DeSantis appointees begin reshaping Disney World's district

It is hysterical watching liberals trip over themselves to capitulate to their capitalist overlords...

I'm not thrilled that I have to defend Disney from the conservative obsession with using the power of the State to punish free speech, suppress criticism of the government, and put private property under the dominion of the church.
I'm not thrilled that I have to defend Disney from the conservative obsession with using the power of the State to punish free speech, suppress criticism of the government, and put private property under the dominion of the church.

Should the government have the right to infringe on the free speech of a private company?
So businesses don't have to follow the business laws when they get a license?

What's next? Don't have to follow safety laws? Don't have to follow health laws?

What business license denies a business owner the right to refuse service?
Are you saying that the Disney Corporation should be its own government?
They’re not really their own government. They’re given some autonomy in their district, which by all accounts has worked out well for everyone.

These semi-autonomous districts are everywhere. There’s hundreds of them.

Are you denying that Disney was singled out for political reasons?
There is something the Go and Get them DeSantis crowd doesn’t realize. Disney is a major economic engine for Florida. Tons of taxes, and assorted fees are paid by Disney to the State. Half a million jobs. $75 Billion in economic impact, money spent in the area. And taxes paid to Florida? $5.8 Billion in taxes are paid to Florida, every year.

So the hope those Woke assholes are shut down should really think. Unemployment would skyrocket. Doubling or tripling the unemployment rate. Local hotels would be ghosted, empty and shutting down too, not just the Disney ones.

So the worst thing Florida can do is drive Disney out. Because any other State would happily give them a similar sweetheart deal to locate there. Hell, my own state of Georgia gives companies similar sweetheart deals to get them to set up here. They broke ground on a new auto factory near me for Hyundai which has a similar deal.

They could Eminent Domain a bunch of farmland and homes between Macon and Atlanta and hand the whole thing over to Disney. Disney would take perhaps five years to disassemble the park in Florida and ship it up to Georgia, straight shot up the Interstate. Trucks would be rolling twenty four hours a day in an endless chain.

And Georgia would see Billions in sales tax dollars paid to the State, and Governor Kemp would crow about how Georgia is good for business.

Hell they would turn one of their Docks into a luxury Cruise Ship loading point for Disney Cruise Lines. Disney would add a day to their cruise lengths, and increase the cost, and still make money.

So those of you pounding on the table and screaming show those woke assholes who is in charge. You might want to rethink it. That’s not a hill you want to die on.
I'm not thrilled that I have to defend Disney from the conservative obsession with using the power of the State to punish free speech, suppress criticism of the government, and put private property under the dominion of the church.

It's especially funny because you loudly and enthusiastically cheered when the government punished free speech, suppressed criticism, and confiscated private property during covid. And we all saw you do it.

I'm going to enjoy watching the process and the outcome of this.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ appointees are trying to reshape Disney World’s governing body with proposals to eliminate a planning board and prohibit mask mandates

He gonna rid Disney of the Gay CABAL?
There is something the Go and Get them DeSantis crowd doesn’t realize. Disney is a major economic engine for Florida. Tons of taxes, and assorted fees are paid by Disney to the State. Half a million jobs. $75 Billion in economic impact, money spent in the area. And taxes paid to Florida? $5.8 Billion in taxes are paid to Florida, every year.

So the hope those Woke assholes are shut down should really think. Unemployment would skyrocket. Doubling or tripling the unemployment rate. Local hotels would be ghosted, empty and shutting down too, not just the Disney ones.

So the worst thing Florida can do is drive Disney out. Because any other State would happily give them a similar sweetheart deal to locate there. Hell, my own state of Georgia gives companies similar sweetheart deals to get them to set up here. They broke ground on a new auto factory near me for Hyundai which has a similar deal.

They could Eminent Domain a bunch of farmland and homes between Macon and Atlanta and hand the whole thing over to Disney. Disney would take perhaps five years to disassemble the park in Florida and ship it up to Georgia, straight shot up the Interstate. Trucks would be rolling twenty four hours a day in an endless chain.

And Georgia would see Billions in sales tax dollars paid to the State, and Governor Kemp would crow about how Georgia is good for business.

Hell they would turn one of their Docks into a luxury Cruise Ship loading point for Disney Cruise Lines. Disney would add a day to their cruise lengths, and increase the cost, and still make money.

So those of you pounding on the table and screaming show those woke assholes who is in charge. You might want to rethink it. That’s not a hill you want to die on.
Weather would play an issue. Disney has lost its way. Our nation is becoming a loose prison. Downtown Disney now Disney Springs alone is like a straitjacket to get into. Prog agendas have destroyed many unalienable rights for social justice. That is reality. Freedoms are transitory. And we believe anyone with a few extra dollars can cover the loss of rights. Well wealth is transitory also.
DeSantis really is a good leader. Common sense. Chop "wokeness" off at the knees and, yes -- time to get rid of those stupid, ridiculous, unnecessary, and ineffective masks. What a joke THAT entire fiasco was.

If a private entity wants to require mask to use their fatalities, why should the Govt be involved?

Is it really any different than one of the courses I golf at that require collared shirts and belts?
They’re not really their own government. They’re given some autonomy in their district, which by all accounts has worked out well for everyone.

These semi-autonomous districts are everywhere. There’s hundreds of them.

Are you denying that Disney was singled out for political reasons?
It is a lot more than "some autonomy". For instance, they are their own water management district and that is a very big deal in Florida. Typically getting water management district permits in Florida is a very costly and bureaucratic endeavor that all other businesses have to do. They are also exempt from county building and safety codes in addition to state, county and local environmental regulations.

Basically the only regulatory entity they have to comply with is the Federal government.

Walt stuck a sweetheart deal when he moved to Florida. It never should have happen and the sooner it ends the better.

I don't understand the way you Moon Bats are trying to justify sweetheart Corporate deals. I thought you hated mega corporations.
Note you don't even disagree with me on the conservative plan to punish business for their free speech and putting those business under the dominion of the church.

It was always the conservative plan, Marty. You know it. I know it.

And this is what conservatives want for the entire country.

No thank you.

I dismiss it as being unworthy enough to even mention, tinfoil tiaria twat.

Typical leftist, accuse your opponent of a variation of what you have been already doing for 40 years.

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