Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

Denzel is too popular for Democrats or Hollywood to railroad him. So this will quickly be swept under the rug unfortunately. But kudos to Denzel Washington for having the guts to state the truth. Maybe others will find their courage.

We need a lot more popular, well known, charismatic black men and women to step up and start saying the same kinds of things and setting the same example. It may be the best hope for black youth born into relentless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, poor social skills, shabby values. Unfortunately those who promote so-called conservative values or otherwise are positive role models are too often dismissed as irrelevant or are ravaged by some on the left who will find some way to blunt or divert the message in favor of the flawed racist themes they promote.
Disagree. Denzel hasnt said anything new. This is being said daily in Black communities by many charismatic Black men and women. We know the system is rigged against us so we have to be ten times better, ten times more law abiding, ten times smarter than a white person just to stay even. Denzel is engaging in double speak. He is sending a message to the Black community that whites dont get while at the same time being politically correct...barely. Think of it as dog whistle politics.

Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?

If you are not telling the kids that the legal battles have been won and now it is up to them to take advantage of the just laws they now live under. . .

If you are not telling the kids that the best chance they have to live the American dream is to stay in school and educate themselves including learning to read and comprehend and speak as an educated person speaks, stay away from illegal substances and activities, dress for success, accept any McJob available and develop a work ethic, experience, references, develop a marketable trade, and more important get married and stay married before having children. . .you are teaching those kids pure poison.

If you aren't telling those kids that they can't control whatever shitty circumstances they were born into but they sure as heck don't have to stay in them their whole life and/or perpetuate them. . .

If you aren't telling those kids that everybody benefits from having a mom and dad in the home and working for what you have as much as possible and that is the surest way to ensure that your own kids won't have to endure the crappy circumstances some of them have had to endure . . .

You are setting them up for failure.
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
He’s Greek. We are very close to black people us greeks. Lactose intolerant and there’s something else only blacks and Greeks get. I can’t remember what it is.

But we all came from blacks. Us Greeks are different than Germans. They are Arian. We’re more Baltic. Probably when the Turks invaded us.

Anyways, if it’s true blacks are the first humans that means us whites are the more evolved. You’re the original
If you were more evolved you would be better than Blacks at everything and you wouldnt be recessive. Genetics 101.
Not if you guys were stuck out in the wild while we built great societies. You stayed strong and fast. We evolved into what we are because we use our brains more and bodies less.

Farming changed everything. It allowed 1 person to feed ten. Before farming everyone just fed themselves. So the ten being fed got out of shape but then had the time to invent things
Your worldview in regards to universal black history exemplifies the intense social conditioning we all have been subjected to in this country. The used, tattered, and soiled hand me down school books we recieved inelementary school from Caucasian municipal school authorities
underscored the disdain they had for educating us. The history books uplifted our oppressors. Our success in school depended on how well we learned about how pink aggressors screwed over people of color. The story of slavery was central to the theme as was the theft of Manhattan for the price of beads and trinkets. The only references to blacks were limited to their roles as slaves and later as manumitted paupers standing or kneeling clothed in rags near the Lincoln Monument bowing their grateful heads in respect. The depictions of blacks were always caricatured as black inkspots drawn in human form,endowed with big lips and large white eyes. The range of skin tones so conspicuous in Africa were never shown.
These caricatures were meant to condition every child, black or Cauc, that black skinned folk were inferior to the pink peoples of the world. That was during segregation.

But integration brought a set of new tactics to continue the conditioning. Bigoted teachers, having been social conditioned themselves,
saw no need to. change the curriculum because blacks were present. There was no mention of KMT...No reference to Nubia. Not one sentence about Ethiopia....And on the eve of the civil rights era while the space race was
gaining momentum. We had no idea that three black female mathematicians were having such a profound effect on our success
In the space race against the Russians.
Not until nearly 60 years later would we hear of the crucial contributions thise women made.
These few examples do no justice in serving as a presentation of all the positive impacts blacks have made to this country and to the world. Sure the African stereotype is one of the naked savage crouched in a grass hut with a stone tipped spear and shield of skin by his side. But that is just one story . Other black were ruling in KMT and kickstarting civilization both in continental Africa and the middle east. It is from these African roots that
your "evolution" sprang. But Black genius started it all and the new wave of black African immigrants. with their exceptional academic prowess, are carrying that legacy foward. You might call that phenomenon evolution...but whatever it is...the notion of
European superiority is waning fast because of it.

Before I read the rest let me say if a bunch of poor people live in a poor community, the schools they send their kids to are going to be lacking resources. Blacks who move out to the suburbs get more than their poor parents pay into the system. My parents pay property taxes your parents rent an apartment and send your kids to better schools than you can actually afford.

So leave Detroit. No one is keeping you there. My grandfathers got on boats and moved here from Greece. Your people can get out of the ghettos
Denzel is too popular for Democrats or Hollywood to railroad him. So this will quickly be swept under the rug unfortunately. But kudos to Denzel Washington for having the guts to state the truth. Maybe others will find their courage.

