Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?
I'd focus on poverty that exists in All communities. You can't use tax dollars on the 11 million impoverished blacks and ignore 23 million impoverished Caucs.

Yes, the biggest problem is when one group is seen as having an advantage over another group.

Help society, help Americans, make things better by targeting the PROBLEMS and the country will get better. Carry on the same way the partisan political monsters are doing, and see the country die.
Whites had no problem creating the inequality. Why should they forego their turn on the bottom? I would think it would teach them a lesson.

I'm more into equality than vengeance.

So youre for wealth redistribution then. Thats fine with me but I dont think the education whites need regarding equality would really be learned. I think it would just make them angry everyone was on a equal level. There has to be some pain for the lesson to be accurately understood.
What poor and middle class whites are learning is that to the rich, we’re all ni@@ers
It's the simplistic right wing "view" of things that always means they're right and therefore they don't need to actually deal with any of the problems.
Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?
I'd focus on poverty that exists in All communities. You can't use tax dollars on the 11 million impoverished blacks and ignore 23 million impoverished Caucs.

Yes, the biggest problem is when one group is seen as having an advantage over another group.

Help society, help Americans, make things better by targeting the PROBLEMS and the country will get better. Carry on the same way the partisan political monsters are doing, and see the country die.
Whites had no problem creating the inequality. Why should they forego their turn on the bottom? I would think it would teach them a lesson.
This guys a troll Paid to be here or just sociopathic
Such stupid stupid shit and the preservation of the myth that slavery has anything to do with the here and now
It’s sad you don’t understand the truth he’s speaking. It’s also sad he doesn’t see the truth I’m speaking.

We have two people to educate. The blacks we put at a disadvantage and whites like you who don’t know how blacks today are still treated unfairly and the ghettos of today are what they are because we cut off economic opportunity. After slavery we didn’t start treating blacks fairly right away. Can you tell us the year or day that things suddenly got equal and fair for blacks? No you can’t because it’s been happening slowly overtime. And people like you fight every step of the way
Unless somehow the IQ of the negro can be raised, nothing can be done
I'd focus on poverty that exists in All communities. You can't use tax dollars on the 11 million impoverished blacks and ignore 23 million impoverished Caucs.

Yes, the biggest problem is when one group is seen as having an advantage over another group.

Help society, help Americans, make things better by targeting the PROBLEMS and the country will get better. Carry on the same way the partisan political monsters are doing, and see the country die.
Whites had no problem creating the inequality. Why should they forego their turn on the bottom? I would think it would teach them a lesson.

I'm more into equality than vengeance.

So youre for wealth redistribution then. Thats fine with me but I dont think the education whites need regarding equality would really be learned. I think it would just make them angry everyone was on a equal level. There has to be some pain for the lesson to be accurately understood.

No, not really.

I'm perfectly fine with people making their own money and paying for things with their own money.

Where I'm for socialist policies is with things like health care. Why? Because our bodies aren't cars, they're essential for living. We don't get to choose our body or our health.

The privatized health care in the US doesn't give a shit about people with pre-existing conditions, people born with problems, like health care problems and the Prisons end up taking up the slack.

Look, you take the fact that the US Federal Govt spends MORE on healthcare than the UK govt does (which has a single payer system) and then you add up how much the 50%+ people in US prisons with mental problems cost the country, and you'd realize that actually, a single payer healthcare system would actually be CHEAPER for the people.

But the rich are so fucking selfish, they actually end up spending more to make themselves feel like they're spending less.Go figure, and to make a system that is complete bullshit.

Where the rich really get rich is by A) keeping the poor really poor so they can't earn wages and B) making their kids find it easier to do well by giving them a massive head start because their kids get a better education and because they're walking into corporations which are paying so little in tax they might be being paid by the govt to work.

I'm for equality. I'm for the small guy standing a chance to make it in society because he can make a business that isn't competing against massive odds. I'm for people paying their fair share of taxes.

And how can Republicans say life is precious then not want to treat someone with cancer because they don't have the money.

