Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
Nonsense. Fitst of all you aren't white and neither is anyone else. Your "whiteness" is some Euro-jerks sanctimonious attempt to glorify his pale pinkish skin as something special. Think about this. If you're "white "damn near every cresture on earth is white...even those with dark or black fur..
And most of them have straight hair too...not to mention thin lips.blacks possess prototypical human traits that are rare in the animal kingdom. Dark skin, kinky hair, and thick lips are traits shared by few if any other animals. Only the innocent lamb has comparable wooly hair. :lol:

So in terms of evolution ...your neanderthal traits are some how infused with black human genetic traits. But thats not evolution...thats inter specie biological congruence of some kind. That isn't supposed to be possible. Somehow recessive genes came out of that genetic exchange and the gene for black skin in humans mutated. Traits once only seen in albinos.started to gain strength enough that people having those same recessive genes could now mate with each other and replicate themselves. But the human gene that spawned all those we call human today came from the mitochondrial Eve who lived in Africa. Thr evidence or human evolution since homo Sapiens came on the scene has been sorely lacking..Cro magnon was heralded as the Euro-Adam for. Caucasians
but there are few if sny comparisons with him and Africans living in the same era....Perhaps that is what he immigrant from Africa that was tagged as Cro Magnon.
Mutations in evolution don’t always have to be good.

Or that mutation may help us today but not tomorrow
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those after my white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
Actually it was a white president who freed the black man in America, a white congress that passed the civil rights act and voting rights act and it was white Supreme Court that shot down segregation laws so don't blame all whites for the injustices suffered by blacks.
And whites who brought them here to save them from their fates in Africa. If not for whites, his ancestors would have been surplus slaves. What do you think they would have done with them if they had a famine?
You ignore the thousands of years that Africa flourished when the only pink people among them were albinos....
I'm not saying negroes didn't "flourish" by prehistoric standards in primitive, thousand year old tribal societies. I'm saying they can't make a modern society by modern white standards and even those negroes who were gifted the chance to live in a modern white society tend to fail at relatively high rates.
Even after i have given much time to telling you about early successful black enclaves during the zjum Crow era you still are stuck on stupid. Blackd have proven time and time again that they can succed independly of pink oversifgyt. Evertime pink jealousy erupted and the pink apes destroyed those places. Still many did survive until integration broke the back of black commerce and entrepreneurship.. Blacks flocked to Cauc businesses while pink regulators. suppliers and distributors hijacked black businesses from the political and supply side. Now.blacks find themselves almost entirely at the mercy of People who generally hate hate
Why didn’t we just wipe you out?
Blacks and women aren’t completely wrong to complain. My brother is a vp at a Fortune 500. He laughs because the ceo talks about diversity but has no blacks or women working for him. No vps that is.

And the guy just brought in ten white dudes my brother says serve absolutely no value to the company. Not that he can see.

White men have control of the hiring and firing. I’m not complaining I’m a white male
I agree.

But my point in all of this is simply that blacks have to find ways to develop a culture that values education, hard work, self-reliance, etc. As is stands, in some areas young blacks who DO try to educate themselves will be ridiculed by the lazy thugs who do nothing but hang out on the streets and cause problems.

Hell, I had some black buddies who would refer to blacks wearing professional attire downtown as "colored persons". It was a put-down they used out of stupidity against other blacks who were working in a professional environment and trying to get ahead. THIS is not a problem caused by whites. It's a problem that exists in the black sub-culture that thuggish young blacks immerse themselves in.

They'll never get ahead if they don't begin to seriously educate themselves and prepare to enter the workforce with some useful skills. And no one wants to hire, or work with, a black person with a shitty attitude toward whites. There's a lot more to working than simply showing up. You have to bring something to the table. No one owes any of us a living.
Develop a culture? Cultures are built over decades and centuries and are slow to change. The triggers for change are almost always external, not internal. For example, the civil rights law made racial discrimination illegal. Integration in public schools resulted in a better education environment for people of color. Various changes in government and higher education has made possible more blacks attending college. Changes in hiring practices put more blacks in higher paying jobs.

Counter to these develops are the loss in blue collar jobs and the loss in buying power of those wages driving many further into poverty. Just as damaging has been the loss of the traditional family structure which has been more devastating to black communities than whites since blacks have less financial means.
I think you’re picking nits. Or maybe you're just being an arrogant asshole. Further, your post came off as so clinical that it sounds as if you’ve known precious few blacks, or, if you have known any, you’ve probably spent so little time with them that you’ve learned nothing about them.

