Dershowitz: Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the President

You can blame Sessions for the entire fiasco.
Of one is responsible for their own actions here.
At least not the Democrats.

Blues, of course, is partly correct.

Senator Jeff Sessions ironically believed the stupid Democrat argument that since he had met with Russians legally in the line of carrying out his duties as a US Senator at different times he needed to recuse himself from overseeing the Russian Collusion Coup Attempt....

The voices demanding he step down due to his 'Conflict Of Intetest' included:

Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein...the man who was both WITNESS and one in charge of the investigation...the same man who made the case for the President to fire DBI Director James Comey and then recommended he be investigated for Obstruction immediately after the President fired him...the man who, according to the US IG, lied to the FISA Court / signed the FISA paperwork that illegally obtained a warrant to spy on Trump and his team during an election, the man who committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas demanding he release investigation paperwork...

Rosenstein lied to Congress by telling them if he thought there was a Conflict of Interest with him being in charge of this case he would step down. That comment is hilarious considering all / the total number of legitimate Conflicts of interest involved with him being in charge of this case instead of Sessions.

Former FBI Director / Special Counsel Robert Mueller...gee, where to begin...

1. Mueller's history with the Russians makes him the par one you would want in charge of an investigation of Collusion with the Russians....evidence shows as FBI Director in 2014 he HID CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE RUSSIANS associated with their on-going attempt to acquire Uranium One and the 20% of the US supply of Uranium he, Hillary, Holder, and Obama let them walk off with.

2. Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey are also pals - thick as thieves, have been for years. So, the idea of letting Mueller and Rosenstein run an investigation of Obstruction because the President they hate fired their pal was utterly ridiculous to begin with.

3. Mueller is an 'FBI Man - protecting the FBI and his 'inside buddies' who run it has always been a priority. Just recently the story came up of how he set up / framed / convicted an FBI whistleblower who had exposed some wrongdoing in the FBI. Mueller did not take kindly to that and made sure the man went to prison.

4. This was not the 1st time Mueller (and Rosenstein) knowingly, intentionally sent an innocent man to prison. Once Mueller, as evidence shows, hid evidence that showed the man he was trying to convict was innocent - Mueller sent him to jail for years before what Mueller had done was exposed. Mueller should have taken the man's place in jail instead of being allowed to get away with an 'Oops, My Bad'! Even after it was exposed that the man was innocent, Mueller continued to argue, in the face of evidence he knew was undeniable, that 've COUKD still be the guy's. WTF?!

Mueller, of course, continued to act throughout the witch hunt as if he was above the law. In the midst of one of the court cases a judge asked to see the orders making him Special Counsel because the judge wanted to see EXACTLY what boundaries defined Mueller's authorities. Mueller told the judge he had no authority / right to see that information...which did not go over well with the judge. Of course Mueller ignored Congressional subpoenas as well, thereby making him GUILTY of committing the CRIME of Obstruction... Mueller demanded those who fell into his PERJURY TRAPS be indicted but believed, as long as Rosenstein was protecting his ass, that he was untouchable, even after committing Obstruction by defying Congress.

These are just the BIG 2 in this entire conspiratorial, treasonous coup...

Mueller's entire Special Counsel is one huge walking talking Conflict of Interest, all Hillary / DNC Donating, Trump-hating Democrats - one if them is incredibly even Hillary's own lawyer....
"Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be “devastating” for the president."


From the moment the Democrats lost the election we all knew this was coming - not so much as a 'factual' report but more like their 'revenge' on Trump beating Hillary.

From before the election the Democrats had 3 goals:

- Prevent Trump from winning.

- Impeaching / Mailing him if he won

- Undermine his entire Presidency, damaging it and him as much as possible if they could not successfully carry out the 1st 2.

Mueller's witch hunt has been a disastet:
1. It failed to expose / create any crime of Illegal collusion between Trump and Russia

2. It did e pose a great deal of crime by the Democrats, specifically that of Hillary and Obama's Cabinet, and the Doe I aM Counsel himself
- Mishandling Classified, Obstruction, Perjury, Collusion, Tampering with Witness Testimony, Conspiracy, Collusion, Sedition...

3. The only inductments in the witch hunt, aside from the decades-old crime Manafort was charged with but his Hillary-connected accomplice John Podesta was protected from, were a handful of questionable indictments and convictions - the result of well-crafted PERJURY TRAPS. Considering Mueller's and Rosenstein's documented past of sending innocent people to jail, those should be thrown out.

