Dershowitz says: No Obstruction

Dershowitz voted for Hillary...and has stated that Trump/Russia witch hunt is bullshit.

Dershowitz is protecting Trump. There is nothing bullshit about the Trump campaign giving a roadmap to the Russians so they can help Trump.
No you dumbass Trumpers are the ones who make ass clowns heroes. Sorry I don't just blindly follow a fool like you do ass clown.
Sure you do. If Dershowitz said what you wanted him to say he'd be a great guy. Oh and I don't blindly follow anyone. Anyone I follow has to walk the walk. Trump does in a big way.
Sucks to be you.
Indeed poor Superbad is a slave to the CNN/PMSNBC narrative. Not one of 'em can admit they were spoon-feeding LIES to our not-too-bright Superbads.

As for Dershowitz - a lifetime liberal Dem - he ran afoul of that narrative and was unceremoniously cut from the Collusion Delusion team.

A delusional FOX, Breitfart supporter who will be a loyal Trumper to the end. Your God just got busted from lies he told at the recent Klan rally in Minn.

Mueller has shown you in multiple instances where he tried to obstruct, but you like most Trumpers has your head stuck up your 4th pt of contact and refuse to see it.
I'm watching PMSNBC as we speak. They are still trying to sell obstruction ostensibly because they hope you are deranged enough to ignore the fact they LIED to you for over 2 years about collusion. The Mueller Report details instances that could be interpreted as obstruction if one needs to believe that but did not conclude any crime was committed and, as Dershowitz noted, Trump committed no acts that are not within his authority as POTUS. None. Nada. Zilch.

Just in case you missed it, the report which depicts the findings of dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators did state: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime."

I don't know what would satisfy you but I'm satisfied.

It's funny how Trumpers like you are trying to cherry pick this report. The report clearly states that on several occasions that Trump tried to obstruct this investigation the only reason he didn't succeed is because many of those people would not break the law for him.
Nope. The report lists some actions that could be construed as obstruction by desperate, painfully butt-hurt Clintonettes, not that Trump committed any crimes.

It's way funnier how bitter, leftarded MORONS assume so much yet know so little. The purpose of a prosecutorial investigation is to uncover evidence of CRIMINAL wrongdoing. Your belief that "Trump is a poopy-head" is not grounds to impeach a sitting POTUS and despite the efforts of dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators found "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." If it did the House Dems would have impeached weeks ago.

BTW, I neither supported nor voted for the political novice and BOZO who beat Shrillary but have been so impressed by his performance I will in 2020. The man triggers snowflakes with a snap of his fingers.

"The trouble with our leftarded friends isn't only their monumental ignorance but rather that so much of what they know just isn't so"
(R. Reagan ... sort of)
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No collusion, but plenty of obstruction and how many Trump associates went or are going to jail.
None for collusion and as Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz noted the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS

So Dershowitz knows more than the man who actually investigated the case.
Dershowitz made no material judgment on the Mueller Report but rather provided technical legal opinion on the requirements for obstruction of justice and Trump's actions do not qualify as criminal.

So his legal opinion is more valuable than Mueller's..
Do you need an adult to explain my response because clearly you don't understand the discourse. Dershowitz did not opine on Mueller's material findings - which were that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - but rather on the law which as a Harvard professor he knows quite well.

The trouble is he is biased and it clearly shows. The report did not exonerate Clinton and Mueller urged Congress to continue the investigation.
So Dershowitz knows more than the man who actually investigated the case.
Dershowitz made no material judgment on the Mueller Report but rather provided technical legal opinion on the requirements for obstruction of justice and Trump's actions do not qualify as criminal.

So his legal opinion is more valuable than Mueller's..
Do you need an adult to explain my response because clearly you don't understand the discourse. Dershowitz did not opine on Mueller's material findings - which were that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - but rather on the law which as a Harvard professor he knows quite well.

Well stop posting the kiddie bullshit, I am pretty sure Mueller knows the law quite well himself. Trump was trying to obstruct this investigation and you know it, I know it, Mueller knows it, Dershowitz knows it and America knows it.
One last time for the terminally butt-hurt: Mueller did not find obstruction by Trump and was quite specific that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." Now read that a few times and let it sink in and if you still can't comprehend what it means you may be an acute TDS sufferer:

Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every fucking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every fucking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

You are the one who needs to learn to read. The Mueller report clearly states that Trump is not exonerated. It clearly accepts the DOJ interpretation that a sitting President cannot be indicted. There clearly was never going to be a indictment.

