Dennis Quaid IS....Ronald Reagan.

I've never seen such a divergence:

21% critic rating
98% audience

Gee, I wonder if the critics are seeing things through a political lens?

Nature of the job, 'critics' rarely are positive or upbeat. They mostly tend to be died in the wool pseudo-liberals/Leftists so can be expected to reject anything approaching conservative ideals and values.

Had the movie focused on trashing Reagan, even if falsifying, the "critics" would have raved and given it a 95%.
I like Dennis Quaid a lot, but I don't think he looks like Reagan, and although I haven't seen the movie (and don't plan to) I think they could've done a better job with casting.
1. Not all picks for a role are willing to be cast.
2. See the movie. Towards the end there are moments when you think it is really Reagan. He did that good.
Fair enough, but amnesty for illegals and the Iran Contra affair sullied an otherwise virtually perfect presidency.
Contra affair was more tempest in a teacup. Such as we've seen recently with another (R) POTUS.
Major event few recall is that it was during Reagan's terms that USSR had it's "Vietnam" in Afghanistan, funded by the USA and CIA.

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