It Has Begun

We don't send them home with students, that is unbelievably stupid to think teens are going to take care of something.

My homeroom students are all seniors. It is not asking too much for them to start showing some responsibility.
My homeroom students are all seniors. It is not asking too much for them to start showing some responsibility.
Not today.
Many of them have never been shown what responsibility even is. That - wow - you mean you pay a price for something you do? You can't just say you don't feelz good, and the problem goes away?

Example - this graph shows the percentage of high schoolers aged 16-19 that have jobs after school. 1985 to 2022

Among my students - girls and boys - that number is at least 70%. I don't teach in the suburbs.

It's probably a bit higher than that despite what Suburbiman thinks. A lot of my students work the overnight shift, so I have to try to keep that in mind when they have trouble concentrating in class. Walk a mile and all that.
Students don't arrive until Wednesday, but I'm already getting loads of emails from students asking for help with schedules, course information, etc. If this is any indication, this should be a busy week.

They did not offer English second language at any HS that I ever went to, involved with or heard of in CA? What kind of outfit is it that you claim to be with?

This public school? where past students “can just drop by” and roam the halls to drop by your classroom to give you a hug. Nothing adds up? No security? Doors wide open. No metal detectors? No locks? No guards?
Now you mention "college" that's different. Those are adults not kids. Emailing adults is different from emailing a kid in regular school, but it should be done cautiously and as limited as possible.

A lot of what you're saying still does not make sense. You mention "college" students, and now you're trying to mix in parents. In college the students are all adults and parental consent is not needed as much.

Strangely you mention "college" students then you go back into speaking of a school district. Which makes it hard to believe anything you're saying. Colleges and Universities are not under the jurisdiction of any school districts. They are entities unto themselves.

Thank you. I’ve been confused by this blokes stories for years. At one time the VP or CEO flew in from LA to BOS to try to get him to transfer? Or take a new job? Nothing made sense? Sounds more like UofPhoenix night school or other BS teaching English second Launguage?

Then I got a warning me, not him.
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This public school? where past students “can just drop by” and roam the halls to drop by your classroom to give you a hug. Nothing adds up? No security? Doors wide open. ...

Some of my old students are still in the school, so they can move about the building between or after classes. Students I know well who have graduated let me know when they are there and I open the door for them. No big mystery.

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