Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

It's a cycle of poverty. Rap is all coming out of poverty, it's glorifying it because what else can you do? The US has made this situation and refuses to sort it out, because the politicians don't care, and the voters don't care, and they don't care because the rich spends money pumping other issues and telling people what to think.

American taxpayers have wasted trillions of taxpayer dollars trying to help the black population in this country, over a period of many decades.

The "government" and the "voters" cannot do, and will never be able to do, what blacks should be doing for themselves. Things like working to develop a healthy culture, to value education, a real work ethic, self-reliance, self-respect, respect for others, for community, for country, and much more. No one can instill these values into black people. There are some things they have to do for themselves. And NO amount of money is going to help if all of these cultural values are missing.

There are plenty of good black people, who work and strive to be good productive people.

But there is also a very large segment who are worthless thugs who think the world (spelled whitey) owes them a fucking living. Fuck them. Want a better life? Get an education. Then get a fucking job. Then keep that job and save your money — quit buying and taking drugs. In other words, do what every other responsible, reasonably successful person in this country has to do to build a better life.
There's been some interesting studies about what happens to money in a black neighborhood. The claim is the lifespan of a dollar in the Asian community is 28 days, in the Jewish community the lifespan of a dollar is 19 days and the lifespan in the African-American community is approximately six hours. I've seen no evidence that these figures are really correct. However, there is good evidence that money that enters a black neighborhood does not remain there very long. This is important because if money that enters a community or town flows out rapidly, the benefit is very limited but if the money flows into businesses within community, it creates jobs and positive economic growth. In other words, there needs to be more black owned businesses in black communities that employ blacks.
Yeah flopper. That's about right. If you don't have the organizational abilities to set up and run businesses then the buck exits the community with your purchase of malt liquor at the local Korean shop. That money is not reinvested into the community, but is spent on universities and homes in safer parts of cities with better schools.

The failure is apparent.
After the plessy vs ferguson decision back in 1896 blacks prospered by creating their own banks and financial systems. One shining example out of many centers on the recollection of Black Wallstreet. 36 square blocks of Black entrepreneurial success stood as a testament to black ability and achievement at the turn of the 20th Century.
But jealous maurading pink monsters, like you, passing for humans, destroyed it. They burned it to the ground and killed as many blacks as they could.

See Greenwood Oklahoma.
We know the story. That was over 120 years ago. Stop whining and try to find something to be proud about. Why is it that blacks can't open any businesses that doesn't have to do with hair weaves anyway?
When questioned about Africa, you said it's someone else's fault (presumably white) for putting the tyrant in power. Why don't you prove that? I'm just giving you a starting point (Mugabe).
I don't accept gifts from pink racists..they are likely booby trapped.. But one thing is certain. If the pink media excoriates an African's usually one that wasn't installed by the CIA. Our government has taken some rather extreme measures to halt the spread of socialism in Africa and the world in general.
If you can't understand that by giving modern weapons to groups that favor US interests in those countries , pinkie is at fault and responsible for the social outcomes emanating from that.

Why stay where you don't like it? I assume you don't like it given all the whining you do about whites/pinks, so why stay in a white-run, white majority country, immigrant or not? That often is why people immigrate: they don't like the place they live.

This country is great because of the diverse elements that built it. I have the inhereted right to be here. Do i like the country? No! I LOVE my country. Its just the RW pink racists and bigots that I don't like. Do you understand? I am part of a multi-racial inter gender coalition that keeps your RW male pink punk ass in check. We are the majority and you can name your pain after us. Or more specially, I'd be honored to be identified as your pain...

Your "people" were little more than farm animals, now made obsolete farm equipment by technology.

Euro-peons like you ought to know about that
The word slave is derived from your humble origins...and peonage is just another name for
Sharecroppers. Which one did you spring from?

I never said it was a direct quote. It's based on your statements here:
You cant seem to follow a line of thought too long. The issue wasn't about me.

doubt you can fight back any better than the average farm animal. Well, I guess you're less domesticated so it's possible you're more violent.

As for articulating your grievances, well, I think you have a better chance fighting back against a white-operated army tank with your bare fists

The tank is just as likely to be operated by
A person of color. Thanks to someone fighting the good fight to get the services integrated.
As for brleing more violent...your bloody history destroys that lie instantly.
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Yes, anyone can make it in America, but not EVERYONE can make it. This is the problem. The US uses the "everyone can make it" as an excuse for doing nothing about social problems. People born into a world lacking complete and utter hope will struggle.

