

May 17, 2014
The elite are the richest 1% of the population. The elite are the leaders of governments and corporations. During World War 2 the elites of the United States, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Australia and the Soviet Union almost got destroyed by Japan and Germany. The elite thought that World War 2 was such a dangerous threat to them that they could never let something like World War 2 happen again. The elite thought that World War 1 and World War 2 were caused by overpopulation. Overpopulation causes countries to fight wars over resources. The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. The world population jumped from half a billion in 1650 to 2.5 billion at the start of World War 2, an increase of 500%. The elite thinks that the progress made in science and technology in the last 400 years caused overpopulation.

Depopulation means decreasing population. In 1945 the elite began a depopulation program. The goal of the depopulation program is to lower the world population. At the international level the United Nations is the main organization tasked with carrying out the depopulation program. In 1945 the United Nations was created. The depopulation program is being carried out in every country. The elite is doing depopulation because they think that overpopulation is a major threat to their wealth and power. The elite thinks that overpopulation causes wars, rebellions, revolutions, riots and protests. The elite thinks that the fewer people there are the easier it is to control them. The depopulation program is aimed at the poor and the middle class which is most of humanity. The elite feels threatened by most of humanity because the elite are less than 1% of the population and because of all the rebellions against the elite that have occurred in the past. The elite want science and technology to be used for depopulation, mass surveillance, law enforcement, incarceration and suppression of revolt so they can maintain their wealth and power.

These things are part of the depopulation program:

Putting fluoride in water and toothpaste. Fluoride lowers fertility. Fertility is the number of children a person has. Things that lower fertility decrease a persons ability to conceive a child.

Putting bisphenol A in bottles and cans of water and food. Bisphenol A lowers fertility.

Putting chemicals in food such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, monosodium glutamate, sugar, additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers that lower fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Things that cause illness and disability also cause death because illnesses and disabilities make people die sooner. Things that cause illness and disability lower the population because illnesses and disabilities make it harder for people to raise children.

Meat, eggs and dairy that comes from animals that are injected with hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals, that are kept in small cages their entire lives. Eating the meat, eggs and dairy from these animals lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Most meat, eggs and dairy sold in stores and restaurants comes from these animals.

GMO foods. GMO means Genetically Modified Organism. GMO food lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Most food is GMO food. GMO food is unhealthy because it is genetically different from the food that humans have been eating for thousands of years, that the human body evolved to eat.

Fast food from McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell and other restaurants that is GMO, that contains large amounts of chemicals, sugar, fat, cholesterol and calories, that is very unhealthy, that lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death.

Lowering the price of unhealthy, chemical laden, GMO food and raising the price of healthy, organic, natural food so most people are forced to buy unhealthy food that causes them to die sooner. Healthy, organic, natural food has been made expensive so that only the elite and other rich people can buy it.

The spraying of aluminum particles by airplanes, also called chemtrails. Aluminum amplifies the effects of fluoride and aluminum kills non-GMO crops. GMO crops are resistant to aluminum.

AIDS has killed millions of people. It is possible that the AIDS virus was created by the elite for the purpose of depopulation.

Vaccines: some stuff in certain vaccines lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death.

Over the counter drugs and prescription drugs that lower fertility and have side effects that can cause death.

Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, drug addiction and substance abuse: lowers fertility, causes illness, disability and death, and makes it harder for people to raise children. Anything that makes it harder for people to raise children lowers the population.

Contraception and abortion. I do not oppose contraception or abortion.

Promotion of celibacy and abstinence from sex through the Catholic Church, evangelical Protestants, religious groups and sex education classes.

Raising the incarceration rate with tougher laws, new laws, longer sentences and aggressive policing because people in jail can't have children. The incarceration rate in many countries is rising. The incarceration rate of the United States has risen by 400% since 1945.

Arrest and detention of illegal immigrants because people in jail can't have children. The number of immigrants held in detention centers is rising.

Prison sentences and restraining orders for people who commit even the slightest act of domestic violence so families break up and stop having children. One goal of the depopulation program is to break up families because when families break up the parents stop having children which lowers population.

Increasing the cost of fines and traffic tickets so people have less money for raising children.

Economic policies that make it harder for people to raise children and break up families such as increasing debt, student loans, home loans, car loans, credit card payments, rent increases, tax increases, lower wages, longer working hours, temporary jobs, firing people, mass layoffs and job relocation. When people have less money or when their job is in jeopardy they often decide to stop having children.

Requiring mothers, pregnant women and other women to work full time because women who work have less time for raising children.

Increasing the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Concentration of wealth into the hands of the fewest people as possible because money is used to survive and to raise children.

Hurting countries economies with debt from World Bank/IMF loans and austerity programs so people in those countries die sooner and have less children.

Cutting social programs such as welfare, food stamps, social security, retirement pensions, unemployment payments and free healthcare so people die sooner and have less children.

Delayed employment by requiring people to go to college after high school to get a job because the older someone is when they have their first child the less children they have.

Enticing people to buy stuff they don't need such as alcohol, cigarrettes, electronics, games, jewelry and expensive clothes so they have less money for raising children.

Carefully controlled wars that are limited to one country such as the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Vietnam.

China's one child policy. In China families are not allowed to have more than one child.

The depopulation program has been somewhat successful. The depopulation program has killed 500 million people since 1945. The population of many countries is falling. The growth rate of the world population is decreasing. The world population increased by 2% a year in the 1960s. The world population now increases by 1% a year. The world population is currently 7 billion.

When a scientist says GMO food, fluoride, bisphenol A, monosodium glutamate or aspartame is healthy they are not telling the truth. Science is manipulated to serve the depopulation program. Some scientific studies are manipulated by the elite to get people to believe what the elite wants them to believe. A scientific study that says GMO food is healthy has been manipulated with and contains false information to get people to eat GMO food. Some of what scientists say is true and some of what scientists say is false. Science and religion are belief systems that the elite has used to control people. In the past the elite used religion to control people. In Europe during the Middle Ages the elite, who controlled the churches, used religion to control people. Today the elite uses science to control people because many people alive today do not believe in a religion.

Today is one of the worst times to be alive because of the depopulation program. Despite the fact that people today are living longer, have more technology and have more education. A longer life is not a better life. People today are living longer than people in the past but people today are spending more years of their life in illness, disability, pain, hospitals, nursing homes, depression, loneliness, boring jobs, jails and prisons than people in the past.

The source of information for this writing is the book Killing Us Softly, written by Kevin Galalae, published in 2013 by The People's Protection Force.

Anonymously written in 2014. This writing can be distributed without permission from the author.
Rockland wrote: Don't worry about your lack of fertility. Something tells me you won't be copulating anytime soon anyway.

But Granny says he do have a point...

... dey's too many loopy, lefty lib'rals...

