Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth


There was a pretty long period of time, especially in the 80's, when Detroit specialized in putting out truly shit cars. Blame who you want for that, but those shit cars opened the door to companies like Toyota and Honda, and the floodgates opened after that.

If the foundation of your local economy is building cars, you're building shit cars, and you're doing it for at least a decade, bad stuff is certainly going to happen to your local economy.

Not only was Detroit putting out crappy vehicles, the Big Three refused to react to the changing marketplace which was demanding vehicles that delivered better fuel economy.
The only car company that was engineering for more expensive fuel was American Motors Corp. This company built two models in the 1970's. The Gremlin and the Pacer. These were spartan yet solid automobiles. The Gremlin came with a 232 CiD in line 6 cyl engine and a 20 gallon gas tank. The range was over 500 miles per tank.
Anyway, Ford GM and Chrysler were not pleased. So like smart companies, they did what they had to so that AMC went out of business.
The Big Three practically invited the Japanese based car makers to start selling cars in the US. The import car problem was their own fault.
Had the Big Three been building good quality vehicles that met the demands of the marketplace, the imports would not have stood a chance.

Gremlin? Pacer? Come on man those were some of the biggest pieces of crap out there.
And talk about FUGLY!!!!
Yup, another wonderful Socialist/Progressive Democrat success story. How many once great American Cities have they destroyed? It's very sad.

What party does the governor of Michigan belong to? I suppose he's squeeky clean in all this?
Genius, Detroit didn't fall apart yesterday or last year. The decay started 30 or more years ago

Yep. 30+ years of Democrat rule in the local gov't
Oh really? Then why pray tell has the rest of the country not followed suit?

Ever been to Cleveland? Know anything about Pittsburgh or the rest of the "Rust Belt?" Again, keep voting your party line if you like images like this.

Hmmmmmm...I live in Houston and the economy is great. In my thirty years in the work force I never went without a job.
Sounds like all those people in lib states you mentioned cant say the same.

And as far as those images go? I'm not worried,my states Republican.

Texas’ unemployment rate has gone up. : Texas-Size Recovery
Oh really? Then why pray tell has the rest of the country not followed suit?

Ever been to Cleveland? Know anything about Pittsburgh or the rest of the "Rust Belt?" Again, keep voting your party line if you like images like this.

Hmmmmmm...I live in Houston and the economy is great. In my thirty years in the work force I never went without a job.
Sounds like all those people in lib states you mentioned cant say the same.

And as far as those images go? I'm not worried,my states Republican.

Oh hell no, why worry? Take care of your own country and we'll take care of ours. And keep your retarded politicians out of Wall Street, DC.
Ever been to Cleveland? Know anything about Pittsburgh or the rest of the "Rust Belt?" Again, keep voting your party line if you like images like this.

Hmmmmmm...I live in Houston and the economy is great. In my thirty years in the work force I never went without a job.
Sounds like all those people in lib states you mentioned cant say the same.

And as far as those images go? I'm not worried,my states Republican.

Oh hell no, why worry? Take care of your own country and we'll take care of ours. And keep your retarded politicians out of Wall Street, DC.

I'm good with that. Hope you like the ambiance of detroit.
And I love how you flat out admit those cities are shit holes. Pretty much backs up my point.
Genius, Detroit didn't fall apart yesterday or last year. The decay started 30 or more years ago

no, 30 years of destroying American auto industry by Republicans.

You're so full of shit. I met a guy in Missouri who made over 140'000k working on an assembly line. And you're okay with that?
Jobs not worth more then fifteen bucks an hour. It's repetitive BS you could teach a monkey to do.
THAT is what destroyed detroit. And damn near the US auto industry.
Ever been to Cleveland? Know anything about Pittsburgh or the rest of the "Rust Belt?" Again, keep voting your party line if you like images like this.

Hmmmmmm...I live in Houston and the economy is great. In my thirty years in the work force I never went without a job.
Sounds like all those people in lib states you mentioned cant say the same.

And as far as those images go? I'm not worried,my states Republican.