Many of the people who move to the US believe they can make it and try to make it. Those born in ghettos don't get this belief. They know America, they've seen how their people have been treated, they see the problems, and they're going nowhere.

Telling them "anyone in America can make it" doesn't help them.

Also, anyone can make it in America, yet if you start up a business you're paying normal tax rates and yet competing with multi-nationals who might be pay MINUS tax. What the fuck? The US is the place where anyone can make it, but those who bribe the govt are going to really make it.
Let’s clear something up. When I paint ghettos as these horrible places where everyone’s in poverty, Black people love to point out that we are exaggerating how bad things are. They say most of the people in Detroit aren’t on welfare or in poverty. They aren’t criminals. They do father their kids. I could go on and on.

Are you telling me there are no positive role models in Detroit? Most of the people do or don’t work? So why aren’t the 40% not making it looking at the 60% who are and emulate that?
Im guessing that the War on Drugs has neutraiized voting rights and job opportunities for those charged as felons for drug offenses. These are the hopeless disenfranchised souls caught up in the revolving door syndrome of the criminal justice system.
Oh yeah, they had nothing to do with their drug use. The drugs/whitey/slavery/global warming did it to them!
Why did drug arrests in the black community escalate after the debut of Nixon's War on Drugs but Caucs, using and distributing at the same rate, were virtually ignored? I told you about Erlichman's confession that the WOD
was a strategy aimed primarily at Blacks and hippies. As the WOD progressed under other administrations black communities were increasingly targeted while Caucs doing the same damb things could continue their drug activities in their suburban hovels without fear of being arrested. Under that paradigm some innocent blacks were caught up in the drug dragnet simply by unwittingly riding in a car where drugs were hidden.
No doubt there are lots of examples of how America is unfair to black people. Still anyone who wants to can make it in America.

I’ll give you a great example. My grandmother never left Detroit. No highschool degree. Best job she ever had was the salad lady at big boy. She bought a home and saved money and and died with $100k in the bank.

All three of her kids made something of themselves. 1 got a college degree

And 2 of their 7 kids are successful. The other 5 are lower middle class I would say. Struggling middle class. So our generation isn’t doing as well as our parents. We don’t get good interest in savings. We don’t get pensions. We pay more for Medicare and we will get cuts to social security.

So this isn’t just a black thing
Yes, anyone can make it in America but it just a lot harder for some people than others. Some are born wealthy and some are born poor. Some work hard and some are lazy. Some are smart and some are dumb. That's life. If we evaluated people based on their individual skills, accomplishments, tenacity, and integrity most of our race problems and social problems in general would disappear.

It's so easy to assume that the shabby dressed Latino is illegal, the black male teen in a poor neighborhood can't be trusted, the guy on crutches can't do the work, girls are too delicate for the work, old workers don't have the stamina for manual labor, etc.. If we only treated people as individuals and took the time to actually get to know people before forming opinions, most of our social problems would disappear.
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When questioned about Africa, you said it's someone else's fault (presumably white) for putting the tyrant in power. Why don't you prove that? I'm just giving you a starting point (Mugabe).
I don't accept gifts from pink racists..they are likely booby trapped.. But one thing is certain. If the pink media excoriates an African's usually one that wasn't installed by the CIA. Our government has taken some rather extreme measures to halt the spread of socialism in Africa and the world in general.
If you can't understand that by giving modern weapons to groups that favor US interests in those countries , pinkie is at fault and responsible for the social outcomes emanating from that.
Why can't negroes make their own modern weapons? Are they too stupid for anything but sticks, stones, and projectile turds?

Anyway, it seems to me like white countries generally do just fine even if they have access to modern weapons, whether locally made or imported. Could you explain why?
Let’s clear something up. When I paint ghettos as these horrible places where everyone’s in poverty, Black people love to point out that we are exaggerating how bad things are. They say most of the people in Detroit aren’t on welfare or in poverty. They aren’t criminals. They do father their kids. I could go on and on.

Are you telling me there are no positive role models in Detroit? Most of the people do or don’t work? So why aren’t the 40% not making it looking at the 60% who are and emulate that?
Im guessing that the War on Drugs has neutraiized voting rights and job opportunities for those charged as felons for drug offenses. These are the hopeless disenfranchised souls caught up in the revolving door syndrome of the criminal justice system.
Oh yeah, they had nothing to do with their drug use. The drugs/whitey/slavery/global warming did it to them!
Why did drug arrests in the black community escalate after the debut of Nixon's War on Drugs but Caucs, using and distributing at the same rate, were virtually ignored? I told you about Erlichman's confession that the WOD
was a strategy aimed primarily at Blacks and hippies. As the WOD progressed under other administrations black communities were increasingly targeted while Caucs doing the same damb things could continue their drug activities in their suburban hovels without fear of being arrested. Under that paradigm some innocent blacks were caught up in the drug dragnet simply by unwittingly riding in a car where drugs were hidden.
No doubt there are lots of examples of how America is unfair to black people. Still anyone who wants to can make it in America.

