Der Fuher Obama signs another executive order

Teaching kids how to read? That sounds just horrible.

Next you be telling me he signed a law letting people get health care!

wow, that man is amazing..he is letting people get health care, as if they couldn't get it before
wonder when he is going to set up a office that helps "white" students?

46 million couldn't get it before, that was the point, wasn't it?

You know, you racists.... er 'conservatives' are always whining about "why don't them black people get a job", and the president sets up an office to help them earn the skills to get jobs, and suddenly, you all are going nuts.

Um, nope, no racism here at all. Nothing to see here.

And 30 million aren't SUPPOSED to get it, but let's go ahead and bankrupt the nation in the name of illegal aliens. (Democrat voters)
You are done. You don't make definitive interps by your say so, and the evidence you gave is baloney. Go boo hoo elsewhere.

Jake - Is a president allowed to create laws and policies? Or is he just supposed to enforce them? It's not that fucking difficult to understand. If you're going to be an arrogant little prick then at least be right. You come off as an absolute fool otherwise.

This bares repeating too:
It's sad that you so willfully want your president to act like a monarch.

And it's bologna bitch.

He didn't create any new laws.

And I already pointed it out.


Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

7: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

Jake - Is a president allowed to create laws and policies? Or is he just supposed to enforce them? It's not that fucking difficult to understand. If you're going to be an arrogant little prick then at least be right. You come off as an absolute fool otherwise.

This bares repeating too:
[SIZE=".6"]It's sad that you so willfully want your president to act like a monarch.[/SIZE]

And it's bologna bitch.

He didn't create any new laws.

And I already pointed it out.


Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

7: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.


Answered and dismissed.
Jake - Is a president allowed to create laws and policies? Or is he just supposed to enforce them? It's not that fucking difficult to understand. If you're going to be an arrogant little prick then at least be right. You come off as an absolute fool otherwise.

This bares repeating too:
It's sad that you so willfully want your president to act like a monarch.

And it's bologna bitch.

He didn't create any new laws.

And I already pointed it out.


Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

7: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.


He does when Congress has already appropriated the money for him to do that.
Dear Jake and GG: I believe whatever the President was addressing could have been done without an executive order, which I could understand for issues of immediate urgency such as enforcing or promoting resources for historic preservation of national landmarks or environmental treasures at risk of permanent loss or destruction due to lack of action; or as someone else pointed out, helping veterans who are suffering from systemic lack of support for PTSD and health issues, as well as emergencies with homes and job situations.

However, with something like this, which the document seems to acknowledge should be addressed on local and state levels through already existing institutions, it seems clear his motive was timed to pander to a certain population of voters in this case African Americans.

It may constitute a breach "in spirit" of the Code of Ethics for Govt Service where he is showing political favor or bias to certain groups or parties instead of upholding Constitutional duties to equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment.

it may not violate the letter of the law directly, but appears to be abusing his position and authority to seek political favor with a particular population of voters for his benefit and not for Constitutional protections of all people suffering from lack of equal access to education.

You are done. You don't make definitive interps by your say so, and the evidence you gave is baloney. Go boo hoo elsewhere.

And the patented blanked 'You're wrong (I give no reason why b/c I'm wrong)' defiance. Well, I'll say we are done. I have no intention of arguing with a 7 year old mindset.

Jake - Is a president allowed to create laws and policies? Or is he just supposed to enforce them? It's not that fucking difficult to understand. If you're going to be an arrogant little prick then at least be right. You come off as an absolute fool otherwise.

This bares repeating too:
It's sad that you so willfully want your president to act like a monarch.

And it's bologna bitch.
He didn't create any new laws.

And I already pointed it out.


Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

7: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.


He does when Congress has already appropriated the money for him to do that.

And do you know that that is the case? Link.
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7

7: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.


He does when Congress has already appropriated the money for him to do that.

And do you know that that is the case? Link.

It is up to you to show that he did not have the money. The EO is presumed legal until evidenced that it is not. The affirmation is yours, no one else.

Get moving on that.
Yup - no act of Congress. Obama is just unilaterally signing another executive order. This one creates an entire bureau; the bureau of ignorant black people give me your votes basically.

News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is creating a new office to bolster education of African-American students.

The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.

Obama is announcing his election-year initiative Wednesday night in a speech to the civil rights group the National Urban League as he seeks to rally black voters. Aides say his executive order, to be signed Thursday, will set a goal of producing "a more effective continuum" of programs for African-American students.

African-American Education Office or Whites Need Not A


The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities
and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better
prepared for high school, college and career

No doubt it will be a well coordinated "effort"
After all, what could go wrong with this idea.....

