Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth


There was a pretty long period of time, especially in the 80's, when Detroit specialized in putting out truly shit cars. Blame who you want for that, but those shit cars opened the door to companies like Toyota and Honda, and the floodgates opened after that.

If the foundation of your local economy is building cars, you're building shit cars, and you're doing it for at least a decade, bad stuff is certainly going to happen to your local economy.


Blah. Shitty cars, who cares, the UAW still gets paid
I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.

Have you ever heard of the UAW?

Your name is funny...ironic

The UAW doesn't design or market cars. They just put them together.

And yes, they should be paid for that effort.
I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.

Have you ever heard of the UAW?

Your name is funny...ironic

The UAW doesn't design or market cars. They just put them together.

And yes, they should be paid for that effort.

They should own 41% of Chrysler too? I'd make ever last UAW Fucker live in Detroit if they ever wanted to collect another dime
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

California, 14 billion in the red. Who runs the state?

Seriously, if you have Netflix, check it out. It's free, on the instant queue. It is very non-partisan and straight to the bone. If you have studied and have even a basic college political science and economics background, you will understand that the freeing up of capital and labor that started to occur during the seventies is what made possible the shifting of large manufacturing. Did you know that America invented the television? Did you know that we no longer manufacture a single god damned television in this nation?

That's right, if there was a global war right now, and all lines of resupply were cut off, when people's idiot boxes broke down and could not be repaired, we would suffer a shortage of TV's.

Though, to be fair, the next global war will probably be very quick and quite devastating. The last thing anyone will have any time for will be T.V. Not like WWII. The history of that war will seem quite cozy compared to any future war. :tongue:
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

California, 14 billion in the red. Who runs the state?

Seriously, if you have Netflix, check it out. It's free, on the instant queue. It is very non-partisan and straight to the bone. If you have studied and have even a basic college political science and economics background, you will understand that the freeing up of capital and labor that started to occur during the seventies is what made possible the shifting of large manufacturing. Did you know that America invented the television? Did you know that we no longer manufacture a single god damned television in this nation?

That's right, if there was a global war right now, and all lines of resupply were cut off, when people's idiot boxes broke down and could not be repaired, we would suffer a shortage of TV's.

Though, to be fair, the next global war will probably be very quick and quite devastating. The last thing anyone will have any time for will be T.V. Not like WWII. The history of that war will seem quite cozy compared to any future war. :tongue:

Yeah we dont mfg shit in this country because we jack up inflation with bullshit monetary policy. Have stupid regulations like we all need special light bulbs to solve the non existant global warming threat.....AND we then jack up prices with some bullshit min wage.....meaning it's not possible to make cheap products here, and that's what people want......just is man......
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

California, 14 billion in the red. Who runs the state?

Seriously, if you have Netflix, check it out. It's free, on the instant queue. It is very non-partisan and straight to the bone. If you have studied and have even a basic college political science and economics background, you will understand that the freeing up of capital and labor that started to occur during the seventies is what made possible the shifting of large manufacturing. Did you know that America invented the television? Did you know that we no longer manufacture a single god damned television in this nation?

That's right, if there was a global war right now, and all lines of resupply were cut off, when people's idiot boxes broke down and could not be repaired, we would suffer a shortage of TV's.

Though, to be fair, the next global war will probably be very quick and quite devastating. The last thing anyone will have any time for will be T.V. Not like WWII. The history of that war will seem quite cozy compared to any future war. :tongue:

Are you serious, Clark. I didn't know any of that.
Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

You blame "Wall Street" for what is depicted in the photos of Detroit's neighborhoods?
You ARE kidding, correct?

You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.
Detroit is about integrity ( or lack thereof) of LOCAL leadership.
My "God Damned research" is a howitzer compared to your silly peashooter notions. Which are NOTHING....How anyone could possibly defend the decay of Detroit which is due entirely to mismanagement and corruption is a mystery.
Obviously you have an agenda. And agenda which dismisses the facts.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Oh really? Then why pray tell has the rest of the country not followed suit?
Yup, another wonderful Socialist/Progressive Democrat success story. How many once great American Cities have they destroyed? It's very sad.

What party does the governor of Michigan belong to? I suppose he's squeeky clean in all this?
Genius, Detroit didn't fall apart yesterday or last year. The decay started 30 or more years ago

No shit? I never thought about that, herionspoon. You all want to pin this on one party or the other, when BOTH are complicit sell-outs that handed the reigns of power to Wall Street and multi-national interests. If you enjoy the results, keep voting for your party. I'm sure your country will improve immediately!
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Oh really? Then why pray tell has the rest of the country not followed suit?