Republicans really don't care about seeds in the womb. And many pro life mother fuckers don't care about the person dying of cancer who can't afford the treatment. Once the person is walking on two feet fuck them is what Republicans say.

But weird how much they care for them before they are born. They care soooo much about them being born but then don't care after. Maybe they like to see people suffer.
It's the simplistic right wing "view" of things that always means they're right and therefore they don't need to actually deal with any of the problems.
Let’s say you’re president. What are you going to try to do to fix poverty in poor black communities?
I'd focus on poverty that exists in All communities. You can't use tax dollars on the 11 million impoverished blacks and ignore 23 million impoverished Caucs.

Yes, the biggest problem is when one group is seen as having an advantage over another group.

Help society, help Americans, make things better by targeting the PROBLEMS and the country will get better. Carry on the same way the partisan political monsters are doing, and see the country die.
Whites had no problem creating the inequality. Why should they forego their turn on the bottom? I would think it would teach them a lesson.

Why The Rich Need Racism: Prejudice As Social Control | HuffPost

Anywhere, USA
-Must have an irrational fear and hatred of all things African American.
-Must honestly believe black people get all the breaks, have it easier than whites.
-Must believe black people are naturally inferior to whites, lazy, prone to criminality, less intelligent, etc.
-Must believe racism ended with either (1) the civil rights movement or (2) slavery.
But must hide these beliefs under a thin veneer of civility. For instance:
-must never use the N-word (in public)
-must never beat or kill a black person (unless on the police force)
-must never light a burning cross on a black person’s lawn (and get caught)
-must never tweet or express these views publicly in a way that can be traced back to you.

Enjoyment of rap music, black culture or black sexual partners optional. Fox News viewership preferred.
Bonus pay if racism is unrecognized by the applicant.
No experience necessary. Apply within.”

If you saw an advertisement like the above posted in your local shop window, it really wouldn’t be so surprising. Would it?

Well maybe because of it’s bluntness. But it’s not really that different from Donald Trump vowing to “Make America Great Again!”
Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?

If you are not telling the kids that the legal battles have been won and now it is up to them to take advantage of the just laws they now live under. . .

If you are not telling the kids that the best chance they have to live the American dream is to stay in school and educate themselves including learning to read and comprehend and speak as an educated person speaks, stay away from illegal substances and activities, dress for success, accept any McJob available and develop a work ethic, experience, references, develop a marketable trade, and more important get married and stay married before having children. . .you are teaching those kids pure poison.

If you aren't telling those kids that they can't control whatever shitty circumstances they were born into but they sure as heck don't have to stay in them their whole life and/or perpetuate them. . .

If you aren't telling those kids that everybody benefits from having a mom and dad in the home and working for what you have as much as possible and that is the surest way to ensure that your own kids won't have to endure the crappy circumstances some of them have had to endure . . .

You are setting them up for failure.
Sounds like in your estimation I am setting them up for success and some. Now tell me what that had to do with me telling them that whites are typically racist and will try to stop you at every turn but you cant give up and give them the satisfaction of seeing their racism keep you down?

You keep telling them that and then wonder why they are messed up and unable to seem to get out of whatever situation they are in.
All the kids I tell that to succeed. The ones that havent got the message are the ones that seem to be struggling. I'm going on my 9th academic scholarship earning kid. I have about 7 I have put into the IT field. Its like I have the Midas touch. They understand what they are up against (white racism) and they have the tools to deal with it.

Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.
Why do white people need racism?

Today we have an answer. The short version would be this: because it’s useful.

It serves a function in society.

When people conceptualize each other into these highly dubious and unjustifiable categories of black and white, it provides a valuable service to the status quo. In fact, we couldn’t have the status quo without it.

Likewise, if humanity survives our current moment in time, historians of the future will undoubtedly be in agreement about the reasons for American racism. It’s the same reason found in ancient Sparta. We need it to keep our society together. In America today, the top one percent own more than the bottom 90 percent. The richest 85 people have as much wealth as the bottom half of the country. And it’s only getting worse.

