Dershowitz says: No Obstruction

Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.

As far as the findings within the Mueller report in regard to obstruction are concerned, it is the function of The US Congress to determine, not some two bit attorney named Dershowitz
And while I realize adult language is difficult for leftards Dershowitz didn't make a determination but rather has the temerity to publicly state that trump would have had to commit a crime to be guilty of obstruction. Can you name the crime any sitting prez would be guilty of for firing his subordinates?
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Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.
LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero. Piss off dipshit.
No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes. Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.
Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy. Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.
Sucks to be you.
Indeed poor Superbad is a slave to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative. Not one of 'em can admit they were spoon-feeding LIES to our not-too-bright Superbads.

As for Dershowitz - a lifetime liberal Dem - he ran afoul of that narrative and was unceremoniously cut from the Collusion Delusion team.

A delusional FOX, Breitfart supporter who will be a loyal Trumper to the end. Your God just got busted from lies he told at the recent Klan rally in Minn.

Mueller has shown you in multiple instances where he tried to obstruct, but you like most Trumpers has your head stuck up your 4th pt of contact and refuse to see it.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.

OJ’s attorney is in Trump’s corner.

Shocking? No.
LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero.

Piss off dipshit.

No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes.

Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.

Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy.

Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.

Sucks to be you.

I guess your right if lying is your thing, then walk on. It sucks for the country.

Well the economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs all across the country.

So yeah. The country is doing great even if a lefty loon lies to himself saying it ain't so.

Oh and I'm not lying but you sure like to lie to yourself.

Keep those blinders on sheeple. Trump will win in 2020 and you can have four more years to chew your mails off.

Carry on sheeple.

The sheeple are fools like you, so because the economy is doing well any other misdeeds or law breaking really doesn't matter to the Trumpers whose heads are stuck up his butt.

Nah. The sheeple are idiots like you who don't dare say the economy is doing great.

Oh and which laws did Trump break??

No collusion and you can't obstruct something that didn't happen.

Carry on sheeple.
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.
LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero. Piss off dipshit.
No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes. Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.
Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy. Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.
Sucks to be you.
Indeed poor Superbad is a slave to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative. Not one of 'em can admit they were spoon-feeding LIES to our not-too-bright Superbads.

As for Dershowitz - a lifetime liberal Dem - he ran afoul of that narrative and was unceremoniously cut from the Collusion Delusion team.

A delusional FOX, Breitfart supporter who will be a loyal Trumper to the end. Your God just got busted from lies he told at the recent Klan rally in Minn.

Mueller has shown you in multiple instances where he tried to obstruct, but you like most Trumpers has your head stuck up your 4th pt of contact and refuse to see it.
I'm watching PMSNBC as we speak. They are still trying to sell obstruction ostensibly because they hope you are deranged enough to ignore the fact they LIED to you for over 2 years about collusion. The Mueller Report details instances that could be interpreted as obstruction if one needs to believe that but did not conclude any crime was committed and, as Dershowitz noted, Trump committed no acts that are not within his authority as POTUS. None. Nada. Zilch.

Just in case you missed it, the report which depicts the findings of dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators did state: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

I don't know what would satisfy you but I'm satisfied.
Its hard for people who back Tramp to admit he is guilty of obstruction, but you must admit the facts. Denial is not the answer for all of you trampers. You must face the truth.
He isn't. It's hard for libs not to make shit up, like what you are.doing in the nothing burger muelMue report. Dumbass libs.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.
Its hard for people who back Tramp to admit he is guilty of obstruction, but you must admit the facts. Denial is not the answer for all of you trampers. You must face the truth.
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.
"Dershowitz says: No Obstruction" lol
And y'all had the same highly predictable knee-jerk reaction. I understand you're still struggling to digest the news that no member of the Trump fam or aides was indicted for colluding with the Russian meddlers but perhaps you should just do all the heavy lifting at one time and get it over with. You know ... No collusion, No obstruction.:D

No collusion, but plenty of obstruction and how many Trump associates went or are going to jail.
None for collusion and as Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz noted the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS

So Dershowitz knows more than the man who actually investigated the case.
Probably. The man who investigated the also said no further indictments because he knew nothing was there. Idiots.
And y'all had the same highly predictable knee-jerk reaction. I understand you're still struggling to digest the news that no member of the Trump fam or aides was indicted for colluding with the Russian meddlers but perhaps you should just do all the heavy lifting at one time and get it over with. You know ... No collusion, No obstruction.:D

No collusion, but plenty of obstruction and how many Trump associates went or are going to jail.
None for collusion and as Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz noted the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS

So Dershowitz knows more than the man who actually investigated the case.
Dershowitz made no material judgment on the Mueller Report but rather provided technical legal opinion on the requirements for obstruction of justice and Trump's actions do not qualify as criminal.