I’ll give you a great example. My grandmother never left Detroit. No highschool degree. Best job she ever had was the salad lady at big boy. She bought a home and saved money and and died with $100k in the bank.

All three of her kids made something of themselves. 1 got a college degree

And 2 of their 7 kids are successful. The other 5 are lower middle class I would say. Struggling middle class. So our generation isn’t doing as well as our parents. We don’t get good interest in savings. We don’t get pensions. We pay more for Medicare and we will get cuts to social security.

So this isn’t just a black thing
Yes, anyone can make it in America but it just a lot harder for some people than others. Some are born wealthy and some are born poor. Some work hard and some are lazy. Some are smart and some are dumb. That's life. If we evaluated people based on their individual skills, accomplishments, tenacity, an integrity most of our race problems and social problems in general would disappear.
They did that years ago. It was called slavery.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
No one has to prove anything to you white boy. Either you do your own study or not. The information is there for those that want education. Its not our job to make you believe it.
once again, you people spew out crap--no facts, no your posts are only your crap opinions--which mean nothing
How can you know our posts are crap if you haven't done the research to prove its crap?
bible inspired by god?? please prove that!
a man rises from the dead??!!?? we know that is impossible/crap..that's really crap
jesus born without sex? we know that is crap
jonah swallowed by a fish? then comes back?? crap
you believe this stuff?
I doubt that your simian mind is capable of
abstract reasoning but please try. Consider the words where i took my precious time to
direct your attention to secular validations of biblical geography and real places via archeological discovery. The eponyms associated with ethnicity and culture have been spot on. Cush, Mizraim, Caanan are all
real places named eponymously after various
People. The three names mentioned are associated with Blacks in those regions.
we all are related to the apes/etc
the people that wrote the bible also thought the earth was flat/etc
Again, this thread is about fatherless homes, not race.
You KEEP posting this same bullshit statement. Of COURSE it's about blacks.

Black men run out on their kids more than members of any other group. And now, with more inter-racial dating, we're seeing more white women left to support their kid(s) alone after spreading them for some fucking black loser.

The very TITLE of the article specifies that Washington is speaking to BLACK men. Why are you trying to deflect from his intent? By making excuses for the huge numbers of black men who CHOOSE to run away from their responsibilities to the financial and other support of their children, all you're doing is avoiding the problem and helping to assure that it continues. Making ever more excuses for the shitty choices black men continue to make will only serve to make the problem worse.

Please, read the TITLE of the fucking article, and quit posting nonsense:

"Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'"

In case you missed it the first time:

"Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'"
"Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'"
"Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'"

Get it now?
You are really desperate to exuse black failure

Im even more desperate to promote black success.... Got any good news ya friggin' buzzard?
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
He’s Greek. We are very close to black people us greeks. Lactose intolerant and there’s something else only blacks and Greeks get. I can’t remember what it is.

But we all came from blacks. Us Greeks are different than Germans. They are Arian. We’re more Baltic. Probably when the Turks invaded us.

Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
When questioned about Africa, you said it's someone else's fault (presumably white) for putting the tyrant in power. Why don't you prove that? I'm just giving you a starting point (Mugabe).
I don't accept gifts from pink racists..they are likely booby trapped.. But one thing is certain. If the pink media excoriates an African's usually one that wasn't installed by the CIA. Our government has taken some rather extreme measures to halt the spread of socialism in Africa and the world in general.
If you can't understand that by giving modern weapons to groups that favor US interests in those countries , pinkie is at fault and responsible for the social outcomes emanating from that.
Why can't negroes make their own modern weapons? Are they too stupid for anything but sticks, stones, and projectile turds?

Anyway, it seems to me like white countries generally do just fine even if they have access to modern weapons, whether locally made or imported. Could you explain why?
You know you make a good point. Are there any black defense or weapons companies? I call on weapon or defense companies. These companies were started by smart engineers. They sell their products to the us government and to citizens. Why don’t blacks start making weapons? Colt 45. Not the beer the gun
Let’s clear something up. When I paint ghettos as these horrible places where everyone’s in poverty, Black people love to point out that we are exaggerating how bad things are. They say most of the people in Detroit aren’t on welfare or in poverty. They aren’t criminals. They do father their kids. I could go on and on.

