Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth

If that were the case there would be no auto industry here. There is a thriving auto industry here.
If that were the case every city with an industrial base would look like Detroit. Only Detroit (And Memphis) look like Detroit.

You are not insane. Merely stupid and misinformed.

There almost WAS no industry left here thanks to your corporate masters screwing us over for proft. Look at Flint and Pittsburgh as well as the rest of the rust belt. When greedy companies leave to take advantage of slave labor, this is what happens. Oh, and most of the cars made here are manufactured for Japanese companies. RW'ers are the most myopic, ignorant people when it comes to the economy. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

After decades of outsourcing, manufacturing jobs coming home to US
If that were the case there would be no auto industry here. There is a thriving auto industry here.
If that were the case every city with an industrial base would look like Detroit. Only Detroit (And Memphis) look like Detroit.

You are not insane. Merely stupid and misinformed.

There almost WAS no industry left here thanks to your corporate masters screwing us over for proft. Look at Flint and Pittsburgh as well as the rest of the rust belt. When greedy companies leave to take advantage of slave labor, this is what happens. Oh, and most of the cars made here are manufactured for Japanese companies. RW'ers are the most myopic, ignorant people when it comes to the economy. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

After decades of outsourcing, manufacturing jobs coming home to US

Yes, blame Demtroit on everything except 60 year One Party Dem Rule, that's the road to recovery
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.

That would require being honest
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.

That would require being honest

It's honest to compare the city of Detroit to the state of Delaware? Are you insane?
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.

That would require being honest

New York was saved by Rudy Giuliani.

Topic: Demtroit

You: Not on topic
The Japanese, Germans and Italians don't have greedy capitalists running any of their car companies
You do realize that the poorest states with the highest rates of teen pregnancy, infant mortality, imprisonment, poor dental health, poor medical health, etc etc are all deep, deep red states. I have no idea why you hold Detroit up as some sort of example of the failure of liberal policies and yet ignore states like Delaware, Pennsylvania and New York - all of which have actually managed to get by relatively unscathed in this economy.

That would require being honest

New York was saved by Rudy Giuliani.

Topic: Demtroit

You: Not on topic


You: Delusional

Topic: Dem controlled Areas
The Japanese, Germans and Italians don't have greedy capitalists running any of their car companies

The Japanese cars sold here and built here and they don't use union labor. German's take pride in thier work, unlike alcoholic drug addict Americans. The Italians make a crap product and always have.
The Japanese, Germans and Italians don't have greedy capitalists running any of their car companies

The Japanese cars sold here and built here and they don't use union labor. German's take pride in thier work, unlike alcoholic drug addict Americans. The Italians make a crap product and always have.

If Detroit is a progressive "Mecca", does that make Somalia a conservative utopia? Lots of guns, no pesky government, regulations, etc...

Somalia is in the USA?

You sure?

No, that's what makes it so great. No government to get in your way. You can own all the guns you want, pollute all you want, do anything you want. Don't know why conservatives haven't all leaped at the chance to go there.
If Detroit is a progressive "Mecca", does that make Somalia a conservative utopia? Lots of guns, no pesky government, regulations, etc...

Somalia is in the USA?

You sure?

No, that's what makes it so great. No government to get in your way. You can own all the guns you want, pollute all you want, do anything you want. Don't know why conservatives haven't all leaped at the chance to go there.


Well done! That's real Progress toward "Transformation!"

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