Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?

it's still a lie that insurance companies don't write policies for preexisting conditions. It's a fking lie. That policy is but more expensive. Holy fk, the lies from the demofk liars.
Well, it depends on the specifics. Most of them will write policies for people with pre-existing conditions, but usually won't cover the pre-existing condition itself. At least that's how it was before ACA. Regardless, it's delusional to expect insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. It betrays a complete misconception of what insurance is.
Nope. Just wrong. My wife had diabetes and always had coverage. I paid more for the policy
Ask FAT Nadler, who billed the American taxpayer for overeating (and overspending) for decades.....

See the source image

and then billed the American taxpayer for a stomach stapling....

You are aware that Nadler lost over 100 lbs since that picture was taken?

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years. When is he going to pass up some cheeseburgers and lose some weight?

so now youre fat shaming people,,,
careful that might get you in trouble,,,
Yes I am.
Hopefully Trump will read this and say.....

Rightwinger is calling me FAT! I had better lose some weight

You voted for a fat ass, jack ass
Joe Biden is LEAN and MEAN

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

View attachment 401129

Well, since you're obviously a blue collar guy and not a professional, let me explain dress shoes to you.

They can be slippery.

You learn something every day on this site, don't you, RW?

Fat Donnie blames his shoes?

Didn’t see Joe Biden creeping down that ramp.
we dont see biden doing much of anything since hes hidden in his basement for 8 months,,,

Funny you should say that....

We saw Biden actively riding a bicycle

View attachment 401140

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

I think this happened today,,, when was the last time biden walked across a room by himself,,,

Saw him waddle around the stage while he clapped out of rhythm.

Let’s see his Fat Ass on a bicycle.
Ask FAT Nadler, who billed the American taxpayer for overeating (and overspending) for decades.....

See the source image

and then billed the American taxpayer for a stomach stapling....

You are aware that Nadler lost over 100 lbs since that picture was taken?

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years. When is he going to pass up some cheeseburgers and lose some weight?

so now youre fat shaming people,,,
careful that might get you in trouble,,,
Yes I am.
Hopefully Trump will read this and say.....

Rightwinger is calling me FAT! I had better lose some weight

You voted for a fat ass, jack ass
Joe Biden is LEAN and MEAN

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

View attachment 401129

Well, since you're obviously a blue collar guy and not a professional, let me explain dress shoes to you.

They can be slippery.

You learn something every day on this site, don't you, RW?

Fat Donnie blames his shoes?

Didn’t see Joe Biden creeping down that ramp.
we dont see biden doing much of anything since hes hidden in his basement for 8 months,,,

Funny you should say that....

We saw Biden actively riding a bicycle

View attachment 401140

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

I think this happened today,,, when was the last time biden walked across a room by himself,,,

Saw him waddle around the stage while he clapped out of rhythm.

Let’s see his Fat Ass on a bicycle.

Sort of your looking in the mirror, huh big guy. You should be more generous to your fellow fat asses now that you admitted you are one
Say PROGS, which of these do you fall into for "free" healthcare, which in real terms someone else pays for your ride, the Govt. operates in the red, of course another hit on the middle class and a hit on our economy? You can choose amongst any, perhaps they all fit.

A. Drug addict.

B. Too concerned with buying beers and travel than to be bothered paying for healthcare. You know, folks in their 20s-30s who vote Democrat.

C. Lazy. Too lazy to pursue a career, so you're happy at minimum wage. Healthcare just doesn't fit into your lifestyle when you have Netflix & cellphone payments too.

D. Too many kids. Fuck, just too dumb and/or irresponsible to figure out more kids is more costs. But we get it, the Democrats are depending on you for a vote.

E. Immigrant. Democrats are counting on you for a vote too. The more illegal the better.

F. Disabled, truly disabled. Not the bi-polar BS, nor your injury fraud for worker's compensation. Truly disabled earn a crutch here, but the govt. already have a program for it.

G. Other
Ask FAT Nadler, who billed the American taxpayer for overeating (and overspending) for decades.....

See the source image

and then billed the American taxpayer for a stomach stapling....

You are aware that Nadler lost over 100 lbs since that picture was taken?

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years. When is he going to pass up some cheeseburgers and lose some weight?

so now youre fat shaming people,,,
careful that might get you in trouble,,,
Yes I am.
Hopefully Trump will read this and say.....

Rightwinger is calling me FAT! I had better lose some weight

You voted for a fat ass, jack ass
Joe Biden is LEAN and MEAN

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

View attachment 401129

Well, since you're obviously a blue collar guy and not a professional, let me explain dress shoes to you.

They can be slippery.

You learn something every day on this site, don't you, RW?

Fat Donnie blames his shoes?

Didn’t see Joe Biden creeping down that ramp.
we dont see biden doing much of anything since hes hidden in his basement for 8 months,,,

Funny you should say that....

