Dershowitz says: No Obstruction

At some point you must either stop behaving like a petulant child or seek professional help to do so or risk having your mental & emotional infirmity become permanent.

You are trying to hide from the obvious, sorry.

According to Mueller’s report (p. 72, volume 2), Sessions and Rosenstein told McGahn they were concerned about this narrative that Rosenstein initiated the effort to fire Comey: "The White House Counsel's Office agreed that it was factually wrong to say that the Department of Justice had initiated Corney's termination, and McGahn asked attorneys in the White House Counsel's Office to work with the press office to correct the narrative."

Mueller’s report (p. 82, volume 2) outlines instances when Trump consulted with multiple people about firing Mueller before his August remarks.

"On Monday, June 12, 2017, Christopher Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax Media and a longtime friend of the President's, met at the White House with (Reince) Priebus and Bannon. Ruddy recalled that they told him the President was strongly considering firing the Special Counsel and that he would do so precipitously, without vetting the decision through Administration officials. Ruddy asked Priebus if Ruddy could talk publicly about the discussion they had about the Special Counsel, and Priebus said he could."

Former White House counsel Don McGahn also told the special counsel’s office that Trump in June 2017 repeatedly pressed him about firing Mueller.

Mr. Trump began trying to get rid of Mr. Mueller, only to be thwarted by his staff. In instance after instance, his staff acted as a bulwark against Mr. Trump’s most destructive impulses. In June 2017, the president instructed Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, to remove Mr. Mueller, but Mr. McGahn resisted. Rather than carry out the president’s order, he decided he would rather resign.

Two days later, Mr. Trump asked another trusted adviser, Corey Lewandowski, to tell Mr. Sessions to end the investigation. Mr. Lewandowski did not want to, so he punted to a colleague, Rick Dearborn. He, too, “was uncomfortable with the task and did not follow through.”
So where is the obstruction COMMITED?

I dont see any actually done, only considered or talked about and as the butthead assistant AG did recommend Comey's firing, what the hell is your point?

Trump is guilty of disliking the Witch hunt Dems were running on him or that he insisted in his own innocence and that constitutes obstruction?

Dershowitz got OJ acquitted.... need I say more?

Dershowitz also got child molester and rapist and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, so to say, ''off the hook'' too...

You can tell he likes defending all the 'good guys', eh?
I get your point. Dershowitz is a great lawyer and really knows the law as a scholar of Constitutional and criminal law.

He could suffer a major brain injury and still likely know more about obstruction than you and your delusional gang could ever hope to know.
The attempted coup went bad and the case for obstruction is grasping at nonexistent straws and it will undoubtedly also fail.

You people need to grow up and see how your toxic hate has served you so badly.
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods.

the FBI had to investigate, there was no choice....

The only people that could have prevented this from happening, was the Trump team... when they were contacted and heard about the stolen DNC emails from the Russians, they should have reported it, instead of taking the help and being overjoyed about it, like a treasonous and traitorous person would do.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.
Tell that to Nixon and the Article of impeachment against him for abusing his power, for doing just that... firing people he could "legally" fire.
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods.
There was an attempted coup and my comment clearly indicates that. Perhaps you should try reading all the words that are posted.
Your straight shooting hero Robert Mueller says no collusion just like all the sensible people thought all along.
Time to rub some Bag Balm on your chapped butt and get on with your life, you delusional imbecile.

the FBI had to investigate, there was no choice....
Too bad there was no one around to the investigate
the leadership of the FBI because the FISA warrant application was a politicized scam just like the Steele dossier.
Comey and the boys, who knowingly perpetrated a fraud on the court, are now under the gun themselves and they went all in on a coup thinking with Hillary to cover for them no one would ever know.
Bad decision.

The only people that could have prevented this from happening, was the Trump team... when they were contacted and heard about the stolen DNC emails from the Russians, they should have reported it, instead of taking the help and being overjoyed about it, like a treasonous and traitorous person would do.
Interesting theory. Have you told Herr Mueller about it?
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods.
There was an attempted coup and my comment clearly indicates that. Perhaps you should try reading all the words that are posted.
Your straight shooting hero Robert Mueller says no collusion just like all the sensible people thought all along.
Time to rub some Bag Balm on your chapped butt and get on with your life, you delusional imbecile.

the FBI had to investigate, there was no choice....
Too bad there was no one around to the investigate
the leadership of the FBI because the FISA warrant application was a politicized scam just like the Steele dossier.
Comey and the boys, who knowingly perpetrated a fraud on the court, are now under the gun themselves and they went all in on a coup thinking with Hillary to cover for them no one would ever know.
Bad decision.

