Deranged leftists think Trump is creating " racist" hurricanes

It's almost as if the Ghost of Jerry Falwell has once again joined the partisan and utterly stupid fray.

He told us that Gawd was punishing Florida and the Disney Corporation with hurricanes because of their policy toward homosexual employees.

But, then again, he was a Right Winger and therefore exempt from criticism by his partisans.

Hypocrisy of the first order.
Rush Limbaugh publicly said Irma is a hoax, and conservatives don't seem to care
Liberals said Bush created Katrina, the insanity never ends with them.
Which is funny considering Infowars claimed Obama created Sandy with his HAARP weather machine to win reelection.
Hey, so this country has completely lost its shit over partisan politics and is no longer thinking rationally.

No biggie.
Which is funny considering Infowars claimed Obama created Sandy with his HAARP weather machine to win reelection.

One that has common sense must realize the MSM POKES FUN EDITS MAKES SHIT UP ON ALEX, just like they do on TRUMP, Just like they've done on everything. They want to keep people dumbed down. It's working.
The MSM , OBAMA, HILLARY claim JOnes has said she when he hasn't gawd why the fk can't people figure that out is it that gawd dam hard.
Why people can't research and realize Haarp is in existence is beyond me, with all the technology out there and being used esp. by military just because we can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just like radio waves should ppl believe radio waves don't exist and the very items that use them are fake because why we can't see the radio signals transferring that.

Should we not believe there aren't lasers that do surgery, or bun the shit out of something because we can't see some of it as it's done.

What do we think CELL PHONE TOWERS are, how do we get those radio signals. Anybody who can understand the slightest science glass realizes the damage " Sound waves can do". Sound eaves our ears can't hear.
One that has common sense must realize the MSM POKES FUN EDITS MAKES SHIT UP ON ALEX, just like they do on TRUMP, Just like they've done on everything. They want to keep people dumbed down. It's working.
The MSM , OBAMA, HILLARY claim JOnes has said she when he hasn't gawd why the fk can't people figure that out is it that gawd dam hard.
Why people can't research and realize Haarp is in existence is beyond me, with all the technology out there and being used esp. by military just because we can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just like radio waves should ppl believe radio waves don't exist and the very items that use them are fake because why we can't see the radio signals transferring that.

Should we not believe there aren't lasers that do surgery, or bun the shit out of something because we can't see some of it as it's done.

What do we think CELL PHONE TOWERS are, how do we get those radio signals. Anybody who can understand the slightest science glass realizes the damage " Sound waves can do". Sound eaves our ears can't hear.

Anti-Trump retards claim the President is creating racist hurricanes is a typical sign of the mental cases on the left.

Anti-Obama retards claim the President created Sandy to win reelection is sound as a pound b/c radio and sound waves. How wonderfully self-serving.
It is weird that we never get hit by a Hurricane Tyrone. It's always like a Hurricane Bob or some shit.
Trump Derangement Syndrome has worsened to the point where hysterical haters of the president are now seriously claiming that Trump is responsible for creating “racist” hurricanes.
Deranged Leftists Think Trump is Creating “Racist” Hurricanes

Sound about typical of mental cases on the left.
There is a simple explanation for this subset of TDS sufferers. These people literally look at the government as a god. They actually believe that it can stop the climate from changing through taxation, so why wouldn't these dipshits think the government can cause hurricanes? We saw this same wacked out conspiracy theory back during Katrina. These people never change. They called Bush j.r. Hitler, they call Trump Hitler...they're automatons.

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