We saw Biden actively riding a bicycle

View attachment 401140

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

I think this happened today,,, when was the last time biden walked across a room by himself,,,

Saw him waddle around the stage while he clapped out of rhythm.

Let’s see his Fat Ass on a bicycle.

lets see biden do dozens of hrs a week at rallies speech's and not to mention working,,,,,,,
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
As always libbies are assigning their personal responsibility elsewhere

Also, it’s ridiculous for Lilly and Pfizer to suspend trials because ONE participant got sick. Billions locked down but we fake fear over ONE. Just like Covid is mostly a tag along rather than primary in US deaths, this Guy could be having an adverse reaction from many things.

The hoax has a powerful grip and won’t release its grip without brave people pushing forward no matter what
it's still a lie that insurance companies don't write policies for preexisting conditions. It's a fking lie. That policy is but more expensive. Holy fk, the lies from the demofk liars.
Well, it depends on the specifics. Most of them will write policies for people with pre-existing conditions, but usually won't cover the pre-existing condition itself. At least that's how it was before ACA. Regardless, it's delusional to expect insurance to cover pre-existing conditions. It betrays a complete misconception of what insurance is.
Nope. Just wrong. My wife had diabetes and always had coverage. I paid more for the policy
Sure. Sometimes they do. But excluding pre-existing conditions is actually real thing that real insurance companies do. It's not "fake news". Especially for individual policies.
Ask FAT Nadler, who billed the American taxpayer for overeating (and overspending) for decades.....

See the source image

and then billed the American taxpayer for a stomach stapling....

You are aware that Nadler lost over 100 lbs since that picture was taken?

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years. When is he going to pass up some cheeseburgers and lose some weight?

so now youre fat shaming people,,,
careful that might get you in trouble,,,
Yes I am.
Hopefully Trump will read this and say.....

Rightwinger is calling me FAT! I had better lose some weight

You voted for a fat ass, jack ass
Joe Biden is LEAN and MEAN

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

View attachment 401129

Well, since you're obviously a blue collar guy and not a professional, let me explain dress shoes to you.

They can be slippery.

You learn something every day on this site, don't you, RW?

Fat Donnie blames his shoes?

Didn’t see Joe Biden creeping down that ramp.
we dont see biden doing much of anything since hes hidden in his basement for 8 months,,,

Funny you should say that....

We saw Biden actively riding a bicycle

View attachment 401140

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

I think this happened today,,, when was the last time biden walked across a room by himself,,,

Saw him waddle around the stage while he clapped out of rhythm.

Let’s see his Fat Ass on a bicycle.

The problem is the providers are charging more than twice what they should, based on other countries.
That's what happens when the person who is receiving the benefit is not the one paying the bill.
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
If you are in the US, you are seeing what happens when America turns it's back on medical science and takes the attitude of why should I care about your heath, 210,000 dead and the number going up everyday, schools closed, 15 million unemployed, businesses big and small going bankrupt and all because not enough people care about others to wear a mask, keep social distance, and practice simple common sense healthcare precautions.
Ask FAT Nadler, who billed the American taxpayer for overeating (and overspending) for decades.....

See the source image

and then billed the American taxpayer for a stomach stapling....

You are aware that Nadler lost over 100 lbs since that picture was taken?

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years. When is he going to pass up some cheeseburgers and lose some weight?
He is 5’3 and lost it due to surgery.
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
If you are in the US, you are seeing what happens when America turns it's back on medical science and takes the attitude of why should I care about your heath, 210,000 dead and the number going up everyday, schools closed, 15 million unemployed, businesses big and small going bankrupt and all because not enough people care about others to wear a mask, keep social distance, and practice simple common sense healthcare precautions.

Let me say from my German point of view something to this problems. We have a health insurance for [nearly] everyone since December 1st 1884. It survived two world wars and was an important basic factor for our "Wirtschaftswunder" (economic miracle), for the reunion (20 years difference in average life span) and migration waves.

In 2013 our virologists and epidemiologists remembered us to the Spanish influenca (which was made a hundred years ago in the USA and had caused more death victims than world war 1). In this context they made a simulation about our preparedness for a new pandemic, because everyone knows since a very long time that a pandemic is in theory always possible to happen within a very short time.

They found out in 2013 that we had not enough emergency beds, not enough protecting cloth, not enough masks, not enough desinfectants and so on and so on. And what did we do? Nothing! To do something had costed peanuts. So who wastes peanuts for really important things (for example a pandemic which can be much more worse than a world war) when he is also able to waste money for expensive senseless nonsense?

So when Corona came we were as surprised as everyone else in the western world and we were not able to control this problems - we had to run behind and this problems controlled us. I'm a little angry about, because we were totally stupid idiots - to know a danger and to run into this danger with seeing eyes is a criminal idiocy, isn't it?

