Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

must have originated in cold environs and migrated into Africa to escape the ice ages. Yep...that would explain why they have many physical features associated with your people.
—The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it isflat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.

—The nose is thick, broad and flat, of ten turned up nostrils exposingthe red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.

—The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European.The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximatingthe simian form.

—The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye of tenhas a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.

—The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is morecircular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.

—The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.

—Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratchingand impedes the penetration of germs.

—The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.

—The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and closetogether earlier.

—The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detachedthus approaching the simian form.

—The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and thewhite more powerfully developed in the chest.

—The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, alongwith lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degreesas opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.

—The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. Thewrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.

—The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated andless capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.

—The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20 % smaller than whites.

—The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.

—The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negrothan in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.

—The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) morecurved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.

—The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightlyarched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.

—The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie)
The hair of the caucasoid is limp and straight like that of a monkey.
The lips of the caucasoid are thin and severe like that of a monkey.
The genitals the caucasoid are small and diminutive like the lesser primates.
The scent of the caucasoid is similar to that of a wet dog.
The hair of the caucasoid is attractive to hair lice just like that of a monkey.
Only blacks get mad when they are called Apes, no other races get mad
Why would Blacks be happy being called apes? Thats like saying we are the same as whites.
Why do you all get so mad?

No other race gets mad
Its like calling a doctor a CNA. Or like calling a eagle a pigeon.

You pink boys dont get upset because its true. You are monkeys.
Apes get very angry too
White guys get very angry too.
must have originated in cold environs and migrated into Africa to escape the ice ages. Yep...that would explain why they have many physical features associated with your people.
—The hair is black, crispy, and “woolly” in texture, it isflat and elliptical with no central canal or duct like the hair of Europeans.

—The nose is thick, broad and flat, of ten turned up nostrils exposingthe red inner lining of the mucous membrane similar to an ape.

—The arms and legs of the Negro are relatively longer than the European.The humerus is a trifle shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximatingthe simian form.

—The eyes are prominent, iris black and the orbits large. The eye of tenhas a yellowish sclerotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.

—The Negro has a shorter trunk the cross-section of the chest is morecircular than whites. The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.

—The mouth is wide with very thick, large and protruding lips.

—Negro skin has a thick superficial horny layer which resists scratchingand impedes the penetration of germs.

—The Negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of anthropoids.

—The cranial sutures are more simple than in the white type and closetogether earlier.

—The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detachedthus approaching the simian form.

—The Negro is more powerfully developed from the pelvis down and thewhite more powerfully developed in the chest.

—The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, alongwith lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degreesas opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.

—The hands and fingers are proportionally narrower and longer. Thewrist and ankles are shorter and more robust.

—The frontal and paricial bones of the cranium are less excavated andless capacious. The skull is thicker especially on the sides.

—The brain of the Negro on the average is 9 to 20 % smaller than whites.

—The teeth are larger and are wider apart than in the white race.

—The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the Negrothan in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.

—The femur of the Negro is less oblique, the tibia (shin bone) morecurved and bent forward, the calf of the leg high and but little developed.

—The heel is broad and projecting, the foot long and broad but slightlyarched causing flat soles, the great toe is shorter than in the white.

—The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie)
Ive seen Nazis who meet your description.
Some blacks do too but Africa is diverse...
However the profuse body hair of apes and the fair skin or thin lips would make them Caucasoids. They'd be mad if you called them black.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
Actually it was a white president who freed the black man in America, a white congress that passed the civil rights act and voting rights act and it was white Supreme Court that shot down segregation laws so don't blame all whites for the injustices suffered by blacks.
And whites who brought them here to save them from their fates in Africa. If not for whites, his ancestors would have been surplus slaves. What do you think they would have done with them if they had a famine?
No, white slave owners in America did not pay an average of $40,000 a slave (in today's dollars) to save them from their fate in Africa. Buying slaves was a business transaction not charity.
I didn't say it was the intent, but it was the effect.
They bought human beings and used them as animals in the field. They fed them, clothed them, and cared for them as long as they were able to work. When they no longer could do the work because of age or illness, they were sold. If they could not be sold, they held as animals waiting to die.

In the South, many Southerns believed slaves were not really human beings but some lower animal.
They thought right.
Some Christian churches would not minister to blacks because they believed they could not be saved because of they were not quite human. This of course was one way of justifying slavery. If they weren't really humans, slavery could not be a sin and there was nothing wrong in treating as animals.
"They thought right"? So you believe slaves were not really human? I don't think we have anything left to discuss on this subject.
Only blacks get mad when they are called Apes, no other races get mad
Because we know we aren't descended from don't get mad because you know you are descended from apes.

LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?
Only blacks get mad when they are called Apes, no other races get mad
Because we know we aren't descended from don't get mad because you know you are descended from apes.

LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?
They typically try to say that the huge head of the neanderthal made caucasoids smarter but we found out that extra skull space was used for visual acuity. Neanderthals were more like autistic children that could spot movement very easily.
Only blacks get mad when they are called Apes, no other races get mad
Because we know we aren't descended from don't get mad because you know you are descended from apes.

LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?

No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
How many times do I have to tell you that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level.
Yet they commit a significantly higher proportion of crime and run schools and communities into the ground. Obviously poverty isn't the driver.
It's fatherlessness.
Which is the point of the thread.
Too bad denzel puts his foot in his mouth on this one, having played a zillion black victimhood characters over the years, creating the false notion that blacks are kept down.

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