It Has Begun

It's probably a bit higher than that despite what Suburbiman thinks. A lot of my students work the overnight shift, so I have to try to keep that in mind when they have trouble concentrating in class. Walk a mile and all that.

Very few age 13-17 yr old (if any) are allowed to work nights. Unheard of? What the sam heck? Is this ALTERNATIVE HS for convicts or something? Working where? Dunkin donuts? 7-11? Huh? Unlikely those. A nightime factory job assembing widgets?
... No metal detectors? No locks? No guards?

The school where I teach does not have metal detectors. They don't work anyway. The doors lock and we have campus monitors who I know well. They do a great job. If anything big is happening near my classroom they call me and the teacher across the hall to lend a hand.
Some of my old students are still in the school, so they can move about the building between or after classes. Students I know well who have graduated let me know when they are there and I open the door for them. No big mystery.

Students or past students have your cell number and text you whenever? A bit odd and possibly inappropriate? Girls too? Does the school board know all you’re doing? Is this a state job? A Public 9-12 HS MASS. City job? Teachers union, the whole shebang?
They got youe cell number and text you whenever? ...

If my students need help with something - anything - I am there for them. The school can monitor all communication that takes place within the network, so that's not a problem. Last summer one of my students had a cousin who had just arrived from Afghanistan and needed a little English tutoring before starting in September. I was happy to help and they appreciated it. Last year I had a student whose mother had to drop off her younger sister at elementary school before dropping her off at the high school. If traffic were particularly bad (as it often is) she would text me and let me know she was on her way so I wouldn't mark her absent for homeroom. No big deal. Basic human decency.
school can monitor all communication that takes place within the network,

Interesting. So they got your cell TEXT recorded and can read them all any day sent thru their wireless network? So the “look” only if they need to? Who has time or storage space? More cost, more IT work?

What if your phone is roaming? Not on that network?

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