[ame=]Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation - YouTube[/ame]

The extreme Left is always at their strangest behavior when they promote racism
they can live with

Americans reject their racist behavior and yet they still keep pushing for it
Really, the Left is saying it is is not racism when we do it and you belong
to the correct groups

How progressive of them


Here boy
Last edited:
Yup - no act of Congress. Obama is just unilaterally signing another executive order. This one creates an entire bureau; the bureau of ignorant black people give me your votes basically.

News from The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is creating a new office to bolster education of African-American students.

The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.

Obama is announcing his election-year initiative Wednesday night in a speech to the civil rights group the National Urban League as he seeks to rally black voters. Aides say his executive order, to be signed Thursday, will set a goal of producing "a more effective continuum" of programs for African-American students.
Is he giving others equal opportunities?

I don't think he knows what a President does--impartially helps all American people.

There seems to be nothing whatever impartial about these unilateral decisions he is proferring as federal law.
This President without a doubt appears to be hell bent for leather to divide the American populace into separate groups.

What next? A bureau of Mexican Americans? Or a bureau of Chinese Americans?

It appears that according to Democrats and their leader there is no such entity as an "American". Just different people from around the globe living on a large piece of property called the USA.

This is pitiful.

This country was not nor will ever be united. We have all ways been separate groups. MLK Jr fought for us to have the right not to be separate, but we hate you and prefer to be with our own kind. How fucking long is it going to take for whites to realize this?
Then move.
Washington et al must have ignored "that the representatives of the US people exist".

Sigh. Executive orders are legal, constitutional, and part of the American narrative.

You are wrong as usual. Executive orders derive from the “Necessary and Proper” clause in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. You'll note that that regards administering the laws and policies. The Constitution is clear about separation to powers. It is not the president's job to create policy. That is in the purview of the Congress and Obama has said that himself quite clearly as recently as 2011.

Obama is not the first president to abuse executive order and he won't be the last. But stop feeding us a load of crap jake. Obama is bitch slapping the American people by bypassing Congress. We all know it.
Fakey likes it when Obama bitch-slaps him.
So we have a choice between a guy who is going to try and make education better for the part of the community that still lags behind, or the guy who will cut education for all. Still better than Romney.

Tell us how THIS program is going to be better or different from the multiple other programs with the same goal that have been around for decades.

that's exactly right.

Efforts to close the achievement gap have been around for decades with zero success.

It's a waste of time and money

Executive orders certainly are legal and used often. Unfortunately, here's yet another example of Obama dividing people into groups and exacerbating identity politics, and the biggest reason I can't vote for the guy. Fanning the flames, what a disappointment.


So concentrating on a demographic that lags behind others is divisive?

Would it also be divisive to concentrate on jobs for vets who lag behind other groups in unemployment?

the problem is that time and money is being diverted from one, or more, demographics for the sole benefit of another demographic.
This is pure pandering for votes and for a lost cause because the only people that are paying attention are the people on messageboards, lol. The MSM isn't going to touch it because it is so blatant racist!
Divide & Conquer. It's the Community Organizer way. The Democratic Party will never give up their tired Race-Baiting division. We're not 'African Americans', 'Asian Americans', 'White Americans', and so on. We're all just Americans. Martin Luther King pushed for a color-blind society. But the Democratic Party will always push for the exact opposite for political gain. And this Election-Year ploy won't matter anyway. Most African Americans will vote Democrat like they always do. It is what it is.
:lol: Watching daveman and The Great GasBag trying to outpussy each other is a hoot.

Washington et al must have ignored "that the representatives of the US people exist".

Sigh. Executive orders are legal, constitutional, and part of the American narrative.

You are wrong as usual. Executive orders derive from the “Necessary and Proper” clause in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. You'll note that that regards administering the laws and policies. The Constitution is clear about separation to powers. It is not the president's job to create policy. That is in the purview of the Congress and Obama has said that himself quite clearly as recently as 2011.

Obama is not the first president to abuse executive order and he won't be the last. But stop feeding us a load of crap jake. Obama is bitch slapping the American people by bypassing Congress. We all know it.
Fakey likes it when Obama bitch-slaps him.
Both sides are at fault for lack of a Senate conciliation.

Romney will win, force both sides work together, and move along.
:lol: Watching daveman and The Great GasBag trying to outpussy each other is a hoot.

You are wrong as usual. Executive orders derive from the “Necessary and Proper” clause in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. You'll note that that regards administering the laws and policies. The Constitution is clear about separation to powers. It is not the president's job to create policy. That is in the purview of the Congress and Obama has said that himself quite clearly as recently as 2011.

Obama is not the first president to abuse executive order and he won't be the last. But stop feeding us a load of crap jake. Obama is bitch slapping the American people by bypassing Congress. We all know it.
Fakey likes it when Obama bitch-slaps him.

From the resident pussy................:lmao:

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