But what we were able to avoid: our health system did not run out of control. We were able to make the modifications which it needed faster than the virus killed us. The situation was bad and costed now really a lot of money and much to many victims - we lost up to now 9,677 people because of covid-19 and it is not over yet - but the situation was up to now not so bad as in many other nations of the western world - as for example in Italy, France, Spain, Great Britain or the USA. Toitoitoi - to everyone. I wish you two pounds more luck than you and everyone else needs.

Today we know better what covid-19 is - we are able to help patients which need help in our hospitals better than it was some month ago - we have much more possiblities for tests and we think in early 2021 a vaccination on a high level of quality will hopefully come.

And we have a big problem: More people want to close their eyes and dream the dreams of the charlatan Donald Trump. Imagine: There are really some people who don't like to know any longer why it is important to keep distance, to take care on hygiene (specially it's important to wash hands more often), to wear masks and to let fresh air into closed rooms.

Last edited:
Ask FAT Nadler, who billed the American taxpayer for overeating (and overspending) for decades.....

See the source image

and then billed the American taxpayer for a stomach stapling....

You are aware that Nadler lost over 100 lbs since that picture was taken?

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years. When is he going to pass up some cheeseburgers and lose some weight?

so now youre fat shaming people,,,
careful that might get you in trouble,,,
Yes I am.
Hopefully Trump will read this and say.....

Rightwinger is calling me FAT! I had better lose some weight

You voted for a fat ass, jack ass
Joe Biden is LEAN and MEAN

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

View attachment 401129

Well, since you're obviously a blue collar guy and not a professional, let me explain dress shoes to you.

They can be slippery.

You learn something every day on this site, don't you, RW?

Fat Donnie blames his shoes?

Didn’t see Joe Biden creeping down that ramp.
we dont see biden doing much of anything since hes hidden in his basement for 8 months,,,

Funny you should say that....

We saw Biden actively riding a bicycle

View attachment 401140

Fat Donnie needs help down a ramp

I think this happened today,,, when was the last time biden walked across a room by himself,,,

Saw him waddle around the stage while he clapped out of rhythm.

Let’s see his Fat Ass on a bicycle.

lets see biden do dozens of hrs a week at rallies speech's and not to mention working,,,,,,,

RW sure can't do that. He takes a nap after emptying the dish washer
RW sure can't do that. He takes a nap after emptying the dish washer

I am much more physically active than Fat Donnie.
I am the same height yet weigh 70 lbs less

I do not need assistance in walking down a ramp and actually walk a golf course
You don’t pay shit

Speak for yourself. I pay more in federal income taxes alone than our ole’ liberal buddy JoeB makes in a year.

I pay more than my “fair share” espeically when taking into account that I don’t even utilize some of the things I pay for.(e.g. public schools) Meanwhile, many of those paying less or nothing utilize the police dept. every Friday night and have 8 kids going to public school all the while getting a check partly funded by me every month to subsidize their irresponsible lifestyles.

If you are in the US, you are seeing what happens when America turns it's back on medical science and takes the attitude of why should I care about your heath, 210,000 dead and the number going up everyday, schools closed, 15 million unemployed, businesses big and small going bankrupt and all because not enough people care about others to wear a mask, keep social distance, and practice simple common sense healthcare precautions.

Medical science changes on a dime. Fauci said not to wear a mask in early March because they don’t work. Common sense goes a long way. Scientists are guessing with regards to COVID. No reason to hang on their every word as if it is a fact. It isn’t.
RW sure can't do that. He takes a nap after emptying the dish washer

I am much more physically active than Fat Donnie.
I am the same height yet weigh 70 lbs less

I do not need assistance in walking down a ramp and actually walk a golf course

You admitted you were fatter than Nadler, which is fatter than Trump.

And you voted for a fat ass and Trump is a ball of energy.

This is just your bitterness.

As for your never having worn dress shoes, you seriously never went to a wedding or wore them to church? You just wear your work boots? M'kay. But maybe you should listen to people who do know what you're talking about since you don't
RW sure can't do that. He takes a nap after emptying the dish washer

I am much more physically active than Fat Donnie.
I am the same height yet weigh 70 lbs less

I do not need assistance in walking down a ramp and actually walk a golf course

You admitted you were fatter than Nadler, which is fatter than Trump.

And you voted for a fat ass and Trump is a ball of energy.

This is just your bitterness.

As for your never having worn dress shoes, you seriously never went to a wedding or wore them to church? You just wear your work boots? M'kay. But maybe you should listen to people who do know what you're talking about since you don't

I wore dress shoes at work for 40 years with leather soles

I never had to ask someone to help me down a ramp
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
I expect you, and you alone, to pave my roads, extinguish my house fire, arrest my assailants and regulate safe ingredients in my foods and drugs. By the way, have you dredged my harbor yet, or are you too “self sufficient” to bother?
RW sure can't do that. He takes a nap after emptying the dish washer

I am much more physically active than Fat Donnie.
I am the same height yet weigh 70 lbs less

I do not need assistance in walking down a ramp and actually walk a golf course
right now I'm more concerned with what biden can do than what you can lie to us about,,,

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