We need a lot more popular, well known, charismatic black men and women to step up and start saying the same kinds of things and setting the same example. It may be the best hope for black youth born into relentless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, poor social skills, shabby values. Unfortunately those who promote so-called conservative values or otherwise are positive role models are too often dismissed as irrelevant or are ravaged by some on the left who will find some way to blunt or divert the message in favor of the flawed racist themes they promote.
Disagree. Denzel hasnt said anything new. This is being said daily in Black communities by many charismatic Black men and women. We know the system is rigged against us so we have to be ten times better, ten times more law abiding, ten times smarter than a white person just to stay even. Denzel is engaging in double speak. He is sending a message to the Black community that whites dont get while at the same time being politically correct...barely. Think of it as dog whistle politics.

Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?

If you are not telling the kids that the legal battles have been won and now it is up to them to take advantage of the just laws they now live under. . .

If you are not telling the kids that the best chance they have to live the American dream is to stay in school and educate themselves including learning to read and comprehend and speak as an educated person speaks, stay away from illegal substances and activities, dress for success, accept any McJob available and develop a work ethic, experience, references, develop a marketable trade, and more important get married and stay married before having children. . .you are teaching those kids pure poison.

If you aren't telling those kids that they can't control whatever shitty circumstances they were born into but they sure as heck don't have to stay in them their whole life and/or perpetuate them. . .

If you aren't telling those kids that everybody benefits from having a mom and dad in the home and working for what you have as much as possible and that is the surest way to ensure that your own kids won't have to endure the crappy circumstances some of them have had to endure . . .

You are setting them up for failure.
Sounds like in your estimation I am setting them up for success and some. Now tell me what that had to do with me telling them that whites are typically racist and will try to stop you at every turn but you cant give up and give them the satisfaction of seeing their racism keep you down?
No. I'm saying whites are dumb, recessive, and the only way to fix that is to be reabsorbed into the human population or euthanized.
Then why are people not trying to stay away from whites, like they do from blacks?
I try my best to stay away from whites and I love hanging out with Black people.
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
No. I'm saying whites are dumb, recessive, and the only way to fix that is to be reabsorbed into the human population or euthanized.
Then why are people not trying to stay away from whites, like they do from blacks?
I try my best to stay away from whites and I love hanging out with Black people.
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
No. I'm saying whites are dumb, recessive, and the only way to fix that is to be reabsorbed into the human population or euthanized.
Then why are people not trying to stay away from whites, like they do from blacks?
I try my best to stay away from whites and I love hanging out with Black people.
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
I was unaware Greece was currently under Turkish rule. When did this occur?
Then why are people not trying to stay away from whites, like they do from blacks?
I try my best to stay away from whites and I love hanging out with Black people.
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
I was unaware Greece was currently under Turkish rule. When did this occur?
400 years ago. Lol.

So when’s the last time you felt discriminated against? I can imagine it happens all the time. I mean stitistically you know if you’re in a crowd of 20 whites there has to be at least one or two card carrying klansmen in the bunch. Or maybe just some prejudice bigots like me. But It’s like knowing there are people out there who would lynch you if it were legal. And you may work with them or live on their block. And you know these people exist but they don’t make themselves known. So how can you trust the 18 good when you know those 2 are out there?

And then there’s guys like me who think negatively about your race. Well at least I admit we put your people in the hole to begin with.
It's the simplistic right wing "view" of things that always means they're right and therefore they don't need to actually deal with any of the problems.
Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?
Yep...Denzel Washington stepped into a Crap Storm....he actually told the truth about the problems in not only black communities, but in all communities with violent and other crime....

Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'

“It starts at the home. It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure,” the Academy Award-winner told reporters at the Dan Gilroy-directed film’s New York premiere, the New York Daily News reports.

“So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them,” Washington said.
Oh no Denzel what did you do? I hope you aren’t another bill Cosby.
Then why are people not trying to stay away from whites, like they do from blacks?
I try my best to stay away from whites and I love hanging out with Black people.
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
I was unaware Greece was currently under Turkish rule. When did this occur?
So you think Denzel is completely wrong? I don’t think you do. If this was a black forum you’d admit it in private.
I try my best to stay away from whites and I love hanging out with Black people.
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
I was unaware Greece was currently under Turkish rule. When did this occur?
So you think Denzel is completely wrong? I don’t think you do. If this was a black forum you’d admit it in private.
You must have missed my first post. I agree completely with Denzel. Just because whites are racists doesnt mean we should just lay down and die. We have to make it way harder for whites to enforce their racism.
It's the simplistic right wing "view" of things that always means they're right and therefore they don't need to actually deal with any of the problems.
Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?

There are plenty of things.

Improve education to target the skills the people need. To offer better after school care for parents who struggle to bring up their kids. To make it easier for smaller businesses to do well and harder for the larger corporations, rather than the other way around. Make healthcare available to all people.

There are plenty of things you can do.
It's the simplistic right wing "view" of things that always means they're right and therefore they don't need to actually deal with any of the problems.
Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?
Ship whites back to europe and invalidate their property rights. :laugh:
Do you have enough engineers to keep everything going? Nuclear, infrastructure, oil companies, weapons manufacturers.

