Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth

It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Really? How so? Was it a surgical strike that made Demtroit go bust?

Tell us!

I'd love to hear it!
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Really? How so? Was it a surgical strike that made Demtroit go bust?

Tell us!

I'd love to hear it!

No you don't. Learning goes against your wanting to be a sheep for a partisan cause. But in the unlikely event you want to see the real picture, you can begin here.

Only Wall Street Wins in Detroit Crisis Reaping $474 Million Fee - Bloomberg
Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Really? How so? Was it a surgical strike that made Demtroit go bust?

Tell us!

I'd love to hear it!

No you don't. Learning goes against your wanting to be a sheep for a partisan cause. But in the unlikely event you want to see the real picture, you can begin here.

Only Wall Street Wins in Detroit Crisis Reaping $474 Million Fee - Bloomberg

you're such a hack

Detroit Takes Top Spots On List Of Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In America « CBS Detroit

It’s a clean sweep for Detroit, but nothing to be proud of, as the city takes the top three spots on a list of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Really? How so? Was it a surgical strike that made Demtroit go bust?

Tell us!

I'd love to hear it!

it was more like a carpet bombing

of liberal ideology
Well, democrats don't normally do such to a city. Think more of culture and the race that makes it possible.

While this statement definitely falls in the racist category, it is pretty much spot on. The blacks in Detroit really did as much as they could to force all the whites out of the city, and in doing so, Detroit lost it's wealth. Eventually, the blacks also started moving out when they figured the place was turning into a hellhole. Between corrupt politicians and a "we don't need whites" attitude, the city went to the crapper.

So what is the solution to bringing Detroit back? It's simple, but not so easy to implement. They need to bulldoze entire neighborhoods and just give the land away to developers, free of charge. Let the developers build the entire neighborhoods including shopping centers and everything. Let them redo all the sewer systems, and streets. People would move there if it is done right.

While it is a bit of a different situation, in Denver, they took what used to be Stapleton Airport and turned it into a big residential/commercial development. The homes they built were mostly $300,000 and up. They built new shopping areas and new schools along with the new homes. Something like that could be done in Detroit, one neighborhood at a time. The key is to getting the stragglers to move out and do demolishing everything that is currently there, and that costs money.
Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

You blame "Wall Street" for what is depicted in the photos of Detroit's neighborhoods?
You ARE kidding, correct?

You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.

So Wall Street didn't ruin Demtroit.

OK, thanks
Wrong again Crusader Skank - another casulity of Wall Street Government, USA.

Really? How so? Was it a surgical strike that made Demtroit go bust?

Tell us!

I'd love to hear it!

No you don't. Learning goes against your wanting to be a sheep for a partisan cause. But in the unlikely event you want to see the real picture, you can begin here.

Only Wall Street Wins in Detroit Crisis Reaping $474 Million Fee - Bloomberg

You might want to read the article you link to.

"Banks including UBS AG (UBS), Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM). have enabled about $3.7 billion of bond issues to cover deficits, pension shortfalls and debt payments since 2005, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Liabilities rose to almost $15 billion, including money owed retirees, according to a state treasurer’s review.

The debt sales cost Detroit $474 million, including underwriting expenses, bond-insurance premiums and fees for wrong-way bets on swaps, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That almost equals the city’s 2013 budget for police and fire protection."

Demtroit is a Progressive mecca that chases out business, the middle class and anyone with a brain and all they are left with are union pensions to fund

There was a pretty long period of time, especially in the 80's, when Detroit specialized in putting out truly shit cars. Blame who you want for that, but those shit cars opened the door to companies like Toyota and Honda, and the floodgates opened after that.

If the foundation of your local economy is building cars, you're building shit cars, and you're doing it for at least a decade, bad stuff is certainly going to happen to your local economy.

I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.
You blame "Wall Street" for what is depicted in the photos of Detroit's neighborhoods?
You ARE kidding, correct?

You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.

So Wall Street didn't ruin Demtroit.

OK, thanks

Vying early for Wednesday's "Sheep of the Day" award? Bump to top!
I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.

I had Pontiacs and Oldsmobiles during a whole lot of my life.

When General Motors decided to drop these two iconic names, they lost me as a customer, forever.

Then, they come out and produce about 17 (or more) different kinds of Chevy crap, and hope to stay in business. All supported by UNIONS. Or about 17 different kinds of Jeep, which just proves Chrysler is no different from GM.

Bye bye GM and Chrysler, never to see you again! I am about to replace my 2002 Sienna (which, at 236,000 miles on the odometer is still better than a brand new Ford or Chrysler or General Motors product) with another minivan. Rest assured, it will not be a Chrysler or General Motors piece of union produced crap.
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

It's about damn time someone on here chimes in who knows the real deal. These farting partisan robots want to throw putdown pies at each other to further their cause, a silly, childish lame cause at that. The NEED to blame someone, and they're not about to read your link or listen, so you can forget it.
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

California, 14 billion in the red. Who runs the state?
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

California, 14 billion in the red. Who runs the state?

You are really proud of that partisan smart crack, aren't you Lord Brown Shorts?
Ah Christ, give me a break. Detroit is a symptom of DE-industrialization. This is as much the fault of the Republicans as it is the Democrats. It has nothing to do with local politics, it has to do with international economics. Do you people really believe it has to do with local politics? Really?!

How short sighted.

It has nothing to do with local politics and everything to do with the de-industrialization of America. The loss of the manufacturing in America has hit nowhere harder than Detroit. Anyone that doesn't know this has made ignorant comments in this thread.

Partisans suck.

It's like no one here has ever heard of NAFTA. The cozy relationship between government and big business, that is what has been the death of main street America.

I suggest you all watch this documentary and get an education.

California, 14 billion in the red. Who runs the state?

You are really proud of that partisan smart crack, aren't you Lord Brown Shorts?

No, because they're drowning in debt. How can anyone be proud of what CA has wrought upon themselves.
You farting robot sheep don't even know who runs this country. Do your goddamned research. As for Detroit, it gave birth to the middle class that America enjoyed post WW II to 1970 before Washingstan, District of Criminals, sold out to the highest corporate bidder. If Detroit is going to shambles, BOTH your precious parties you love so much are responsible. Isn't your beloved governor of Michigan a holy Republican? I suppose none of this is his fault, of course.

So Wall Street didn't ruin Demtroit.

OK, thanks

Vying early for Wednesday's "Sheep of the Day" award? Bump to top!

^ Typical Obama supporter and can't tell the difference between a city and one of our 57 states
I'm not sure you can blame detroits problems on politicians. It was built by the car companies then they couldn't compete and lost market share. The bailouts show how well those companies have been run. That said I don't think one party mostly running any city is good for it. We need balance. Too many wackos on each side.

Have you ever heard of the UAW?

Your name is funny...ironic

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