... let's depopulate a couple billion o' dem.
It never ends, always a new sad case of mental illness showing up in the forums, making one treasure their own sanity.
Alot of this is very true. Although it would greatly appeal to me to put into effect another Holocaust with an improved Eugenics program, the fact that humans make excellent resources helps me understand why the elite 1% would instead favor a slower form of genocide :)
It never ends, always a new sad case of mental illness showing up in the forums, making one treasure their own sanity.

the disinfo agents handlers like you and dawgshit-aka say it are obvioulsy worried these facts are being told the fact they sent you here to troll and try and derail this thread.
The depopulation "theory" is certain to applied, at least attempted at some point fully, but progressively, because it is required. World government uni-polarity of military systems will greatly aid the process.

Let me play the Conspiracy Theorists-Hybrid Advocate. I will assimilate some known conspiracy theory and radical Bible prophecy points of convergence. It will be easier to see how they all fit together in a continuum to world government.

(I am trying to show much basic "conspiracy theory" "players" also have prophetic "player" parallels as if it is the same story, told in different ways - for it really is all the same story. I say this because for a "conspiracy theory" to gain global traction it must have something more palpable than mere speculation. In truth many "conspiracy theorists" are truth seekers, and many of them are not novice level analysts. The depopulation "theory" is certain to applied, at least attempted at some point fully, but progressively, because it is required. World government uni-polarity of military systems will greatly aid the process

Let me play Conspiracy Theorists-Hybrid Advocate. I will assimilate some known conspiracy theory and radical Bible prophecy points of convergence. It will be easier to see how they fit.

(I am trying to show much basic "conspiracy theory" "players" also have prophetic "player" parallels as if it is the same story, told in different ways. I say this because for a "conspiracy theory" to gain global traction it must have something more palpable than mere speculation. In truth many "conspiracy theorists" are truth seekers, and many of them are not novice level analysts. The "Conspiracy theory" label is more a cognitive dissonance technique to quickly dismiss alternative historic views, because the many "conspiracy theories" that have proven true, which can be searched on Google, have instead become a part of world history.

This is not really for people who buy the current global paradigm of deception, but for people with an open mind, some like to call them "conspiracy theorists" but in reality they are those who know the "official stories" that is the "official conspiracy theories" are NOT answering the fundamental question properly. Most people, 99 out of 100, are as thoughtful as cows herded to slaughter, so this would sound "crazy" to people psychologically "mentalized" by the mass media and social indoctrination systems, called "public schooling. "Rich" people, our new middle class, are usually also just national minded cogs in a greater machine. It is NOT the 1% that run the country, it is the .01% that runs the 1% that run the country.

Globalist elites are not taught these fairy tales for the public mind, and globalist elites know this is all true, one way or another, as they too are "compartmentalized" for function, not the whole truth. This is also why many "conspiracies" have a prophetic counterpart or principle very simple to understand when they are connected properly.)

Conspiracy and Prophecy Theorist Advocate - The Basic Plot of the World Government Story

First off the conspiracies of demons, aliens, globalists, and general national elite and common development are ALL also in the Bible historic record. Much former prophecy of the seven national world powers of the Bible (Dan2, 7, 8, 11; Rev13, 17) are now world histories, not really unfulfilled prophecy any longer. When prophecy fulfills in final form it is history, it is accurate. Globalization (Rev16:13-16) and World government (Dan11:45; 12:11; Rev17:11-18) are in the Bible as well, as the end of the process. Of course all these elements are in some conspiracy theories as well. There is nothing wrong with theorization, it is part of the method of learning. There is something wrong with believing what "the man" says, because these people fully aid national government and eventual world government enslavement of themselves, others and all nature.

Satan King Alien

Let's take a top down assessment in the hierarchical food chain, or pyramid of power that many are trying to explain. From the top (Eph6:12), who really runs the joint? Globalists? National politicians? No. It is El Diablo. According to all the most extreme conspiratorial extension lies Satan the Devil. For example those who may expose Federal Reserve history can stop there. Others have then taken their currency symbology and connected it's meanings further back in occult history.

Thus "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum", from the back of the US one dollar bill, is an "announcing the birth of the new world order", and that little bit of conspiratorial fuel then goes back to the occult history of the Anglo and American national world power developments, and soon their globalist hidden powers become revealed in history, not "conspiracy".

Satan, this Anu King Alien (and many other names in history, mythology and conspiracy theory), this fallen anointed cherub angel (Eze28) is the "Lucifer" "light bearer" core illuminati symbol, Eye of Osiris (Ra, or Horus), and so on. (2Cor11:13-15). He is the Illuminator leader. He gives the orders, he engineers the whole system. (Rev12-13 connection)

1. Thus logically, from the top, Satan as God's enemy, would like to destroy all life on planet Earth that God created before he goes to the "abyss". He is not staying here forever, he knows it. Who knows what the various so-called "globalists" really know, they believe whatever he, or the next human in line tells them. They aren't "Nimrod" they are the end of the Adamic DNA, they are all the Devil has to work with, and it aint much in comparison to demon angels and humans from the former days from and after Eden. (Gen6; Jude 6; 1Pet3:19-21; 2Pet2:4-5);

From the top down alien, demon angel (Gen6; Jude6) perspective globalist elites are temporary at best, fully expendable in the end. When demons materialize they don't come in the form of David Rockefeller, let's put it that way, and they will be part of Satan's final objective, to destroy them as well, if all goes as planned. Thus the "elites" are harnessing the masses to build the gallows of all of them globally.

And since King AlienAngel is who counts in cosmic and earthly power in this divine permission of evil power (Luke4:5-8), his will is what will override the globalist elites' own self deception, of which he is master. That is the end all situation that King Alien and his horde would love, a fully functional, globally reaching, weapons and directed energy network, on a fully functional and connected centralized light computing control center ("possessable"). Thus before abyss, this Satan would do the "final grand slam" - Rob Halford, Rapid Fire, British Steel

That is the ultimate goal of all human work, for King Demon Alien, according to the Bible and many "conspiracy theories" and other religious understandings taken to the full of the concept.

2. Before that scenario can come to fruition, the system to empower it must complete. Enter now the poor globalist elite deluded mind, but enormous global resources and power over all the nations. (First off they can't really truly trust each other any more than trusting their leader, and they are subject to disease and death like any other Adamic human, so ultimately they are in the stream of time impotent, it is lineage of the corporate body that allows this continual amassing of wealth to fuel the project globally. The "immortal" "corporation" is the main reservoir of their wealth power accumulation, and that is what it is designed for as international law becomes the ultimate corporate law that all national corporatocracy ultimately converges into come global engineered debt meltdown time. Elite world government, in the wealth and finance sector (Dan11:42-43), is what recovers the national powers (Isa41:1) come Daniel 8:25b, 1Thess5:1-3 world "peace and security" time; (Rev17:11-18))

This "depopulation" agenda is conveniently covered by a greater global "euthanasia" concept elites definitely have been exploring for over 200 years, since their thinktanks applied a little calculus to global population growth projections. In 100 years the world would be at around 15-17 billion people in a linear projection. Plain and simple that aint going to happen. Something else is going to happen to flatten and reverse that trajectory in that century projection. And it is going to be sooner, than later, it is now the "window of opportunity".

