Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

Only blacks get mad when they are called Apes, no other races get mad
Because we know we aren't descended from don't get mad because you know you are descended from apes.

LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?

No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby
Culture and environment. If youre environment is fucked up it can overcome culture.
How many times do I have to tell you that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level.
Yet they commit a significantly higher proportion of crime and run schools and communities into the ground. Obviously poverty isn't the driver.
It's fatherlessness.
Which is the point of the thread.
Too bad denzel puts his foot in his mouth on this one, having played a zillion black victimhood characters over the years, creating the false notion that blacks are kept down.
my father grew up in the Depression!! very poor---poorer than people today.......he was not a criminal--neither am I
Because we know we aren't descended from don't get mad because you know you are descended from apes.

LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?

No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
A white person has a better chance by virtue of being white since whites control the opportunities. There is a reason Blacks with a college degree compete with whites that only have HS degrees for employment. Blacks have to be mentally stronger from jump.
How many times do I have to tell you that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level.
Yet they commit a significantly higher proportion of crime and run schools and communities into the ground. Obviously poverty isn't the driver.
It's fatherlessness.
Which is the point of the thread.
Too bad denzel puts his foot in his mouth on this one, having played a zillion black victimhood characters over the years, creating the false notion that blacks are kept down.
my father grew up in the Depression!! very poor---poorer than people today.......he was not a criminal--neither am I
Did he have people telling him that he was the descendant of a slave while hiding the amazing things his people had done? Did he get messages via the media that he was genetically a criminal? Did he have to dodge racist cops bent on starting him on the road to the criminal justice system and eventually prison?
I love what you blacks have done in Haiti
I love what we did in Nigeria.
LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?

No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
A white person has a better chance by virtue of being white since whites control the opportunities. There is a reason Blacks with a college degree compete with whites that only have HS degrees for employment. Blacks have to be mentally stronger from jump.

Show me where blacks with college degrees are competing with whites who have high school degrees for jobs. Doubt you can find many examples.

This really is simple, blacks fell behind whites when whites followed jobs out to the suburbs and beyond and blacks stayed in the inner cities where there no longer were any jobs to be had. That's just simple truth.

That doesn't explain WHY the blacks remained, it simply states that they did, and then to add insult to injury welfare came along and was just enough to keep blacks in the inner cities where the Dems apparently wanted them.

And thus began the crumbling of the black family.

Which is why I believe the government should restructure some of their welfare programs to encourage and help black families move out of inner cities and into the suburbs or even into rural America where there are jobs to be had and well hope now that this tax bill is going to happen that even more jobs will be available soon.

This is why I don't understand the DNC position on illegal immigration , if they TRULY care about blacks, why are they fighting to get MORE low educated workers in this country? "Jobs Americans won't do " my ass. you mean jobs those companies want to pay people under the table to do rather than paying the prevailing wage. One can see the purported party of big business supporting that view, but not the Dems (well except that the Dems know that as blacks become more self sufficient they will begin to vote GOP in higher numbers, can't have that)
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?

No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
A white person has a better chance by virtue of being white since whites control the opportunities. There is a reason Blacks with a college degree compete with whites that only have HS degrees for employment. Blacks have to be mentally stronger from jump.

Show me where blacks with college degrees are competing with whites who have high school degrees for jobs. Doubt you can find many examples.

This really is simple, blacks fell behind whites when whites followed jobs out to the suburbs and beyond and blacks stayed in the inner cities where there no longer were any jobs to be had. That's just simple truth.

That doesn't explain WHY the blacks remained, it simply states that they did, and then to add insult to injury welfare came along and was just enough to keep blacks in the inner cities where the Dems apparently wanted them.

And thus began the crumbling of the black family.

Which is why I believe the government should restructure some of their welfare programs to encourage and help black families move out of inner cities and into the suburbs or even into rural America where there are jobs to be had and well hope now that this tax bill is going to happen that even more jobs will be available soon.

This is why I don't understand the DNC position on illegal immigration , if they TRULY care about blacks, why are they fighting to get MORE low educated workers in this country? "Jobs Americans won't do " my ass. you mean jobs those companies want to pay people under the table to do rather than paying the prevailing wage. One can see the purported party of big business supporting that view, but not the Dems (well except that the Dems know that as blacks become more self sufficient they will begin to vote GOP in higher numbers, can't have that)
its a known fact. You can search on it but here is just one.

White high school dropouts are wealthier than black and Hispanic college graduates. Can a new policy tool fix that?

I agree its simple. Its simply white racism. While jobs may have moved we know that the white owners of those jobs told their white friends first and their white friends told their white friends. Good ole boy network in action.

Welfare was exclusively white for decades and wasn't considered negatively until Blacks and other ethnicities were allowed to benefit from it.
No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
A white person has a better chance by virtue of being white since whites control the opportunities. There is a reason Blacks with a college degree compete with whites that only have HS degrees for employment. Blacks have to be mentally stronger from jump.