The only people that could have prevented this from happening, was the Trump team... when they were contacted and heard about the stolen DNC emails from the Russians, they should have reported it, instead of taking the help and being overjoyed about it, like a treasonous and traitorous person would do.
Interesting theory. Have you told Herr Mueller about it?
Mueller DID NOT, say NO COLLUSION. No where in the 400 page report, did he say, "no collusion"

Maybe you should try reading it?

And there was NO COUP... they were doing their jobs... and no one on the FBI leaked a thing about them investigating the Trump team for their constant contact with the Russians, until AFTER he was elected and it was reported by them to Trump and in the news, that following January.

Not even an attempt of a coup, occurred.
Its hard for people who back Tramp to admit he is guilty of obstruction, but you must admit the facts. Denial is not the answer for all of you trampers. You must face the truth.
Trump's alleged obstruction is now established as "fact" in your fetid mind? Why haven't Fat Jerry and the gang cranked up the impeachment machine? What are they waiting for since they have "facts" on their side?

Or is this the same sort of "fact" as Trump's alleged collusion with Russia? Those are the kinds of facts that no can prove but they make the leftist base moisten their panties just a bit.

You guys are priceless!

Great stuff....made me burst out laughing. Who knew in 2016 politics would be so entertaining? That is....if one is a Trump supporter.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods.
There was an attempted coup and my comment clearly indicates that. Perhaps you should try reading all the words that are posted.
Your straight shooting hero Robert Mueller says no collusion just like all the sensible people thought all along.
Time to rub some Bag Balm on your chapped butt and get on with your life, you delusional imbecile.

the FBI had to investigate, there was no choice....
Too bad there was no one around to the investigate
the leadership of the FBI because the FISA warrant application was a politicized scam just like the Steele dossier.
Comey and the boys, who knowingly perpetrated a fraud on the court, are now under the gun themselves and they went all in on a coup thinking with Hillary to cover for them no one would ever know.
Bad decision.

The only people that could have prevented this from happening, was the Trump team... when they were contacted and heard about the stolen DNC emails from the Russians, they should have reported it, instead of taking the help and being overjoyed about it, like a treasonous and traitorous person would do.
Interesting theory. Have you told Herr Mueller about it?
Mueller DID NOT, say NO COLLUSION. No where in the 400 page report, did he say, "no collusion"

Maybe you should try reading it?

And there was NO COUP... they were doing their jobs... and no one on the FBI leaked a thing about them investigating the Trump team for their constant contact with the Russians, until AFTER he was elected and it was reported by them to Trump and in the news, that following January.

Not even an attempt of a coup, occurred.

Sweetie....nobody cares about this anymore! Maybe the hardcore CNN folks but have you taken a gander at there ratings since the Mueller report was released? The hard left are all fired up but nobody else is!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:. I mean c'mon now.....even Nancy P wants this to go away.:deal: The majority knows this was a hit job....most aren't duped by loose associations!
Mueller DID NOT, say NO COLLUSION. No where in the 400 page report, did he say, "no collusion"

Maybe you should try reading it?
Maybe you should. A costly multi year investigation by Special Counsel Mueller turned up nothing with regard to the issue of collusion which was the whole point of the investigation to start with.
Are you claiming that Mueller never formally announced in his report "We found no evidence of collusion between Donald Trump and Russian interests" so that leaves the issue alive and wide open?

Talk about absurd childish reasoning! Talk about trying to find a silver lining in a pen of pig shit! You've got two big handfuls of nothing but pig shit!
IF there was collusion Robert Mueller said nothing about it in his 400 page report so see what you can make of that.

And there was NO COUP... they were doing their jobs... and no one on the FBI leaked a thing about them investigating the Trump team for their constant contact with the Russians, until AFTER he was elected and it was reported by them to Trump and in the news, that following January.