Texas’ unemployment rate has gone up. : Texas-Size Recovery

Compared to what? How about you list detroits unemployment numbers.
Texas always has a better job outlook then the rest of the country. Thats why yankees are moving here in droves.
It's been said that when the rest of the country has the flue,Texas gets a cold.
Hmmmmmm...I live in Houston and the economy is great. In my thirty years in the work force I never went without a job.
Sounds like all those people in lib states you mentioned cant say the same.

And as far as those images go? I'm not worried,my states Republican.

Texas’ unemployment rate has gone up. : Texas-Size Recovery

Compared to what? How about you list detroits unemployment numbers.
Texas always has a better job outlook then the rest of the country. Thats why yankees are moving here in droves.
It's been said that when the rest of the country has the flue,Texas gets a cold.

Texas this - Texas that. Why are you people so goddamned arrogant? Everything might be bigger in Kotexas, especially the egos, but Christ, you can't even spell flu? But fuck you and education, you have bigger fish to fry, like Rick Perry's next execution!
Texas’ unemployment rate has gone up. : Texas-Size Recovery

Compared to what? How about you list detroits unemployment numbers.
Texas always has a better job outlook then the rest of the country. Thats why yankees are moving here in droves.
It's been said that when the rest of the country has the flue,Texas gets a cold.

Texas this - Texas that. Why are you people so goddamned arrogant? Everything might be bigger in Kotexas, especially the egos, but Christ, you can't even spell flu? But fuck you and education, you have bigger fish to fry, like Rick Perry's next execution!

And jealousy rears it's ugly head.
We laugh at you dumbass fools. Your cities are collapsing yet you elect the same morons over and over.
It's fucken hilarious!!!
Keep it up,I can use the laughs.
Genius, Detroit didn't fall apart yesterday or last year. The decay started 30 or more years ago

no, 30 years of destroying American auto industry by Republicans.

yeah watch Gung HO, made in 1986 talking about how bad unions made the auto started right wing Michael Keaton.

Oh and it was made by Ron Howard...another right wing republican...
Dem controlled areas:

Chicago: Shithole
Detroit: Shithole
Memphis: Shithole
Cleveland: Shithole
East St Louis:Shithole

Point made.

Los Angeles: Shithole
Sacramento: Shithole
Stockton: Shithole

Funny thing is the best mayor of New York in a very long time was Rudy, and the best mayor in LA was Riordan......hmmmmmmmm........coincidence?
Richard Riordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During a children's library event, she asked Riordan if he knew what her name, Isis, meant. Riordan responded, "it means stupid, dirty girl", laughed with several others in the crowd, and then continued, "No. What does it really mean?" She replied, "It means 'Egyptian goddess'," to which Riordan stated, "That's nifty." He later explained it as a failed attempt at humor. Riordan's resignation was demanded by State AssemblymanMervyn M. Dymally, citizens' rights groups, and civil rights groups, including the NAACP, and LULAC. However, the NAACP withdrew from the fray after learning that the girl was white

Bad joke by Riordan, but the bold is HILARIOUS.......the race mattered to these groups....AND they didnt even know it before making these calls.........

typical low information liberals
Texas’ unemployment rate has gone up. : Texas-Size Recovery

Compared to what? How about you list detroits unemployment numbers.
Texas always has a better job outlook then the rest of the country. Thats why yankees are moving here in droves.
It's been said that when the rest of the country has the flue,Texas gets a cold.

Texas this - Texas that. Why are you people so goddamned arrogant? Everything might be bigger in Kotexas, especially the egos, but Christ, you can't even spell flu? But fuck you and education, you have bigger fish to fry, like Rick Perry's next execution!

The city of Houston added 120000 jobs last year! That's equal to a month of the entire USA under Obama -- all 57 states!!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Genius, Detroit didn't fall apart yesterday or last year. The decay started 30 or more years ago

no, 30 years of destroying American auto industry by Republicans.

Show me the links? It was there own greedy / lazy ass's in the 70's that put them behind in the game. In the 40's during world war2 we put in place Quality Control. After the war we didnt give a shit. Americans own mr. Deming went to Japan and taught them how to use it and they started to blow us out of the water in the mid 70's. The unions refused to change they wanted everything to be the same gravey train. It was the Unions and Democrats that killed Detroit. and thats a fact.

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