Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |


This is it!! This is the transformation he wants every American to experience firsthand

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Odd that Dems aren't moving here in droves...

Are you guys not happy with the results?

50% chance you won't pay property taxes
Those folks just need some tax dollars, social justce programs, publc housing , and civil servant expierience.......
Well, democrats don't normally do such to a city. Think more of culture and the race that makes it possible.
Those folks just need some tax dollars, social justce programs, publc housing , and civil servant expierience.......

I swear to god if it wasn't for the white man; our "friends" the protected sub-species of humanity would starve or kill each other off until they're around 10 million members.
Let's post often in this thread with new and exciting developments in Demtroit
It's only progressive as the protected species of humanity are a bunch of lazy, violent savages that don't want any better.
The fastest way to wake up the protected sub-species of humanity is to cut their balls off if they walk out on their families. Yep, make sure they can't screw around no more'sss....
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Notice no liberals rushing to defend Detroit.
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.
The difference being the Democrats have pretty much run the city of Detroit and state of Michigan for the last 50 years while the three states you brought are solid blue the Democrats have not had the same unchallenged hold them as they have Detroit.
The difference being the Democrats have pretty much run the city of Detroit and state of Michigan for the last 50 years while the three states you brought are solid blue the Democrats have not had the same unchallenged hold them as they have Detroit.

Blacks don't think about how they can make something better...O'nooo's, that would be too white...So they vote democrat for free shit.
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.

But they were always like that and much improved. Detroit is about 60% smaller today than it was in 1945. It's tax base is eroded. It's infrastructure is gone. Besides, the rest of MI is doing OK so comparing states to a city is not very relevant. FWIW Memphis, also ruled over by black Democrats for years, looks pretty much like Detroit.

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