Denzel Washington knows what our problem is...fatherless homes..not guns or prisons...

So you have no evidence as usual.

I'll just say that looking at the illegal drug pandemic surfacing in your communities and the tepid reaction by law enforcement in response...bias raises it's ugly head to shine light on the aggressive enforcement that shook the black community over the years...

You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

No one forced you pink mutants to do the same thing.
Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
I'll just say that looking at the illegal drug pandemic surfacing in your communities and the tepid reaction by law enforcement in response...bias raises it's ugly head to shine light on the aggressive enforcement that shook the black community over the years...

You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

No one forced you pink mutants to do the same thing.
Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.


To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
You are really desperate to exuse black failure.
If anyone wants to know where the missing fathers are, why not ask them? Did they just do a "drive by" pregnancy? Did they get kicked out of the home for misconduct? Out getting stoned somewhere instead of being home raising their kids?
This isn't a racial thing. Men of all races abandon the women whom they have made pregnant. Walked out on their kids. Beat their partners up. Tried to boss their wives and families around. Many are sexually immoral, like trump. To the guys who behave this way, it's time to apologize and reform.
So you have no evidence as usual.

I'll just say that looking at the illegal drug pandemic surfacing in your communities and the tepid reaction by law enforcement in response...bias raises it's ugly head to shine light on the aggressive enforcement that shook the black community over the years...

You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

No one forced you pink mutants to do the same thing.
Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.

bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you. And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.

JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Tell your colored friends they need to start voting. It’s right in front of your faces. You talk and talk about fighting for change and you people don’t even vote.

The number of you voting is proof you’re doing it to yourselves. You’re not a voting block republicans fear. And poor whites are just as guilty
You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
I'll just say that looking at the illegal drug pandemic surfacing in your communities and the tepid reaction by law enforcement in response...bias raises it's ugly head to shine light on the aggressive enforcement that shook the black community over the years...

You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

No one forced you pink mutants to do the same thing.
Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.

bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you. And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.

JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Tell your colored friends they need to start voting. It’s right in front of your faces. You talk and talk about fighting for change and you people don’t even vote.

The number of you voting is proof you’re doing it to yourselves. You’re not a voting block republicans fear. And poor whites are just as guilty
People of color did vote. But according to social scientists such as Dr.Wilmer Leon and
others who research voting patterns, millions of legal voters were purged from the rolls via Crosscheck in GOP controlled states That's how the GOP stole the election and will continue to do so unless the democrats come up with some kind of defense. BTW...didn't I tell you this in another thread? Why didn't it sink in back then? Didn't you research it at all.
Obviously you don't want to know the truth.
My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
Well..DUHHH! All books were written by men including the Bible. The ancient historians who wrote those narratives recorded events names and places remarkably well. Even sans religiosity the Bible is a valued tool and guide for the pious faithful or the secular scientist alike. Archeologists have repeatedly confirmed thehistorical value of the Bible.
You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.

bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you. And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.

JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Tell your colored friends they need to start voting. It’s right in front of your faces. You talk and talk about fighting for change and you people don’t even vote.

The number of you voting is proof you’re doing it to yourselves. You’re not a voting block republicans fear. And poor whites are just as guilty
People of color did vote. But according to social scientists such as Dr.Wilmer Leon and
others who research voting patterns, millions of legal voters were purged from the rolls via Crosscheck in GOP controlled states That's how the GOP stole the election and will continue to do so unless the democrats come up with some kind of defense. BTW...didn't I tell you this in another thread? Why didn't it sink in back then? Didn't you research it at all.
Obviously you don't want to know the truth.
I guess losing and whining go hand-in-hand. You do a lot of both as a "person of color" and a Democrat.
My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.

bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you. And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.

JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Tell your colored friends they need to start voting. It’s right in front of your faces. You talk and talk about fighting for change and you people don’t even vote.

