DeSantis appointees begin reshaping Disney World's district

Personally I think WDW should close for one week. Send all of the work force home without pay. Let that ripple though employees and the surrounding communities including hotels, airlines, restaurants, other entertainment locations, etc.

When asked why did they close for the week, just say "Maintenance" (Wink, Wink).

Another option that doesn't hurt Disney workers....give them all slips of paper to hand out to any business they purchase from that say "I am a Disney worker and I am spending the money I earned from Disney at your business. This will no longer happen if DeSantis damages my employer."
So to get “gifts” from the government, you just have to say the things DeSantis wants you to say.
So, if you are a multi billion dollar California corporation you get to be your own government in the State of Florida?
Wait until Disney set's up the "Making Our Users Safe Everywhere" PAC. (M.O.U.S.E. PAC)

That will be able to spend unlimited money on reshaping the Florida legislative body by financing campaign messages.

[OK, I need a better words for the initials. Any help?]
Monkeys Often Under Shrooms' Enrapture
Another option that doesn't hurt Disney workers....give them all slips of paper to hand out to any business they purchase from that say "I am a Disney worker and I am spending the money I earned from Disney at your business. This will no longer happen if DeSantis damages my employer."

It is hysterical watching liberals trip over themselves to capitulate to their capitalist overlords...
Disney is socialist now.

Clearly you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Hey!!! Where, in my comment did I say that Disney was a conservative business model until they just recently turned Woke? Regardless of when they lost their minds by supporting current political bullshit, it is going to look like a political attack when it is not. Comprendo????
It's a great example of you cheering for the government forcing a business to do something that violated their rights. We all watched you do it.

So businesses don't have to follow the business laws when they get a license?

What's next? Don't have to follow safety laws? Don't have to follow health laws?

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