Dems Whine About Presence of Debt Clock on Capitol Hill – “It’s a Political Prop


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
February 27, 2013

Democrats yesterday were very offended that Republicans would display the National Debt Clock during House Financial Services Committee hearings.

It’s very offensive and distracts them from their spending.
Democrats fear the debt clock like vampires fear the Cross.
[ame=]Democrats complain about presence of debt clock on Capitol Hill - YouTube[/ame]

The Daily Caller reported:

[ame=]Democrats complain about presence of debt clock on Capitol Hill - YouTube[/ame]​
Some members of Congress apparently don’t like to be reminded about how much debt the country continues to rack up.

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There should be one in everyone of their cars, houses and most of all on the wall across from their office desk on the hill.
The Democrats don't want to be reminded of the mess they've made.

It's not just the Democrats who have made the mess.

And it's not just politicans, the voters just keep on re-electing these big spenders. Every even numbered year we get a chance to change Washington but nooooooooo! We just don't learn our lesson, we keep the staus quo and then bitch and moan and then we enter the same cycle again and again and,,,,!
We are country of dumb fucks.:slap:

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