The number of you voting is proof you’re doing it to yourselves. You’re not a voting block republicans fear. And poor whites are just as guilty
People of color did vote. But according to social scientists such as Dr.Wilmer Leon and
others who research voting patterns, millions of legal voters were purged from the rolls via Crosscheck in GOP controlled states That's how the GOP stole the election and will continue to do so unless the democrats come up with some kind of defense. BTW...didn't I tell you this in another thread? Why didn't it sink in back then? Didn't you research it at all.
Obviously you don't want to know the truth.
I guess losing and whining go hand-in-hand. You do a lot of both as a "person of color" and a Democrat.
Whining for justice is a good thing. Your whining for injustice is Satanic. BTW...I'm a registered Republican....Were going to change the party from the inside out...and nothing can be done to stop us.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.

bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you. And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.

JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Tell your colored friends they need to start voting. It’s right in front of your faces. You talk and talk about fighting for change and you people don’t even vote.

The number of you voting is proof you’re doing it to yourselves. You’re not a voting block republicans fear. And poor whites are just as guilty
People of color did vote. But according to social scientists such as Dr.Wilmer Leon and
others who research voting patterns, millions of legal voters were purged from the rolls via Crosscheck in GOP controlled states That's how the GOP stole the election and will continue to do so unless the democrats come up with some kind of defense. BTW...didn't I tell you this in another thread? Why didn't it sink in back then? Didn't you research it at all.
Obviously you don't want to know the truth.
I guess losing and whining go hand-in-hand. You do a lot of both as a "person of color" and a Democrat.
Whining for justice is a good thing. Your whining for injustice is Satanic. BTW...I'm a registered Republican....Were going to change the party from the inside out...and nothing can be done to stop us.
It's amazing how many people are too embarrassed to admit being Democrats. or having voted for the Beast.
You've been told already, but you just don't get it. There's more to imprisonment than just "more crime." For example, prison sentences are generally not given out for speeding, a crime. There are lots of other-than-racism reasons which have been discussed. One reason is that negroes are stupid. Like you, they refuse to take responsibility or to see the errors of their ways and keep doing the same thing over and over again. Incidentally, recidivism is a good way to end up behind bars.

Who says they do the same thing? I saw you make a claim that whites commit more crimes, but like I already told you, there's more to ending up in prison than simply committing a crime.

My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
I love when these caucasoids from europe have the nerve to tell me to leave. I just tell them I will leave when you become man enough to come to my home and make me leave. :laugh:
My argument is that the pink mutants controlling justice outcomes focused on blacks and let the Caucs slide more often than not.
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
No one has to prove anything to you white boy. Either you do your own study or not. The information is there for those that want education. Its not our job to make you believe it.
You are really desperate to exuse black failure

Im even more desperate to promote black success.... Got any good news ya friggin' buzzard?
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
No one has to prove anything to you white boy. Either you do your own study or not. The information is there for those that want education. Its not our job to make you believe it.
once again, you people spew out crap--no facts, no your posts are only your crap opinions--which mean nothing
You are really desperate to exuse black failure

Im even more desperate to promote black success.... Got any good news ya friggin' buzzard?
Then why would you compose a long-winded post on how black failure is the fault of whites? That's seriously incongruous .
What whites? Are you lying again about the pink face staring back at you in the mirror?
You're a pink albinoid mutant with recessive genes. Stop saying you're are NOT white. Your pink skin is nothing special..all beasts of the field have it. Shave the fur off almost any mammal and the pink glare of animal flesh will reflect in your recessive blue eyes. Black skinned people are "hue-man". You aren't.:lol:
Why do you have such a low opinion of your race then? You seem to think it is superior, and yet you spend seemingly limitless time finding excuses for its failure.

OK, it's Jungle-Bunny civilization time. Go! :)
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
Well..DUHHH! All books were written by men including the Bible. The ancient historians who wrote those narratives recorded events names and places remarkably well. Even sans religiosity the Bible is a valued tool and guide for the pious faithful or the secular scientist alike. Archeologists have repeatedly confirmed thehistorical value of the Bible.
sure--but not inspired by god
we have controversy on the JFK assassination which happened in the early 1960s
how can anyone believe anything written thousands of years ago?
Wonderful. Too bad you presented very little, if any, evidence.