The fact is that it is
Dershowitz voted for Hillary...and has stated that Trump/Russia witch hunt is bullshit.
Dershowitz is protecting Trump. There is nothing bullshit about the Trump campaign giving a roadmap to the Russians so they can help Trump.
Dershowitz is a lifelong liberal Democrat who was the darling of CNN/PMSNBC until he refused to lie to mollify the not-too-bright (pronounced: Democrat) viewers. The Muel Team consisting of dozens of prosecutors & FBI investigators spent 2 years looking for collusion and found NONE yet you think you know better. That is very sad.
Do you need an adult to explain my response because clearly you don't understand the discourse. Dershowitz did not opine on Mueller's material findings - which were that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - but rather on the law which as a Harvard professor he knows quite well.
The trouble is he is biased and it clearly shows. The report did not exonerate Clinton and Mueller urged Congress to continue the investigation.

Wow ... the ignorance rages on!!! Clinton???? Mueller did NOT urge congress to do anything - the report was authored for the USAG office - and both AG Barr and IG Horowitz are continuing the investigation into its genesis.

The Mueller investigation was PROSECUTORIAL meaning it did not search for anyone's innocence but rather evidence of criminality which they did not find. If you have some proof you should contact the USAG or the FBI 'cause they'd love to see it.

You really should read this enough for its meaning to sink in: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." - R. Mueller III
Dershowitz made no material judgment on the Mueller Report but rather provided technical legal opinion on the requirements for obstruction of justice and Trump's actions do not qualify as criminal.

So his legal opinion is more valuable than Mueller's..
Do you need an adult to explain my response because clearly you don't understand the discourse. Dershowitz did not opine on Mueller's material findings - which were that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - but rather on the law which as a Harvard professor he knows quite well.

Well stop posting the kiddie bullshit, I am pretty sure Mueller knows the law quite well himself. Trump was trying to obstruct this investigation and you know it, I know it, Mueller knows it, Dershowitz knows it and America knows it.
One last time for the terminally butt-hurt: Mueller did not find obstruction by Trump and was quite specific that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." Now read that a few times and let it sink in and if you still can't comprehend what it means you may be an acute TDS sufferer:

Many here at USMB, including myself, mimic and/or ridicule those who have regular outbursts of irrationality often regarding the POTUS, his fam, his policies, his tweets, his appearance, his ... well ... his everything. As the phenomenon is widespread - afflicting millions of Americans including much of NY, Cali, the media, and WashDC - Psychology Today tackled the issue of whether TDS is a real mental disorder. In that the mass hysteria is readily observable behavior, the author concludes that "Such people may need mental health support."

If you still cry yourself to sleep every fucking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every fucking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

You are the one who needs to learn to read. The Mueller report clearly states that Trump is not exonerated. It clearly accepts the DOJ interpretation that a sitting President cannot be indicted. There clearly was never going to be a indictment.

The fact is that it is
Where do you get your "facts?" The report was not intended to exonerate anyone but rather to find evidence of CRIMINALITY (which it did not), and Mueller's failure to find Trump crimes was not driven by the question of presidential immunity. If it was those closest to him - his family - could have been indicted. To indict anyone there must be a crime committed and "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - R. Mueller III

BTW, the legal "experts" at CNN/PMSNBC claimed for months that a POTUS can be indicted. You been spoon-fed BS for 2 years and still swallow eagerly.
Harvard Law prof Alan Dershowitz says the case for obstruction must be based on the commission of or attempt to commit an illegal act. As of today Trump has done neither. Firing or threatening to fire subordinates is within his authority as POTUS.
Maybe Dershowitz should talk to Martha Stewart. She was charged with various counts even though there was no underlying crime. Trump's authority does not allow him to use those powers to commit crimes.
He didn't. Using his presidential powers is not a crime. If you know better than Dershowitz perhaps you should be a Harvard Law professor.
Mueller DID NOT, say NO COLLUSION. No where in the 400 page report, did he say, "no collusion". Maybe you should try reading it?...
True because the Muel Team - dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators - were digging for criminality and collusion isn't a crime so what he said was, "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." - Robert S. Mueller III
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods...
That is naught but bitter, leftarded lies. The report also did not establish who killed Kennedy. The Muel Team was not investigating who was behind the curtain perhaps fabricating grounds for the witch-hunt but the IG (Horowitz) and our AG (Barr) are both on that job as we speak.

Thing is if they find no criminality I will - like most Americans accept it - be relieved, and go hunting.

OTOH you are enraged because the report found no Trump criminality and will never accept anything that does not support your unshakable fantasy that Trump is guilty of something. You have a bad case of Morning Joe Disease.

I was NOT looking for criminality, I was confident there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians interfering in our election process.

And the report shows, 100% that the Trump team looked forward to and utilized the Russian govt's help, in their campaigning...

As I have stated before, not all things that are down right WRONG or wrong to do, are measured by whether they are criminal or not.