Culture is a difficult concept. Even experts have problems defining it.

We have an over-arching American culture, and countless ethnic / racial sub-cultures. There are also gang cultures, and some corporations develop their own desired culture. (Oh, excuse me, did I say “develop”). Of course they “develop” their corporate culture. They decide what they want it to be, and go about “developing” it. Apple and Google, for instance, have their own cultures. And they certainly did not allow them to come about haphazardly.

It’s true also, that blacks, like any other ethnic or racial group, have their own culture. But there are also sub-cultures within the black community that are defined by the thinking and behavior of many of the young people who, of course, have their own ideas about how to behave, think, dress, live, etc.

But I’m speaking of the young thugs, gang members, and the young people who are influenced by them. In the thinking of the young people (thugs) I’m talking about, a positive view of education, work, self-reliance, etc., does not exist. In fact, members sharing this sub-culture look down on all these ideas. They ridicule and insult other young people within their communities who DO try to educate themselves, or who learn and use correct English when speaking, and so on.

This sub-culture has developed over decades, and the results have been deadly, literally, for the black community as a whole. Look at Chicago, Baltimore, and several other big cities with large black populations. The majority of the crimes are committed by young blacks who share this thug sub-culture (call it what you will). They not only tolerate, but seek out violence. They steal what they want, do drugs, commit murder and rape, and they seem to have NO interest in EVER working for a living.

Experts say that culture is dynamic, it is ALWAYS changing. And one important aspect of culture is what people THINK. I would argue that with the internet, social media, and mass media, cultures are changing much more rapidly today than ever before. And much faster, certainly, than you or I could know. And a lot of what the young black thugs and criminals are thinking about, involves ideas that would make you shit in your fucking shoes.

So yes, I think we do a LOT to “develop” and change our culture. If these young blacks are ever going to change course, their ‘thinking’ and values have to change. That sub-culture has been developing on its own, over time, and look at the results.

It can be influenced by “outside factors” — members of the greater black community, who can help to guide and influence, and yes, help DEVELOP and modify the sub-culture of violence that is so damaging to so many young people.

ONLY members of the larger black community can encourage these changes in thinking. They can encourage young people to think about education and work in more positive ways. They can help them think about self-respect, the value of a work ethic, etc. Blacks absolutely do NOT want whites telling them what to think or what to do. They DO want money and lots of other free stuff from whites, but that’s another story.

You mention laws that make it possible for blacks to get a better education, attend college etc. Those laws have done little, or nothing, to influence the huge numbers of blacks hanging out on the streets. And they have done little, or nothing, to change the very real and negative culture these, mostly young, people embrace.

Listen to the fucking music, read and listen to the more popular and radical speakers. Go to the local clubs and after hours joints. Meet some of the young thugs and ordinary young blacks. Make some black friends, REAL people you grow to know and care about (Gasp!). Spend a LOT of time with them and get to truly know them
. Then maybe you’ll get a fucking clue. Your post sounds like all of your ideas about blacks came out of a sanitized, never-before-opened text book.

Apologies to other members that we hi-jacked this thread for a couple of posts.

Anthropologists have been discussing and debating definitions of culture since the origin of the discipline in the 19th century. In 1952 two prominent American anthropologists, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn, published an entire volume cataloging different definitions of culture. A useful summary of that discussion, grouping their 160 different definitions into eight categories, is provided by John Bodley in his Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States and the Global System (1994). Bodley goes on to distill what is useful in these categories and to define culture in a useful way. Culture, he suggests, is made up of at least three components: what people think, what they do, and the material products they produce. The problem with defining culture as shared values and beliefs, as some anthropologists do, is that there can be a vast difference between what people think they ought to do (value) and what they actually do (behavior).

Culture, here understood as the totality of what a group of people think, how they behave, and what they produce that is passed on to future generations, is what binds us together as human beings but also separates us into our different communities.
Hopefully they are changing their culture. In Detroit 8 years ago detroiters were re electing a thug as mayor much like Alabama is voting for Roy moore
Im even more desperate to promote black success.... Got any good news ya friggin' buzzard?
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
He’s Greek. We are very close to black people us greeks. Lactose intolerant and there’s something else only blacks and Greeks get. I can’t remember what it is.