Ever been to Cleveland? Know anything about Pittsburgh or the rest of the "Rust Belt?" Again, keep voting your party line if you like images like this.

There was a pretty long period of time, especially in the 80's, when Detroit specialized in putting out truly shit cars. Blame who you want for that, but those shit cars opened the door to companies like Toyota and Honda, and the floodgates opened after that.

If the foundation of your local economy is building cars, you're building shit cars, and you're doing it for at least a decade, bad stuff is certainly going to happen to your local economy.

Not only was Detroit putting out crappy vehicles, the Big Three refused to react to the changing marketplace which was demanding vehicles that delivered better fuel economy.
The only car company that was engineering for more expensive fuel was American Motors Corp. This company built two models in the 1970's. The Gremlin and the Pacer. These were spartan yet solid automobiles. The Gremlin came with a 232 CiD in line 6 cyl engine and a 20 gallon gas tank. The range was over 500 miles per tank.
Anyway, Ford GM and Chrysler were not pleased. So like smart companies, they did what they had to so that AMC went out of business.
The Big Three practically invited the Japanese based car makers to start selling cars in the US. The import car problem was their own fault.
Had the Big Three been building good quality vehicles that met the demands of the marketplace, the imports would not have stood a chance.
You blame "Wall Street" for what is depicted in the photos of Detroit's neighborhoods?
You ARE kidding, correct?

You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.
Detroit is about integrity ( or lack thereof) of LOCAL leadership.
My "God Damned research" is a howitzer compared to your silly peashooter notions. Which are NOTHING....How anyone could possibly defend the decay of Detroit which is due entirely to mismanagement and corruption is a mystery.
Obviously you have an agenda. And agenda which dismisses the facts.

A partisan playbook is research? Sorry, Ann Coulter's latest book doesn't count.

Industry Capture: How Wall Street is Destroying American Exceptionalism | Shah Gilani's Wall Street Insights and Indictments
I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.

I had Pontiacs and Oldsmobiles during a whole lot of my life.

When General Motors decided to drop these two iconic names, they lost me as a customer, forever.

Then, they come out and produce about 17 (or more) different kinds of Chevy crap, and hope to stay in business. All supported by UNIONS. Or about 17 different kinds of Jeep, which just proves Chrysler is no different from GM.

Bye bye GM and Chrysler, never to see you again! I am about to replace my 2002 Sienna (which, at 236,000 miles on the odometer is still better than a brand new Ford or Chrysler or General Motors product) with another minivan. Rest assured, it will not be a Chrysler or General Motors piece of union produced crap.

Yeah. The wifes 4runner has 239,000 and still runs like a top on nothing but scheduled maintenance.
She refuses to get rid of it.
We wont buy anything but a Toyota.
You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.

So Wall Street didn't ruin Demtroit.

OK, thanks

Vying early for Wednesday's "Sheep of the Day" award? Bump to top!
It must be wonderful knowing you are always the smartest person in the room.
I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.

Have you ever heard of the UAW?

Your name is funny...ironic

The UAW doesn't design or market cars. They just put them together.

And yes, they should be paid for that effort. about half of their current salary.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



You mean 30 years of Reaganomics. Detroit is also one of the top 10 cities with the most millionaires.
So Wall Street didn't ruin Demtroit.

OK, thanks

Vying early for Wednesday's "Sheep of the Day" award? Bump to top!
It must be wonderful knowing you are always the smartest person in the room.

Like the rest of you self-righteous motherfuckers thumping a playbook? It's not about that - it's about being aware and NOT having a need to carry someone else's banner, especially when they're screwing you over.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



You mean 30 years of Reaganomics. Detroit is also one of the top 10 cities with the most millionaires.

Yea, and we NEED millionaires because of all those wonderful jobs they provide! Right. At one time that was true.
Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Oh really? Then why pray tell has the rest of the country not followed suit?

Ever been to Cleveland? Know anything about Pittsburgh or the rest of the "Rust Belt?" Again, keep voting your party line if you like images like this.

Hmmmmmm...I live in Houston and the economy is great. In my thirty years in the work force I never went without a job.
Sounds like all those people in lib states you mentioned cant say the same.

And as far as those images go? I'm not worried,my states Republican.

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