As Example:
Sleeping with a porn star and Playmate, (with no protection) :eek: while your wife is home with your new born baby, is WRONG.... but it is not criminal.

Cheating to win the Miss America contest, is not criminal, but it is WRONG.

And no one ever thought to make laws on Campaigns working with a foreign enemy, and promoting a Foreign enemy while the Foreign enemy is disrupting and stealing another campaign's private records during our election process for the president, because no one could imagine a presidential candidate, EVER doing some thing like that... promoting a foreign govt interfering in our election process, never in a million years!!

What the Trump campaign did, was DISLOYAL to our Nation, a form of cheating, and aiding and abetting the enemy, and simply downright WRONG.... disgusting, disgraceful, unethically WRONG.

I will never change my mind on this... for any candidate, for any office, from any political party, doing this... and doing it on steroids, as the Trump campaign did.
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Mueller DID NOT, say NO COLLUSION. No where in the 400 page report, did he say, "no collusion". Maybe you should try reading it?...
True because the Muel Team - dozens of prosecutors and FBI investigators - were digging for criminality and collusion isn't a crime so what he said was, "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." - Robert S. Mueller III
Dear Brainless minion, there was no coup.... The Mueller report PROVES there was no coup.... it shows the hundred plus contacts the Trump team had with the very Russians that were hacking us, and interfering in our election process and disseminating the stolen goods...
That is naught but bitter, leftarded lies. The report also did not establish who killed Kennedy. The Muel Team was not investigating who was behind the curtain perhaps fabricating grounds for the witch-hunt but the IG (Horowitz) and our AG (Barr) are both on that job as we speak.

Thing is if they find no criminality I will - like most Americans accept it - be relieved, and go hunting.

OTOH you are enraged because the report found no Trump criminality and will never accept anything that does not support your unshakable fantasy that Trump is guilty of something. You have a bad case of Morning Joe Disease.
I was NOT looking for criminality, I was confident there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians interfering in our election process.

And the report shows, 100% that the Trump team looked forward to and utilized the Russian govt's help, in their campaigning...

As I have stated before, not all things that are down right WRONG or wrong to do, are measured by whether they are criminal or not.

As Example:
Sleeping with a porn star and Playmate, (with no protection) :eek: while your wife is home with your new born baby, is WRONG.... but it is not criminal.

Cheating to win the Miss America contest, is not criminal, but it is WRONG.

And no one ever thought to make laws on Campaigns working with a foreign enemy, and promoting a Foreign enemy while the Foreign enemy is disrupting and stealing another campaign's private records during our election process for the president, because no one could imagine a presidential candidate, EVER doing some thing like that... promoting a foreign govt interfering in our election process, never in a million years!!

What the Trump campaign did, was DISLOYAL to our Nation, a form of cheating, and aiding and abetting the enemy, and simply downright WRONG.... disgusting, disgraceful, unethically WRONG.

I will never change my mind on this... for any candidate, for any office, from any political party, doing this... and doing it on steroids, as the Trump campaign did.
Well, you can set up your own goalposts, interpret the facts to suit your purpose (even fabricate your own), and impeach Trump in your mind at a time and for whatever reasons that make you happy.

Of course, here in the real world we use due process and reality-based standards so if and when you choose to join the adults I will save you a place at the adult table.

BTW, I realize it just isn't possible to change a closed mind but acute TDS has bigger fools of better men than you, so there's that.

If you still cry yourself to sleep every fucking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every fucking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.
Dershowitz voted for Hillary...and has stated that Trump/Russia witch hunt is bullshit.
Dershowitz is protecting Trump. There is nothing bullshit about the Trump campaign giving a roadmap to the Russians so they can help Trump.
Dershowitz is a lifelong liberal Democrat who was the darling of CNN/PMSNBC until he refused to lie to mollify the not-too-bright (pronounced: Democrat) viewers. The Muel Team consisting of dozens of prosecutors & FBI investigators spent 2 years looking for collusion and found NONE yet you think you know better. That is very sad.
Do you need an adult to explain my response because clearly you don't understand the discourse. Dershowitz did not opine on Mueller's material findings - which were that "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime" - but rather on the law which as a Harvard professor he knows quite well.
The trouble is he is biased and it clearly shows. The report did not exonerate Clinton and Mueller urged Congress to continue the investigation.

Wow ... the ignorance rages on!!! Clinton???? Mueller did NOT urge congress to do anything - the report was authored for the USAG office - and both AG Barr and IG Horowitz are continuing the investigation into its genesis.

The Mueller investigation was PROSECUTORIAL meaning it did not search for anyone's innocence but rather evidence of criminality which they did not find. If you have some proof you should contact the USAG or the FBI 'cause they'd love to see it.

You really should read this enough for its meaning to sink in: "this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime." - R. Mueller III
Slam Dunk!

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