Are you telling me there are no positive role models in Detroit? Most of the people do or don’t work? So why aren’t the 40% not making it looking at the 60% who are and emulate that?
Im guessing that the War on Drugs has neutraiized voting rights and job opportunities for those charged as felons for drug offenses. These are the hopeless disenfranchised souls caught up in the revolving door syndrome of the criminal justice system.
Oh yeah, they had nothing to do with their drug use. The drugs/whitey/slavery/global warming did it to them!
Why did drug arrests in the black community escalate after the debut of Nixon's War on Drugs but Caucs, using and distributing at the same rate, were virtually ignored? I told you about Erlichman's confession that the WOD
was a strategy aimed primarily at Blacks and hippies. As the WOD progressed under other administrations black communities were increasingly targeted while Caucs doing the same damb things could continue their drug activities in their suburban hovels without fear of being arrested. Under that paradigm some innocent blacks were caught up in the drug dragnet simply by unwittingly riding in a car where drugs were hidden.
No doubt there are lots of examples of how America is unfair to black people. Still anyone who wants to can make it in America.

I’ll give you a great example. My grandmother never left Detroit. No highschool degree. Best job she ever had was the salad lady at big boy. She bought a home and saved money and and died with $100k in the bank.

All three of her kids made something of themselves. 1 got a college degree

And 2 of their 7 kids are successful. The other 5 are lower middle class I would say. Struggling middle class. So our generation isn’t doing as well as our parents. We don’t get good interest in savings. We don’t get pensions. We pay more for Medicare and we will get cuts to social security.

So this isn’t just a black thing
Yes, anyone can make it in America but it just a lot harder for some people than others. Some are born wealthy and some are born poor. Some work hard and some are lazy. Some are smart and some are dumb. That's life. If we evaluated people based on their individual skills, accomplishments, tenacity, and integrity most of our race problems and social problems in general would disappear.

It's so easy to assume that the shabby dressed Latino is illegal, the black male teen in a poor neighborhood can't be trusted, the guy on crutches can't do the work, girls are too delicate for the work, old workers don't have the stamina for manual labor, etc.. If we only treated people as individuals and took the time to actually get to know people before forming opinions, most of our social problems would disappear.
There’s a good old boys network made up of white men. In the board room.

And the future ceos are going to be their kids because they’ll have the connections and go to the best private schools that kids who graduated from Harvard went to.

And the owners of those defense companies are going to leave their businesses to their kids.

And jqpublic votes republican. They just gave the rich tax breaks and they’re going to do away with the inheritance tax. This is going to shift the tax burden into us.

The only way to change the gop is to show up and not vote for it
You are really desperate to exuse black failure

Im even more desperate to promote black success.... Got any good news ya friggin' buzzard?
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
He’s Greek. We are very close to black people us greeks. Lactose intolerant and there’s something else only blacks and Greeks get. I can’t remember what it is.

But we all came from blacks. Us Greeks are different than Germans. They are Arian. We’re more Baltic. Probably when the Turks invaded us.

Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
If you were more evolved you would be better than Blacks at everything and you wouldnt be recessive. Genetics 101.
When questioned about Africa, you said it's someone else's fault (presumably white) for putting the tyrant in power. Why don't you prove that? I'm just giving you a starting point (Mugabe).
I don't accept gifts from pink racists..they are likely booby trapped.. But one thing is certain. If the pink media excoriates an African's usually one that wasn't installed by the CIA. Our government has taken some rather extreme measures to halt the spread of socialism in Africa and the world in general.
If you can't understand that by giving modern weapons to groups that favor US interests in those countries , pinkie is at fault and responsible for the social outcomes emanating from that.
Why can't negroes make their own modern weapons? Are they too stupid for anything but sticks, stones, and projectile turds?

Anyway, it seems to me like white countries generally do just fine even if they have access to modern weapons, whether locally made or imported. Could you explain why?
You know you make a good point. Are there any black defense or weapons companies? I call on weapon or defense companies. These companies were started by smart engineers. They sell their products to the us government and to citizens. Why don’t blacks start making weapons? Colt 45. Not the beer the gun
Well, if one needs SMART engineers to run such a company, that would help explain why.
So then, according to the OP, either the Vegas shooter came from a fatherless home or he wasn't a problem.
Blacks and women aren’t completely wrong to complain. My brother is a vp at a Fortune 500. He laughs because the ceo talks about diversity but has no blacks or women working for him. No vps that is.

