DeSantis appointees begin reshaping Disney World's district

Your partisan brain is failing you. I'm not a liberal or a dem and I don't love government oversite. And I don't give a rat's ass about your two-party circle jerk. But I don't like fascism, and that's where we're headed.

You are confused.

It has nothing to do with partisan politics.

Disney has screwed up Central Florida and is a major polluter and gets away with it because of the special deal they got back in the 1960s.

It is good that DeSantis is challenging that agreement. I would support it if a Democrat Governor did it.
But that's NOT what they're doing regarding Disney. This isn't about changing the law to conform to political ideals. It's merely revenge on Disney because they publicly opposed DeSantis. And because they're "woke".

You can pretend otherwise, if you want, but I won't be taking such specious claims seriously. It's just excuse making.
oh i am not…i don’t doubt at all that the people of Fl reviewed and took away disney’s special status in large part due to that and towing the demafasict line
Well get "gifts" from Govt it is best to make sure that you are doing what Govt wants you to do
You guys really are slowly backing your way into fascism.

You’re admitting to using government power to coerce political support from corporations.
oh i am not…i don’t doubt at all that the people of Fl reviewed and took away disney’s special status in large part due to that and towing the demafasict line
That's what I said, "It's merely revenge on Disney because they publicly opposed DeSantis. And because they're "woke"."

Is that really the kind of government you want? When Dems are in charge, and they go after businesses that aren't woke enough for them - you'll be ok with that?
You guys really are slowly backing your way into fascism.

You’re admitting to using government power to coerce political support from corporations.
what's fascist about not giving a company some sort of special status and treating them like all the others?

Meanwhile, the Xiden admin orders banks to stop giving loans to fossil fuel companies...tha'ts facism.
what's fascist about not giving a company some sort of special status and treating them like all the others?
Because they’re punishing companies who speak against their political positions.

If Disney had supported DeSantis, he would have rewarded them. You said so yourself. You have to agree with them to get government rewards.
I wonder if any of you have really considered the implications of this fight. DeSantis is gambling with Florida’s future. It is a high stakes game of Texas Hold’em with the economic future of Florida and Disney on the table. The only problem is that if DeSantis actually wins and beats those Woke assholes, Florida suffers for at least a generation.

Think for a moment. If DeSantis is successful then the Trump supporters see him as a viable option for the Nomination. DeSantis gets to run for President and Florida is turned into a wasteland by the loss of half a million jobs from Disney directly and another million indirect. That kind of jump of unemployment would cause the Republicans to struggle to remain in office at the next election.

Back to our game of Texas Hold’em. It’s one thing to risk your own house in the game. To go all in with everything you own. It’s another entirely to gamble your neighbors house in such a cavalier manner. DeSantis is gambling with everyone in Florida’s future on the hope he can become President and leave everything behind. A state that will potentially be in debt and with rampant unemployment.

It is said that you should pick your fights with care. DeSantis should have really considered that before he got angry because Disney opposed his Don’t Say Gay bill.
If this benefits Orange County than it is a positive. Much of Disney World is within it. That county is Progressive. A lot of infrastructure improvements is needed even with a lot of newer infrastructure built over the years.
You guys really are slowly backing your way into fascism.

You’re admitting to using government power to coerce political support from corporations.

What DeSantis is doing is a long way from 'coercing political support.' I don't think he's expecting ANY support from Disney after this.
Is that why all the shooting of innocents? Because you are "on defense"?

I guess analogies are not your strong suit.

And ask the he/she down in Tennessee about that.

The only thing that previously stopped the current crop of leftists from going full ham is they had the residual "guns are icky" mindset from their lefty upbringing. Now we are seeing they are starting to lose that phobia. Tennessee and that moron Cop City protester who shot through a tent blindly at cops shows a potential trend, and not a good one.

I am more worried about them going back to real explosives, not the firework and Molotov Cocktail slapdash incendiaries they are currently using.

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