So to an elite or common logical thinker accepting the inevitable ramifications of progressive overpopulation, they either "euthanize" a few billion people over say a decade or two, or we see 11-15 billion people literally starving to death as whole nations, including the rich, all systems would devolve, the neo-stone-age would ensue, except man would be far far more backward.

So depopulation is a must by necessity and a globalist version of "love of neighbor", it is the only other option to slow global death for the human population at some point realized at a multi-billion person level. The elites merely bypass the inevitable for a technologically applied and systematize global application for near instant death (in some cases), rather than scrapping and foraging for the next few decades until dead due to 10% oceanic biomass, no bees, no ozone and half the wildlife we see today, total guess on my part, but close. In any event the "new world order" base national systems would be deconstructed in the process, the whole "opportunity" would be lost, potentially for centuries.
Now to shatter the illusion of the nation-state circus as some sort of "end all" of world power, it is not, it must go down in controlled fashion by mostly finance. (This is the Daniel 11:42-43 King South (nationalism) "7th King" superceded by King North 8th King (globalism)) Thinking nations are actually in control of world war, it's profits, or it's ultimate objective is also a delusion. Nations and their masses pay for war, globalists profit from it. King Alien has no limitations of nations, genetics or languages - so the national illusion is for human distraction, it is not a limitation to the demons/alien infiltration, it is an aid of it. He has a "seed" among all the nations (Gen3:15), they are what orchestrate world finance that facilitates world war. He is Genesis 3 and 6 King Infiltrator.

The World Government Presentation Purpose of World War Cyclic Use Four Times; 1919, 1945, 1990, Future

So the world wars are all engineered within all the nations (and they have had three cycles, and will need four, the future final cycle, to achieve world government), for the same financing network that guided the world war preparations over all nations. We cannot simply have a "world war" develop at that scale, without a few decades, or so, of pre preparation. World wars don't just "happen", they are orchestrated for a complex set of purposes. It is all planned, arranged, controlled, guided and directed. So it is all designed, in the end of the world war cycle, it's "cause desolation" [function] is the "problem" resolved for the final [function], to "place" the "disgusting thing" "solution" of world government AFTER the world war resolves, so people are pleading and begging for? The WORLD GOVERNMENT "solution".

1. WW1 resolved into the League of Nations in 1919. Seems incidental at first.

2. The scenario repeated in WW2 that resolved into the United Nations "image" in 1945.

3. The scenario repeated after Cold WW3 into the UN "New World Order" objective.

Now we see a PATTERN. Now world war is aiding the overall world government development cyclically. World war is designed to resolve into a world government, and it's being accepted due to the duress it causes for the overall national. (Not to mention profiteering before, during and after that WW by the central financial and planning network, the globalists); The "Cold War" had a mostly "cold" effect of global tribulation. It was a psychological fear of "nuclear war", "mutual assured destruction" and "atomic annihilation" which the UN NWO presentation of 1990 claimed to have helped avert.

Thus a fiction is also set up for world war 4. A controlled nuclear exchange will not be an "assured destruction", but it will bring the world psychologically to it's knees. Paul Craig Roberts, RT and all now describe the US nuclear first strike objective on Russia with nuclear weapons.

4. Now GWOT can escalate (Phase 2) and reactivate for what it really is officially: World War 4, and it's GWOT NATO global preposiitoning for WW4 for 13 years so far. Now that final world war cycle can be used for the final world government full development and final presentation. (Dan11:45; 12:11 (Rev17:8-11; 11:7); Dan 8:25).

And we know from the three former world wars, predictively WW4 will resolve into?


World war tribulation creates the global "problem" to be resolved in time, for which world government is the "solution".

The NATO Depopulation Symbol

Once Global NATO is the sole military power, whose globalist elite Russians and Asians will align with, for world government military, now the weapons system can be applied to it's PLANNED final function: Precisely controlled demolition of shelf-lived urban infrastructure. And controlled systematic depopulation. And control of that final sovereign system from any human threat.

But since this scenario also triggers Jesus Christ's final arrival (Matt24:29-31; Rev6:12-17; Rev11:11-12), and his own "world government" 144000 completion (Rev14:1), King Alien Satan will hope to hop the Super-NATO global weapons and energy system controls and take that world government now "world peace and security machine", that total computerized NATO super-weapons system, for a joy ride worldwide. And that is where the globalist elites end up, in the Devil's bulls-eye with the "goats", if all this develops as it appears to be heading this way now.

Anyone escaping that (Amos9:1-3), can face the "Son of Man" and probably 500 billion or more angels (Rev19:19-21), it won't be a war as far as any resistance the earthlings can muster that is really of any true celestial power. It will be all over, Satan goes POW of Armageddon "divine war" phase to the "abyss" (Rev20:1-3), the sheep go to Christ pasture of eternal life potential (Matt25:31-46; Rev14:14-16; Rev7:9-17), everything else feeds the flora and fauna. (Rev19:17-18, Eze38:17-19)

But in this we know the global elitist secret social network with elements like the "illuminati", "skull and bones" and so forth, are really the globalist elite "two horned wildbeast" of Revelation 13:11's main world government architects, and the UN "image of the wildbeast" is their main world government project of Revelation 13:11-15, Revelation 17:8-18, Daniel8:25 and Daniel 11:45, 12:11, they are all the same "8th King" global super-sovereign world government of the "scarlet wildbeast" totality, not yet complete but nearing final culmination.

Thus much popular "conspiracy theory" subjects are also converging in the prophecy that outlines and describes their main players very concisely. The demons/aliens, the globalist "seed of Satan", the globalist world government, the national subservient system, are all in also prophecy.

Thus what Jehovah's witnesses used to be working on from 1914-1969 was explaining the first two UN placements of 1919 and 1945 as this globalist elite world government for ultimately Satan the King Demon. But JWs went UN NGO in 1990 and joined the wildbeast. So now they also cover up the final UN 3rd and 4th placement of Daniel 11:30-45.

Now all organized Christianity in it's major religious centers, is also overridden by the globalist world government agenda, JWs were just the last hold outs to be derailed in 1990, subverted by corporate coup since 1976 by the adoption of the globalist dictatorial "Governing Body". Basically the JW Bethel system, just like the Baptists or Mormons, is all run by globalist intel, CIA types of infiltration operations.

Now when "conspiracy theory" which actually has much truth and history, and prophecy having likewise, cannot be tied together properly as both are really describing the final world government development at globalist levels of world power, from their national historic root systems that gave birth to globalism and globalization in time. So there is also truth in some of the global research and "conspiratorial" projections of other agendas that will develop after world government and uni-polar military go into place.

No wonder that is the time for Christ's arrival, not prior to the required complete world government marker. (Dan11:45; 8:25; 1Thess5:1-3).