And the guy just brought in ten white dudes my brother says serve absolutely no value to the company. Not that he can see.

White men have control of the hiring and firing. I’m not complaining I’m a white male
I agree.

But my point in all of this is simply that blacks have to find ways to develop a culture that values education, hard work, self-reliance, etc. As is stands, in some areas young blacks who DO try to educate themselves will be ridiculed by the lazy thugs who do nothing but hang out on the streets and cause problems.

Hell, I had some black buddies who would refer to blacks wearing professional attire downtown as "colored persons". It was a put-down they used out of stupidity against other blacks who were working in a professional environment and trying to get ahead. THIS is not a problem caused by whites. It's a problem that exists in the black sub-culture that thuggish young blacks immerse themselves in.

They'll never get ahead if they don't begin to seriously educate themselves and prepare to enter the workforce with some useful skills. And no one wants to hire, or work with, a black person with a shitty attitude toward whites. There's a lot more to working than simply showing up. You have to bring something to the table. No one owes any of us a living.
Develop a culture? Cultures are built over decades and centuries and are slow to change. The triggers for change are almost always external, not internal. For example, the civil rights law made racial discrimination illegal. Integration in public schools resulted in a better education environment for people of color. Various changes in government and higher education has made possible more blacks attending college. Changes in hiring practices put more blacks in higher paying jobs.

Counter to these develops are the loss in blue collar jobs and the loss in buying power of those wages driving many further into poverty. Just as damaging has been the loss of the traditional family structure which has been more devastating to black communities than whites since blacks have less financial means.
As per usual, blacks caused their own problems.

It began with blue collar jobs moving out of the cities. When that happened, white people followed the jobs, and black people ;did not.

It really is as simple as that. Black people chose to stay in the inner cities which had no jobs and no money for upkeep of infrastructure.
Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
Nonsense. Fitst of all you aren't white and neither is anyone else. Your "whiteness" is some Euro-jerks sanctimonious attempt to glorify his pale pinkish skin as something special. Think about this. If you're "white "damn near every cresture on earth is white...even those with dark or black fur..
And most of them have straight hair too...not to mention thin lips.blacks possess prototypical human traits that are rare in the animal kingdom. Dark skin, kinky hair, and thick lips are traits shared by few if any other animals. Only the innocent lamb has comparable wooly hair. :lol:

So in terms of evolution ...your neanderthal traits are some how infused with black human genetic traits. But thats not evolution...thats inter specie biological congruence of some kind. That isn't supposed to be possible. Somehow recessive genes came out of that genetic exchange and the gene for black skin in humans mutated. Traits once only seen in albinos.started to gain strength enough that people having those same recessive genes could now mate with each other and replicate themselves. But the human gene that spawned all those we call human today came from the mitochondrial Eve who lived in Africa. Thr evidence or human evolution since homo Sapiens came on the scene has been sorely lacking..Cro magnon was heralded as the Euro-Adam for. Caucasians
but there are few if sny comparisons with him and Africans living in the same era....Perhaps that is what he immigrant from Africa that was tagged as Cro Magnon.
Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
Nonsense. Fitst of all you aren't white and neither is anyone else. Your "whiteness" is some Euro-jerks sanctimonious attempt to glorify his pale pinkish skin as something special. Think about this. If you're "white "damn near every cresture on earth is white...even those with dark or black fur..
And most of them have straight hair too...not to mention thin lips.blacks possess prototypical human traits that are rare in the animal kingdom. Dark skin, kinky hair, and thick lips are traits shared by few if any other animals. Only the innocent lamb has comparable wooly hair. :lol:

So in terms of evolution ...your neanderthal traits are some how infused with black human genetic traits. But thats not evolution...thats inter specie biological congruence of some kind. That isn't supposed to be possible. Somehow recessive genes came out of that genetic exchange and the gene for black skin in humans mutated. Traits once only seen in albinos.started to gain strength enough that people having those same recessive genes could now mate with each other and replicate themselves. But the human gene that spawned all those we call human today came from the mitochondrial Eve who lived in Africa. Thr evidence or human evolution since homo Sapiens came on the scene has been sorely lacking..Cro magnon was heralded as the Euro-Adam for. Caucasians
but there are few if sny comparisons with him and Africans living in the same era....Perhaps that is what he immigrant from Africa that was tagged as Cro Magnon.

* hilarious

The fact is homo negrus is the missing link between cro magnon and homo sapien.

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