So his legal opinion is more valuable than Mueller's.

Furthermore the Muel Team failed to find evidence of criminality and therefore indicted no member of the Trump fam for anything. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The only reason he didn't put Trump in cuffs was because of the DOJ policy when it comes to a sitting president. How many folks from the Trump camp have been indicted or sent to jail?

You have the right to be as butt-hurt as you clearly choose to be but there will be no happy ending for people like you in this matter.

Sounds like you are the one who is butt hurt, for the simple fact you are on here trying to use any and everyone to make excuses for the misdeeds that Trump was/is doing.
Go get your diaper changed.
None for collusion and as Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz noted the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS

So Dershowitz knows more than the man who actually investigated the case.
Dershowitz made no material judgment on the Mueller Report but rather provided technical legal opinion on the requirements for obstruction of justice and Trump's actions do not qualify as criminal.

So his legal opinion is more valuable than Mueller's..
Do you need an adult to explain my response because clearly you don't understand the discourse. Dershowitz did not opine on Mueller's material findings - which were that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - but rather on the law which as a Harvard professor he knows quite well.

Well stop posting the kiddie bullshit, I am pretty sure Mueller knows the law quite well himself. Trump was trying to obstruct this investigation and you know it, I know it, Mueller knows it, Dershowitz knows it and America knows it.
You're nanny is calling.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.
Barry was a Harvard Bigshot too !
LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero. Piss off dipshit.
No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes. Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.
Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy. Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.
Sucks to be you.
Indeed poor Superbad is a slave to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative. Not one of 'em can admit they were spoon-feeding LIES to our not-too-bright Superbads.

As for Dershowitz - a lifetime liberal Dem - he ran afoul of that narrative and was unceremoniously cut from the Collusion Delusion team.

A delusional FOX, Breitfart supporter who will be a loyal Trumper to the end. Your God just got busted from lies he told at the recent Klan rally in Minn.

Mueller has shown you in multiple instances where he tried to obstruct, but you like most Trumpers has your head stuck up your 4th pt of contact and refuse to see it.
I'm watching PMSNBC as we speak. They are still trying to sell obstruction ostensibly because they hope you are deranged enough to ignore the fact they LIED to you for over 2 years about collusion. The Mueller Report details instances that could be interpreted as obstruction if one needs to believe that but did not conclude any crime was committed and, as Dershowitz noted, Trump committed no acts that are not within his authority as POTUS. None. Nada. Zilch.

Just in case you missed it, the report which depicts the findings of dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators did state: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

I don't know what would satisfy you but I'm satisfied.

It's funny how Trumpers like you are trying to cherry pick this report. The report clearly states that on several occasions that Trump tried to obstruct this investigation the only reason he didn't succeed is because many of those people would not break the law for him.
No collusion, but plenty of obstruction and how many Trump associates went or are going to jail.
None for collusion and as Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz noted the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS

So Dershowitz knows more than the man who actually investigated the case.
Dershowitz made no material judgment on the Mueller Report but rather provided technical legal opinion on the requirements for obstruction of justice and Trump's actions do not qualify as criminal.

So his legal opinion is more valuable than Mueller's.

Furthermore the Muel Team failed to find evidence of criminality and therefore indicted no member of the Trump fam for anything. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The only reason he didn't put Trump in cuffs was because of the DOJ policy when it comes to a sitting president. How many folks from the Trump camp have been indicted or sent to jail?

You have the right to be as butt-hurt as you clearly choose to be but there will be no happy ending for people like you in this matter.

Sounds like you are the one who is butt hurt, for the simple fact you are on here trying to use any and everyone to make excuses for the misdeeds that Trump was/is doing.
Go get your diaper changed.

Don't your remove the butt plug, it could get messy.
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.
Truth hurts peabrained libtards.

It hurts dumbass Trumpers even more.
You dumbass libs are the idiots crying like diaper wearing toddlers. Trump, better than demoncraps.

Spoken like a true ass kissing Trumper.
Still the truth. obuthole whore.

Aw come on Just letting Trump Hammer.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.

Maybe Dershowitz should talk to Martha Stewart. She was charged with various counts even though there was no underlying crime. Trump's authority does not allow him to use those powers to commit crimes.

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