This is why the Daniel 8:25 world government world "peace and security" of the "freedom from care" period, can also have a "bring many to ruin" "DURING [that] a freedom from care". Demon/human world government, for the common earthling, is the worst possible scenario in the long run to have ever went into power at that time, and after. (Matt24:21-22);
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The elite are the richest 1% of the population. The elite are the leaders of governments and corporations. During World War 2 the elites of the United States, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Australia and the Soviet Union almost got destroyed by Japan and Germany. The elite thought that World War 2 was such a dangerous threat to them that they could never let something like World War 2 happen again. The elite thought that World War 1 and World War 2 were caused by overpopulation. Overpopulation causes countries to fight wars over resources. The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. The world population jumped from half a billion in 1650 to 2.5 billion at the start of World War 2, an increase of 500%. The elite thinks that the progress made in science and technology in the last 400 years caused overpopulation.

Depopulation means decreasing population. In 1945 the elite began a depopulation program. The goal of the depopulation program is to lower the world population. At the international level the United Nations is the main organization tasked with carrying out the depopulation program. In 1945 the United Nations was created. The depopulation program is being carried out in every country. The elite is doing depopulation because they think that overpopulation is a major threat to their wealth and power. The elite thinks that overpopulation causes wars, rebellions, revolutions, riots and protests. The elite thinks that the fewer people there are the easier it is to control them. The depopulation program is aimed at the poor and the middle class which is most of humanity. The elite feels threatened by most of humanity because the elite are less than 1% of the population and because of all the rebellions against the elite that have occurred in the past. The elite want science and technology to be used for depopulation, mass surveillance, law enforcement, incarceration and suppression of revolt so they can maintain their wealth and power.

These things are part of the depopulation program:

Putting fluoride in water and toothpaste. Fluoride lowers fertility. Fertility is the number of children a person has. Things that lower fertility decrease a persons ability to conceive a child.

Putting bisphenol A in bottles and cans of water and food. Bisphenol A lowers fertility.

Putting chemicals in food such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, monosodium glutamate, sugar, additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers that lower fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Things that cause illness and disability also cause death because illnesses and disabilities make people die sooner. Things that cause illness and disability lower the population because illnesses and disabilities make it harder for people to raise children.

Meat, eggs and dairy that comes from animals that are injected with hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals, that are kept in small cages their entire lives. Eating the meat, eggs and dairy from these animals lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Most meat, eggs and dairy sold in stores and restaurants comes from these animals.

GMO foods. GMO means Genetically Modified Organism. GMO food lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Most food is GMO food. GMO food is unhealthy because it is genetically different from the food that humans have been eating for thousands of years, that the human body evolved to eat.

Fast food from McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell and other restaurants that is GMO, that contains large amounts of chemicals, sugar, fat, cholesterol and calories, that is very unhealthy, that lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death.

Lowering the price of unhealthy, chemical laden, GMO food and raising the price of healthy, organic, natural food so most people are forced to buy unhealthy food that causes them to die sooner. Healthy, organic, natural food has been made expensive so that only the elite and other rich people can buy it.

The spraying of aluminum particles by airplanes, also called chemtrails. Aluminum amplifies the effects of fluoride and aluminum kills non-GMO crops. GMO crops are resistant to aluminum.

AIDS has killed millions of people. It is possible that the AIDS virus was created by the elite for the purpose of depopulation.

Vaccines: some stuff in certain vaccines lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death.

Over the counter drugs and prescription drugs that lower fertility and have side effects that can cause death.

Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, drug addiction and substance abuse: lowers fertility, causes illness, disability and death, and makes it harder for people to raise children. Anything that makes it harder for people to raise children lowers the population.

Contraception and abortion. I do not oppose contraception or abortion.

Promotion of celibacy and abstinence from sex through the Catholic Church, evangelical Protestants, religious groups and sex education classes.

Raising the incarceration rate with tougher laws, new laws, longer sentences and aggressive policing because people in jail can't have children. The incarceration rate in many countries is rising. The incarceration rate of the United States has risen by 400% since 1945.

Arrest and detention of illegal immigrants because people in jail can't have children. The number of immigrants held in detention centers is rising.

Prison sentences and restraining orders for people who commit even the slightest act of domestic violence so families break up and stop having children. One goal of the depopulation program is to break up families because when families break up the parents stop having children which lowers population.

Increasing the cost of fines and traffic tickets so people have less money for raising children.

Economic policies that make it harder for people to raise children and break up families such as increasing debt, student loans, home loans, car loans, credit card payments, rent increases, tax increases, lower wages, longer working hours, temporary jobs, firing people, mass layoffs and job relocation. When people have less money or when their job is in jeopardy they often decide to stop having children.

Requiring mothers, pregnant women and other women to work full time because women who work have less time for raising children.

Increasing the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Concentration of wealth into the hands of the fewest people as possible because money is used to survive and to raise children.

Hurting countries economies with debt from World Bank/IMF loans and austerity programs so people in those countries die sooner and have less children.

Cutting social programs such as welfare, food stamps, social security, retirement pensions, unemployment payments and free healthcare so people die sooner and have less children.

Delayed employment by requiring people to go to college after high school to get a job because the older someone is when they have their first child the less children they have.

Enticing people to buy stuff they don't need such as alcohol, cigarrettes, electronics, games, jewelry and expensive clothes so they have less money for raising children.

Carefully controlled wars that are limited to one country such as the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Vietnam.

China's one child policy. In China families are not allowed to have more than one child.

The depopulation program has been somewhat successful. The depopulation program has killed 500 million people since 1945. The population of many countries is falling. The growth rate of the world population is decreasing. The world population increased by 2% a year in the 1960s. The world population now increases by 1% a year. The world population is currently 7 billion.

When a scientist says GMO food, fluoride, bisphenol A, monosodium glutamate or aspartame is healthy they are not telling the truth. Science is manipulated to serve the depopulation program. Some scientific studies are manipulated by the elite to get people to believe what the elite wants them to believe. A scientific study that says GMO food is healthy has been manipulated with and contains false information to get people to eat GMO food. Some of what scientists say is true and some of what scientists say is false. Science and religion are belief systems that the elite has used to control people. In the past the elite used religion to control people. In Europe during the Middle Ages the elite, who controlled the churches, used religion to control people. Today the elite uses science to control people because many people alive today do not believe in a religion.

Today is one of the worst times to be alive because of the depopulation program. Despite the fact that people today are living longer, have more technology and have more education. A longer life is not a better life. People today are living longer than people in the past but people today are spending more years of their life in illness, disability, pain, hospitals, nursing homes, depression, loneliness, boring jobs, jails and prisons than people in the past.

The source of information for this writing is the book Killing Us Softly, written by Kevin Galalae, published in 2013 by The People's Protection Force.

Anonymously written in 2014. This writing can be distributed without permission from the author.

Straight out of the Alex Jones Primer.

Buy gold.:uhoh3::cuckoo:
the depopulation "theory" is certain to applied, at least attempted at some point fully, but progressively, because it is required. World government uni-polarity of military systems will greatly aid the process.

Let me play the conspiracy theorists-hybrid advocate. I will assimilate some known conspiracy theory and radical bible prophecy points of convergence. It will be easier to see how they all fit together in a continuum to world government.

