Dental assistant fired for expressing support for Trump on facebook

Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

Do you think this should be illegal?

I don't know when a surgeon lets you die because they know you like Trump should that be illegal?

Should you voting for that prick Obama be illegal.....
It is not illegal and it goes to show you should limit what you say online. Face book is not the place to get political. Guess what if you work for me and your poitical views cost me clients you will be gone. Keep your views to your self professionally unless you are willing to take the risk. If you spout your political views as is your right , you may suffer consequences. That is just the way it is.

how about religious views?

Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

Do you think this should be illegal?

I don't know when a surgeon lets you die because they know you like Trump should that be illegal?

I guess it depends on what you mean by "lets you die". If I'm paying them to save my life and they refuse - that's fraud, gross negligence, arguably manslaughter. In any case, I notice you haven't answered the question. Should it be illegal to fire someone because of their political views?
What was the "racist" comment that she made on Facebook? Is that provided anywhere?
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

Do you think this should be illegal?

it's not?

Beats me. I asked if it should be illegal. What do you think?

seems like unlawful termination to me----SEEMS I am not a lawyer
Employers in most states can fire any employee for any reason other then sex, nationality, etc. Political speech is not protected speech. I don't think it should be either from an employers stance. From an employee stance who would want to work for this type of employer. I know I wouldn't want a regular job with some twit like that.
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

We told you these pigs are sick in the head. Now imagine a docotr or dentist who just plain hates you because you support Trump.

You pig leftist are like 5 yrs old who never grew up you are pathetic you are idiots losers c word everything under the sun that is filth you are it!!!!

tRump and his drooling faithful are almost universally unpopular.
Do NOT express political views at work.

The only exception is if you are willing to lie.

If you are fired for being a Trump supporter, you can probably keep your job if you claim that you are actually being fired for being a female or a [fill in any minority ethnicity] or a [fill in any religion] or perhaps being overweight.
What was the "racist" comment that she made on Facebook? Is that provided anywhere?

No, it isn't. The single troll made the post and then the company canned her. In the MSJ article, the woman claimed it was her MAGA show of support and maybe a few other comments that got her fired. She also claimed she wasn't racist. There's a disconnect here which makes me think there is more to the story.
I wouldn’t run my business this way and wouldn’t give my dollars to those with such practices, but businesses should be free or hire or fire anyone as they see fit.
What was the "racist" comment that she made on Facebook? Is that provided anywhere?

No, it isn't. The single troll made the post and then the company canned her. In the MSJ article, the woman claimed it was her MAGA show of support and maybe a few other comments that got her fired. She also claimed she wasn't racist. There's a disconnect here which makes me think there is more to the story.

Is it just me or is writing the article without including the supposed "racist" post an awful piece of journalism?
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

We told you these pigs are sick in the head. Now imagine a docotr or dentist who just plain hates you because you support Trump.

You pig leftist are like 5 yrs old who never grew up you are pathetic you are idiots losers c word everything under the sun that is filth you are it!!!!


Well, once we make it past the blaring klaxon of a website that's mainly trying to sell you supplements, we go follow the link of the actual story and find (to no surprise), that there might be more to it. This line begs more explanation, "She said that comment, and possibly a few others like it, got her fired from her job".

South Milwaukee dental assistant says she was fired after posting a pro-Trump comment on Facebook

Like it or not, social media can be a double edged sword. If the company thinks you are costing them business (or are going to cost them business), they have a right to axe you. Do I think its right? No. But it's reality.
A growing amount of people are not helping anyone anymore but those close to them because of this craziness. To many people destroyed for nothing. The slippery slope is our waterloo.
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

Do you think this should be illegal?

I don't know when a surgeon lets you die because they know you like Trump should that be illegal?

I guess it depends on what you mean by "lets you die". If I'm paying them to save my life and they refuse - that's fraud, gross negligence, arguably manslaughter. In any case, I notice you haven't answered the question. Should it be illegal to fire someone because of their political views?

Theres not much you CAN say when you knock out about to be cut open now is there. Ooops sry mam or sir they died on the table oooopsie how would ever be proved that's the point IT CAN'T BE" dddddduuuuuuh. There's a lot of other scenarios it's gonnna fk yah too.
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

Do you think this should be illegal?

I don't know when a surgeon lets you die because they know you like Trump should that be illegal?

I guess it depends on what you mean by "lets you die". If I'm paying them to save my life and they refuse - that's fraud, gross negligence, arguably manslaughter. In any case, I notice you haven't answered the question. Should it be illegal to fire someone because of their political views?

Theres not much you CAN say when you knock out about to be cut open now is there. Ooops sry mam or sir they died on the table oooopsie how would ever be proved that's the point IT CAN'T BE" dddddduuuuuuh. There's a lot of other scenarios it's gonnna fk yah too.

What are you mumbling about?

Try to focus. Do you think it should it be illegal to fire someone because of their political views?
The cowardly dentist they hid their FB profile and won't answer their phones we are seeing lmfao.. Typical leftist cowardly pricks. I'd lmfao if that dentist's office goes under.
The cowardly dentist they hid their FB profile and won't answer their phones we are seeing lmfao.. Typical leftist cowardly pricks. I'd lmfao if that dentist's office goes under.
Do you think it should it be illegal to fire someone because of their political views?
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

We told you these pigs are sick in the head. Now imagine a docotr or dentist who just plain hates you because you support Trump.

You pig leftist are like 5 yrs old who never grew up you are pathetic you are idiots losers c word everything under the sun that is filth you are it!!!!

tRump and his drooling faithful are almost universally unpopular.
Obviously not, or these things wouldn't happen.
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

We told you these pigs are sick in the head. Now imagine a docotr or dentist who just plain hates you because you support Trump.

You pig leftist are like 5 yrs old who never grew up you are pathetic you are idiots losers c word everything under the sun that is filth you are it!!!!

Absolutely NUTS, but unfortunately NOT that surprising. Today's Dim Dems and Liberal Lunatics truly ARE insane.
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

We told you these pigs are sick in the head. Now imagine a docotr or dentist who just plain hates you because you support Trump.

You pig leftist are like 5 yrs old who never grew up you are pathetic you are idiots losers c word everything under the sun that is filth you are it!!!!

tRump and his drooling faithful are almost universally unpopular.
Obviously not, or these things wouldn't happen.
You don't care for your personal tribulations and that isn't my fault, president Trump's or those who support him.
Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

We told you these pigs are sick in the head. Now imagine a docotr or dentist who just plain hates you because you support Trump.

You pig leftist are like 5 yrs old who never grew up you are pathetic you are idiots losers c word everything under the sun that is filth you are it!!!!

tRump and his drooling faithful are almost universally unpopular.
That’s what all the losers said in 16. Fake news [emoji1787].

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Dental Assistant Fired For Expressing Support For Trump on Facebook

A South Milwaukee dental assistant was fired from her job after a single person complained about a pro-Trump comment she had posted on Facebook.

Do you think this should be illegal?

it's not?

Beats me. I asked if it should be illegal. What do you think?

seems like unlawful termination to me----SEEMS I am not a lawyer

Heh.. uh, yeah. ok. Do you agree with that? Should it unlawful to fire someone because you disagree with their politics?

Did her a favor. Who wants to work for garage.

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