
One who does not understand that chemicals affect brain activity and mood is a complete fool. THAT is a fact!:lol:
BD...if you are speaking to someone who has never had clinical depression you might as well try to explain what RED looks like to someone who is color blind.

About 40 years ago I worked in a closed unit psych ward and treated depressives. At the time, given how not-sick theu seemed compared to the psychotics I also dealt with, I concluded that depression was largely bullshit.

Then, about 20 years late I met that black dog and it kicked my ass for at least 7 years.

Live and learn, huh>:cool:
yes, its best just to just let your false statements go unquestioned

You call them false? I say you're lying to yourself.

See why we have nothing to discuss? You think you can change my mind? I know I can't change yours. So like I said. You want to allege whatever point you want to get off your chest? Do it in your own thread.

It is a matter of fact, not opinion and you can provide no definitive evidence to the contrary

So you can provide medical evidence that brain chemicals do not exist and that depression is not caused by an imbalance? You could win a nobel.
yes, its best just to just let your false statements go unquestioned

You call them false? I say you're lying to yourself.

See why we have nothing to discuss? You think you can change my mind? I know I can't change yours. So like I said. You want to allege whatever point you want to get off your chest? Do it in your own thread.

It is a matter of fact, not opinion and you can provide no definitive evidence to the contrary

So THIS is all make believe?

Untitled Document

Scientists did not really find these chemicals and what they do? A grand scam is being played on the entire world and only you and your buddies know the truth?
BD...if you are speaking to someone who has never had clinical depression you might as well try to explain what RED looks like to someone who is color blind.

About 40 years ago I worked in a closed unit psych ward and treated depressives. At the time, given how not-sick theu seemed compared to the psychotics I also dealt with, I concluded that depression was largely bullshit.

Then, about 20 years late I met that black dog and it kicked my ass for at least 7 years.

Live and learn, huh>:cool:

Live and learn, indeed.

When my daughter was two, I realized I didn't really know what she looked like. I hardly ever looked at her. I was seemingly always either asleep, or escaping by any means possible.

And I think the main reason I know it wasn't severe depression was because not only did I recognize this was happening, but my overwhelming love for her gave me what I needed to make a change.

That was a blessing.
I have suffered from depression since I was a child. I have had thousands of panic attacks and very bad mood swings.

Currently, I am going trough quite a bit, but like I posted the other day, if you can take the time to enjoy something small, it can't be all that bad.

I wrote this New years, last year. I was going through a very bad divorce.

Tears in December.
December 31, 2012 at 6:46pm

The bitterness has settled into my veins

the raw shiver of wintertide

has pilfered all sanity

and trampled the youthful psalm within

with all my huddled affection

I am yet to remit my sorrow

It cascades into oblivion

like fractured shards of

a timeless masterpiece

were your parting words

lost in confounded silence?

did they echo into the infernal void

escaping my deliberation

to never lite upon my ear?

I hold you warm

yet I sit in forsaken loss and lamentation -

I will remain until

my tribulation abates

I will sit with doleful pangs

till the earth pardons

my wretchedness

with no reason nor desire

only to fall off into blessed stupor

like buried cicadas

forgotten by creation

dormant with only a vestige of flicker

like tears in December.

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I have suffered from depression since I was a child. I have had thousands of panic attacks and very bad mood swings.

Currently, I am going trough quite a bit, but like I posted the other day, if you can take the time to enjoy something small, it can't be all that bad.

I wrote this New years, last year. I was going through a very bad divorce.

Tears in December.
December 31, 2012 at 6:46pm

The bitterness has settled into my veins

the raw shiver of wintertide

has pilfered all sanity

and trampled the youthful psalm within

with all my huddled affection

I am yet to remit my sorrow

It cascades into oblivion

like fractured shards of

a timeless masterpiece

were your parting words

lost in confounded silence?

did they echo into the infernal void

escaping my deliberation

to never lite upon my ear?

I hold you warm

yet I sit in forsaken loss and lamentation -

I will remain until

my tribulation abates

I will sit with doleful pangs

till the earth pardons

my wretchedness

with no reason nor desire

only to fall off into blessed stupor

like buried cicadas

forgotten by creation

dormant with only a vestige of flicker

like tears in December.


Thank you for sharing - weak words, I know; but they are heartfelt.

I am back on my missing med. it has only been a few days, but such a relief to not be so ... Sensitive.

Do you regularly use words to deal with the pain? Writing, I mean.
Thank you for sharing - weak words, I know; but they are heartfelt.

I am back on my missing med. it has only been a few days, but such a relief to not be so ... Sensitive.

Do you regularly use words to deal with the pain? Writing, I mean.