(i am trying to show much basic "conspiracy theory" "players" also have prophetic "player" parallels as if it is the same story, told in different ways - for it really is all the same story. I say this because for a "conspiracy theory" to gain global traction it must have something more palpable than mere speculation. In truth many "conspiracy theorists" are truth seekers, and many of them are not novice level analysts. The depopulation "theory" is certain to applied, at least attempted at some point fully, but progressively, because it is required. World government uni-polarity of military systems will greatly aid the process

let me play conspiracy theorists-hybrid advocate. I will assimilate some known conspiracy theory and radical bible prophecy points of convergence. It will be easier to see how they fit.

(i am trying to show much basic "conspiracy theory" "players" also have prophetic "player" parallels as if it is the same story, told in different ways. I say this because for a "conspiracy theory" to gain global traction it must have something more palpable than mere speculation. In truth many "conspiracy theorists" are truth seekers, and many of them are not novice level analysts. The "conspiracy theory" label is more a cognitive dissonance technique to quickly dismiss alternative historic views, because the many "conspiracy theories" that have proven true, which can be searched on google, have instead become a part of world history.

This is not really for people who buy the current global paradigm of deception, but for people with an open mind, some like to call them "conspiracy theorists" but in reality they are those who know the "official stories" that is the "official conspiracy theories" are not answering the fundamental question properly. Most people, 99 out of 100, are as thoughtful as cows herded to slaughter, so this would sound "crazy" to people psychologically "mentalized" by the mass media and social indoctrination systems, called "public schooling. "rich" people, our new middle class, are usually also just national minded cogs in a greater machine. It is not the 1% that run the country, it is the .01% that runs the 1% that run the country.

Globalist elites are not taught these fairy tales for the public mind, and globalist elites know this is all true, one way or another, as they too are "compartmentalized" for function, not the whole truth. This is also why many "conspiracies" have a prophetic counterpart or principle very simple to understand when they are connected properly.)

conspiracy and prophecy theorist advocate - the basic plot of the world government story

first off the conspiracies of demons, aliens, globalists, and general national elite and common development are all also in the bible historic record. Much former prophecy of the seven national world powers of the bible (dan2, 7, 8, 11; rev13, 17) are now world histories, not really unfulfilled prophecy any longer. When prophecy fulfills in final form it is history, it is accurate. Globalization (rev16:13-16) and world government (dan11:45; 12:11; rev17:11-18) are in the bible as well, as the end of the process. Of course all these elements are in some conspiracy theories as well. There is nothing wrong with theorization, it is part of the method of learning. There is something wrong with believing what "the man" says, because these people fully aid national government and eventual world government enslavement of themselves, others and all nature.

satan king alien

let's take a top down assessment in the hierarchical food chain, or pyramid of power that many are trying to explain. From the top (eph6:12), who really runs the joint? Globalists? National politicians? No. It is el diablo. According to all the most extreme conspiratorial extension lies satan the devil. For example those who may expose federal reserve history can stop there. Others have then taken their currency symbology and connected it's meanings further back in occult history.

Thus "annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum", from the back of the us one dollar bill, is an "announcing the birth of the new world order", and that little bit of conspiratorial fuel then goes back to the occult history of the anglo and american national world power developments, and soon their globalist hidden powers become revealed in history, not "conspiracy".

Satan, this anu king alien (and many other names in history, mythology and conspiracy theory), this fallen anointed cherub angel (eze28) is the "lucifer" "light bearer" core illuminati symbol, eye of osiris (ra, or horus), and so on. (2cor11:13-15). He is the illuminator leader. He gives the orders, he engineers the whole system. (rev12-13 connection)

1. Thus logically, from the top, satan as god's enemy, would like to destroy all life on planet earth that god created before he goes to the "abyss". He is not staying here forever, he knows it. Who knows what the various so-called "globalists" really know, they believe whatever he, or the next human in line tells them. They aren't "nimrod" they are the end of the adamic dna, they are all the devil has to work with, and it aint much in comparison to demon angels and humans from the former days from and after eden. (gen6; jude 6; 1pet3:19-21; 2pet2:4-5);

from the top down alien, demon angel (gen6; jude6) perspective globalist elites are temporary at best, fully expendable in the end. When demons materialize they don't come in the form of david rockefeller, let's put it that way, and they will be part of satan's final objective, to destroy them as well, if all goes as planned. Thus the "elites" are harnessing the masses to build the gallows of all of them globally.

And since king alienangel is who counts in cosmic and earthly power in this divine permission of evil power (luke4:5-8), his will is what will override the globalist elites' own self deception, of which he is master. That is the end all situation that king alien and his horde would love, a fully functional, globally reaching, weapons and directed energy network, on a fully functional and connected centralized light computing control center ("possessable"). Thus before abyss, this satan would do the "final grand slam" - rob halford, rapid fire, british steel

that is the ultimate goal of all human work, for king demon alien, according to the bible and many "conspiracy theories" and other religious understandings taken to the full of the concept.

2. Before that scenario can come to fruition, the system to empower it must complete. Enter now the poor globalist elite deluded mind, but enormous global resources and power over all the nations. (first off they can't really truly trust each other any more than trusting their leader, and they are subject to disease and death like any other adamic human, so ultimately they are in the stream of time impotent, it is lineage of the corporate body that allows this continual amassing of wealth to fuel the project globally. The "immortal" "corporation" is the main reservoir of their wealth power accumulation, and that is what it is designed for as international law becomes the ultimate corporate law that all national corporatocracy ultimately converges into come global engineered debt meltdown time. Elite world government, in the wealth and finance sector (dan11:42-43), is what recovers the national powers (isa41:1) come daniel 8:25b, 1thess5:1-3 world "peace and security" time; (rev17:11-18))

this "depopulation" agenda is conveniently covered by a greater global "euthanasia" concept elites definitely have been exploring for over 200 years, since their thinktanks applied a little calculus to global population growth projections. In 100 years the world would be at around 15-17 billion people in a linear projection. Plain and simple that aint going to happen. Something else is going to happen to flatten and reverse that trajectory in that century projection. And it is going to be sooner, than later, it is now the "window of opportunity".

So to an elite or common logical thinker accepting the inevitable ramifications of progressive overpopulation, they either "euthanize" a few billion people over say a decade or two, or we see 11-15 billion people literally starving to death as whole nations, including the rich, all systems would devolve, the neo-stone-age would ensue, except man would be far far more backward.