But we all came from blacks. Us Greeks are different than Germans. They are Arian. We’re more Baltic. Probably when the Turks invaded us.

Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
If you were more evolved you would be better than Blacks at everything and you wouldnt be recessive. Genetics 101.
Not if you guys were stuck out in the wild while we built great societies. You stayed strong and fast. We evolved into what we are because we use our brains more and bodies less.

Farming changed everything. It allowed 1 person to feed ten. Before farming everyone just fed themselves. So the ten being fed got out of shape but then had the time to invent things
Your worldview in regards to universal black history exemplifies the intense social conditioning we all have been subjected to in this country. The used, tattered, and soiled hand me down school books we recieved inelementary school from Caucasian municipal school authorities
underscored the disdain they had for educating us. The history books uplifted our oppressors. Our success in school depended on how well we learned about how pink aggressors screwed over people of color. The story of slavery was central to the theme as was the theft of Manhattan for the price of beads and trinkets. The only references to blacks were limited to their roles as slaves and later as manumitted paupers standing or kneeling clothed in rags near the Lincoln Monument bowing their grateful heads in respect. The depictions of blacks were always caricatured as black inkspots drawn in human form,endowed with big lips and large white eyes. The range of skin tones so conspicuous in Africa were never shown.
These caricatures were meant to condition every child, black or Cauc, that black skinned folk were inferior to the pink peoples of the world. That was during segregation.

But integration brought a set of new tactics to continue the conditioning. Bigoted teachers, having been social conditioned themselves,
saw no need to. change the curriculum because blacks were present. There was no mention of KMT...No reference to Nubia. Not one sentence about Ethiopia....And on the eve of the civil rights era while the space race was
gaining momentum. We had no idea that three black female mathematicians were having such a profound effect on our success
In the space race against the Russians.
Not until nearly 60 years later would we hear of the crucial contributions thise women made.
These few examples do no justice in serving as a presentation of all the positive impacts blacks have made to this country and to the world. Sure the African stereotype is one of the naked savage crouched in a grass hut with a stone tipped spear and shield of skin by his side. But that is just one story . Other black were ruling in KMT and kickstarting civilization both in continental Africa and the middle east. It is from these African roots that
your "evolution" sprang. But Black genius started it all and the new wave of black African immigrants. with their exceptional academic prowess, are carrying that legacy foward. You might call that phenomenon evolution...but whatever it is...the notion of
European superiority is waning fast because of it.

Actually it was a white president who freed the black man in America, a white congress that passed the civil rights act and voting rights act and it was white Supreme Court that shot down segregation laws so don't blame all whites for the injustices suffered by blacks.
And whites who brought them here to save them from their fates in Africa. If not for whites, his ancestors would have been surplus slaves. What do you think they would have done with them if they had a famine?
You ignore the thousands of years that Africa flourished when the only pink people among them were albinos....
I'm not saying negroes didn't "flourish" by prehistoric standards in primitive, thousand year old tribal societies. I'm saying they can't make a modern society by modern white standards and even those negroes who were gifted the chance to live in a modern white society tend to fail at relatively high rates.
Even after i have given much time to telling you about early successful black enclaves during the zjum Crow era you still are stuck on stupid. Blackd have proven time and time again that they can succed independly of pink oversifgyt. Evertime pink jealousy erupted and the pink apes destroyed those places. Still many did survive until integration broke the back of black commerce and entrepreneurship.. Blacks flocked to Cauc businesses while pink regulators. suppliers and distributors hijacked black businesses from the political and supply side. Now.blacks find themselves almost entirely at the mercy of People who generally hate hate
Why didn’t we just wipe you out?
Because God is with us. I believe He had a hand in protecting us...what could possibly
have stayed the hand of death in a naion of people known for their abject brutality greed and racism? Indeed many innocent people were killed or lynched along the way...but the prayers of Black Christians and Muslims
were heard...
Last edited:
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
He’s Greek. We are very close to black people us greeks. Lactose intolerant and there’s something else only blacks and Greeks get. I can’t remember what it is.

But we all came from blacks. Us Greeks are different than Germans. They are Arian. We’re more Baltic. Probably when the Turks invaded us.

Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
If you were more evolved you would be better than Blacks at everything and you wouldnt be recessive. Genetics 101.
Not if you guys were stuck out in the wild while we built great societies. You stayed strong and fast. We evolved into what we are because we use our brains more and bodies less.