Your image reigns...
September 4, 2013 at 6:13pm

your image reigns in my reeling brain

the trapped words swirl about

like a sad and tangled creature

screeching beneath a storm of silence

It is in this place

that I sit

and gaze upon the smouldering embers

ah, they burn such long shadows

like the sadness

that will not allow me occasion to forget.

F0r the guys feeling depressed very often( although feeling depressed and major depression is not the same).

In no way scientifically, just observationally - depression or whatever is substituted instead of it is extremely prevalent in the US - to incomparable extent with other parts of the world.

Since there is nothing in the air, it is somehow connected to the lifestyle, IMHO.
there is a subtype of depression which is caused just by the absence of sunlight. Since the vast majority of Americans work in the environment which does not have exposure to daylight ( windows are extremely rare) - this prevalence of depression in the United States might be caused by inefficient exposure to daylight.

For those prone to it - just examine your days and how much time do you spend each day outside - probably, not that much.
And if you live in the areas where there are a lot of grey days - that might be adding to that.

Would be interesting to compare prevalence of depression in California or Florida vs British Columbia and Western Washington, for example.
For some odd reason...Gracie has been on my mind today. It has been a day of joy that the sun was out and warm on my face, the birds flittering around me as I filled their feeder and the hummers hovering as I cleaned out and refilled their sugar water....mixed with extreme sadness that as I traversed the lawn to get to the feeders, Gracie's tennis balls are in the exact same place she left them, never to be thrown again, never to have her bring them to me to throw, and no more kisses between her beautiful eyes. Loss. Alone. Despair. Then throw in a tad of feeling grateful she is now safe, has no pain, is playing in another realm with other dogs and people.

This helps. I am listening to it now in a second window:

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I had mine last night.

Depression sucks.

"You would never tell someone who has cancer 'get over it' why would you tell someone with depression the same thing?"~unknown
My best friend has seen one of my anxiety attacks. At least one. But the one I'm remembering - we went to a radio show in St. Paul. I did fine standing in line, getting to seats, watching show, etc.

Show's over, we're going down the stairs, me and hundreds of other people - and I panic. Can't breathe, not with all these people. I get outside, which fortunately is only a minute, maybe two, and I'm gulping in air, sobbing out loud. The only words I have are "no" and "please, I need to go now."

That picture I just posted totally hit the nail on the head.
A nest. What a great thing to a depressed person. And the friend there with them, silent, assisting, then getting in the nest with them.

I was completely stressed out at my last job and I took a series of stress tests. I had heart palpatations, I think I was somewhat depressed, and also some anxiety. I could never sleep on Sunday night thinking about going in on Monday.

When I saw the Cardiologist after the stress test, he took an ecg right in his office and studied it a little and said he just didn't see anything wrong. All of that suffering was in my mind.

He prescribed vitamin D and magnesium. My question to you all, have you tried supplements and have they helped at all? I felt so much better when I started them, I still take them both.
I have suffered from depression since I was a child. I have had thousands of panic attacks and very bad mood swings.

Currently, I am going trough quite a bit, but like I posted the other day, if you can take the time to enjoy something small, it can't be all that bad.

I wrote this New years, last year. I was going through a very bad divorce.

Tears in December.
December 31, 2012 at 6:46pm

The bitterness has settled into my veins

the raw shiver of wintertide

has pilfered all sanity

and trampled the youthful psalm within

with all my huddled affection

I am yet to remit my sorrow

It cascades into oblivion

like fractured shards of

a timeless masterpiece

were your parting words

lost in confounded silence?

did they echo into the infernal void

escaping my deliberation

to never lite upon my ear?

I hold you warm

yet I sit in forsaken loss and lamentation -

I will remain until

my tribulation abates

I will sit with doleful pangs

till the earth pardons

my wretchedness

with no reason nor desire

only to fall off into blessed stupor

like buried cicadas

forgotten by creation

dormant with only a vestige of flicker

like tears in December.


Thank you for sharing your poetry.

It touched me.
I was completely stressed out at my last job and I took a series of stress tests. I had heart palpatations, I think I was somewhat depressed, and also some anxiety. I could never sleep on Sunday night thinking about going in on Monday.

When I saw the Cardiologist after the stress test, he took an ecg right in his office and studied it a little and said he just didn't see anything wrong. All of that suffering was in my mind.

He prescribed vitamin D and magnesium. My question to you all, have you tried supplements and have they helped at all? I felt so much better when I started them, I still take them both.

My doctor did prescribe Vitamin D, I didn't notice a difference. I think I need more sunshine, though. And I definitely need exercise.


As to the rest, PTSD is just a bitch to deal with, regardless.

I don't know if supplements help actual clinical depression.

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