So depopulation is a must by necessity and a globalist version of "love of neighbor", it is the only other option to slow global death for the human population at some point realized at a multi-billion person level. The elites merely bypass the inevitable for a technologically applied and systematize global application for near instant death (in some cases), rather than scrapping and foraging for the next few decades until dead due to 10% oceanic biomass, no bees, no ozone and half the wildlife we see today, total guess on my part, but close. In any event the "new world order" base national systems would be deconstructed in the process, the whole "opportunity" would be lost, potentially for centuries.
now to shatter the illusion of the nation-state circus as some sort of "end all" of world power, it is not, it must go down in controlled fashion by mostly finance. (this is the daniel 11:42-43 king south (nationalism) "7th king" superceded by king north 8th king (globalism)) thinking nations are actually in control of world war, it's profits, or it's ultimate objective is also a delusion. Nations and their masses pay for war, globalists profit from it. King alien has no limitations of nations, genetics or languages - so the national illusion is for human distraction, it is not a limitation to the demons/alien infiltration, it is an aid of it. He has a "seed" among all the nations (gen3:15), they are what orchestrate world finance that facilitates world war. He is genesis 3 and 6 king infiltrator.

the world government presentation purpose of world war cyclic use four times; 1919, 1945, 1990, future

so the world wars are all engineered within all the nations (and they have had three cycles, and will need four, the future final cycle, to achieve world government), for the same financing network that guided the world war preparations over all nations. We cannot simply have a "world war" develop at that scale, without a few decades, or so, of pre preparation. World wars don't just "happen", they are orchestrated for a complex set of purposes. It is all planned, arranged, controlled, guided and directed. So it is all designed, in the end of the world war cycle, it's "cause desolation" [function] is the "problem" resolved for the final [function], to "place" the "disgusting thing" "solution" of world government after the world war resolves, so people are pleading and begging for? The world government "solution".

1. Ww1 resolved into the league of nations in 1919. Seems incidental at first.

2. The scenario repeated in ww2 that resolved into the united nations "image" in 1945.

3. The scenario repeated after cold ww3 into the un "new world order" objective.

Now we see a pattern. Now world war is aiding the overall world government development cyclically. World war is designed to resolve into a world government, and it's being accepted due to the duress it causes for the overall national. (not to mention profiteering before, during and after that ww by the central financial and planning network, the globalists); the "cold war" had a mostly "cold" effect of global tribulation. It was a psychological fear of "nuclear war", "mutual assured destruction" and "atomic annihilation" which the un nwo presentation of 1990 claimed to have helped avert.

Thus a fiction is also set up for world war 4. A controlled nuclear exchange will not be an "assured destruction", but it will bring the world psychologically to it's knees. Paul craig roberts, rt and all now describe the us nuclear first strike objective on russia with nuclear weapons.

4. Now gwot can escalate (phase 2) and reactivate for what it really is officially: World war 4, and it's gwot nato global preposiitoning for ww4 for 13 years so far. Now that final world war cycle can be used for the final world government full development and final presentation. (dan11:45; 12:11 (rev17:8-11; 11:7); dan 8:25).

And we know from the three former world wars, predictively ww4 will resolve into?

Complete world government

world war tribulation creates the global "problem" to be resolved in time, for which world government is the "solution".

the nato depopulation symbol

once global nato is the sole military power, whose globalist elite russians and asians will align with, for world government military, now the weapons system can be applied to it's planned final function: Precisely controlled demolition of shelf-lived urban infrastructure. And controlled systematic depopulation. And control of that final sovereign system from any human threat.

But since this scenario also triggers jesus christ's final arrival (matt24:29-31; rev6:12-17; rev11:11-12), and his own "world government" 144000 completion (rev14:1), king alien satan will hope to hop the super-nato global weapons and energy system controls and take that world government now "world peace and security machine", that total computerized nato super-weapons system, for a joy ride worldwide. And that is where the globalist elites end up, in the devil's bulls-eye with the "goats", if all this develops as it appears to be heading this way now.

Anyone escaping that (amos9:1-3), can face the "son of man" and probably 500 billion or more angels (rev19:19-21), it won't be a war as far as any resistance the earthlings can muster that is really of any true celestial power. It will be all over, satan goes pow of armageddon "divine war" phase to the "abyss" (rev20:1-3), the sheep go to christ pasture of eternal life potential (matt25:31-46; rev14:14-16; rev7:9-17), everything else feeds the flora and fauna. (rev19:17-18, eze38:17-19)

but in this we know the global elitist secret social network with elements like the "illuminati", "skull and bones" and so forth, are really the globalist elite "two horned wildbeast" of revelation 13:11's main world government architects, and the un "image of the wildbeast" is their main world government project of revelation 13:11-15, revelation 17:8-18, daniel8:25 and daniel 11:45, 12:11, they are all the same "8th king" global super-sovereign world government of the "scarlet wildbeast" totality, not yet complete but nearing final culmination.

Thus much popular "conspiracy theory" subjects are also converging in the prophecy that outlines and describes their main players very concisely. The demons/aliens, the globalist "seed of satan", the globalist world government, the national subservient system, are all in also prophecy.

Thus what jehovah's witnesses used to be working on from 1914-1969 was explaining the first two un placements of 1919 and 1945 as this globalist elite world government for ultimately satan the king demon. But jws went un ngo in 1990 and joined the wildbeast. So now they also cover up the final un 3rd and 4th placement of daniel 11:30-45.

Now all organized christianity in it's major religious centers, is also overridden by the globalist world government agenda, jws were just the last hold outs to be derailed in 1990, subverted by corporate coup since 1976 by the adoption of the globalist dictatorial "governing body". Basically the jw bethel system, just like the baptists or mormons, is all run by globalist intel, cia types of infiltration operations.

Now when "conspiracy theory" which actually has much truth and history, and prophecy having likewise, cannot be tied together properly as both are really describing the final world government development at globalist levels of world power, from their national historic root systems that gave birth to globalism and globalization in time. So there is also truth in some of the global research and "conspiratorial" projections of other agendas that will develop after world government and uni-polar military go into place.

No wonder that is the time for christ's arrival, not prior to the required complete world government marker. (dan11:45; 8:25; 1thess5:1-3).

This is why the daniel 8:25 world government world "peace and security" of the "freedom from care" period, can also have a "bring many to ruin" "during [that] a freedom from care". Demon/human world government, for the common earthling, is the worst possible scenario in the long run to have ever went into power at that time, and after. (matt24:21-22);

The elite are the richest 1% of the population. The elite are the leaders of governments and corporations. During World War 2 the elites of the United States, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Australia and the Soviet Union almost got destroyed by Japan and Germany. The elite thought that World War 2 was such a dangerous threat to them that they could never let something like World War 2 happen again. The elite thought that World War 1 and World War 2 were caused by overpopulation. Overpopulation causes countries to fight wars over resources. The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. The world population jumped from half a billion in 1650 to 2.5 billion at the start of World War 2, an increase of 500%. The elite thinks that the progress made in science and technology in the last 400 years caused overpopulation.

Depopulation means decreasing population. In 1945 the elite began a depopulation program. The goal of the depopulation program is to lower the world population. At the international level the United Nations is the main organization tasked with carrying out the depopulation program. In 1945 the United Nations was created. The depopulation program is being carried out in every country. The elite is doing depopulation because they think that overpopulation is a major threat to their wealth and power. The elite thinks that overpopulation causes wars, rebellions, revolutions, riots and protests. The elite thinks that the fewer people there are the easier it is to control them. The depopulation program is aimed at the poor and the middle class which is most of humanity. The elite feels threatened by most of humanity because the elite are less than 1% of the population and because of all the rebellions against the elite that have occurred in the past. The elite want science and technology to be used for depopulation, mass surveillance, law enforcement, incarceration and suppression of revolt so they can maintain their wealth and power.