JQpublic1 said:
And it is still pink mutants that are allowing the latin drug traffickers to operate in this country. That tactic is now biting your ilk in the ass as the moral pink suburbanites falk victim to the scourge of illicit drugs. But instead of prison...I hear talk of rehab amnesty. See how that works for pink folks!
bgrouse said:
OK. Keep repeating yourself and making the same moronic mistakes. That's how your kind ends up behind bars.
JQpublic1 said:
My kind never ends up behind bars. I'm one of those people of color( Hue-mans) who lives by a higher moral code than you mutants do.
A lot more of your ilk are behind bars than decent God fearing people like me. But actually...for all the crimes you pink bahs-turds have gotten away with all these tears, a world court made up of people of color would have jailed most of you long ago.

bgrouse said:
I wonder why so many negroes keep living with us "pink bahs-turds" and all the tears. They should just go to their own negrotopia in Apefreaka and have their own court. Instead they're drowning to get to a white country.
JQ said:
Most native born blacks aren't living with you they are living In spite of you.

bgrouse said:
Doesn't change or address the question.
Satan always used baubles to attract poor souls to do his bidding.

JQ said:
They can't escape your evil by going to Africa. You're after the resources there and the cheap labor
Already in place there.
bgrouse said:
That's up to the negro-run government there. It's the negro-in-chief in that particular African country that's permitting whites to come in so you can stop the blame (whitey) game.
Who is whitie? It certainly isn't a pink faced mammal like you.
Whatever you say, you turd-colored shitskin.
And I already told you how those negro tyrants got power. Pay attention....or get lost...dumbass. And you complain about me repeating myself.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Start with Robert Mugabe.
Pinkie, that's you and the Caucs, set up tyrants to ieep the Africans from going communist. But from what you flesh colored
Slickers keep repeating over and over about how bad off they are, Communism would be better for them. And with the IMF and World bank issuing usurious loans and then requiring drastic austerity measures to repay those loans...Pinkie is indeed causing most of the misery in Africa.
JQ said:
Like most of Asia, African countries are controlled by brutal tyrants and despots interested only in maintaining their ill gotten fortunes. Some were assisted in their bid for power by our good ol' Uncle help resist socialist ovetures;
Oh yeah. and to facilitate raping the local resources for pennies on the dollar.

No thank you...I was born here and my Apache side was here way before your pale ancestors invaded our lands. My fight is right here to join people of color in making this country worthy of us all...regardless of race creed or color.
And those tyrants tend to be what color? I think the answer to that is "black!"

You should be very thankful you live in a white country with white leaders. Instead of blaming whites for the failures of your "people," you should be blaming your "people." That's where the blame belongs.

You aren't white MF. You're a pink mutant with an inferiority complex. Thats why you seek constant validation that your bologna colored skin makes you superior to darker people.
I'm not grateful I live in a pink country run by pink racists who constantly throw the images of downtrodden blacks at us. But since I was born here, fighting back and causing political and social change is the only option.
Is it the ONLY option or the EASIEST option because you like the environment whitey has created? Have you explored opportunities of moving to Zimbabwe?
Again, you pink mutant, you aren't white.
And you didn't create a damn thing for me
All Caucs like you ever did was try to prevent minorities and women from getting their Constitutional rights. And dont you ever tell me to leave my birthplace. People of color paid the price in blood for me to enjoy the same rights and civil liberties you do. If you
Mess with my rights you're begging for a fight. :fu::fu::fu: here is one place you can go.

View attachment 164125

To differentiate between pink slobs like you and the good people who actually fought with us against your ilk...I'd call those white people....regardless of skin color. The badge of whiteness should not be given to people based on skin color alone.
It should be earned by demonstrating
altruism for all humanity. But even those who
Have no outward displays of racism will forfeit the accolade when they see racism and do nothing to address it.

Don't forget... Western civilization was built on knowledge gleaned from KMT and ., according to the BIBLE, a cool colored cat named Nimrod ruled over the middle east and built the first cities after the flood.
the bible is just a book written by men--not inspired by god
please prove othrwise.....I'm waiting
so don't cite it for evidence
No one has to prove anything to you white boy. Either you do your own study or not. The information is there for those that want education. Its not our job to make you believe it.
also, your racism and hatred show your posts as crap
since you do not want to discuss civilly and politely--just like BLM/etc--it's the ignore button for you

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