Farming changed everything. It allowed 1 person to feed ten. Before farming everyone just fed themselves. So the ten being fed got out of shape but then had the time to invent things
Your worldview in regards to universal black history exemplifies the intense social conditioning we all have been subjected to in this country. The used, tattered, and soiled hand me down school books we recieved inelementary school from Caucasian municipal school authorities
underscored the disdain they had for educating us. The history books uplifted our oppressors. Our success in school depended on how well we learned about how pink aggressors screwed over people of color. The story of slavery was central to the theme as was the theft of Manhattan for the price of beads and trinkets. The only references to blacks were limited to their roles as slaves and later as manumitted paupers standing or kneeling clothed in rags near the Lincoln Monument bowing their grateful heads in respect. The depictions of blacks were always caricatured as black inkspots drawn in human form,endowed with big lips and large white eyes. The range of skin tones so conspicuous in Africa were never shown.
These caricatures were meant to condition every child, black or Cauc, that black skinned folk were inferior to the pink peoples of the world. That was during segregation.

But integration brought a set of new tactics to continue the conditioning. Bigoted teachers, having been social conditioned themselves,
saw no need to. change the curriculum because blacks were present. There was no mention of KMT...No reference to Nubia. Not one sentence about Ethiopia....And on the eve of the civil rights era while the space race was
gaining momentum. We had no idea that three black female mathematicians were having such a profound effect on our success
In the space race against the Russians.
Not until nearly 60 years later would we hear of the crucial contributions thise women made.
These few examples do no justice in serving as a presentation of all the positive impacts blacks have made to this country and to the world. Sure the African stereotype is one of the naked savage crouched in a grass hut with a stone tipped spear and shield of skin by his side. But that is just one story . Other black were ruling in KMT and kickstarting civilization both in continental Africa and the middle east. It is from these African roots that
your "evolution" sprang. But Black genius started it all and the new wave of black African immigrants. with their exceptional academic prowess, are carrying that legacy foward. You might call that phenomenon evolution...but whatever it is...the notion of
European superiority is waning fast because of it.

It's one hell of a stretch, but let's assume your fairy tale is true. How the hell did you go from from great jungle-bunny civilizations to Detroit or today's sub-Saharan Afriica. I mean civilizations fail, but how do you fall that far?
Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
Nonsense. Fitst of all you aren't white and neither is anyone else. Your "whiteness" is some Euro-jerks sanctimonious attempt to glorify his pale pinkish skin as something special. Think about this. If you're "white "damn near every cresture on earth is white...even those with dark or black fur..
And most of them have straight hair too...not to mention thin lips.blacks possess prototypical human traits that are rare in the animal kingdom. Dark skin, kinky hair, and thick lips are traits shared by few if any other animals. Only the innocent lamb has comparable wooly hair. :lol:

So in terms of evolution ...your neanderthal traits are some how infused with black human genetic traits. But thats not evolution...thats inter specie biological congruence of some kind. That isn't supposed to be possible. Somehow recessive genes came out of that genetic exchange and the gene for black skin in humans mutated. Traits once only seen in albinos.started to gain strength enough that people having those same recessive genes could now mate with each other and replicate themselves. But the human gene that spawned all those we call human today came from the mitochondrial Eve who lived in Africa. Thr evidence or human evolution since homo Sapiens came on the scene has been sorely lacking..Cro magnon was heralded as the Euro-Adam for. Caucasians
but there are few if sny comparisons with him and Africans living in the same era....Perhaps that is what he immigrant from Africa that was tagged as Cro Magnon.

* hilarious

The fact is homo negrus is the missing link between cro magnon and homo sapien.
Sorry pink boy. The first homo sapiens was a Black woman and Black man. Your mutation didnt arrive until relatively recently.
Blacks and women aren’t completely wrong to complain. My brother is a vp at a Fortune 500. He laughs because the ceo talks about diversity but has no blacks or women working for him. No vps that is.

And the guy just brought in ten white dudes my brother says serve absolutely no value to the company. Not that he can see.

White men have control of the hiring and firing. I’m not complaining I’m a white male
I agree.

But my point in all of this is simply that blacks have to find ways to develop a culture that values education, hard work, self-reliance, etc. As is stands, in some areas young blacks who DO try to educate themselves will be ridiculed by the lazy thugs who do nothing but hang out on the streets and cause problems.