These things are part of the depopulation program:

Putting fluoride in water and toothpaste. Fluoride lowers fertility. Fertility is the number of children a person has. Things that lower fertility decrease a persons ability to conceive a child.

Putting bisphenol A in bottles and cans of water and food. Bisphenol A lowers fertility.

Putting chemicals in food such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, monosodium glutamate, sugar, additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers that lower fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Things that cause illness and disability also cause death because illnesses and disabilities make people die sooner. Things that cause illness and disability lower the population because illnesses and disabilities make it harder for people to raise children.

Meat, eggs and dairy that comes from animals that are injected with hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals, that are kept in small cages their entire lives. Eating the meat, eggs and dairy from these animals lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Most meat, eggs and dairy sold in stores and restaurants comes from these animals.

GMO foods. GMO means Genetically Modified Organism. GMO food lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death. Most food is GMO food. GMO food is unhealthy because it is genetically different from the food that humans have been eating for thousands of years, that the human body evolved to eat.

Fast food from McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell and other restaurants that is GMO, that contains large amounts of chemicals, sugar, fat, cholesterol and calories, that is very unhealthy, that lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death.

Lowering the price of unhealthy, chemical laden, GMO food and raising the price of healthy, organic, natural food so most people are forced to buy unhealthy food that causes them to die sooner. Healthy, organic, natural food has been made expensive so that only the elite and other rich people can buy it.

The spraying of aluminum particles by airplanes, also called chemtrails. Aluminum amplifies the effects of fluoride and aluminum kills non-GMO crops. GMO crops are resistant to aluminum.

AIDS has killed millions of people. It is possible that the AIDS virus was created by the elite for the purpose of depopulation.

Vaccines: some stuff in certain vaccines lowers fertility and causes illness, disability and death.

Over the counter drugs and prescription drugs that lower fertility and have side effects that can cause death.

Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, drug addiction and substance abuse: lowers fertility, causes illness, disability and death, and makes it harder for people to raise children. Anything that makes it harder for people to raise children lowers the population.

Contraception and abortion. I do not oppose contraception or abortion.

Promotion of celibacy and abstinence from sex through the Catholic Church, evangelical Protestants, religious groups and sex education classes.

Raising the incarceration rate with tougher laws, new laws, longer sentences and aggressive policing because people in jail can't have children. The incarceration rate in many countries is rising. The incarceration rate of the United States has risen by 400% since 1945.

Arrest and detention of illegal immigrants because people in jail can't have children. The number of immigrants held in detention centers is rising.

Prison sentences and restraining orders for people who commit even the slightest act of domestic violence so families break up and stop having children. One goal of the depopulation program is to break up families because when families break up the parents stop having children which lowers population.

Increasing the cost of fines and traffic tickets so people have less money for raising children.

Economic policies that make it harder for people to raise children and break up families such as increasing debt, student loans, home loans, car loans, credit card payments, rent increases, tax increases, lower wages, longer working hours, temporary jobs, firing people, mass layoffs and job relocation. When people have less money or when their job is in jeopardy they often decide to stop having children.

Requiring mothers, pregnant women and other women to work full time because women who work have less time for raising children.

Increasing the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. Making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Concentration of wealth into the hands of the fewest people as possible because money is used to survive and to raise children.

Hurting countries economies with debt from World Bank/IMF loans and austerity programs so people in those countries die sooner and have less children.

Cutting social programs such as welfare, food stamps, social security, retirement pensions, unemployment payments and free healthcare so people die sooner and have less children.

Delayed employment by requiring people to go to college after high school to get a job because the older someone is when they have their first child the less children they have.

Enticing people to buy stuff they don't need such as alcohol, cigarrettes, electronics, games, jewelry and expensive clothes so they have less money for raising children.

Carefully controlled wars that are limited to one country such as the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Vietnam.

China's one child policy. In China families are not allowed to have more than one child.

The depopulation program has been somewhat successful. The depopulation program has killed 500 million people since 1945. The population of many countries is falling. The growth rate of the world population is decreasing. The world population increased by 2% a year in the 1960s. The world population now increases by 1% a year. The world population is currently 7 billion.

When a scientist says GMO food, fluoride, bisphenol A, monosodium glutamate or aspartame is healthy they are not telling the truth. Science is manipulated to serve the depopulation program. Some scientific studies are manipulated by the elite to get people to believe what the elite wants them to believe. A scientific study that says GMO food is healthy has been manipulated with and contains false information to get people to eat GMO food. Some of what scientists say is true and some of what scientists say is false. Science and religion are belief systems that the elite has used to control people. In the past the elite used religion to control people. In Europe during the Middle Ages the elite, who controlled the churches, used religion to control people. Today the elite uses science to control people because many people alive today do not believe in a religion.

Today is one of the worst times to be alive because of the depopulation program. Despite the fact that people today are living longer, have more technology and have more education. A longer life is not a better life. People today are living longer than people in the past but people today are spending more years of their life in illness, disability, pain, hospitals, nursing homes, depression, loneliness, boring jobs, jails and prisons than people in the past.

The source of information for this writing is the book Killing Us Softly, written by Kevin Galalae, published in 2013 by The People's Protection Force.

Anonymously written in 2014. This writing can be distributed without permission from the author.

Straight out of the Alex Jones Primer.

Buy gold.:uhoh3::cuckoo:

And the KKK's—and Aryan Nation's, and any other white supremacist/ skinhead group's—recruiting pamphlet.

(Note the bold, underlined portion.)
Depopulation, which is expected to go worldwide @ 2050, has many simpler explanations than those shown in the OP:

Over-simplified models like those used in AGW debates. As in the forgotten fact that over use of CFCs did damage the ozone layer and did thereby warm the globe by allowing higher energy photons to reach the Earth. That's something almost everyone over 60 was exposed to jr. high science class but apparently not known to "climatologists".

Flat out misuse of data. Reinhardt/Rogoff and Piketty in economics on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

Or the excluded middle/false dichotomy problem as in sexually active birth control through the use of condoms dates back only to the 1920s. Hell, I'm nearly finished writing a novel about the evolutionary consequences of that subject.

I think a less tinhat explanation is more likely to be true.
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The Globalist "Good Guys" and the Death of the Nation-State Sovereignty and it's "Bad Guys"

Sometimes people get distracted by the side of an agenda that appears evil. But at the same time their must be a good intention in the overall development, for most of the people who actually build and maintain the system have no real idea where their cog fits in the overall engine.

So to say the "globalists" are all evil is of course an over simplification. Many things the globalists are doing are basically good in that they are based on the truths of the world's biggest problems and the solution to those problems ultimately would save planet earth if carried out to the fullness of the good intention. Of course this is often overridden at the critical point of maturation.

But to play the globalist advocate I will try to shortly outline that the "problem" that is exacerbated by the globalists having to harness a pre-existing national condition of war, greed and power seeking, to actually create the "solution", in time makes the "solution" clearly recognized by many people.

