Demtroit: Progressive Mecca on Earth

You're so full of shit. I met a guy in Missouri who made over 140'000k working on an assembly line. And you're okay with that?
Jobs not worth more then fifteen bucks an hour. It's repetitive BS you could teach a monkey to do.
THAT is what destroyed detroit. And damn near the US auto industry.

Working people making too much money is what fucks up an economy.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
In a way, yes. When a workforce is over compensated, the products are priced out of reach of the average consumer. Above market rate wages are inflationary. Eventually once competitors find a way to make a product of equal quality at a lower price, the company which over pays its workers is either forced to lower prices, which bites into profit margins or it must restructure its labor costs. Higher than market rate wages are unsustainable. As seen with the GM problem. $2500 per unit in additional labor cost was simply not sustainable. Neither was the pension plan to over one million former GM workers.
When labor costs are controlled and balanced in the marketplace, everyone prospers.

There was a pretty long period of time, especially in the 80's, when Detroit specialized in putting out truly shit cars. Blame who you want for that, but those shit cars opened the door to companies like Toyota and Honda, and the floodgates opened after that.

If the foundation of your local economy is building cars, you're building shit cars, and you're doing it for at least a decade, bad stuff is certainly going to happen to your local economy.

Not only was Detroit putting out crappy vehicles, the Big Three refused to react to the changing marketplace which was demanding vehicles that delivered better fuel economy.
The only car company that was engineering for more expensive fuel was American Motors Corp. This company built two models in the 1970's. The Gremlin and the Pacer. These were spartan yet solid automobiles. The Gremlin came with a 232 CiD in line 6 cyl engine and a 20 gallon gas tank. The range was over 500 miles per tank.
Anyway, Ford GM and Chrysler were not pleased. So like smart companies, they did what they had to so that AMC went out of business.
The Big Three practically invited the Japanese based car makers to start selling cars in the US. The import car problem was their own fault.
Had the Big Three been building good quality vehicles that met the demands of the marketplace, the imports would not have stood a chance.

Gremlin? Pacer? Come on man those were some of the biggest pieces of crap out there.
And talk about FUGLY!!!!

Yes but they ran forever. Or until the body rusted out of existence.
What party does the governor of Michigan belong to? I suppose he's squeeky clean in all this?
Genius, Detroit didn't fall apart yesterday or last year. The decay started 30 or more years ago

No shit? I never thought about that, herionspoon. You all want to pin this on one party or the other, when BOTH are complicit sell-outs that handed the reigns of power to Wall Street and multi-national interests. If you enjoy the results, keep voting for your party. I'm sure your country will improve immediately!

That drivel does not rise to the level of stupid.
It took only 50 years, but the Democrats finally have a shining example of what life is like when you let them rule--their shining city on the hill: Detroit, the better name so we never forget who is responsible is Demtroit

Can you imagine life where only every other property owner gets to pay real estate taxes? That's heaven!!

Half of Detroit property owners don't pay taxes | The Detroit News |



You mean 30 years of Reaganomics. Detroit is also one of the top 10 cities with the most millionaires.

And none of them live anywhere near Wayne or Oakland Counties

There was a pretty long period of time, especially in the 80's, when Detroit specialized in putting out truly shit cars. Blame who you want for that, but those shit cars opened the door to companies like Toyota and Honda, and the floodgates opened after that.

If the foundation of your local economy is building cars, you're building shit cars, and you're doing it for at least a decade, bad stuff is certainly going to happen to your local economy.

Not only was Detroit putting out crappy vehicles, the Big Three refused to react to the changing marketplace which was demanding vehicles that delivered better fuel economy.
The only car company that was engineering for more expensive fuel was American Motors Corp. This company built two models in the 1970's. The Gremlin and the Pacer. These were spartan yet solid automobiles. The Gremlin came with a 232 CiD in line 6 cyl engine and a 20 gallon gas tank. The range was over 500 miles per tank.
Anyway, Ford GM and Chrysler were not pleased. So like smart companies, they did what they had to so that AMC went out of business.
The Big Three practically invited the Japanese based car makers to start selling cars in the US. The import car problem was their own fault.
Had the Big Three been building good quality vehicles that met the demands of the marketplace, the imports would not have stood a chance.

Gremlin? Pacer? Come on man those were some of the biggest pieces of crap out there.
And talk about FUGLY!!!!
Remember the AMC Gremlin commercial where the gas station attendant says "where's the rest of your car ,Toots?"....The one where AMC bragged about the fuel range being over 500 miles?...Right as the first gas crisis ( 1974) had ended.
Yes but they ran forever. Or until the body rusted out of existence.

When I was young, I had a '72 Pinto. A buddy had a '74 Gremlin. My Pinto always ran, his Gremlin rarely ran.

The reason was that the 2000CC motor on the Pinto was simple. I actually had about the same number of problems with the Pinto as he did with the Grime-Slime. But where I would be back up and running in a couple of hours, he would be down for weeks. Big old 3800CC that had less horse power than my 2000.
I modified a 1962 Falcon and got 41 mpg on the highway and 38 mpg in the city. I documented this over a two year period. The only drawback was that it had only enogh power to travel at 70 mph unless you were going downhill. I was using a Zenith carburetor with no power valve. I tuned the ignition, engine temp, tire pressures all for maximum mileage and I was so disappointed with the power that when I removed the Zenith I adapted a Ford two barrel onto the engine. I got a lot more power but only 27 mpg. All with a 200 cu" 6 cylinder.
Detroit should be taken as a dire warning for our entire Nation. Is Third World Misery our inevitable future?
I modified a 1962 Falcon and got 41 mpg on the highway and 38 mpg in the city. I documented this over a two year period. The only drawback was that it had only enogh power to travel at 70 mph unless you were going downhill. I was using a Zenith carburetor with no power valve. I tuned the ignition, engine temp, tire pressures all for maximum mileage and I was so disappointed with the power that when I removed the Zenith I adapted a Ford two barrel onto the engine. I got a lot more power but only 27 mpg. All with a 200 cu" 6 cylinder.

Dont you love the old days when you could experment? now I just open the hood check the oil and close it. I hate fuel injection and computers in cars.
The biggest problem with this bankruptcy is figuring out what, if any, assets the city of Detroit has to liquidate, so they can pay off their creditors!

Detroit has been a CESSPOOL for decades. This is what happens when shuckin' and jivin' black criminals, posing as politicians, have a decades-long stranglehold on a city.
The biggest problem with this bankruptcy is figuring out what, if any, assets the city of Detroit has to liquidate, so they can pay off their creditors!

Detroit has been a CESSPOOL for decades. This is what happens when shuckin' and jivin' black criminals, posing as politicians, have a decades-long stranglehold on a city.

This is what happens when people that don't care about economics and want free shit are in power. ;) You're so right about the idiotic population of this city.

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