A country with such vast wealth inequality cannot survive without a scapegoat – black people. The majority of the population would not let the top one percent gorge themselves on our riches unless they had distracted us with something.

Don’t pay any attention to the Wall Street bailout. Look at those welfare queens, which is code for black people sucking away our wealth.

Don’t pay attention to the overt militarization of the police force. Look at those violent black criminals they have to deal with by pulling their service pistols and shooting them into submission.

Don’t pay attention to the inequitable distribution of education funding to your public schools. Look at how these black kids don’t pull up their pants, and if they manage to graduate, they’re given undeserved preference over more qualified white people through affirmative action.

Think about it. Why do we have a sizable black population in the first place?

Slavery. The very presence of a substantial black population is attributable to market forces. We needed a cheap workforce for our agricultural industry – especially tobacco and cotton. It was a labor intensive process and the only way to make a substantial profit at it was immoral thrift. And you can’t get much cheaper than forced, generational servitude.
White people’s only remaining claim on supremacy is based on a fleeting numerical majority that is fast coming to an end. Soon they’ll be outnumbered.
blacks are supreme
commit more hate crimes per capita
more murders per capita
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
more crime per capita
Table 21
highest level of non-graduates

So would your people if you had to live through what they've lived through. And clearly you lack empathy.

Are you suggesting it's nature not nurture? Then you are probably a racist.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?

If you are not telling the kids that the legal battles have been won and now it is up to them to take advantage of the just laws they now live under. . .

If you are not telling the kids that the best chance they have to live the American dream is to stay in school and educate themselves including learning to read and comprehend and speak as an educated person speaks, stay away from illegal substances and activities, dress for success, accept any McJob available and develop a work ethic, experience, references, develop a marketable trade, and more important get married and stay married before having children. . .you are teaching those kids pure poison.

If you aren't telling those kids that they can't control whatever shitty circumstances they were born into but they sure as heck don't have to stay in them their whole life and/or perpetuate them. . .

If you aren't telling those kids that everybody benefits from having a mom and dad in the home and working for what you have as much as possible and that is the surest way to ensure that your own kids won't have to endure the crappy circumstances some of them have had to endure . . .

You are setting them up for failure.
Sounds like in your estimation I am setting them up for success and some. Now tell me what that had to do with me telling them that whites are typically racist and will try to stop you at every turn but you cant give up and give them the satisfaction of seeing their racism keep you down?

You keep telling them that and then wonder why they are messed up and unable to seem to get out of whatever situation they are in.
All the kids I tell that to succeed. The ones that havent got the message are the ones that seem to be struggling. I'm going on my 9th academic scholarship earning kid. I have about 7 I have put into the IT field. Its like I have the Midas touch. They understand what they are up against (white racism) and they have the tools to deal with it.

Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
If you are not telling the kids that the legal battles have been won and now it is up to them to take advantage of the just laws they now live under. . .

If you are not telling the kids that the best chance they have to live the American dream is to stay in school and educate themselves including learning to read and comprehend and speak as an educated person speaks, stay away from illegal substances and activities, dress for success, accept any McJob available and develop a work ethic, experience, references, develop a marketable trade, and more important get married and stay married before having children. . .you are teaching those kids pure poison.

If you aren't telling those kids that they can't control whatever shitty circumstances they were born into but they sure as heck don't have to stay in them their whole life and/or perpetuate them. . .

If you aren't telling those kids that everybody benefits from having a mom and dad in the home and working for what you have as much as possible and that is the surest way to ensure that your own kids won't have to endure the crappy circumstances some of them have had to endure . . .

You are setting them up for failure.
Sounds like in your estimation I am setting them up for success and some. Now tell me what that had to do with me telling them that whites are typically racist and will try to stop you at every turn but you cant give up and give them the satisfaction of seeing their racism keep you down?

You keep telling them that and then wonder why they are messed up and unable to seem to get out of whatever situation they are in.
All the kids I tell that to succeed. The ones that havent got the message are the ones that seem to be struggling. I'm going on my 9th academic scholarship earning kid. I have about 7 I have put into the IT field. Its like I have the Midas touch. They understand what they are up against (white racism) and they have the tools to deal with it.

Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.

Yea I don't believe for a second that it was liberalism that kept black people down. I will admit that people on welfare tend to want to stay on it rather than get a minimum wage job. That's true. But that is true of poor whites too. White people didn't have a problem with welfare until after it was determined to be unconstitutional to deny poor blacks the same thing we give poor whites. But for decades that's what we did. Can you imagine if they denied you something they gave all other Americans?

I wouldn't mind cutting welfare people off after a few years.

For example, affirmative action was working great until companies started sending jobs overseas and of course the 2007 great recession was a devistating blow to all poor communities.

Oh, and I watched a PBS special in Newark NJ. The cops just run up on young black men and tackle them to the ground. Why do they do this? Lots of gang members and illegal activity goes on in that city. But why is that the problem of an innocent young black man walking down the street? You wouldn't be happy if the police in your neighborhood treated you that way but then again your community isn't infested with criminals.

Give us some examples of how liberalism is the problem.
White people’s only remaining claim on supremacy is based on a fleeting numerical majority that is fast coming to an end. Soon they’ll be outnumbered.
blacks are supreme
commit more hate crimes per capita
more murders per capita
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
more crime per capita
Table 21
highest level of non-graduates

So would your people if you had to live through what they've lived through. And clearly you lack empathy.

Are you suggesting it's nature not nurture? Then you are probably a racist.
what the blacks went through was horrible--still is.....and is part of the problems today
but protesting for criminals that attack the police is counter-productive to helping
crying racism 24/7 is counter-productive
..peoples/tribes/areas/have cultures...some cultures are productive/helpful--some counter-productive/destructive

some people are just not as smart as others.....some don't have that ''drive'' to better themselves...that's ok..that's ok--nothing wrong with that

it's nature AND nurture ....
Blacks live better in America, then any other blacks live in the world
The main problem is that White Laws and Standards are to high for the blacks
Sounds like in your estimation I am setting them up for success and some. Now tell me what that had to do with me telling them that whites are typically racist and will try to stop you at every turn but you cant give up and give them the satisfaction of seeing their racism keep you down?

You keep telling them that and then wonder why they are messed up and unable to seem to get out of whatever situation they are in.
All the kids I tell that to succeed. The ones that havent got the message are the ones that seem to be struggling. I'm going on my 9th academic scholarship earning kid. I have about 7 I have put into the IT field. Its like I have the Midas touch. They understand what they are up against (white racism) and they have the tools to deal with it.

Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.

Yea I don't believe for a second that it was liberalism that kept black people down. I will admit that people on welfare tend to want to stay on it rather than get a minimum wage job. That's true. But that is true of poor whites too. White people didn't have a problem with welfare until after it was determined to be unconstitutional to deny poor blacks the same thing we give poor whites. But for decades that's what we did. Can you imagine if they denied you something they gave all other Americans?

I wouldn't mind cutting welfare people off after a few years.

For example, affirmative action was working great until companies started sending jobs overseas and of course the 2007 great recession was a devistating blow to all poor communities.

Oh, and I watched a PBS special in Newark NJ. The cops just run up on young black men and tackle them to the ground. Why do they do this? Lots of gang members and illegal activity goes on in that city. But why is that the problem of an innocent young black man walking down the street? You wouldn't be happy if the police in your neighborhood treated you that way but then again your community isn't infested with criminals.

Give us some examples of how liberalism is the problem.

Do some reading by some who have studied the problem extensively: Shelby Steele, Starr Parker, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, et al. Yes, Frongpage Mag is a conservative publication, but what you will learn from those others is summarized fairly well and in a readable shorter piece here:

How The Liberal Welfare State Destroyed Black America

(John Perazzo, RIP, is another who has done extensive study on the subject.)
one of the problems is the blacks yell racists/racism 24/7--
they think everyone is a racist--except themselves--of course
they do it here on the forums
If you are not telling the kids that the legal battles have been won and now it is up to them to take advantage of the just laws they now live under. . .

