DeSantis appointees begin reshaping Disney World's district

By all accounts, Disney does a better job managing their building codes, environmental protection and water management than they would otherwise be required by the state.

This doesn’t have anything to do with mismanagement by Disney.
No they don't. You are mistaken.

I was an Environmental Manager at a large aerospace faculty in Orlando back in the 1990s.

I had a staff of 30 Environmental professionals. At the time Disney had ZERO environmental professionals. The guy that was in charge of Grounds Keeping was considered to be the Environmental Manager for the Disney World facility.

The EPA came in to do an audit of the facility and found that Disney was not adhering to RCRA, CWA, CAA, NPDES or SDWA. They were fined a huge amount of money. The state and county had no idea Disney was screwing up Environmental compliance so much because of the RCD hid everything from the public and regional government.

One of the things the EPA settlement required was that Disney create a professional Environmental Compliance Department. They hired several people. Three people that worked for me went to Disney. Within a year two of the people came back to my facility because they didn't like working for Disney. The third stayed on and retired from them a few years ago.

That third guy that stayed on and I remain friends. He told me several times that Disney was a joke when it came to any kind of compliance.

You don't know what you are talking about.
I wonder if any of you have really considered the implications of this fight. DeSantis is gambling with Florida’s future. It is a high stakes game of Texas Hold’em with the economic future of Florida and Disney on the table. The only problem is that if DeSantis actually wins and beats those Woke assholes, Florida suffers for at least a generation.

Think for a moment. If DeSantis is successful then the Trump supporters see him as a viable option for the Nomination. DeSantis gets to run for President and Florida is turned into a wasteland by the loss of half a million jobs from Disney directly and another million indirect. That kind of jump of unemployment would cause the Republicans to struggle to remain in office at the next election.

Back to our game of Texas Hold’em. It’s one thing to risk your own house in the game. To go all in with everything you own. It’s another entirely to gamble your neighbors house in such a cavalier manner. DeSantis is gambling with everyone in Florida’s future on the hope he can become President and leave everything behind. A state that will potentially be in debt and with rampant unemployment.

It is said that you should pick your fights with care. DeSantis should have really considered that before he got angry because Disney opposed his Don’t Say Gay bill.
All Florida did was remove a gift they gave Disney decades ago because Disney was being an ass.

It's actually government taking back a part of said government. Nothing has actually been done to Disney

So I guess that makes everyone an ass that disagrees with their political opponents. That's all disney did was disagree with the meatball mussolini will lose the primary if he runs and will fade away.
So I guess that makes everyone an ass that disagrees with their political opponents. That's all disney did was disagree with the meatball mussolini will lose the primary if he runs and will fade away.

I wonder if any of you have really considered the implications of this fight. DeSantis is gambling with Florida’s future. It is a high stakes game of Texas Hold’em with the economic future of Florida and Disney on the table. The only problem is that if DeSantis actually wins and beats those Woke assholes, Florida suffers for at least a generation.

Think for a moment. If DeSantis is successful then the Trump supporters see him as a viable option for the Nomination. DeSantis gets to run for President and Florida is turned into a wasteland by the loss of half a million jobs from Disney directly and another million indirect. That kind of jump of unemployment would cause the Republicans to struggle to remain in office at the next election.

Back to our game of Texas Hold’em. It’s one thing to risk your own house in the game. To go all in with everything you own. It’s another entirely to gamble your neighbors house in such a cavalier manner. DeSantis is gambling with everyone in Florida’s future on the hope he can become President and leave everything behind. A state that will potentially be in debt and with rampant unemployment.

It is said that you should pick your fights with care. DeSantis should have really considered that before he got angry because Disney opposed his Don’t Say Gay bill.
Well, if meatball's big donors keep pulling away from him and his fight against so called woke, he won't win shit. Hell, he has one big donor that is pro choice and pro business, which meatball is not.
Well, if meatball's big donors keep pulling away from him and his fight against so called woke, he won't win shit. Hell, he has one big donor that is pro choice and pro business, which meatball is not.

You can see why. When Fort Lauderdale was flooding DeSantis was in Nee Hampshire giving a speech. Miami has gas shortages because of flooding interrupting supplies and where is DeSantis? In Washington sucking up to rich donors for funding.
Oh, look boys a girls we have an a so called engineer answering my posts, I am so elated. Go back to pretending you're someone else.