Show me where blacks with college degrees are competing with whites who have high school degrees for jobs. Doubt you can find many examples.

This really is simple, blacks fell behind whites when whites followed jobs out to the suburbs and beyond and blacks stayed in the inner cities where there no longer were any jobs to be had. That's just simple truth.

That doesn't explain WHY the blacks remained, it simply states that they did, and then to add insult to injury welfare came along and was just enough to keep blacks in the inner cities where the Dems apparently wanted them.

And thus began the crumbling of the black family.

Which is why I believe the government should restructure some of their welfare programs to encourage and help black families move out of inner cities and into the suburbs or even into rural America where there are jobs to be had and well hope now that this tax bill is going to happen that even more jobs will be available soon.

This is why I don't understand the DNC position on illegal immigration , if they TRULY care about blacks, why are they fighting to get MORE low educated workers in this country? "Jobs Americans won't do " my ass. you mean jobs those companies want to pay people under the table to do rather than paying the prevailing wage. One can see the purported party of big business supporting that view, but not the Dems (well except that the Dems know that as blacks become more self sufficient they will begin to vote GOP in higher numbers, can't have that)
its a known fact. You can search on it but here is just one.

White high school dropouts are wealthier than black and Hispanic college graduates. Can a new policy tool fix that?

I agree its simple. Its simply white racism. While jobs may have moved we know that the white owners of those jobs told their white friends first and their white friends told their white friends. Good ole boy network in action.

Welfare was exclusively white for decades and wasn't considered negatively until Blacks and other ethnicities were allowed to benefit from it.

My mistake, thought you wanted real discussion

^This is at least the third post you've made in this thread that is total nonsense.

Have a good day.
Living in 50-150 years ago and catering to resentment, finger pointing and excuses does not bring about behavior changes
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
A white person has a better chance by virtue of being white since whites control the opportunities. There is a reason Blacks with a college degree compete with whites that only have HS degrees for employment. Blacks have to be mentally stronger from jump.

Show me where blacks with college degrees are competing with whites who have high school degrees for jobs. Doubt you can find many examples.

This really is simple, blacks fell behind whites when whites followed jobs out to the suburbs and beyond and blacks stayed in the inner cities where there no longer were any jobs to be had. That's just simple truth.

That doesn't explain WHY the blacks remained, it simply states that they did, and then to add insult to injury welfare came along and was just enough to keep blacks in the inner cities where the Dems apparently wanted them.

And thus began the crumbling of the black family.

Which is why I believe the government should restructure some of their welfare programs to encourage and help black families move out of inner cities and into the suburbs or even into rural America where there are jobs to be had and well hope now that this tax bill is going to happen that even more jobs will be available soon.

This is why I don't understand the DNC position on illegal immigration , if they TRULY care about blacks, why are they fighting to get MORE low educated workers in this country? "Jobs Americans won't do " my ass. you mean jobs those companies want to pay people under the table to do rather than paying the prevailing wage. One can see the purported party of big business supporting that view, but not the Dems (well except that the Dems know that as blacks become more self sufficient they will begin to vote GOP in higher numbers, can't have that)
its a known fact. You can search on it but here is just one.

White high school dropouts are wealthier than black and Hispanic college graduates. Can a new policy tool fix that?

I agree its simple. Its simply white racism. While jobs may have moved we know that the white owners of those jobs told their white friends first and their white friends told their white friends. Good ole boy network in action.

Welfare was exclusively white for decades and wasn't considered negatively until Blacks and other ethnicities were allowed to benefit from it.

My mistake, thought you wanted real discussion

^This is at least the third post you've made in this thread that is total nonsense.

Have a good day.
Youre running again but I figured out you run whenever you have nothing intelligent to say.
Because we know we aren't descended from don't get mad because you know you are descended from apes.

LOL how stupid, ALL humans are related to apes. DNA proves this. Skin color be damned.
Wouldn't you say that those with a good amount of neanderthal genes would be more apish than those hue-mans who don't?

No , I would say that trying to say one race is more "apish" than another is racist, regardless of whether you are saying it about whites or blacks.

Blacks don't get off easy by just saying "well we're less smart than whites" in my book. Blacks , just like whites, are as smart and successful as they CHOOSE to be.

And I don't believe the fact that a higher percentage of blacks than whites choose to be losers is genetic.
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
ok, whatever--if you want to put it that way--then why are blacks choosing worse for their kids--since they graduate at lower levels--if it's not the culture??
no one chooses that
it's the culture that has a lot to do with a person's success
we read to our kids and took them to the library a lot when they were very young
we hugged them and held them a lot as babies.....we talked to them as babies.....a great deal of your nature and brain power is developed when you are a baby

You CHOSE to do all those things, and when white people choose NOT to do those things, those kids will probably be less successful. Conversely, when black people CHOOSE to do those things, their kids are generally more successful.
A white person has a better chance by virtue of being white since whites control the opportunities. There is a reason Blacks with a college degree compete with whites that only have HS degrees for employment. Blacks have to be mentally stronger from jump.