If you are not telling the kids that the best chance they have to live the American dream is to stay in school and educate themselves including learning to read and comprehend and speak as an educated person speaks, stay away from illegal substances and activities, dress for success, accept any McJob available and develop a work ethic, experience, references, develop a marketable trade, and more important get married and stay married before having children. . .you are teaching those kids pure poison.

If you aren't telling those kids that they can't control whatever shitty circumstances they were born into but they sure as heck don't have to stay in them their whole life and/or perpetuate them. . .

If you aren't telling those kids that everybody benefits from having a mom and dad in the home and working for what you have as much as possible and that is the surest way to ensure that your own kids won't have to endure the crappy circumstances some of them have had to endure . . .

You are setting them up for failure.
Sounds like in your estimation I am setting them up for success and some. Now tell me what that had to do with me telling them that whites are typically racist and will try to stop you at every turn but you cant give up and give them the satisfaction of seeing their racism keep you down?

You keep telling them that and then wonder why they are messed up and unable to seem to get out of whatever situation they are in.
All the kids I tell that to succeed. The ones that havent got the message are the ones that seem to be struggling. I'm going on my 9th academic scholarship earning kid. I have about 7 I have put into the IT field. Its like I have the Midas touch. They understand what they are up against (white racism) and they have the tools to deal with it.

Black people get harsher prison sentences than whites for the exact same crimes. Black people are segregated into poor communities with underfunded schools. People with black-sounding names are less likely to get a job than white counterparts with the same experience.

And on-and-on-and-on.

Yet you’ll find white apologists everywhere who will see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil of the racial caste system under which their black brothers and sisters are forced to live. They refuse to acknowledge it, get angry when you bring it up and will actively support it at the polls.

That’s racism, people.

I have looked at all the data and while it is not true everywhere, there is evidence that black people are overall stopped, searched, arrested, convicted at a somewhat higher percentage rate than white people and do overall receive somewhat longer sentences. How much of this can be attributed to racism and how much attributed to concentrations of black people in poorer, more crime ridden neighborhoods is more difficult to determine, but I leave open the possibility/probability that some racism is involved.

It is also true that women are searched, arrested, and convicted at a lower percentage rate than men and are more likely to receive a less severe sentence than men. Wealthy, well known, well connected people are treated differently than the poor people regardless of color. So what do we make of that?

For sure it warrants investigation and correction. We cannot ignore or tolerate inequities in government at any level.

But one thing has nothing to do with another.

This thread is not about inequities in the criminal justice system but it is about what needs to happen among the black demographic to break repeating cycles of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity and a mentality that creates all of that.

The leftists among us will probably go to their graves refusing to even look at the possibility that social liberalism has played a part in creating that cycle of poverty, under education, violence, criminal activity, and a mentality that creates all of that.
Well written post. However, it is severely lacking in one aspect. You continue to assume that poverty is the norm in the black community; in you opinion it overwhelms and dominates everything good that happens there. That's not true! poverty in the black community is not the norm. While it may seem to be the standard in some urban areas poverty is relatively rare on the whole considering that 75% of blacks live above the poverty level. The dire picture of universally hopeless impoverished black life in America is a surburban myth. You know that but you'll go on repeating it anyway on another thread or on another message board.. Like so many
kool aid drinkers you can't come to grips with
any reality that. deviates from the mass hysteria among Caucs that blacks are more prone to violence and criminality than you Caucs who exist under similar conditions.
FOI., the cycle of poverty in the general populace of the black American world was broken a long time ago when the poverty rate slipped below 51%. Today that 25% is being chipped away. Blacks are starting to reverse themajor deleterious effect of integration
that destroyed their businesses and stripped them of their the voices of Joe Madison, Karen Hunter and the like are
carrying the message of autonomy and educational excellence to their people. And the people are listening. The Black Wall street will rise again and many more like it. That is the key to Black prosperity...not dependence on Cauc jobs to survive.
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