Denying the war on Christmas

The the thread is not about if there is a war on Christmas or not, it is about why lefties feel compelled to deny their war on Christmas. Why do you deny your war on Christmas?
You are spinning on a razor blade because you have nothing. You sound like a whiny infant.

Come back when you have some evidence. You know stuff like politicians seeking to an the holiday.. Happy holidays dickhead.
I can see why Trumptards think there is a war on christmas.

October 13 2017
President Trump reignited the "war on Christmas” on Friday, telling a crowd of supporters that "we're saying merry Christmas again" now that he's president.

Speaking to a packed crowd at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., Trump argued political correctness has gotten in the way of celebrating the holiday.

“We’re getting near that beautiful Christmas season that people don’t talk about anymore. They don’t use the word Christmas because it’s not politically correct," he said to strong applause and cheers from the audience at the Christian public policy conference, sponsored by the Family Research Council.

So goes Trump's delusions.
So goes his cults delusions.
How is it a war on xmas ? Its just a historical fact. It doesnt change anything. It doesnt deny the nativity.
Besides the burning Christmas tree at fox, I've provided several examples from this very thread that demonstrate the lefty hate in your war against Christmas. Your denial of the war against Christmas is yet another example in itself. Denying the blatant war on Christmas is example of how lefties have nothing to fight with but cheating. You and your comrades love to shit on Christmas, but none of you has what it takes to take a stand and defend your hate for this Christian holiday.
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?

Donald Trump Wished Everyone 'Happy Holidays' When Obama Was Saying 'Merry Christmas'​

So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
Happy Holidays from the Trump Hotel Collection!

So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
But a poor widow on Social Security came and put in two coins, worth only a few dollars. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."

Trump derangement syndrome gives me the warm fuzzies when I see it, but full blown Trump meltdown absolutely makes my day.

Okay, back to the opening post topic. Why do lefties deny the war on Christmas?
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So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
I am not a Christian but I don't deny the importance of the season for those that are.

The best solution is to STOP acknowledging the minority who are trolling you. You give their arguments credence by talking about it.
I get the need to point out the lunacy from the nuts but I can tell you firsthand it wears thin. Listening to the My Pillow dude whine about cancel culture in his commercials is as big a turn off as cancel culture itself is.
I am just trying to live my life as best I can and hearing some MILLIONARE piss and moan about being canceled when he is still making millions PISSES ME OFF as I just do my best to maintain.
I am not a Christian but I don't deny the importance of the season for those that are.

The best solution is to STOP acknowledging the minority who are trolling you. You give their arguments credence by talking about it.
I get the need to point out the lunacy from the nuts but I can tell you firsthand it wears thin. Listening to the My Pillow dude whine about cancel culture in his commercials is as big a turn off as cancel culture itself is.
I am just trying to live my life as best I can and hearing some MILLIONARE piss and moan about being canceled when he is still making millions PISSES ME OFF as I just do my best to maintain.
I've watched as many who call themselves conservatives cave to the left, but I never will. I have served, and will continue to fight for freedom till the end. Live free, or die. I've watched many who call themselves conservatives cave to covid culture, masks, vaccines, lefty racism, and woke culture, but I vow to never cave in to these commies. I will never forget our pow or our fallen soldiers, but will fight for them till death do us part.

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