Dems win, America loses

Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?
I had this argument before. Human beings have rights...remind me again (for the upteenth time) WHY gays need to get married? Yawn.
I used to be a democrat. The gay marriage thing? Ticked me off a little. I tried talking to fellow Democrats...WHY do gays "NEED" to get married? The basic concept behind MARIAGE that was lost to them. It becomes empty symbolism. Speaking of empty symbolism: Police brutality. Democrats support BLM claims and passively support race riots. Claiming systemic racism in the police department, which is neither here nor there. Blacks murder each other in far larger numbers, and are themselves their own worst enemies. Police brutality in the poor black communities is rather less lethal. So why the emphasis on a rather subjective thing like "systemic" racism? because the coincidentally Chinese owned mass media says so?

If you noticed, Democrats practically ignored gays this Election.
Perhaps, the democrats are not so much a political party anymore as they are loose affiliation of cynical opportunists leveraging stupidity like so many grifters or confidence men At least the Republicans had some belief in our country or system.
Mary pardon me but republicans are nothing more than a cult
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?

They have the same right to settle down, produce children, and raise a family just like anyone else, don't they? Can they not worship in the church of their choice, speak or publish anything they want to, vote, own property, or own a firearm like anyone else?

Where are you getting that they don't have the same rights as you or I? Unless you mean the "right" to use any bathroom they choose, or the "right" for gay or trans men to play sports on a women's teams. Those aren't "rights", they're special privileges that you or I don't have.
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?
I had this argument before. Human beings have rights...remind me again (for the upteenth time) WHY gays need to get married? Yawn.

Why do straight people need to get married?
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?

They have the same right to settle down, produce children, and raise a family just like anyone else, don't they? Can they not worship in the church of their choice, speak or publish anything they want to, vote, own property, or own a firearm like anyone else?

Where are you getting that they don't have the same rights as you or I? Unless you mean the "right" to use any bathroom they choose, or the "right" for gay or trans men to play sports on a women's teams. Those aren't "rights", they're special privileges that you or I don't have.

They haven’t always have they?
Funny, just watching Rachel Maddow on TV ,, in quarantine One of the smartest on TV and she's a gay women .....Love her
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?

They have the same right to settle down, produce children, and raise a family just like anyone else, don't they? Can they not worship in the church of their choice, speak or publish anything they want to, vote, own property, or own a firearm like anyone else?

Where are you getting that they don't have the same rights as you or I? Unless you mean the "right" to use any bathroom they choose, or the "right" for gay or trans men to play sports on a women's teams. Those aren't "rights", they're special privileges that you or I don't have.

They haven’t always have they?

Not sure, and don't really care. This is 2020 and this is where we're at. I'm not going to sit around and mope all day about shit that happened in the past.

The Jews were treated far worse and you don't see them crying to attention or asking for reparations.
I used to be a democrat. The gay marriage thing? Ticked me off a little. I tried talking to fellow Democrats...WHY do gays "NEED" to get married? The basic concept behind MARIAGE that was lost to them. It becomes empty symbolism. Speaking of empty symbolism: Police brutality. Democrats support BLM claims and passively support race riots. Claiming systemic racism in the police department, which is neither here nor there. Blacks murder each other in far larger numbers, and are themselves their own worst enemies. Police brutality in the poor black communities is rather less lethal. So why the emphasis on a rather subjective thing like "systemic" racism? because the coincidentally Chinese owned mass media says so?

If you noticed, Democrats practically ignored gays this Election.
Perhaps, the democrats are not so much a political party anymore as they are loose affiliation of cynical opportunists leveraging stupidity like so many grifters or confidence men At least the Republicans had some belief in our country or system.
Mary pardon me but republicans are nothing more than a cult
By that standard, so are Democrats. I used to be a democrat, until I stopped drinking their Kool-Aid. Obama was mixed race... not black. Ok. Lets go here, Republicans are bad, accept every city Democrats control is a toilet, its an undeniable fact. San Francisco, LA, Portland, NY. This is America's future if we let these idiot democrats run our country. You should be concerned, they destroy true democracy and create a hegemony. A one party system, I doubt that's what our founding fathers wanted....if that doesn't offend the fucking democrats...
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?
I had this argument before. Human beings have rights...remind me again (for the upteenth time) WHY gays need to get married? Yawn.

