Denver riots explode

The more riots, the more votes for Trump!

Yes but ironically Colorado and Ore are solidly blue. Sort of a Jesusland wet dream to have riots of their own.

Biden's fucking it up, though, by not doing a RFK in Indianapolis to tell people their govt will not abandon them.

Speech alone wouldn't help unless he spoke pubically and firmly against riots.
Playing like they are just protests like CNN does, isn't cutting it for him and the party.
Exactly. Biden should emerge and do a walk through (socially distanced of course) in Den. If Bobby Kennedy could do it when MLK jr was assassinated, I think Biden can "brace" the "hordes" of stoned Denver.

And why not require Rump to do the same without his Secret Service? And without use of his "Beast". When you answer that one, you just answered your own question.
Trump's America
Sorry dick for brains, but it is Biden's America if the election goes his way. Why else has Biden colluded with China to release the Kung Flu to destroy President Trumps economy then close the cities which now the Democrat's brown shirts Burn, Loot and Murder?
Good BLM slogan
Looks like “Planet of the Apes”

They certainly had the right color of jump suits. Sounded more like Rump.
You are such a shit...These are not Trump supporters. But they sure act like the planet of the apes...

Let's compare them with Umbrella Man who is Rightwing. Just like Umbrella Man, they aren't rioting or looting. They are calmly walking along breaking windows in a very unhurried and calm manner. Looks to me like the Right sent the troops in to stir up trouble and you are just pointing it out for the rest of us to see. Thank you for pointing out just how despicable you rightwing nutjobs really are.

Oh you mean the peaceful protests?
Burning Looting and Murder....
George Floyd Protests | More than 100 arrested in Chicago after clashes with police
Trump's America
Sorry dick for brains, but it is Biden's America if the election goes his way. Why else has Biden colluded with China to release the Kung Flu to destroy President Trumps economy then close the cities which now the Democrat's brown shirts Burn, Loot and Murder?
Good BLM slogan
Looks like “Planet of the Apes”

They certainly had the right color of jump suits. Sounded more like Rump.
You are such a shit...These are not Trump supporters. But they sure act like the planet of the apes...

Let's compare them with Umbrella Man who is Rightwing. Just like Umbrella Man, they aren't rioting or looting. They are calmly walking along breaking windows in a very unhurried and calm manner. Looks to me like the Right sent the troops in to stir up trouble and you are just pointing it out for the rest of us to see. Thank you for pointing out just how despicable you rightwing nutjobs really are.

Oh you mean the peaceful protests?
Burning Looting and Murder....
George Floyd Protests | More than 100 arrested in Chicago after clashes with police

I suggest that you rightees stop sending your violent rioters and criminals to keep doing this.

Denver used to be a great city and a best kept secret .
Now it’s full of young leftist who believe in Mao and Pol Pot over Washington and Jefferson

The city is a complete hell hole

wow ^^^

I thought that was Somalia....or some other liberal Chicago? or NY? or.... know what I mean.

Very depressing.
The more riots, the more votes for Trump!

Yes but ironically Colorado and Ore are solidly blue. Sort of a Jesusland wet dream to have riots of their own.

Biden's fucking it up, though, by not doing a RFK in Indianapolis to tell people their govt will not abandon them.

Speech alone wouldn't help unless he spoke pubically and firmly against riots.
Playing like they are just protests like CNN does, isn't cutting it for him and the party.
Exactly. Biden should emerge and do a walk through (socially distanced of course) in Den. If Bobby Kennedy could do it when MLK jr was assassinated, I think Biden can "brace" the "hordes" of stoned Denver.

And why not require Rump to do the same without his Secret Service? And without use of his "Beast". When you answer that one, you just answered your own question.
Because Trump is part of what the protestors are protesting. A cop shoots an unnarmed man SEVEN times in the back. Do we want to wager on whether the cop will be indicted for ANYTHING? That's what the protests are about - NO accountability. Biden is selling a vision of America that we are ALL in this together - Biden's story of his dad telling him he didn't expect the govt to solve his problems, but he expected the govt t understand. Trump is selling a vision of America where he literally is the "last defense to anarchy." As Battling Billy Barr teargasses protestors in front of St. Johns so Trump can get pictures of himself holding the bible (his Jewish daughter just happened to have in her expensive purse) upside down.

The dems don't seem to grasp that his election turns on electronic images, and this is a perfect opportunity to steal tv time from Trump and put forth their contrasting message

Trump's gonna win simply because his supporters don't make any secret in approving of suppressing/not counting votes. The stakes are too high .. in their view.

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