Not even an attempt of a coup, occurred.
There was an attempted coup and James Comey is up to his neck in it. Dershowitz: Comey and Others Committed Fraud on FISA Court - Should Be Held in Contempt (VIDEO)

And you are up to your neck in denial and will apparently claim anything but the noose will now slowly tighten around Deep State conspirators whether you like it or not.
You are all in on a big lie and you know what that makes you.
Dershowitz voted for Hillary...and has stated that Trump/Russia witch hunt is bullshit.
Dershowitz got OJ acquitted.... need I say more?

Dershowitz also got child molester and rapist and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, so to say, ''off the hook'' too...

You can tell he likes defending all the 'good guys', eh? :rolleyes:
Dershowitz is a criminal justice scholar. He has an obligation as a lawyer to defend his client. Each of the cases you mentioned were decided by a jury of their peers. See 6th Amendment.

But but but if you're accused of something bad or dirty then you're automatically guilty and if your defense lawyer actually does his job and attempts to defend you in court, he's just as guilty as you are. Possibly even an accomplice to the alleged crime.
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.

LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero.

Piss off dipshit.

No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes.

Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.

Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy.

Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.

Sucks to be you.
If you are a person on the right, what can be better than this stuff? Go.....go.......this has been 2 straight years of watching those who tend to the hysterical get the bumpy cucumber over and over and over. Has politics ever been such a hoot? We live for this! And after 8 years of Soetero, can it get any sweeter to watch this happening to the left? I love these train wrecks......go......go!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.

LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero.

Piss off dipshit.

No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes.

Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.

Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy.

Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.

Sucks to be you.

I guess your right if lying is your thing, then walk on. It sucks for the country.
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.

LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero.

Piss off dipshit.

No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes.

Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.

Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy.

Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.

Sucks to be you.

I guess your right if lying is your thing, then walk on. It sucks for the country.

Well the economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs all across the country.

So yeah. The country is doing great even if a lefty loon lies to himself saying it ain't so.

Oh and I'm not lying but you sure like to lie to yourself.

Keep those blinders on sheeple. Trump will win in 2020 and you can have four more years to chew your mails off.

Carry on sheeple.
Mueller DID NOT, say NO COLLUSION. No where in the 400 page report, did he say, "no collusion". Maybe you should try reading it?...
True because the Muel Team - dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators - were digging for criminality and collusion isn't a crime so what he said was, "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." - Robert S. Mueller III
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods...
That is naught but bitter, leftarded lies. The report also did not establish who killed Kennedy. The Muel Team was not investigating who was behind the curtain perhaps fabricating grounds for the witch-hunt but the IG (Horowitz) and our AG (Barr) are both on that job as we speak.

Thing is if they find no criminality I will - like most Americans accept it - be relieved, and go hunting.

OTOH you are enraged because the report found no Trump criminality and will never accept anything that does not support your unshakable fantasy that Trump is guilty of something. You have a bad case of Morning Joe Disease.

Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.

As far as the findings within the Mueller report in regard to obstruction are concerned, it is the function of The US Congress to determine, not some two bit attorney named Dershowitz
Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.

LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero.

Piss off dipshit.

No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes.

Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.

Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy.

Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.

Sucks to be you.

I guess your right if lying is your thing, then walk on. It sucks for the country.

Well the economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and there are jobs all across the country.

So yeah. The country is doing great even if a lefty loon lies to himself saying it ain't so.

Oh and I'm not lying but you sure like to lie to yourself.

Keep those blinders on sheeple. Trump will win in 2020 and you can have four more years to chew your mails off.

Carry on sheeple.

The sheeple are fools like you, so because the economy is doing well any other misdeeds or law breaking really doesn't matter to the Trumpers whose heads are stuck up his butt.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.

As far as the findings within the Mueller report in regard to obstruction are concerned, it is the function of The US Congress to determine, not some two bit attorney named Dershowitz

Fuck boot licking Dershowitz.
LMAO Oh if he agree with you he'd a hero. Piss off dipshit.
No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes. Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.
Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy. Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.
Sucks to be you.
Indeed poor Superbad is a slave to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative. Not one of 'em can admit they were spoon-feeding LIES to our not-too-bright Superbads.

As for Dershowitz - a Harvard Law professor and lifetime liberal Dem - he ran afoul of that narrative and was unceremoniously cut from the Collusion Delusion team.
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