Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth

The Japanese, Germans and Italians don't have greedy capitalists running any of their car companies

The Japanese cars sold here and built here and they don't use union labor. German's take pride in thier work, unlike alcoholic drug addict Americans. The Italians make a crap product and always have.

I take exception to your characterization of American workers as being "alcoholic drug addicts" with no pride in their work. Fuck you! I take a lot of pride in my work, and I don't use drugs and I'm not alcoholic. I can say the same about all my coworkers and people I associate with.

As far as Italians making crap products, you call this crap?


The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.

"The greed of the private sector"?...As opposed to WHAT?..
Detroit's political leadership chased business out of the City. The over taxation used to pay an ever growing state and local welfare system. Detroit is a shining example of suburbanization.
Higher wages meant people no longer had to rent. So they moved to the suburbs and bought homes. As opposed to other large cities, Detroit had all of it's eggs in the automotive industry basket. Now, typically as other cities went through suburabanization, a diverse economy would keep a good portion of the skilled and white collar workers in town. Detroit had no such diversity in industry. So once the skilled labor left town, there were no more high wage people left to pay the taxes needed to support the City and the social programs. Hell even the city workers left the city for the burbs. Detroit destroyed itself.
Japanese imports? Ahh yes, more racism from the pro union left. Cut the shit.
If that were the case there would be no auto industry here. There is a thriving auto industry here.
If that were the case every city with an industrial base would look like Detroit. Only Detroit (And Memphis) look like Detroit.

You are not insane. Merely stupid and misinformed.

There almost WAS no industry left here thanks to your corporate masters screwing us over for proft. Look at Flint and Pittsburgh as well as the rest of the rust belt. When greedy companies leave to take advantage of slave labor, this is what happens. Oh, and most of the cars made here are manufactured for Japanese companies. RW'ers are the most myopic, ignorant people when it comes to the economy. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

After decades of outsourcing, manufacturing jobs coming home to US

Oh go cry me a river. Did you rally think the "good old days" were going to last forever?
We are competing with the entire planet now.
While US based manufacturers were kowtowing to unions, other nations were building modern and efficient plants that not only made goods faster and of higher quality, these places required fewer workers and thus lowered the cost of manufacturing.
Meanwhile, US based companies were stuck in the mud. Either refusing to modernize or prevented from doing so under threat of action by labor collectives.
Demtroit collapsed because they don't pay police, amiright?

Nope. Frances Piven is smiling about this....bucs90 too

"Daniel Howes

Detroit's per capita spending on police and fire is out of step

Joe Harris can't help himself.

The former auditor general of Detroit and one-time emergency financial manager in Benton Harbor is working the numbers again, and what they say about the city's financial management and collective bargaining prowess compared to similar cities is not encouraging.

Detroit spends $397 million of a $1.1 billion budget on a police department to cover 139 square miles, according to data compiled by Harris from publicly available municipal financial reports. That's more than double the $164 million Atlanta spends to police its 133 square miles."

From The Detroit News: Detroit's per capita spending on police and fire is out of step | The Detroit News |
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



that is quite the socialist paradise

we keep continuing on the path we are on

and pretty soon

everyone will have the cuba dream
Detroit hit the skids because all the heavy industry left town - steel and cars. That about wraps it up.
The greed of the private sector, Japanese imports and bad design decisions / abandonment by your corporate gods destroyed Detroit. You people are insane.

Why do you call the desire and attempts of corporations to make profit greed? If you were the owner of a company, would you be in business due to the goodness of your heart?

Japanese automakers conquered the American market with QUALITY, totally unknown in union shops. My 2002 Sienna has 236,000 miles on it, still runs like Swiss watch, no squeaks and rattles and gives about 23 miles per gallon.

The bad decisions were at least partly triggered by the entity in this equation, with the REAL GREED: Unions. If unions realized that installing a screw in a slow moving assembly line every five minutes does not warrant the outrageous hourly rate and the super pension. Especially to those who lack the meaning of the expression "mutual respect" in their vocabulary, and slash the tires of and break the legs of those who dare to work harder than the union allows.

As the old saying goes: You reap what you sow.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.
Demtroit collapsed because they don't pay police, amiright?

Nope. Frances Piven is smiling about this....bucs90 too

"Daniel Howes

Detroit's per capita spending on police and fire is out of step

Joe Harris can't help himself.

The former auditor general of Detroit and one-time emergency financial manager in Benton Harbor is working the numbers again, and what they say about the city's financial management and collective bargaining prowess compared to similar cities is not encouraging.

Detroit spends $397 million of a $1.1 billion budget on a police department to cover 139 square miles, according to data compiled by Harris from publicly available municipal financial reports. That's more than double the $164 million Atlanta spends to police its 133 square miles."

From The Detroit News: Detroit's per capita spending on police and fire is out of step | The Detroit News |

Of course....But the dems won't even touch that fact.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

You blame "Wall Street" for what is depicted in the photos of Detroit's neighborhoods?
You ARE kidding, correct?
Yup, another wonderful Socialist/Progressive Democrat success story. How many once great American Cities have they destroyed? It's very sad.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

You blame "Wall Street" for what is depicted in the photos of Detroit's neighborhoods?
You ARE kidding, correct?

You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.

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