Dems want NO investigation into illegal immigrant voter fraud...but want one for Russia?

Well Youtube videos are proof of course.....that is the Conservative nut job 'go to' evidence- anything posted on
that's just it - regardless of anything provided, the textbook answer is "not enough" more or less.

kinda pointless to discuss / debate with someone who's got zero interest in...debating.

Well when you claim millions , and produce 6. That's proof of nothing .
tell you what - why don't you show me where *i* said millions.

i'll be over there. >>>>>>>>>>


And that is what you call 'debating'
with you - yea.

you said *i said* millions and then don't back it up. why would i debate ANYONE who lobs crap out and doesn't follow up, back it up, and just lobs more crap to try and confuse it up?
That seems odd.
Simply not true....I am a Democrat and I (and others) have been asking for an investigation into trump's claim of 3-5 million illegal votes ever since he made the claim. This investigation must happen!

The snowflakes should commission voter fraud task force and verify that every ballot cast in America is legitimate.

"Low" incidents of fraud should be investigated just like "low" incidents of hate crimes should be.
I agree with you...and I've been saying we need a SERIOUS investigation ever since trump claimed that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast. And I'm a Liberal and a Democrat.

It'll be the usual suspects. California and Illinois for sure are filthy as fuck with regards to many things, but especially voter fraud.

Yeah- I imagine that the commission will focus on any state that dared not vote for Trump.

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