So, the only thing the treasonous Conspirators have left to salvage their reputations, save their attempted coup, and possibly keep themselves out of prison is to author the biggest false narrative / most politically damning report they can possibly manufacture!

It's not like they have not had practice. Evidence exposed how CIA Director Brennan, NIA Clapper, and FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok collaborated in authoring an Intel Community Assessment and an Intel Community Report. They used these reports that were based off the that they illegally used to 1) Brief / Lie To Congress to open the investigation of the non-existent illegal Trump Collusion, 2) to get co-conspirator Mueller, who had already been working with the FBI's foreign spy and the DOJ, as Special Vounsel, & 3) to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

The fact that Mueller will attempt to make this report make Trump sound like a cross between a serial killer, the head of ISIS, and Hitler himself reincarnated is NOT a shock at all.

What will be / would be a shock is if Mueller TOLD THE TRUTH:


Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the president: Frequent Trump defender

Deshowitz is a faux news shill. His opinion is meaningless. My guess is he realized he destroyed what little credibility he had left and is now trying to regain some.

Not gonna work.
That may be, but he is right this time.

Mueller had 1 job as Special Counsel - torpedo Impeachment, Indictment, or devastating political undermining of the President.

He was part of the pan even before being named Special Counsel. SON's Oher testified before Congress that he and Brit Spy Steele, working for Comey/the FBI, were already talking to and working with Mueller even before being named Special Counsel.

Collaboration, collusion, conspiracy....all the evidence you need right there to go after Oher, Steele, Comey, & Mueller...
Mueller's witch hunt has been a disastet:
1. It failed to expose / create any crime of Illegal collusion between Trump and Russia
How do you know that since Mueller's report hasn't even been released yet?
Existing Testimony / Evidence has already been revealed detailing how Hillary acquired the Russian-authored Dossier from Brit spy Steele - working for Comey / the FBI - through DOJ employee Oher's wife, a 'Russian expert' working at Fusion GPS.

The dossier was then illegally used by CIA Director Brennan, NIA Director Clapper, and FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok as the basis for the Intel Community Assessment and Report. These reports are supposed to be based on LEGITIMATE INTEL, but Oher testified that they were based on the dossier.

Brennan briefed Congress on the Dossier-based ICR, telling them it was based on Legit Intel, lying to them to successfully get them to agree to open up an investigation and appoint co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel.

Comey / Strzok / Rosenstein used the faux Intel to lie to the FISA Court and obtain illegal warrants to spy on Trump and his team during the election.

All of this has already been exposed, laid out, reported ... Try to keep up.

Oher also testified that Steele, the Brit spy was working for Comey / the FBI at the time Hillary was illegally colluding with and paying Steele and the Russians for their help - this document. HOLY $HIT!


In case you are not bright enough to know what that means, it means:


Of course the Democrats and traitors / conspirers - as was revealed in the past - are counting on many Americans / many democrats being too stupid to pick up on / follow all this evidence that has been exposed and remember / understand it enough to know that Obama and his administration / Cabinet / Agency Directors and others - like Mueller, Oher, Oher's wife, Steele, the Russian authors, etc..., perpetrated the biggest treasonous, seditious, political crime / coup attempt - that is still on-going - in US history.

And the Democrats know, due to past experience, that even if it all came out, which it has, snowflakes are so brainwashed / partisan they would defend them and would not let them be held accountable for their crimes ... which is exactly what is happening now.

Their / Your partisanship and extreme hatred for Trump is all you can see, making you protect the exposed real criminals and ignore the only existing evidence of true crimes ... COMMITTED BY THE DEMOCRATS!

Hillary was right:


Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper, Mueller ... Have proven Hillary to be right.
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EasyT65, the filthy RINO need to be out 24-7 discrediting this Mueller witch-hunt and demanding it be shut down. Not PROTECTING it? where are they? Why do they protect this nonsense?

You are right but joesixpack voting for DEM house does not know the truth. DEMs lie.
The Dersh trying to get back some of his cred with the moonbats.

Well it looks like you're a newbie, and have no idea what's coming at you. Neither does Trump. You're probably attached at the hip to Sean Hannity. So here's some real news that you've missed over the last 2 years.

Redirect to these 2 links for the Russian collusion end of this.

This 1st link is an article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper well over a year ago, along with a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. Click here.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

This 2nd link is a February 2017 video of Shep Smith explaining that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases. Click here.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

And on Saturday another one bit the dust, and there's going to be more, many more.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. They are already lining up the Subpoena's and will be holding open, public hearings & testimony. At that point NO ONE is going to able to protect Trump, not even Sean Hannity.


