even from the red states .

In your dreams maybe. Nothing has been proven about so called Russian interference. That is an excuse by dems for Hillary losing, nothing more.
i can whip out a dozen youtube videos if it would help but something tells me i'd just get stonewalled.

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
that's just it - regardless of anything provided, the textbook answer is "not enough" more or less.

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

Well when you claim millions , and produce 6. That's proof of nothing .
tell you what - why don't you show me where *i* said millions.

i'll be over there. >>>>>>>>>>


And that is what you call 'debating'
with you - yea.

you said *i said* millions and then don't back it up. why would i debate ANYONE who lobs crap out and doesn't follow up, back it up, and just lobs more crap to try and confuse it up?

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