If we gave you america you’d just sell it to the Chinese for cheap just like in Africa. China is totally taking advantage of Africa. So if it wasn’t us whites eventually it would have been someone else.

And don’t take it personally look at what we did to the Indians.

And you have to pay your property taxes.
How many times do I have to tell you that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level.
Yet they commit a significantly higher proportion of crime and run schools and communities into the ground. Obviously poverty isn't the driver.
It's fatherlessness.
Which is the point of the thread.
Too bad denzel puts his foot in his mouth on this one, having played a zillion black victimhood characters over the years, creating the false notion that blacks are kept down.
Are you suggesting that the 75% of blacks living above the poverty level are responsible
for the crime in their communities or are you blaming the impoverished 25%? Explain why poverty isn't the driving force behind the crime in a black or any other community?
You must know that Caucs commit a significant amount of crime too. Is it because of absent fathers as well? Help me out here...I really want to know.

In regards to blacks running schools and communities into the ground.... I'm not so sure of that either. On its face that statement smacks of prejudice.. If you are pointing to Detroit as an example, you're ignorant of the
circumstances that caused Detroit to decline.
Mostly it had to do with the decline of the auto industry which started to produce shitty substandard cars that people did not want.
Secondly...lucrative pensions and benefits
for workers strained profit margins to the breaking point. The Detroit decline must be assessed in the context of all of that . So how did blacks get the blame? .

Blacks run schools down ? Really? Just what do blacks do to run a school down? Do you mean the municipal schools in the ghettoes or schools like Howard University?
Can you name one school that was run down by blacks?
Natural selection
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
I was unaware Greece was currently under Turkish rule. When did this occur?
So you think Denzel is completely wrong? I don’t think you do. If this was a black forum you’d admit it in private.
You must have missed my first post. I agree completely with Denzel. Just because whites are racists doesnt mean we should just lay down and die. We have to make it way harder for whites to enforce their racism.
If you did we wouldn’t be so prejudice
It's the simplistic right wing "view" of things that always means they're right and therefore they don't need to actually deal with any of the problems.
Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?
Ship whites back to europe and invalidate their property rights. :laugh:
Do you have enough engineers to keep everything going? Nuclear, infrastructure, oil companies, weapons manufacturers.

If we gave you america you’d just sell it to the Chinese for cheap just like in Africa. China is totally taking advantage of Africa. So if it wasn’t us whites eventually it would have been someone else.

And don’t take it personally look at what we did to the Indians.

And you have to pay your property taxes.
You wouldnt be giving us america. I'm the POTUS and I would be taking it. You wouldnt have a choice. Between Blacks, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Asians, and East Indians we have more than enough engineers.
How many times do I have to tell you that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level.
Yet they commit a significantly higher proportion of crime and run schools and communities into the ground. Obviously poverty isn't the driver.
It's fatherlessness.
Which is the point of the thread.
Too bad denzel puts his foot in his mouth on this one, having played a zillion black victimhood characters over the years, creating the false notion that blacks are kept down.
Are you suggesting that the 75% of blacks living above the poverty level are responsible
for the crime in their communities or are you blaming the impoverished 25%? Explain why poverty isn't the driving force behind the crime in a black or any other community?
You must know that Caucs commit a significant amount of crime too. Is it because of absent fathers as well? Help me out here...I really want to know.

In regards to blacks running schools and communities into the ground.... I'm not so sure of that either. On its face that statement smacks of prejudice.. If you are pointing to Detroit as an example, you're ignorant of the
circumstances that caused Detroit to decline.
Mostly it had to do with the decline of the auto industry which started to produce shitty substandard cars that people did not want.
Secondly...lucrative pensions and benefits
for workers strained profit margins to the breaking point. The Detroit decline must be assessed in the context of all of that . So how did blacks get the blame? .

Blacks run schools down ? Really? Just what do blacks do to run a school down? Do you mean the municipal schools in the ghettoes or schools like Howard University?
Can you name one school that was run down by blacks?
But someone said yesterday blacks in these hopeless communities have no positive role models. You’re saying these poor communities have plenty of positive role models for the youth to look up to.
Nope environment. White people not from the US typically are cool.
I’ve always got along with black people. I only pick on the black community as a whole. Individually blacks are people just like us whites.

You’d have to have a chip on your shoulder or hate white
When were jews enslaved and what does that have to do with white people in a holocaust? You do realize those people are not the real Hebrews right?
Us Greeks were enslaved by the Turks for longer than blacks were slaves in America. I believe over 400 years. You don’t see us crying about it do ya? But we haven’t forgotten
I was unaware Greece was currently under Turkish rule. When did this occur?
So you think Denzel is completely wrong? I don’t think you do. If this was a black forum you’d admit it in private.
You must have missed my first post. I agree completely with Denzel. Just because whites are racists doesnt mean we should just lay down and die. We have to make it way harder for whites to enforce their racism.
If you did we wouldn’t be so prejudice
Of course you would still be prejudice. Its in white peoples nature. Fear of our dominant genes.

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