Donald Trump's days in office are getting very short.
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Will anyone who ever thought this entire thing would end someday with Mueller reporting nothing was found please raise your hand....

Yeah, not a damn one. Surprise, surprise.

If there was ever any real crime of Illegal collusion, if there had ever been any evidence of such a crime, Mueller would not have had to go back DECADES - to before Obama was elected President - to try to find a crime involving one of Trump's team members (that also involved Hillary's campaign manager who was protected from indictment for the same crime).....

If there was ever any real crime of Illegal collusion, if there had ever been any evidence of such a crime, Mueller would not have had to set so many PERJURY TRAPS up for Trump's associates (while protecting Hillary's aides - Abedin and Mills from the same crimes)....

If there was ever any real crime of Illegal collusion, if there had ever been any evidence of such a crime, it would not have taken 2 years of investigations resulting in no evidence / indictments against the President, instead just a very predictable political assassination attempt / undermining of the President in the form of a partisan / anti-Trump 'report'.
The Dersh trying to get back some of his cred with the moonbats.

Well it looks like you're a newbie, and have no idea what's coming at you. Neither does Trump. You're probably attached at the hip to Sean Hannity. So here's some real news that you've missed over the last 2 years.

Redirect to these 2 links for the Russian collusion end of this.

This 1st link is an article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper well over a year ago, along with a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. Click here.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

This 2nd link is a February 2017 video of Shep Smith explaining that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases. Click here.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

And on Saturday another one bit the dust, and there's going to be more, many more.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. They are already lining up the Subpoena's and will be holding open, public hearings & testimony. At that point NO ONE is going to able to protect Trump, not even Sean Hannity.


Donald Trump's days in office are getting very short.
Yes, the Democrats' butt-hurt and demand for revenge knows no limits - they plan to subpoena and investigate anyone and everyone who ever supported Trump ... Yet none of this changes any of the facts and evidence that has exposed the entire Witch Hunt as a pre-planned coup against Trump by Obama's Cabinet / Agency Directors....
EasyT65, the filthy RINO need to be out 24-7 discrediting this Mueller witch-hunt and demanding it be shut down. Not PROTECTING it? where are they? Why do they protect this nonsense?

You are right but joesixpack voting for DEM house does not know the truth. DEMs lie.

You might want to redirect to this post on this thread. You really don't know a lot. Just click the link.
Dershowitz: Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the President

Existing evidence, to include Oher's testimony, proves the President is right.
The Dersh trying to get back some of his cred with the moonbats.

Well it looks like you're a newbie, and have no idea what's coming at you. Neither does Trump. You're probably attached at the hip to Sean Hannity. So here's some real news that you've missed over the last 2 years.

Redirect to these 2 links for the Russian collusion end of this.

This 1st link is an article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper well over a year ago, along with a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. Click here.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

This 2nd link is a February 2017 video of Shep Smith explaining that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases. Click here.
Do you know liberals actually still think there was collusion? LOL

And on Saturday another one bit the dust, and there's going to be more, many more.
Roger Stone associate says he is in plea negotiations with Mueller's office - CNNPolitics

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019. They are already lining up the Subpoena's and will be holding open, public hearings & testimony. At that point NO ONE is going to able to protect Trump, not even Sean Hannity.


Donald Trump's days in office are getting very short.
I'm not a newbie and I see that you've crossed over to shove your head up the ass of The State.

Sorry about your poor decision.
Looking forward to seeing the report. I really doubt we’ll learn anything shocking. Everyone knows Trump is dirty.
One minuet the Dersh says there was no crime...that collusion is not a crime yet he says Mueller's witch hunt will be devastating?
That means Trump's collusion will be evident and politically damaging, Shirley?
If that were the case we and Trump would all know it by now...
Yeah, right, because Mueller's run such a leaky ship.
Are you kidding?...look back at all of the stuff that's been leaked....everyone of the indictments and plea bargains have been leaked...Names we never heard of have been leaked....give me a break!....
Being as Mueller has not leaked anything, Dershowitz is guessing and offering conjecture. All of us, including Dershowitz, knows who was indicted, who has been interviewed and who has been declared guilty and that's about it.. Additionally, no one knows what Mueller what direction Mueller is heading.
One thing this whole situation has succeeded in is destroying the term "witch hunt".

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