Show me where blacks with college degrees are competing with whites who have high school degrees for jobs. Doubt you can find many examples.

This really is simple, blacks fell behind whites when whites followed jobs out to the suburbs and beyond and blacks stayed in the inner cities where there no longer were any jobs to be had. That's just simple truth.

That doesn't explain WHY the blacks remained, it simply states that they did, and then to add insult to injury welfare came along and was just enough to keep blacks in the inner cities where the Dems apparently wanted them.

And thus began the crumbling of the black family.

Which is why I believe the government should restructure some of their welfare programs to encourage and help black families move out of inner cities and into the suburbs or even into rural America where there are jobs to be had and well hope now that this tax bill is going to happen that even more jobs will be available soon.

This is why I don't understand the DNC position on illegal immigration , if they TRULY care about blacks, why are they fighting to get MORE low educated workers in this country? "Jobs Americans won't do " my ass. you mean jobs those companies want to pay people under the table to do rather than paying the prevailing wage. One can see the purported party of big business supporting that view, but not the Dems (well except that the Dems know that as blacks become more self sufficient they will begin to vote GOP in higher numbers, can't have that)
its a known fact. You can search on it but here is just one.

White high school dropouts are wealthier than black and Hispanic college graduates. Can a new policy tool fix that?

I agree its simple. Its simply white racism. While jobs may have moved we know that the white owners of those jobs told their white friends first and their white friends told their white friends. Good ole boy network in action.

Welfare was exclusively white for decades and wasn't considered negatively until Blacks and other ethnicities were allowed to benefit from it.

My mistake, thought you wanted real discussion

^This is at least the third post you've made in this thread that is total nonsense.

Have a good day.
sure you get the ignore button
Denzel is too popular for Democrats or Hollywood to railroad him. So this will quickly be swept under the rug unfortunately. But kudos to Denzel Washington for having the guts to state the truth. Maybe others will find their courage.

We need a lot more popular, well known, charismatic black men and women to step up and start saying the same kinds of things and setting the same example. It may be the best hope for black youth born into relentless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, poor social skills, shabby values. Unfortunately those who promote so-called conservative values or otherwise are positive role models are too often dismissed as irrelevant or are ravaged by some on the left who will find some way to blunt or divert the message in favor of the flawed racist themes they promote.
Disagree. Denzel hasnt said anything new. This is being said daily in Black communities by many charismatic Black men and women. We know the system is rigged against us so we have to be ten times better, ten times more law abiding, ten times smarter than a white person just to stay even. Denzel is engaging in double speak. He is sending a message to the Black community that whites dont get while at the same time being politically correct...barely. Think of it as dog whistle politics.

Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Denzel is too popular for Democrats or Hollywood to railroad him. So this will quickly be swept under the rug unfortunately. But kudos to Denzel Washington for having the guts to state the truth. Maybe others will find their courage.

We need a lot more popular, well known, charismatic black men and women to step up and start saying the same kinds of things and setting the same example. It may be the best hope for black youth born into relentless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, poor social skills, shabby values. Unfortunately those who promote so-called conservative values or otherwise are positive role models are too often dismissed as irrelevant or are ravaged by some on the left who will find some way to blunt or divert the message in favor of the flawed racist themes they promote.
Disagree. Denzel hasnt said anything new. This is being said daily in Black communities by many charismatic Black men and women. We know the system is rigged against us so we have to be ten times better, ten times more law abiding, ten times smarter than a white person just to stay even. Denzel is engaging in double speak. He is sending a message to the Black community that whites dont get while at the same time being politically correct...barely. Think of it as dog whistle politics.

Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?
Ascleplas makes blacks sound like a pet that wasn't raised right
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
Denzel is too popular for Democrats or Hollywood to railroad him. So this will quickly be swept under the rug unfortunately. But kudos to Denzel Washington for having the guts to state the truth. Maybe others will find their courage.

We need a lot more popular, well known, charismatic black men and women to step up and start saying the same kinds of things and setting the same example. It may be the best hope for black youth born into relentless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, poor social skills, shabby values. Unfortunately those who promote so-called conservative values or otherwise are positive role models are too often dismissed as irrelevant or are ravaged by some on the left who will find some way to blunt or divert the message in favor of the flawed racist themes they promote.
Disagree. Denzel hasnt said anything new. This is being said daily in Black communities by many charismatic Black men and women. We know the system is rigged against us so we have to be ten times better, ten times more law abiding, ten times smarter than a white person just to stay even. Denzel is engaging in double speak. He is sending a message to the Black community that whites dont get while at the same time being politically correct...barely. Think of it as dog whistle politics.

Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?
Denzel spoke about as clearly and plainly as one can speak about the problems of raising Black men in Fatherless homes. There was no coded message about Whitey. The pain of early abandonment coupled with lack of a strong role model in very dangerous environments is a huge problem. To do something about the problem you have to own the problem.

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