The Mueller Report - released -5- years ago: 4-19-2019

If you recall, the report:
-Proved Trump committed 10 counts of felony obstruction.
-Stated the only reason Mueller did not seek indictments is he could not indict a sitting President.

If you further recall:
-Mueller was very clear that a President -can- be indicted once out of office.

Trump left office 39 months ago.
No grand jury, no indictments.
As desperate as the lunatic left is to convict Trump of something, you think they’d be all over this.
So.... why hasn't he been prosecuted for these slam-dunk cases of obstruction?
Just a tad busy with all the 1/6 attempted self-coup and election subversion investigations ....which was gravely worse, I would suppose?
When sourced to the law they are....who said they were?

Lying to congress......process crimes.

So where's he at?
You asked for people convicted of obstruction. Not sure where they are at or if it's a process crime.

Not going to do a deep dive into your goalpost shifting.
And 5 years in denial later the Lib loons still wail that we read his words and conclusions incorrectly .
You asked for people convicted of obstruction. Not sure where they are at or if it's a process crime.
Sarbanes-Oxley................the one that SCOTUS is most likely to toss from J6.....doesn't matter much now, Stone's a free man.
Freebie: Process crimes are usually for lying.....or being trick f**ked into lying.
Not going to do a deep dive into your goalpost shifting.
Ha ha ha.......coming from a troll of your caliber, I'll take that as a compliment.
Sarbanes-Oxley................the one that SCOTUS is most likely to toss from J6.....doesn't matter much now, Stone's a free man.
Freebie: Process crimes are usually for lying.....or being trick f**ked into lying.

Ha ha ha.......coming from a troll of your caliber, I'll take that as a compliment.
But they were convicted of obstruction, right?
The day lib loons discarded reality and they have not returned to it
If you recall, the report:
-Proved Trump committed 10 counts of felony obstruction.
-Stated the only reason Mueller did not seek indictments is he could not indict a sitting President.

If you further recall:
-Mueller was very clear that a President -can- be indicted once out of office.

Trump left office 39 months ago.
No grand jury, no indictments.
As desperate as the lunatic left is to convict Trump of something, you think they’d be all over this.
So.... why hasn't he been prosecuted for these slam-dunk cases of obstruction?

Not quite.
Nope. Ask BackAgain about it. Or are you accusing he and a few others here - ahem -- of hiding?
Crusty Prostate ^ is “the dainty.”

He is the little twat formerly known as “Dante” and “Dante Reawakened.” Long time troll that he is, he comes under different rancid usernames. But, he remains consistently dishonest and plodding.

His prissy reference to me (about whom he has an obsession) is that I have also changed usernames. I have.

I cleverly tried to conceal that I was formerly Liability when I chose the username “BackAgain” figuring that nobody would ever figure out what that new username implied.

Plus, of course, I announced it quite openly in my effort to conceal it.

Don’t take Crusty Prostate too seriously. Nobody does.
Crusty Prostate ^ is “the dainty.”

He is the little twat formerly known as “Dante” and “Dante Reawakened.” Long time troll that he is, he comes under different rancid usernames. But, he remains consistently dishonest and plodding.

His prissy reference to me (about whom he has an obsession) is that I have also changed usernames. I have.

I cleverly tried to conceal that I was formerly Liability when I chose the username “BackAgain” figuring that nobody would ever figure out what that new username implied.

Plus, of course, I announced it quite openly in my effort to conceal it.

Don’t take Crusty Prostate too seriously. Nobody does.
Take it to the Flame Zone you whiny little bastard. Stop hijacking and derailing threads in order to puff up your chest.

Take it to the Flame Zone you whiny little bastard. Stop hijacking and derailing threads in order to puff up your chest.
Stop doing the very thing you’re crying about. Your hypocrisy is well established. It is legendary.

And you remain off topic.

This thread is about the Mueller report. And a five year anniversary of its release.

You libturds still don’t grasp the import of what Mueller said.

The Barr summary has lead to "public confusion," Mueller wrote as quoted by the Post.

Mueller and Barr spoke in a phone call the day after the letter was received, said Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec.

"In a cordial and professional conversation, the Special Counsel emphasized that nothing in the Attorney General's March 24 letter was inaccurate or misleading," Kupec said in a statement. "But, he expressed frustration over the lack of context and the resulting media coverage regarding the Special Counsel's obstruction analysis."

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