Hell, I had some black buddies who would refer to blacks wearing professional attire downtown as "colored persons". It was a put-down they used out of stupidity against other blacks who were working in a professional environment and trying to get ahead. THIS is not a problem caused by whites. It's a problem that exists in the black sub-culture that thuggish young blacks immerse themselves in.

They'll never get ahead if they don't begin to seriously educate themselves and prepare to enter the workforce with some useful skills. And no one wants to hire, or work with, a black person with a shitty attitude toward whites. There's a lot more to working than simply showing up. You have to bring something to the table. No one owes any of us a living.
Develop a culture? Cultures are built over decades and centuries and are slow to change. The triggers for change are almost always external, not internal. For example, the civil rights law made racial discrimination illegal. Integration in public schools resulted in a better education environment for people of color. Various changes in government and higher education has made possible more blacks attending college. Changes in hiring practices put more blacks in higher paying jobs.

Counter to these develops are the loss in blue collar jobs and the loss in buying power of those wages driving many further into poverty. Just as damaging has been the loss of the traditional family structure which has been more devastating to black communities than whites since blacks have less financial means.
I think you’re picking nits. Or maybe you're just being an arrogant asshole. Further, your post came off as so clinical that it sounds as if you’ve known precious few blacks, or, if you have known any, you’ve probably spent so little time with them that you’ve learned nothing about them.

Culture is a difficult concept. Even experts have problems defining it.

We have an over-arching American culture, and countless ethnic / racial sub-cultures. There are also gang cultures, and some corporations develop their own desired culture. (Oh, excuse me, did I say “develop”). Of course they “develop” their corporate culture. They decide what they want it to be, and go about “developing” it. Apple and Google, for instance, have their own cultures. And they certainly did not allow them to come about haphazardly.

It’s true also, that blacks, like any other ethnic or racial group, have their own culture. But there are also sub-cultures within the black community that are defined by the thinking and behavior of many of the young people who, of course, have their own ideas about how to behave, think, dress, live, etc.

But I’m speaking of the young thugs, gang members, and the young people who are influenced by them. In the thinking of the young people (thugs) I’m talking about, a positive view of education, work, self-reliance, etc., does not exist. In fact, members sharing this sub-culture look down on all these ideas. They ridicule and insult other young people within their communities who DO try to educate themselves, or who learn and use correct English when speaking, and so on.

This sub-culture has developed over decades, and the results have been deadly, literally, for the black community as a whole. Look at Chicago, Baltimore, and several other big cities with large black populations. The majority of the crimes are committed by young blacks who share this thug sub-culture (call it what you will). They not only tolerate, but seek out violence. They steal what they want, do drugs, commit murder and rape, and they seem to have NO interest in EVER working for a living.

Experts say that culture is dynamic, it is ALWAYS changing. And one important aspect of culture is what people THINK. I would argue that with the internet, social media, and mass media, cultures are changing much more rapidly today than ever before. And much faster, certainly, than you or I could know. And a lot of what the young black thugs and criminals are thinking about, involves ideas that would make you shit in your fucking shoes.

So yes, I think we do a LOT to “develop” and change our culture. If these young blacks are ever going to change course, their ‘thinking’ and values have to change. That sub-culture has been developing on its own, over time, and look at the results.

It can be influenced by “outside factors” — members of the greater black community, who can help to guide and influence, and yes, help DEVELOP and modify the sub-culture of violence that is so damaging to so many young people.

ONLY members of the larger black community can encourage these changes in thinking. They can encourage young people to think about education and work in more positive ways. They can help them think about self-respect, the value of a work ethic, etc. Blacks absolutely do NOT want whites telling them what to think or what to do. They DO want money and lots of other free stuff from whites, but that’s another story.

You mention laws that make it possible for blacks to get a better education, attend college etc. Those laws have done little, or nothing, to influence the huge numbers of blacks hanging out on the streets. And they have done little, or nothing, to change the very real and negative culture these, mostly young, people embrace.

Listen to the fucking music, read and listen to the more popular and radical speakers. Go to the local clubs and after hours joints. Meet some of the young thugs and ordinary young blacks. Make some black friends, REAL people you grow to know and care about (Gasp!). Spend a LOT of time with them and get to truly know them
. Then maybe you’ll get a fucking clue. Your post sounds like all of your ideas about blacks came out of a sanitized, never-before-opened text book.

