DeSantis appointees begin reshaping Disney World's district

What about adjusted for inflation?
Feel free to adjust it for information, but Disney is not going broke.

Assume an inflation rate of 8.2% in 2022. That would take the $67.2 Billion in 2021 to $72.7104 Billion in 2022, yet revenues were $82.72 Billion. That still about $10 Billion more in revenue even after adjusting for inflation.


Again the Disney case here is unique because it's really one level of government re-ordering another level of government. Disney's property, structures, and corporate system aren't being impacted at all by this.
Do you realize that every single time Dems pull this shit, they have an excuse all ready to go for why it's "different"?
Mask pose a health risk. No company should be allowed to put their customers at undue risk.

Oh bullshit. The only risk is you might smell your own bad breath. Doctors wear the things for hours in surgery. Nurses wear them for hours in surgery too. They often wear them for the entire shift even before Covid in infectious disease or immune compromised patients.

But tell Bubba he has to wear a mask and suddenly he can’t breathe.
All Disney had to do was just entertain kids and families like they have always done. That's it.

If they hadn't decided to try and politicize themselves, push social agenda nonsense in their shows and movies, stayed away from the racism trap, and all of that other shit none of this wouldnt have happened. They wouldn't have Florida giving them a hard way to go, they would still be governing themselves and they would be raking in the cash.
The problem is, too many businesses have taken politics onboard and wrecked their business model. Disney should have kept clear, My pillow should have kept clear, Budweiser should have kept clear etc...

Again the Disney case here is unique because it's really one level of government re-ordering another level of government. Disney's property, structures, and corporate system aren't being impacted at all by this.

It is a government going after a corporate entity for daring to disagree with it. And the state of Florida and DeSanits do not even try to hide this fact, they in fact are proud of it.

While it is easy for you to defend when you agree with the target, wait till the other side starts to make this common since we have now seen the courts will allow it.
Yes. I'm not enlisted in the fucking culture war.

The artillery shells being flung about don't care if you aren't in the war.

Shells and bullets don't have anyone's name on them, they are just stamped "current occupant"
One person's excuse is another's valid explanation.
Mkay. I suspect you are quite aware that you're being a flaming hypocrite. That neither party has any fucking principles, they just wanna fight with each other.

I really wish we could talk SpaceX into putting all the culture warriors on rockets and shipping them off to Mars. They can fight it out properly there, without fucking everything up for the rest of us.
It is a government going after a corporate entity for daring to disagree with it. And the state of Florida and DeSanits do not even try to hide this fact, they in fact are proud of it.

While it is easy for you to defend when you agree with the target, wait till the other side starts to make this common since we have now seen the courts will allow it.

It's government going after another level of government given to a corporation as a sweetheart deal decades ago, that decided to put it's oar in the water on a divisive topic, and now said government is re-organizing that lower level of government as is it's right to do.

Disney left itself exposed due to the nature of the special district arrangement.

Bakers don't have special districts created for them, thus the comparison of this to the direct government intervention against the bakers is a false equivalence.
The artillery shells being flung about don't care if you aren't in the war.
There are no artillery shells. You're scared, I get that. You soak up media propaganda live in terror. But ultimately, you're delusional - and your delusions are killing us.
Mkay. I suspect you are quite aware that you're being a flaming hypocrite. That neither party has any fucking principles, they just wanna fight with each other.

I really wish we could talk SpaceX into putting all the culture warriors on rockets and shipping them off to Mars. They can fight it out properly there, without fucking everything up for the rest of us.

You assume both sides are on offense, which is incorrect. We are on defense here, and your method of just not doing anything about it is pretty fucking retarded.

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