In this way the "problem" doesn't just identify the deepest solution, it makes people identify it and actually ask for the "solution". In that the globalists do not push the "solution" on the most powerful people affected by the "problem", the whole ends up itself recommending the solution. Thus there is wisdom in making the "problem" as bad as possible, and making the "solution" easy to see in concept, then the one, promotes the others.

The globalist "problem" in and of themselves is not really the problem. The national sovereign power and it's irresponsibility will have been the true problem that empowered the globalist finance system, the core driver of all the biggest world events for 2000 years. When Christ kicked the banker reps out of the temple, the "currency traders" of the day at that facility, he was assassinated. Same with Andrew Jackson assassination attempt, President Taft, Lincoln and Kennedy, all were messing with the bankers role in issuing debt based currency.

The American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War all had currency devaluation and international bank foreign loan agreement intrigues as their root cause. All wars have banking roots back to the fall of Rome.

The point of this divergence is people do not understand the true core wealth control dynamic of the modern nation-state existence. Thus in the true end of this nation-state banking and currency system, the national sovereigns defined in corporate international law, MUST foreclose en masse, as "corporate persons" to a globalist level world government of finance system authority, that WILL be backed by Global NATO to ensure that recivership of the globalist mortagee is carried out 100% on all the national government corporate bodies, and all of them are corporate nation-state defining bodies, and all of them will be bank owned, the globalist super-bank. (This is the essence of Daniel 11:42-43).

The actual intent to do this is good. Because the loose cannon national sovereignty is actually the core "problem" of the whole system. They default on loans, they carry out wars even if borne of banker grander planning, the empower the rape of nature for corporate greed, they do whatever the want - or so it appears, we know the globalist drive exacerbates this "problem" for a purpose, on purpose. And in that national sovereignty "problem" allowed to flourish to aid it's own extinction in nation-state form, for the ultimate empowerment of the globalist super-corporate world government body, is the formulaic empowerment of the process of shifting global authority, and a uni-polar global military system to enforce it's law. (Dan7:25) to an actual world government.

The first job of world government is to STOP this rogue nation-state behavior - that takes time - for first the benefit of and survival of this new actual world government in legal stated power and sovereign claims, by one sided, sole, superior force, IF needed.

Thus the problem of rogue national powers, like the US and the others, and limited vision driven by self gain and corporate profit objectives that undermine the whole global system in the end, creates a "solution" awareness in it's own need to be controlled by force if needed, as the "problem", to follow laws for the benefit of the whole planet, dictated by far wiser, specially lifetime educated globalist experts, NOT mundane nation-state politicians, but globalist visionaries with greater true intelligence and massive real-time reliable information systems.

The world into which nation-state government were established is NOT the world of today, thus the literally retarded national politicians and academics, influenced by that anachronism of shelf-lived governance, CANNOT be making the international level decisions. It is basic logic a supposed expert of state level decision making and law, the national politician, cannot also be an international technocratic expert. And by not being even an international technocratic novice, the nation-state politician is literally a retarded entity whose role of dictation is better carried out by globalist computer projections for how the state level of a nation is to align - in the decisions it must make - for the betterment of the whole global system. In the end, the nation-state politician is fully expendable, they are products of another age, the pre-globalist age.

Thus a multi-decade purge and re-education will take place to fully remove the delusion of nation-state authority, and the globalists could install a new global operating system, whose direction is dictated by those with the true greatest understanding of the needs first, of the planetary life system basics, nature and environment, the basis of life, because the globalists do not plan on extinction themselves, but just those that actually threaten life on earth. And now, those are the national sovereign rogues of another age.

Thus in the globalist argument, identifying the problem and the obligatory solution the problem recommends, means the evils in the nation-state rogue systems, have basically prescribed the only solution: selective depopulation of the things that support the nation-state and religious nation-state mentality. And it is not an overnight affair, it is carried out under a sole military power, and that itself takes time to secure.

Thus 20 years into world government is just the true beginning of a true "new world order", the ENTIRE "nation-state" mentality would be removed, and EVERY former national entity of government would be erased from all existence, all history, and all thought of man to minimize the chances such a mistake would ever be repeated, or even thought about again. The earth would be restored, that natural systems would be protected by pain of death, for the nation-state attack on that system, was the chief crime of the nation-state overseers and system, and that MUST be eternally changed to ensure life is even possible on earth, human life.

The sole military and super-advanced technology system ensures this can be carried out in perpetuity once that world government establishes that system and it starts the removal of it's most powerful enemies in the nation-state systems, at follows it up with every secondary wave necessary to remove the old school thinkers, from the president if he was one, to the bum on the street, the nation-state thought would be exterminated, anyone born into the globalist paradigm would be taught the truth that nation-state was man's greatest mistake. Not because it was bad in and of itself, but it empowered mad men and greedy men who carried out self serving and corporate profiteering operations that benefits them, not the overall global life system who is where the wealth ends up being extracted from, like a cancer or tapeworm, as long as the nation-state was needing to sustain itself on this model of greed and consumption.

Thus the globalist lords would rule with life in mind first of the natural system basis of all life, the chief entity the nations-state human owners and definers declared war on in the man versus nature mentality they used for their own ends, not the ends of global human survival that nurtures nature, for nature is the foundational life of humanity. Globalists know this, and that is why the nation-state is the chief enemy of not just the globalist system, but of the planet itself. On two powerful accounts, the nation-state is doomed in time, progressive with some massive abruptions, because it's enemies in the globalists and nature, are far more powerful than the nation-state. It takes time to finish off the nation-state and yet preserve the natural system.

We are at the final stage of the set-up of the nation-state "problem" to actually remove itself in part, because the levels of the engine compartmentalized to not understand the whole, will be used to carry out the final mandates like a predatory food chain upon itself, until the pinnacle military technological system finishes off anything at the end of the process, that needs final removal. It is formulaic, it takes decades even after world government completes, and it knows exactly the overall goal to preserve the planetary basis of all life on earth. Had the nation-state continued it's merry way, all would soon be lost to total devolution of even the nation-state system to a new level of world chaos that would again take a millennium to even think about addressing properly.

The nation-state is really it's own worst enemy, the globalists have aided it's self destruction as far as a power system and a paradigm, and it's downfall will aid the globalist power system full ascension. By design.
Putting fluoride in water and toothpaste. Fluoride lowers fertility. Fertility is the number of children a person has. Things that lower fertility decrease a persons ability to conceive a child.

I have magic sperm.
There is no such thing as "elites." Zionists however have brainwashed white people into worrying about overpopulation while they make governments import invaders (who don't give a shit) from around the world into the West.
There is no such thing as "elites." Zionists however have brainwashed white people into worrying about overpopulation while they make governments import invaders (who don't give a shit) from around the world into the West.

Elites do exist. Instead, the Zionist thing is a very stupid and I would say Nazi idea.
Overpopulation is an issue and immigration is not the real problem, the fast population growth in Asian countries is.

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