Non response is noted, attempted devaluing of my opinion noted, both rejected with the usual derision.
I do enjoy when you all drop the charade of being for smaller government.

When you cheer for the government going after a business for 100% political reasons, you can never again claim to be either a conservative or someone that does not support massive government

"You all". There YOU go again.
Odd that the medical establishment hasn’t keyed to this.

No, it's not. The "medical establishment" told you vaccinated people can't get covid, and they know you're dumb enough to believe it.

Odd that the medical establishment hasn’t keyed to this. I can’t wait to see them performing surgery without masks.
You mean the "medical establishment" that promised everyone that the "jab" would stop Covid? That establishment? Or are you speaking of Fauci who, early on, said that masks are ineffective. That establishment?

At first ... the jab was said to have a 100% efficacy rate. Then it went down to 95% > 80% > 50% until it became clear that just as many people WITH the jab were getting Covid. All it has served to do is create Bells Palsy and Heart Failure. (And make a LOT of people very rich)
No they don't. You are mistaken.

I was an Environmental Manager at a large aerospace faculty in Orlando back in the 1990s.

I had a staff of 30 Environmental professionals. At the time Disney had ZERO environmental professionals. The guy that was in charge of Grounds Keeping was considered to be the Environmental Manager for the Disney World facility.

The EPA came in to do an audit of the facility and found that Disney was not adhering to RCRA, CWA, CAA, NPDES or SDWA. They were fined a huge amount of money. The state and county had no idea Disney was screwing up Environmental compliance so much because of the RCD hid everything from the public and regional government.

One of the things the EPA settlement required was that Disney create a professional Environmental Compliance Department. They hired several people. Three people that worked for me went to Disney. Within a year two of the people came back to my facility because they didn't like working for Disney. The third stayed on and retired from them a few years ago.

That third guy that stayed on and I remain friends. He told me several times that Disney was a joke when it came to any kind of compliance.

You don't know what you are talking about.
I’m not sure that’s all that much better.

We both know that DeSantis only went Disney because they opposed his anti-gay law. Florida was more than willing to ignore decades of environmental damage, but they won’t tolerate people speaking out against discriminatory laws they vehemently disagree with.
I’m not sure that’s all that much better.

We both know that DeSantis only went Disney because they opposed his anti-gay law. Florida was more than willing to ignore decades of environmental damage, but they won’t tolerate people speaking out against discriminatory laws they vehemently disagree with.

The problem you have is that you are pissed at DeSantis because he isn't woke enough for your Moon Bat mindset.

I am critical of Disney because (being a multi generational Floridian) I have seen Disney do a lot of damage to Florida. They have really screwed up the Floridan Aquifer in West Orange and East Osceola Counties. They don't adhere to wetlands requirements like everybody else in the state has to. Until the EPA got them they got away with not adhering to Federal, County or Local environmental regulations for decades hiding behind their own government at Reedy Creek. They do their own safety inspection so who knows what goes on there. God only knows what else they get away with that never makes it to the news.

Regardless of the reason DeSantis is doing the right thing in stripping Disney of their self governance. Disney does not deserve the support they get from you confused Moon Bats. You are backing the wrong side for the wrong reasons.

Stop backing the polluters. It makes you look like an ass.
The problem you have is that you are pissed at DeSantis because he isn't woke enough for your Moon Bat mindset.

I am critical of Disney because (being a multi generational Floridian) I have seen Disney do a lot of damage to Florida. They have really screwed up the Floridan Aquifer in West Orange and East Osceola Counties. They don't adhere to wetlands requirements like everybody else in the state has to. Until the EPA got them they got away with not adhering to Federal, County or Local environmental regulations for decades hiding behind their own government at Reedy Creek. They do their own safety inspection so who knows what goes on there. God only knows what else they get away with that never makes it to the news.

Regardless of the reason DeSantis is doing the right thing in stripping Disney of their self governance. Disney does not deserve the support they get from you confused Moon Bats. You are backing the wrong side for the wrong reasons.

Stop backing the polluters. It makes you look like an ass.

What does that have to do with building a prison in the middle of Orlando? Or DeSantis threatening to send extra inspectors into Disney? Or putting Disney's property under the dominion of Evangelicals?

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