Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

This is not a race problem but an economic problem.

Which effects their economic standing. Cute trick, saying one rate, that was already high did not quadruple which would have been well over 100% is different than a much lower rate increases it is easy to say, well, that went up four times.

Try dealing with the issue.

Aside from money, what is the difference between a child living below the poverty line and one living above the poverty rate?
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And whites who brought them here to save them from their fates in Africa. If not for whites, his ancestors would have been surplus slaves. What do you think they would have done with them if they had a famine?
You ignore the thousands of years that Africa flourished when the only pink people among them were albinos....
I'm not saying negroes didn't "flourish" by prehistoric standards in primitive, thousand year old tribal societies. I'm saying they can't make a modern society by modern white standards and even those negroes who were gifted the chance to live in a modern white society tend to fail at relatively high rates.
Even after i have given much time to telling you about early successful black enclaves during the zjum Crow era you still are stuck on stupid. Blackd have proven time and time again that they can succed independly of pink oversifgyt. Evertime pink jealousy erupted and the pink apes destroyed those places. Still many did survive until integration broke the back of black commerce and entrepreneurship.. Blacks flocked to Cauc businesses while pink regulators. suppliers and distributors hijacked black businesses from the political and supply side. Now.blacks find themselves almost entirely at the mercy of People who generally hate hate
Why didn’t we just wipe you out?
Because God is with us. I believe He had a hand in protecting us...what could possibly
have stayed the hand of death in a naion of people known for their abject brutality greed and racism? Indeed many innocent people were killed or lynched along the way...but the prayers of Black Christians and Muslims
were heard...
More like white man's burden. Some whites felt good about themselves trying to educate the savage negro. What a waste.
Denzel is too popular for Democrats or Hollywood to railroad him. So this will quickly be swept under the rug unfortunately. But kudos to Denzel Washington for having the guts to state the truth. Maybe others will find their courage.

We need a lot more popular, well known, charismatic black men and women to step up and start saying the same kinds of things and setting the same example. It may be the best hope for black youth born into relentless cycles of poverty, violence, ignorance, poor social skills, shabby values. Unfortunately those who promote so-called conservative values or otherwise are positive role models are too often dismissed as irrelevant or are ravaged by some on the left who will find some way to blunt or divert the message in favor of the flawed racist themes they promote.
Disagree. Denzel hasnt said anything new. This is being said daily in Black communities by many charismatic Black men and women. We know the system is rigged against us so we have to be ten times better, ten times more law abiding, ten times smarter than a white person just to stay even. Denzel is engaging in double speak. He is sending a message to the Black community that whites dont get while at the same time being politically correct...barely. Think of it as dog whistle politics.

Sorry, but I've seen too much of it first hand to believe there are a lot of positive role models out there that people in chaotic neighborhoods would ever be aware of. Most of their role models are like you preaching victimization, raw deal, 'Whitey is to blame" and such and that is heard as justification for anger, violence, lawlessness, hatred, and a waste of time trying to make a difference. That kind of role model is both cruel and perpetuates the situation.
Sorry but I grew up in it. You cant possibly have seen more first hand evidence than I have. Of course whitey is too blame for the environment but it is on us to circumvent and overcome your bullshit white racism. This is what Denzel is saying in so many words. its like I tell so many of the kids I mentor. OK whitey got everything on lock and causing you to have a hard time. So what are you going to do now? Lay down and whine or find a way around it?
Denzel spoke about as clearly and plainly as one can speak about the problems of raising Black men in Fatherless homes. There was no coded message about Whitey. The pain of early abandonment coupled with lack of a strong role model in very dangerous environments is a huge problem. To do something about the problem you have to own the problem.
If youre white then you heard what you were supposed to hear. Blacks heard the not so subtle underlying message.

"“It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them.”"
This is not a race problem but an economic problem.

Which effects their economic standing. Cute trick, saying one rate, that was already high did not quadruple which would have been well over 100% is different than a much lower rate increases it is easy to say, well, that went up four times.

Try dealing with the issue.

Aside from money, what is the difference between a child living below the poverty line and one living above the poverty rate?
one aspect is the parents'/parent's...there is sometimes more financial stress with less money.....the parent can't make some do not do well growing up in a stressful atmosphere
Jews were enslaved and went threw the Holocaust, how are they doing today?

The Japanese on the West Coast and incarcerated in what amounted to concentration camps.

Why are they not rioting and begging for handouts?
There ain't enuff money in the world to help the blacks
Japan was nuked twice, how are they doing today?

So true!

There ain't enuff money in the world to help the blacks
You mean there isnt enough money in the world to pay Blacks back for what was stolen by jealous whites.
Slavery was blacks first steps towards civilization
Actually Ethiopia, Sumer, and Egypt were. Whites didnt know what civilization was until we taught you. Then you forgot and we had to come back and teach you again.
Japan was nuked twice, how are they doing today?
the Germans and Japanese had a culture of discipline. orderliness, ''cleanliness'', great work ethics, industriousness, etc
German cleanliness? I take it you've never been to Germany. The women don't shave their legs and they don't bathe in the winter time. The streets are clean though and their houses are fastidiously kept.

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