
ohh mean there will be no free college for illegals!!!!! how tragic!!!

She will not support a bill that costs $3.5 trillion. This is the same stance she laid out in a July statement.

HAHAHA they have every lever of power........can't get it done........Lefties are hilarious............please show us more Pelosi clinching her jaw........It's almost like porn to me

It's ain't over, 'til it's over. You'd best save your happy dance this is over, lest it turning the Masquerade Waltz.
It's ain't over, 'til it's over. You'd best save your happy dance this is over, lest it turning the Masquerade Waltz.
Sure people cave, but it's sad you have to do that much arm twisting for such a "wonderful" bill............I would love to see the threats they are using......fucking sickos.
where were you the past 4 years when we were printing money at a record pace?

simply amazing how people change their views based on upon the occupant of the White House
They didn’t mind because the money was used for military spend. If you start spending on social programs certain people mind. GOP doesn’t mind the spend if it’s border security and the military. Democrats do. Democrats don’t mind if it’s for social programs and green energy. GOP do. Only thing they agree on kind of is infrastructure.
Then why are D's heading for a massacre in 20?
If that happens (and it by no means certain) it will happen because of gerrymandering, GOP attacks on voting rights, the usual mid term losses following a Presidential win, and the fact that the Dem hold on both Houses is razor thin.

See above . Both of these bulls are very popular. Defeating or curtailing them IS a GOP goal because the success in passing them will go a long way towards keeping Dem control of Congress
If that happens (and it by no means certain) it will happen because of gerrymandering, GOP attacks on voting rights, the usual mid term losses following a Presidential win, and the fact that the Dem hold on both Houses is razor thin.

See above . Both of these bulls are very popular. Defeating or curtailing them IS a GOP goal because the success in passing them will go a long way towards keeping Dem control of Congress
Americans' largest concern is inflation. Of course people love candy, but the dems are losing the war of public opinion for a reason, and it's not because of the media or people being stupid.

The Trumpsucking partisans on the board of course blame dems for supply chain failures and inflation, but any rational person knows they are full of Trump's shit, which they happily slurped up.

But the pandemic has caused us to not have enough goods. Even products created or finished here suffer supply chain problems.

The dems solution is to 'GIVE' people more money. And to be fair, Biden seems more concerned with booster shots than container ship crew.s
Of course it's good for kids to get educated and people to retire. But most of us know if goods are more expensive, and we just give people money, we have inflation. We tried that once, and the dems got rolled by Reagan
Americans' largest concern is inflation. Of course people love candy, but the dems are losing the war of public opinion for a reason, and it's not because of the media or people being stupid.

The Trumpsucking partisans on the board of course blame dems for supply chain failures and inflation, but any rational person knows they are full of Trump's shit, which they happily slurped up.

But the pandemic has caused us to not have enough goods. Even products created or finished here suffer supply chain problems.

The dems solution is to 'GIVE' people more money. And to be fair, Biden seems more concerned with booster shots than container ship crew.s
Of course it's good for kids to get educated and people to retire. But most of us know if goods are more expensive, and we just give people money, we have inflation. We tried that once, and the dems got rolled by Reagan
You saw polls showing that both of these bills are popular and yet you claim "Dems are losing the war of public opinion"

Ummmm whatever
You saw polls showing that both of these bills are popular and yet you claim "Dems are losing the war of public opinion"

Ummmm whatever
The dems are. Look at polls on the direction of the country. There's a reason the dems lost 20 house seats in 20 and it wasn't for not being progressive enough. You could ask a poll question on "do you like puppies" and most would say yes. That doesn't mean people want higher prices to get puppies
I'm also a bit mystified as to why Progressives are decrying failure. In 9 mos they passed 2.2?T for covid relief, 1.2T for infrasctruture and they have a deal, if they choose to take it, for another 1.5T in working class social spending.

But it appears they will have to break off funding for climate change.
The latest poll from the Pew Research Center found proponents of both parts of the Biden agenda easily outnumbering opponents.

The latest poll from Data for Progress found the same thing. So did the latest poll from Fox News. In recent weeks, there were similar findings in Monmouth, Quinnipiac, and Suffolk polls.

See post 58. Asking ignorant people if they want free government money, how many do you think will say no? Are you good with giving a couple making as much as 400K an extra 24K in paid family leave every year? That can easily happen if this bill passes.

See post 58. Asking ignorant people if they want free government money, how many do you think will say no? Are you good with giving a couple making as much as 400K an extra 24K in paid family leave every year? That can easily happen if this bill passes.

There is no "free government money" in BBB pal. You're thinking of the first two checks. And chances are, to keep Manchin happy there will be means testing before any kid gets free community college.
There is no "free government money" in BBB pal. You're thinking of the first two checks. And chances are, to keep Manchin happy there will be means testing before any kid gets free community college.

First you say there is no free government money, then you claim there's free community college. Absolutely NONE OF IT IS FREE it's all TAXPAYER FUNDED. You commie propagandist need to get your lies straight.


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