Why do straight people need to get married?
To reproduce?
Funny, just watching Rachel Maddow on TV ,, in quarantine One of the smartest on TV and she's a gay women .....Love her

I hate her. Personally I don't care whose face she sticks in her pussy. I find her disgusting because of her inbred regressive socialist and communistic political beliefs.
OK OK I'm leaving This filthy talk is not what I need and I don't want to get banned again
Funny, just watching Rachel Maddow on TV ,, in quarantine One of the smartest on TV and she's a gay women .....Love her

I hate her. Personally I don't care whose face she sticks in her pussy. I find her disgusting because of her inbred regressive socialist and communistic political beliefs.
OK OK I'm leaving This filthy talk is not what I need and I don't want to get banned again

I didn't say you weren't entitled to love her. Personally, I just find her disgusting.

It's a free country, man. You be you and I be me. :04:
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?

They have the same right to settle down, produce children, and raise a family just like anyone else, don't they? Can they not worship in the church of their choice, speak or publish anything they want to, vote, own property, or own a firearm like anyone else?

Where are you getting that they don't have the same rights as you or I? Unless you mean the "right" to use any bathroom they choose, or the "right" for gay or trans men to play sports on a women's teams. Those aren't "rights", they're special privileges that you or I don't have.

They haven’t always have they?

Not sure, and don't really care. This is 2020 and this is where we're at. I'm not going to sit around and mope all day about shit that happened in the past.

The Jews were treated far worse and you don't see them crying to attention or asking for reparations.
They got reparations.
Maybe I should have said I respect and admire her and love her program

Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?
I had this argument before. Human beings have rights...remind me again (for the upteenth time) WHY gays need to get married? Yawn.

Why do straight people need to get married?
Funny. I don't have a clue why 99% of people marry to being with, when they end up hating each other. Well. marriage was kind of like protecting and encouraging your prodigy for the future...Let me see Yous guys can go on an hate yourself all you want. Why do, NEED to pretend to get married like it means something?
Its complicated. Trump was never my ideal candidate. Democrats push for open borders, forced diversity and stuff I NEVER asked for as a democrat. I didnt want illegals replacing our middle class and making that the norm. We actual Democrat liberals NEVER wanted trans/gays rights, We old-school Democrats thought HUMAN rights covered it ALL. marriage? (statistically 75% where black?) Little did we know how THAT would be co-opted by communist leftist opportunists dummies the Chinese managed to brainwash us into thinking stupid is the new "smart".

What is wrong with gay people having the same rights as straight people?

They have the same right to settle down, produce children, and raise a family just like anyone else, don't they? Can they not worship in the church of their choice, speak or publish anything they want to, vote, own property, or own a firearm like anyone else?

Where are you getting that they don't have the same rights as you or I? Unless you mean the "right" to use any bathroom they choose, or the "right" for gay or trans men to play sports on a women's teams. Those aren't "rights", they're special privileges that you or I don't have.

They haven’t always have they?

Not sure, and don't really care. This is 2020 and this is where we're at. I'm not going to sit around and mope all day about shit that happened in the past.

The Jews were treated far worse and you don't see them crying to attention or asking for reparations.
They got reparations.

That's where you and I differ. I'm assuming that you meant the world felt so sorry for the Jew, they took some land away from those poor Palestinians, and let the Jews run all over it.

I know otherwise. It's all written in that little black book you have hidden somewhere in your house or apartment. Maybe it's in a bookshelf, or a closet, or a drawer.

Of course what was foretold about the Jews returning to Israel is just a "fairy tale", right?

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