Apologies to other members that we hi-jacked this thread for a couple of posts.

Anthropologists have been discussing and debating definitions of culture since the origin of the discipline in the 19th century. In 1952 two prominent American anthropologists, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn, published an entire volume cataloging different definitions of culture. A useful summary of that discussion, grouping their 160 different definitions into eight categories, is provided by John Bodley in his Cultural Anthropology: Tribes, States and the Global System (1994). Bodley goes on to distill what is useful in these categories and to define culture in a useful way. Culture, he suggests, is made up of at least three components: what people think, what they do, and the material products they produce. The problem with defining culture as shared values and beliefs, as some anthropologists do, is that there can be a vast difference between what people think they ought to do (value) and what they actually do (behavior).

Culture, here understood as the totality of what a group of people think, how they behave, and what they produce that is passed on to future generations, is what binds us together as human beings but also separates us into our different communities.
Hopefully they are changing their culture. In Detroit 8 years ago detroiters were re electing a thug as mayor much like Alabama is voting for Roy moore
The Rw Pinkos elected an orange thug as president of the entire country, so top that!
Actually it was a white president who freed the black man in America, a white congress that passed the civil rights act and voting rights act and it was white Supreme Court that shot down segregation laws so don't blame all whites for the injustices suffered by blacks.
And whites who brought them here to save them from their fates in Africa. If not for whites, his ancestors would have been surplus slaves. What do you think they would have done with them if they had a famine?
You ignore the thousands of years that Africa flourished when the only pink people among them were albinos....
I'm not saying negroes didn't "flourish" by prehistoric standards in primitive, thousand year old tribal societies. I'm saying they can't make a modern society by modern white standards and even those negroes who were gifted the chance to live in a modern white society tend to fail at relatively high rates.
Even after i have given much time to telling you about early successful black enclaves during the zjum Crow era you still are stuck on stupid. Blackd have proven time and time again that they can succed independly of pink oversifgyt. Evertime pink jealousy erupted and the pink apes destroyed those places. Still many did survive until integration broke the back of black commerce and entrepreneurship.. Blacks flocked to Cauc businesses while pink regulators. suppliers and distributors hijacked black businesses from the political and supply side. Now.blacks find themselves almost entirely at the mercy of People who generally hate hate
Why didn’t we just wipe you out?
For the same reason you cant wipe out our influence. You need us.
Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
Nonsense. Fitst of all you aren't white and neither is anyone else. Your "whiteness" is some Euro-jerks sanctimonious attempt to glorify his pale pinkish skin as something special. Think about this. If you're "white "damn near every cresture on earth is white...even those with dark or black fur..
And most of them have straight hair too...not to mention thin lips.blacks possess prototypical human traits that are rare in the animal kingdom. Dark skin, kinky hair, and thick lips are traits shared by few if any other animals. Only the innocent lamb has comparable wooly hair. :lol:

So in terms of evolution ...your neanderthal traits are some how infused with black human genetic traits. But thats not evolution...thats inter specie biological congruence of some kind. That isn't supposed to be possible. Somehow recessive genes came out of that genetic exchange and the gene for black skin in humans mutated. Traits once only seen in albinos.started to gain strength enough that people having those same recessive genes could now mate with each other and replicate themselves. But the human gene that spawned all those we call human today came from the mitochondrial Eve who lived in Africa. Thr evidence or human evolution since homo Sapiens came on the scene has been sorely lacking..Cro magnon was heralded as the Euro-Adam for. Caucasians
but there are few if sny comparisons with him and Africans living in the same era....Perhaps that is what he immigrant from Africa that was tagged as Cro Magnon.
Mutations in evolution don’t always have to be good.

Or that mutation may help us today but not tomorrow
True. Whites are a recessive and violent mutation of the original human. Like all recessive mutations Nature will correct her mistake
True. Whites are a recessive and violent mutation of the original human. Like all recessive mutations Nature will correct her mistake
Whites "mutated" into a more civilized human being
True. Whites are a recessive and violent mutation of the original human. Like all recessive mutations Nature will correct her mistake
Whites "mutated" into a more civilized human being
Nope. They just lost the ability to produce melanin but added the neanderthal scent glands that make them smell like wet dog. If the mutation made them more civilized why didnt they produce any civilizations without the help of Black people?

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